Approaching UK Whiplash Reforms Could Influence Cyprus
The much-expected UK whiplash reforms introduce a new procedure for claims concerning soft tissue injuries from Road Traffic Accidents (RTAs), ultimately aiming to root out minor, exaggerated and fraudulent claims, and to reduce motor insurance premiums. Successful implementation of the reforms, which are now edging closer, may encourage common law jurisdictions including Cyprus to follow …
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Suspension of execution of a Court decision regarding the return of a minor
Unpreceded for the Cypriot Courts is the decision of the Supreme Court of Cyprus (the Court) which was issued on 16th of February 2021 (the Case). Specifically, the suspension of execution of the decision by the Paphos Family Courtaccording to the return of a minor to his father in the United States of America was ordered by the Court.
New scheme on fast track business activation in Cyprus
The Fast Track Business Activation mechanism was approved by the Council of Ministers on 3rd of September 2020 aiming to further attract foreign business to Cyprus as well as to provide fast and efficient services to foreign businesses wishing to establish presence in Cyprus.
Processing Personal Data of Criminal Convictions in Cyprus
Article 10 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) specifically limits the processing of personal data relating to criminal convictions and offences or related security measures.
EU-US Privacy Shield invalidated by the Court of Justice of European Union
On July 16, 2020, the Court of Justice of the European Union (the CJEU) in the case of Data Protection Commissioner v Facebook Ireland Ltd and Maximillian Schrems (the Schrems Case) issued a landmark ruling invalidating EU-US Privacy Shield.What is EU-US Privacy Shield?
Business Interruption COVID-19 Test Case: Financial Conduct Authority’s Test Case- The UK Supreme
On 15th January 2021 the UK’s Supreme Court handed down its decision Financial Conduct Authority (Appellant) -v- Arch Insurance (UK) Ltd and others (Respondents) [2020] EWHC Comm 2448. The Supreme Court rejected all of the Insurer’s appeals and it allowed the appeals by the FCA.
The Quincecare Duty: A narrower scope of Application
The Quincecare duty is applied in United Kingdom since case Barclays Bank plc v Quincecare [1992] 4 All ER 363, issued back in 1992. In the most recent decision Fiona Philipp v Barclays Bank UK plc narrows the scope of application of the Quincecare duty.
Norwich Pharmacal Orders and Bank Secrecy
Norwich Pharmacal Orders (NPOs) are frequently issued against banks. The conflict between bank secrecy and orders for disclosure of information is inevitable.
Cyprus Makes Waves in Decarbonising Shipping
Cyprus introduced tax cuts in January to incentivise shipping companies towards energy efficiency and use of alternative fuel, ultimately aiming for Green House Gases reduction. The measures are part of a wider debate juxtaposing international and local decarbonisation regulation.
Decarbonising Shipping: A Review of IMO and EU Regulation
Decarbonising shipping is essential, expensive, and complicated. Regulation is key to achieving the task, and which regulation prevails will determine shipping companies’ strategies for decades to come.