PDPA (Thailand) Exception to Rule of Section 19
The Legitimate Interest Rule, the Exception to the Rule, and the Exception to the Exception.
Digital Intermediary Service Providers – Copyright Safe Harbour Protections – Thailand
With all the discussions regarding regulating digital platforms, we think it is time to address some safe harbour protections for social media platforms under Thai law.
Driving Sustainable Success in Thailand: Mastering the ‘E’ in ESG
The ‘E’ in ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) has become a critical driver of business success worldwide.
Comprehensive Guide to Business Licenses in Thailand Types, Requirements, and Application Process
Obtaining a business license is a crucial step for anyone looking to establish and operate a business in Thailand.
Managing Costs Strategies for M&A Disputes
Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) can be exciting ventures, but they can also lead to a whole range of disagreements between the parties post acquisition.
Advancing Thailand’s Electricity Market: Introduction of Third-Party Access
The direct power purchase agreement between an energy producer and a consumer (the “Direct PPA”) in Thailand are currently restricted to very limited circumstances.
Unfair Termination Claims in Thailand – Practical Guidance on Minimising the Risks and Managing Claims for Employers
Thailand is generally not known to be a litigious country, yet when it comes to labour related disputes, it is a different story.
The Constitutionalization of Administrative Law in Brazil: A Substantive and Material Perspective
Introduction The 1988 Brazilian Constitution represents a turning point in the history of administrative law,
Role of Asset Reconstruction Company in the Insolvency Process
Introduction In the 1990s, India’s banking sector witnessed a notable rise in Non-Performing Assets (NPAs) due to factors like economic slowdown, liberalization, and new lending practices.
Stamp tax in judicial partition in Romania
In the context of the new regulations introduced by the Law on stamp tax in Romania, the calculation and payment of stamp taxes for various actions,