Constructions disputes in Romania. Liability of the Constructor
The liability of the constructor in Romania for the executed construction works is regulated by the provisions of the art. 1879 – 1890, Romanian Civil Code. The executed works are subject to terms regarding their operating performance in the sense that the works must fully comply with the requirements and quality indices provided in the …
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How to open the inheritance/succesion procedure in Romania?
The succession/inheritance procedure can be a complex one, being involved documents and the relationship with various state Romanian institutions, especially in the situation where there are many movable or immovable assets that are about to enter the patrimony of another person. Given the complexity of the procedure and the steps to be taken in order …
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How can a Chinese investor open a company in Romania?
Over time, more and more foreign investors or individuals have incorporated companies in Romania according to national statistics. At national level, in 2020, a number of 109.939 companies were incorporated in Romania, and in 2021, 34.89% more were incorporated, respectively a number of 148.294 companies. Thus, investors from various countries of the world, especially China, …
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How can you divorce amicably in Romania?
Given the fact that one of the possibilities provided by Divorce Romanian law for dissolution of marriage is amicable divorce, there are a large number of people who prefer to follow the notary divorce procedure in Romania to the procedure before the Romanian court of divorce and assets division, for both financially and emotionally obvious …
What do you need to take into account when hiring employees in Romania?
Hiring a person in Romania involves some steps that every employer shall take into account when recruiting a new employee. Pavel, Margarit and Associates Romanian Law Firm recommend contacting a specialized lawyer in Labor law, Civil law, GDPR who can advise you on the steps can advise you on the steps to be carried out …
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How to obtain the retroactive annulment of title deed issued illegally in Romania?
The annulment of an illegally issued title deed in Romania may be requested by any person justifying an interest. If title deed was issued on the name of another person this could be subject of annulment in Romania. Court will settle the property right over the land in Romania according with the documents submitted.
How to incorporate a limited liability company in Romania in accordance with European legislation?
As our world is more and more interconnected, people wish to have a vast amount of flexibility when establishing a company in Romania in order for both their business and national economy to flourish. Therefore, the European Union paved the way towards stability by harmonizing the steps that need to be taken in order to …
What extraordinary transactions mergers, divisions and acquisitions are possible in Romania according to European legislation?
One of the four freedoms which came along with the creation of the European Union is the freedom of establishment. This freedom includes the right of a legal person duly established to have a new business set up and the freedom of migration of legal person after incorporation from Member State A to Member State …
How to start a litigation matter in Romania against a contractual partner?
Signing an agreement in Romania creates rights and obligations between the parties for a particular period of time. Thus, by starting a litigation matter in Romania, one person may claim the obligation of the other party to respect the violated right or to perform the assumed obligation, and if it is no longer possible, to …
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How can you obtain the annulment, amendment or rectification of the civil status documents in Romania?
Given the fact that in practice various errors may occur when drafting the civil status documents, Pavel, Margarit and Associates Romanian Law Firm recommends contacting a specialized lawyer in Litigation, Dispute resolution and Family law in Romania who can advise you on the legal means that one may employ with the aim of obtaining the …