A. Legislation and Authority 1- What is the merger/acquisition legislation? Turkish regulatory framework for merger control consists of: – Law No. 4054 on Protection of Competition (“Law”) – Communiqué No. 2010/4 on Mergers and Acquisitions Calling for the Authorization of the Competition Board (“Merger Communiqué”) – Communiqué on Increasing the Threshold of the Administrative Fine …
Giambrone & Partners has successfully obtained a judgment from the High Court in London amounting to £496,019 for a client caught in an investment fraud
The consequences of the significant rise in investment fraud during the global lockdown arising from Covid 19 are still being felt by victims. Many of whom will feel a life-long impact from their losses.
What’s the Jurisdiction in Civil Defamation Cases in the UAE?
Defamation is the act of making false statements concerning another person which has a potential to injure the reputation of such person.
What You Need to Know About Civil Asset Recovery in the UAE?
Introduction The civil procedure in the UAE is governed by the Federal Law No 11 of 1992 (Civil Procedure Code) as amended, along with the Cabinet Decisions (including Cabinet Decisions 57 of 2018 and 33 of 2020), and resolutions, etc. issued from time to time. The Civil Procedure Code regulates the procedure for litigation in …
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What are the Fines and Punishments for Stealing Vehicle Plate Numbers in the UAE?
Stealing a UAE plate number is a crime which may be punishable under the UAE laws. Stealing a number plate would fall under the definition of “theft” of the Federal Decree Law No 31 of 2021, more commonly known as the UAE Penal Code. The UAE Penal Code defines theft under Article 435 as: “A …
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Is an Appointed Defense Lawyer Allowed to Refuse a Case in the UAE?
Under the laws of United Arab Emirates, a lawyer is required to show integrity, honor and complete professional commitment while performing legal services for the clients. The lawyer should preserve the interests of his clients, whether financially or morally, by any means available and provide services with due diligence. A lawyer is required to be …
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What are the substantive claims for the civil procedure code in the UAE?
In general terms, civil procedures laws govern civil trials as opposed to criminal trials. In a ‘civil trial,’ the claim is instituted by a person or corporate entity against another person or entity. In comparison in ‘criminal trials’ the state prosecutes the accused against whom a charge has been filed after the completion of a …
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How is Maritime Law Enforced in the UAE?
The commercial maritime law in the United Arab Emirates is regulated and enforced by Federal Law No. 26 of 1981 (Maritime Code).
Explained: Can you disinherit your spouse?
This question is often raised by couples who are planning a divorce and hence are concerned to protect their individual assets in a judicial separation proceeding. The questions involving family law are quite complex, especially due to the multitude of expat populations having residence in the country, which possibly invites the application of various national …
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DMA: EU, Turkey and Beyond
Authors: Gönenç Gürkaynak, Esq., Ebru İnce, Çiğdem Gizem Okkaoğlu, Evgeniya Deveci and Petek Güven, ELIG Gürkaynak Attorneys-at-Law Introduction Over the recent years, digitalisation and digital services have been at the core of many innovative advantages for businesses and end users alike. These benefits range from online intermediation services to software application stores. This variety offers …