DMA: EU, Turkey and Beyond
Authors: Gönenç Gürkaynak, Esq., Ebru İnce, Çiğdem Gizem Okkaoğlu, Evgeniya Deveci and Petek Güven, ELIG Gürkaynak Attorneys-at-Law Introduction Over the recent years, digitalisation and digital services have been at the core of many innovative advantages for businesses and end users alike. These benefits range from online intermediation services to software application stores. This variety offers …
What you should know when you own a Romanian Multi Level Marketing business in Romania?
Although we would say that selling through multilevel marketing networks is a relatively new business on the Romanian market, find out that this form of commerce is defined by Law no. 650/2002 for the approval of the Romanian Government Ordinance no. 99/2000 on the marketing of marketed products and services as a form of direct sales through which products …
Authored by – Mr. Rishi Anand, Partner; Mr. Nakul Batra, Associate Partner and Mr. Kunal Garg, Associate.
Evolution of the Turkish Competition Authority’s Approach Towards MFN Clauses: E-Marketplace Sector Inquiry Report
Introduction On March 14, 2022, the Turkish Competition Authority (“Authority”) published its much anticipated E-Commerce Platforms Sector Inquiry Final Report[1] (“Report”). The Report is extensive in scope and it aims to present a snapshot of the market and provide policy recommendations to address the market failures detected by the Authority. In this article, however, the …
Right of Reply: What are your rights?
In this Article This article features an explanation of what is the ‘Right of Reply”, the instances one can use this right against an accused party, as well as specifications to keep in mind if such a case arises.
What is Money Laundering?
In This Article You will find a well-defined explanation of money laundering, as well as the methods criminals use to successfully hide their illicit funds. For further information on this subject and for professional legal assistance or advice, contact us at [email protected] | 356 2016 1010.
Serbia: Tracking of Employees – Case Study
Electronic measurement of working hours based on processing of location data is permitted under data protection and labour regulations under the following conditions:
Shareholder Activism in India: The Zee-Invesco Decision
India has witnessed a significant increase in institutional shareholder activism over the past few years. As a consequence of the rapid rise in shareholder activism, there has been much greater focus on the rights of minority shareholders in relation to a company. In this context, the judgment of the division bench (“Division Bench”) of the …
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Overview Of Legal Developments In Singapore’s Data Protection Landscape
Data protection officers and in-house legal counsel responsible for their organization’s compliance with personal data protection laws have key roles to play in this digital age which has drastically increased the ways in which organizations collect and use personal data.
Software Patents – An Indian Perspective
Software, core of technological innovations, is considered to be the driving force with respect to current developments across sectors such as automobile, healthcare, manufacturing, networking, telecom, etc. In addition, software programs have helped in developing cutting edge technologies, such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, Internet of Things (IOT), blockchain and cognitive computing. Albeit all this …