Setting up a Busines in Spain – An Overview
There have always been strong trading links with Spain and regardless of Britain’s exit from the European Union there is a keen appetite for cross-border business between Britain and Spain. As Britain’s ninth-largest trading partner there is considerable potential for lucrative business dealings with Spain.
After Divorce or Separation how can you return to your family in Spain with your children?
It is far from unusual for British nationals to meet and marry their spouse in Spain and set up home in the UK. If the relationship fails and there is a divorce often the Spanish spouse, regardless of being a foreign national, remains in the UK despite the divorce, particularly if there are children of …
Are you dealing with a Spanish Probate? Giambrone & Partners can help.
Are you dealing with a Spanish Probate? Giambrone & Partners can help.
Arbitration – An Alternative to Litigation
Arbitration is a contract-based form of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) where an independent impartial adjudicator is engaged jointly by disputing parties, who will hear both their arguments and make a decision that ideally resolves the conflict. This decision arrived at is known as an award and it is legally binding.
Deregulation of the Financial Sector’s Cloud Computing and Network Separation
Improvements to Cloud Computing and Network Separation Rules in Financial Sector On April 14, 2022, the Financial Services Commission unveiled its plans to improve regulations on cloud computing and network separation in the financial sector. This improvement plan aims to support the financial sector’s efforts for digital transformation in a stable manner, in response to …
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Brazil: are we more mature about corporate compliance best practices?
To optimize your time, the answer to the above question will be given in the first sentence of this article: it seems so. At least this is the feeling we get when we read news about situations that, in the recent past, would not be on the agenda.
Tax invoices containing reference to Arbitration; do not constitute an Arbitration Agreement
In the matter of Concrete Additives and Chemicals Pvt. Ltd v. S N Engineering Services Pvt. Ltd, the Bombay High Court dealt with an application filed under the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 (the Act) whereby Concrete Additives and Chemicals Pvt. Ltd (Concrete) had prayed for appointment of an arbitral tribunal to adjudicate the dispute …
A significant judgement was passed by Hon’ble Supreme Court on 19th April 2022 in matter of Sunil Kumar Jain and others versus Sundaresh Bhatt and others[1] wherein Supreme Court has clarified the intricacies that arose on the claim for payment of wages/salaries before Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process (CIRP); during CIRP and in liquidation of a …
The establishment of a new court in Qatar: Investment and Commerce
As Qatar begins to establish itself as a strong player in the global market, its government has sought new ways to attract interest and investment. In October 2021, Law No. 21 Establishing the Investment and Commerce Court was passed and shall come into force in May 2022. In Qatar, many disputes are litigated in court …
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The Online Gaming (Regulation) Bill, 2022: Hits and Misses
Introduction The Online Gaming (Regulation) Bill, 2022 (“Bill”) was introduced in the Lok Sabha on April 1, 2022 to establish an effective regime for regulating online gaming industry to prevent fraud and misuse. Acknowledging the effects of addictive features of online gaming and noting the profound impact of the gaming industry on the nation, the …
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