Japan establishes new exempted structures for investment management businesses
As outlined in our Newsletter in July 2021 (hereinafter, the 2021 Newsletter), the Financial Services Agency of Japan introduced new business structures to attract foreign investment management businesses, where they may enjoy exemption from registration as financial instruments business operators. The new exemption structures came into force on 22 November 2021. In a new issue …
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Learn More on Procedures of Divorce in the UAE
The term ‘family law’ in the UAE broadly refers to the Federal Law no. 28 of 2005 on ‘Personal Status’ and its amendments (‘Personal Status law’) which governs all aspects relating to the marriage, divorce, maintenance, child custody, succession and guardianship matters concerning both UAE nationals and residents. The personal status law is in turn …
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All You Need to Know About Litigation and Execution Procedures in The UAE
The United Arab Emirates comprises of the Seven Emirates: Dubai, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi, Fujairah, Ras Al Khaimah, Um al Quwain and Ajman. In addition, the UAE also has several Free Zone entities across its seven Emirates, and each free zone is designed around one or more business industry categories, and an independent Free Zone Authority …
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Law on Family Matters for Expatriates living in the UAE: Part II
Introduction Expatriates have enjoyed living in the UAE for many years but often do not understand the application of the UAE laws on them. In this series, we are covering the laws applicable to family matters in the UAE which have implications for expatriates.
The High Court of Delhi Rules Governing Patent Suits, 2022
Provisions regarding patent suits are governed by the Patents Act 1970, hereinafter called the Act. They are also governed by the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (CPC) as amended by the Commercial Court Act, 2015. The High Court of Delhi is also empowered to make rules regarding procedures for Civil Suits and patent suits. The …
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Media and Communications Claims – essential conduct before starting a claim
Following a consultation in 2019 on the Pre-action Protocol for Media and Communications Claims the Protocol was updated to adapt the law to be more in line with advances in telecommunications technology. The Protocol now encompasses all cases involving defamation, misuse of private information, data protection law or harassment by publication, and claims in breach of confidence …
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The Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act 2020 a new dawn for Divorce
The Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act 2020 comes into force on Wednesday 6 April, the so-called no-fault divorce. This much anticipated reform to divorce law will change the way divorce is approached and conducted. The absence of blame in the divorce process is expected to reduce hostility and acrimony that currently can enter the divorce …
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Philippines: BIR Updates its Procedures for Claiming Tax Treaty Benefits
In March 2021, the Philippine Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) issued Revenue Memorandum Order No. 014-21 (the Memorandum), which streamlines the procedures for non-resident corporations and other juridical entities (collectively “non-resident taxpayers”) to access Philippine tax treaty benefits.
Elusive but Effective: Merchandising Rights in Fighting Back Against Trademark Squatting in China
In a recent landmark decision, the Supreme People’s Court of the PRC (“SPC”) held that a unique term created in a fictional work is capable of being protected as a prior right to invalidate the same later trademark registration, so long as it meets certain requirements.
Qatar’s new mandatory health insurance law, a quick overview.
Introduction: In one of the recent steps in the continuous journey of development in the state of Qatar, a new health insurance scheme was introduced in November 2021 by the law number 22 of 2021 regulating the health services in Qatar. As per the Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) announcement on the matter; the new …
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