Status of Digital Media Platforms and Digital Broadcasting Acts under Turkish Law
Introduction With the impact of developing technology and growing fast-consuming culture, the concept of media is changing and getting wider every single day. The number and the market value of digital and streaming media contents is getting higher in accordance with the increase in investments in this field. While digital media platforms are rapidly replacing …
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How Foreign Insurers Can Sell Insurance Products in Japan
Many countries regulate the sale of insurance products by foreign insurance companies to their residents and citizens. Japan has similar regulations. This article will provide an overview of the laws and regulations governing the sale of insurance products to residents and citizens in Japan by foreign insurance companies without an insurance business license.
Recent Developments in Court Decisions on Poison Pills in Japan
A. Introduction In recent years, the number of cases of hostile takeovers has increased in Japan, and more and more listed companies are trying to introduce, maintain or renew hostile takeover defense measures. Since the spring of 2021, important court decisions have been made on such hostile takeover defense measures, and this article discusses the …
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What should you consider when concluding a consultancy and IT service agreement in Romania?
In the current context of significant development of the information technology (IT) in Romania, it can be noticed an increase of the number of specific consultancy and service agreements that have been concluded between professionals operating in this area, such as software development and maintenance agreements, service agreements in the IT area, IT outsourcing agreements …
Guidance on Public Tenders in Spain
Spain has highest number of public tenders in the European Union, according to the Annual Report on the Supervision of Public Procurement in Spain, published by the independent Office for the Regulation and Supervision of Procurement (OIReScon). Proposals amounting to 72,527.27 million euros were tendered in Spain in 2020 alone.
International Judicial Delegation in Criminal Matters
As the means of communications advance among various persons and entities, transportation and travel among countries have become easier along with the conclusion of transactions of all kinds including commercial transactions and banking transfers, and other cross-border transactions that can be completed in a matter of minutes or less, many challenges emerge, the most important …
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The Real Estate Review 2022
The 11th edition of The Real Estate Law Review provides an invaluable overview of how key markets across the globe operate and how they react to major world events.
Lending & Taking Security in Cyprus
A Q&A guide to lending and taking security in Cyprus. The Q&A gives a high level overview of the lending market, forms of security over assets, special purpose vehicles in secured lending, quasi-security, guarantees, and loan agreements. It covers creation and registration requirements for security interests; problem assets over which security is difficult to grant; …
Sanctions adopted following Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine.
In reaction to Russia’s military intervention against Ukraine the European Union (EU) adopted sanctions against Russia. In particular, the EU has adopted a wide range of restrictive measures against Russian individuals and entities in order to cripple Russia’s ability to finance the war and to impose painful costs on Russia’s political elite responsible or otherwise …
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A Guide to Essential Conduct and Pre-action Protocols prior to making a Claim
It is important to understand there are strict rules on how you should act prior to bringing a claim, as failure to observe the correct protocol may incur penalties if the matter does come to court. The basic position is set out in the Practice Direction on Pre-Action Conduct and Protocols. The Protocols, approved by the …
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