Explained: Does corporate tax apply to freelancers?
‘Corporate Tax’ can better be understood as a form of direct tax levied on the net income or profit of a corporation or business entity. It is also commonly referred to as ‘business profit tax’ or ‘corporate income tax’. The United Arab Emirates has now introduced, for the first time, federal corporate tax in the …
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The Board Conditionally Clears a Horizontal Transaction in the Online Comparative Ticket Sales Market
Authors: Gönenç Gürkaynak Esq., Dilara Yeşilyaprak and Nil Zeren Özdemir, ELIG Gürkaynak Attorneys-at-Law.
Loan Refinancing in Japan by way of Amendment and Restatement
I. Introduction Refinancing can be a good option for parties seeking to gain improved terms and conditions of existing loan arrangements. For example, in order to achieve a better gearing ratio and partial return of capital, a borrower of the project financing of a power plant might consider refinancing for the purposes of lowering the …
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Whistleblowing Systems Required by the Amended Whistleblower Protection Act
I. Introduction The importance of robust internal whistleblower systems has been highlighted recently in Japan with a number of large-scale corporate misconduct being identified through whistleblowing reports. Since one of the most important aspects of corporate crisis management is to detect and rectify compliance incidents as soon as possible, establishing an effective whistleblowing system is …
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Japan’s Economic Sanctions against Russia
I. Introduction In light of the current conflict between Russia and Ukraine, the Japanese government has implemented various economic sanctions against Russia based on the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act of Japan (the “Foreign Exchange Act”). Japan’s economic sanctions have been implemented in concert with many western industrialized countries and regions (such as the …
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Under what conditions are divorces denied in the United Arab Emirates?
When dealing with divorce, you might have inadvertently come across various facets of what is commonly referred to as ‘family law’. The term ‘family law’ in the UAE broadly refers to the Federal Law no. 28 of 2005 on ‘Personal Status’ and its amendments (Personal Status law) that governs all aspects relating to the marriage, …
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Learn more about the new personal data protection law in the UAE?
The United Arab Emirates has issued for the first time a federal law for the protection of personal data, namely the ‘Federal Decree-Law no. 45/2021 on the Protection of personal data’ (‘Personal data protection law’). The provisions of the personal data protection law apply to the Processing of personal data in the UAE, whether done …
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How can a tenant challenge the rent increase in the country?
The United Arab Emirates is a federation of seven emirates, with each emirate being governed by its own ruler; this brings in the application of local laws along with federal laws. This is especially true when concerning property laws. For instance, in Dubai, the property matters are subject to the provisions of local laws, which …
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How to avoid legal actions on trademarks in the UAE?
The Trademarks law in the UAE provides a very comprehensive definition for a ‘trademark’, ‘A Trademark is everything that takes a distinctive shape of names, words, signatures, letters, Symbols, numbers, addresses, seals, Drawings, Pictures, Engravings, packaging, graphic elements, forms, colour or colours or a combination thereof, a sign or a group of signs, including three-dimensional …
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Do you need any permission for a second marriage in the UAE
Such a query is often concerning Muslims, as pursuant to the Islamic Sharia laws, a Muslim male may have as many as four wives. Thereby, polygamy is practiced in the UAE. That said, the Sharia laws also place high responsibilities on the male, specifying that further marriages should be entered into only when the husband …
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