What you need to know about corporate tax on business profits in the UAE starting June 1, 2023
The ministry of finance (MOF) of the United Arab Emirates has recently announced the introduction of a federal corporate tax in the UAE (the ‘UAE Corporate Tax’). ‘Corporate Tax’ can better be understood as a form of direct tax levied on the net income or profit of a corporation or business entity. It is commonly …
What are the punishments for minors caught drinking alcohol and illegal selling of alcohol in the UAE?
Before the new changes that were effected by the Federal Decree By Law No. 15 of 2020, it was illegal to consume alcohol without a valid permit. The permits were issued by the respective authorities in each emirate and were subject to the provisions of the law on alcoholic beverage control issued in 1972. Thus, …
How to file a case for slander, and what are my legal options?
‘Slander’ and ‘Libel’ are said to occur when someone makes a false statement about you and which potentially damages your reputation. Let us first understand the difference between ‘Libel’ and ‘Slander’. Both are concerned with instances of defamation, however, from a legal point of view, they are very distinct. Though, both Libel and slander constitute …
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What are the new updates for family court proceedings in the UAE?
Many groundbreaking legal changes have been introduced in the UAE in recent months. The new changes have been nothing short of revolutionary in terms of modernizing the existing rules and building a more flexible and expat-friendly environment. The decision to amend many of the strict Islamic laws and to modernize several elements of the family …
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What are the regulations of healthcare professionals in the UAE?
The United Arab Emirates is a confederation of seven emirates namely Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Ajman, Fujairah, Umm al-Quwain and Ras al-Khaimah. At the federal level the Federal Ministry of Health and Prevention (MOHAP) is responsible for the implementation of the federal government policies in healthcare and works in close collaboration with all health authorities at …
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What are the new laws for carrying sharp tools in the country?
The United Arab Emirates has recently introduced changes to its criminal law that now ban carrying of sharp objects or tools. Further, if the said tools or objects are being used in a crime, then the penalty applicable would be double in nature, i.e. the offender will receive a separate penalty for the crime in …
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How can business law help in forming contracts?
The UAE has issued many critical changes in recent years in furtherance of its aim to establish itself as the leading business hub in the region, one that promotes a business-friendly environment. Aligning to this goal, the UAE has recently introduced new amendments to the commercial company’s law ((Federal Law No. 2 of 2015 and …
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What Are the New Laws for Donations & Charity Funds in The UAE?
The United Arab Emirates has revamped its laws relating to charitable donations and funds constitution. The new law, namely, the Federal Law No. 3 of 2021 concerning the Regulations of Fundraising and Donations (the ‘new law’), aims to regulate all charity funds and imposes restrictions and stricter control measures. For instance, the new law imposes …
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What are the consequences of breaching a non-disclosure agreement between private entities in the UAE?
In simple terms, a non-disclosure agreement (commonly referred to as an ‘NDA’) constitutes a written agreement between two parties or entities, wherein one party prohibits the other from sharing any confidential information exchanged between them, or such prohibition can be mutually applicable to both the parties. In essence, thus, an NDA protects confidential information from …
Spreading False Information on Social Media and its Penalties
The United Arab Emirates has enacted the federal degree law number 34 of 2021 concerning the fight against rumors and cybercrime. The said law was issued on 20 September 2021 and is in effect from 2 January 2022. It seeks to prohibit the use of the Internet to publish, circulate or spread false news, rumors …
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