Construction Contract in the UAE: All You Need to Know
Of all the different types of intellectual property rights such as copyrights, trademarks, designs etc., no other intellectual property right signifies ‘innovations’ as ‘patents’ do. In fact, a patent signifies an exclusive right granted to an inventor by the government to the exclusion of all others (including the government) to profit by making, selling or …
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Bringing your pet to the UAE? Here are a few legal guidelines.
With the advent of the covid-19 epidemic, the world governments, including the United Arab Emirates, has taken a stricter approach to health and safety. Some of these measures include the introduction of new policies concerning the relocation of pets into the UAE. For instance, the UAE Ministry of Climate Change & Environment (MOCCAE) has added …
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How is the gratuity calculated after leaving the job from Feb 2 onwards?
The United Arab Emirates has issued the new Federal Decree-Law No. 33/2021 on Regulation of Labor Relations (the “new labor law”), which repeals the long-held Federal Law number 8 of 1980. The new labor law has been implemented with the twin objectives of ensuring the efficiency of the UAE���s employment sector by retaining its allure …
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How Do You Do a Patent Search in The UAE?
Of all the different types of intellectual property rights such as copyrights, trademarks, designs etc., no other intellectual property right signifies ‘innovations’ as ‘patents’ do. In fact, a patent signifies an exclusive right granted to an inventor by the government to the exclusion of all others (including the government) to profit by making, selling or …
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All You Need to Know About Law Updates On Using Drones in The UAE
The Ministry of Interior (MOI) of the United Arab Emirates has recently introduced a complete ban on the use of drones and light sports aircraft in the UAE. The ban applies to owners, practitioners as well enthusiasts of drones and applies to both air and sailing spots. The new rules have been introduced in coordination …
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What are the Updates on Real Estate Acquisitions and Leases in the UAE?
The years 2019 – 2020 saw the real estate market being impacted across the world due to the negative impact of Covid-19. Similar effects were seen on the UAE commercial real estate market as well, impacting both the commercial real estate acquisitions and tenancy transfers. Following the pandemic, there was an immediate decrease in the …
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What are the new changes in bounce cheque in the UAE effective 2022?
The United Arab Emirates has enacted the federal degree number 14 of 2020 which has amended and added new articles to the UAE commercial transaction law no. 18 of 1993. The new changes will be in force from January 2022 onwards and impose new rules governing commercial cheques in the UAE. One of the significant …
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New Updates on Legal Reforms in the UAE
The year 2021 has seen many critical changes being brought into the legal regime of the United Arab Emirates. The new changes have been critically aligned with the economic reforms initiated in the region that aim to build a flexible business environment in the UAE, one that furthers the economic prosperity. The United Arab Emirates …
Updates on management liability on bankruptcy law in the UAE
The new federal decree-law no. 35 of 2021 amending the provisions of federal decree-law no. 9 of 2016 regarding bankruptcy and its amendments has been introduced in the United Arab Emirates (hereinafter referred to as the ‘new Decree’) to be in effect from 1st November 2021. The new decree brings in a fundamental and crucial …
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How can you avoid Identity Theft strikes?
Identity theft can be very simply defined as the crime of obtaining personal or financial information of another person with the intention of using their identity in order to commit fraud. The fraudster in such circumstances may use the stolen identity to commit various fraud, such as unauthorized online transactions or purchases or others.