MIIP Reform Update: Granting of Citizenship for Exceptional Services
By virtue of Legal Notice 437 of 2020 which was issued on Friday 20th November 2020, the Granting of Citizenship for Exceptional Services Regulations has been launched.
Public procurement in Poland and COVID-19
The COVID-19 epidemic also has an impact on public procurement. Currently, the situation has forced the need to make changes in legislation in this area. Please find below some of the statutory changes which, in our view, are the most essential from the point of view of the public procurement contractor.
Restructuring of the MFSA Loan Funds Regime
Mindful of the fact that certain businesses are finding it increasingly difficult to gain access to capital through traditional lending sources, on the 10th of November 2020, the Malta Financial Services Authority (‘MFSA’) restructured the Loan Funds Regime by publishing a revised version of the Loan Funds Rules, the aim of which is to achieve a …
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Transformation of a limited partnership into a registered partnership
In connection with the announcement of CIT taxation of limited partnerships in Poland, many entrepreneurs are deciding to change the legal form of their business. A registered company may be one of the most beneficial forms. Below we present the most important problems and procedures related to the transformation.
Legal Updates on the Solar Energy Industry in Malaysia
Introduction In an effort to pave the way towards a more sustainable and green future, the Government of Malaysia (“Government”) in 2018 announced a target for the country to increase renewable energy in its energy generation mix to twenty percent (20%) by the year 2025. In carrying out this agenda, one of the key renewable …
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Forced Labour Laws: An International Perspective
Introduction The International Labour Organization (“ILO”) Forced Labour Convention (No. 29) defines forced labour as “all work or service which is exacted from any person under the menace of any penalty and for which the said person has not offered himself voluntarily”. According to ILO, various indicators can be used to determine whether a situation …
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What’s In A Plant: An Analysis of Cases Regarding Qualifying Plant Expenditures
Introduction Section 42 of the Income Tax Act (“ITA 1967”) allows businesses to lower their tax burdens by claiming allowances for capital expenditures incurred for the purpose of business – the Initial Allowance (“IA”)1 and Annual Allowance (“AA”)2 are perhaps the most widely applied of such allowances.
COVID-19: CMCO vs Modified CMCO. The Unwanted Battle between Federal and States
The New Normal: CMCO 5 On 1st of May 2020, Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin announced the implementation of the Conditional Movement Control Order (“CMCO”), with the aim of restarting a large portion of the economic sector following the Movement Control Order (“MCO”). This was subsequently gazetted under the Prevention and Control of Infectious …
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Privacy Law in Malaysia
Introduction With the rapid development of technology and the widespread usage of the Internet over the last decade, anyone can have access to almost anything including the personal information of others. Today, the usage of the Internet is no longer confined to connecting people and conducting research, but it has become a platform for many …
Legal Regulatory Framework for Logistics Services in Malaysia
Introduction Logistics services refer to a supply chain management process that plans, implements and controls the efficient and effective flow and storage of goods, services and related information between the points of origin and consumption in order to meet customers’ requirements.