Duties of Directors of a Maltese Company in the case of Over-indebtedness or Illiquidity
Apart from being responsible for the proper administration and management of the company, Directors of a Maltese company are, amongst other obligations, generally bound to act honestly and in good faith in the best interests of the Company; to promote its well-being and to exercise the degree of care, diligence and skill that may reasonably …
‘Fair’ & ‘Lovely’ Impact – Proposed changes to Drugs and Magic Remedies Act
In recent times India has seen social movements aimed at having a more progressive society which is diverse and sensitive towards inclusivity. ‘Black Lives Matter’ movement, which would complete seven years in July, recently gained momentum in United States of America, and became the global revolution against discrimination based on skin colour. In February 2020, …
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The Private Funds (Amendment) Law 2020
On 7 July 2020, the Government of the Cayman Islands passed the Private Funds (Amendment) Law, 2020.
Guidelines 5/2019 published by the EDPB on the Right to be Forgotten
The European Data Protection Board, or the ‘EDPB’, has issued a set of guidelines (Guidelines 5/2019) regarding the criteria of the right to be forgotten under the General Data Protection Regulation, or ‘GDPR’ (Regulation 2016/679). The right to be forgotten is dealt with in Articles 17 and 19 of the GDPR, together with the right …
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High level of dependency on parent companies
High level of dependency on parent companies: The joint venture between Voith and MOOG was considered non-full function and has been granted negative clearance by the Turkish Competition Board
The Drug Deal: A Pharmaco-Legal Perspective on Remdesivir
Co-authored by Ms. Vanditta Malhotra Hegde, Managing Partner – Singh&Singh | Malhotra&Hegde and Mr. Rishi Mody, Senior Associate, Singh&Singh | Malhotra&Hegde
Extending the Reach of Indian Safe Harbour Provisions and Advance Pricing Agreement (Transfer Pricing) – A Critical Analysis
Few months back, Indian Government in the February 2020 Budget stipulated a number of significant proposals on Transfer Pricing Regime in relation to Safe Harbour Rules and APAs. In this article, we examine the changes to Indian Safe Harbour and APA rules critically evaluating the benefit and implications of these changes for multinational companies insofar …
European Parliament’s Think Tank – Study on the impact of the GDRP on artificial intelligence
On the 25 June, the European Parliament’s Think Tank published a new studyon the impact of the GDRP on artificial intelligence (AI). The study was prepared at the request of the Panel for the Future of Science and Technology (STOA) and managed by the Scientific Foresight Unit, within the Directorate-General for Parliamentary Research Services (EPRS) of …
Angola – Investment One-Stop Shop in Angola
The Investment One-Stop Shop (“OSS”) was recently set up in Angola through Presidential Decree 167/20, of 15 June 2020. The Executive Branch wanted to afford private investors easy and priority access to Public Administration services and concentrate those services to streamline and speed up the procedures required to implement investment projects and any investments subject …
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Equatorial Guinea – Automated System for Customs Data
The Automated System for Customs Data (ASYCUDA) has been adopted in Equatorial Guinea by means of Order No. 11/2020, of 30 April 2020, of the Minister of Finance, Economy and Planning.