Sayenko Kharenko advises EBRD on EUR 15 million financing to OTP Leasing to support SMEs in Ukraine
Sayenko Kharenko acted as Ukrainian legal counsel to the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) on providing a four-year loan of up to EUR 15 million equivalent to OTP Leasing. The loan will be available for disbursement as a UAH synthetic and/or a EUR denominated facilities. It will enable OTP Leasing to finance long-term …
ASD INSURANCE NEWS informieren über Auswirkungen der COVID-19 Pandemie im Versicherungsrecht
Noch lassen sich die endgültigen Auswirkungen der COVID-19 Pandemie mit allen Begleitumständen nur schwer abschätzen. Fest steht jedoch, dass es bereits zu massiven Auswirkungen gekommen ist und weiterhin kommen wird. Hiervon sind nahezu alle Wirtschaftsbereiche betroffen, hiermit zwangsläufig auch die Versicherungen.
Covid-19 : les assureurs vont-ils indemniser les pertes des entreprises ?
La situation de quasi arrêt de toute activité non strictement indispensable, décidée par les autorités, occasionne des pertes considérables pour de très nombreuses entreprises. Certaines polices d’assurance couvrent la perte d’exploitation résultant d’une décision de fermeture administrative. Le tribunal de commerce de Paris a condamné en référé un assureur à indemniser un restaurateur. Mais le débat …
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Covid-19: Emergency Situation Regime in Ukraine
On 25 March 2020, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine resolved at its meeting to introduce the emergency situation regime throughout the country for 30 days.
Cannabis – A growing market
Since 1 January 2018, Danish doctors have had the opportunity of prescribing cannabis products for their patients; A four-year medicinal cannabis pilot programme has been introduced in Denmark implying that licences for importing cannabis for Danish patients can be issued. Today it is also possible to cultivate, produce and distribute medicinal cannabis in Denmark. In parallel …
Nature of Disputes in Construction industry- An overview
Construction industry is today fast paced, complex and involve multiple parties thereby creating numerous issues from which dispute arises. Some of the contentious issues are as follows: The right to suspend works: Under FIDIC Red book, Sub Clause 40.1 & Sub Clause 69.4 determines this right. The issue is whether the party suspending the work …
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Leveraged Buyout Models and Financial Assistance Prohibition In Turkish Law
INTRODUCTION The following article will examine the financial assistance prohibition, the source of which is European Union company law, and the leveraged buyout models, the source of which is Anglo-American law.
Digital Economy Maneuver from the Turkish Competition Authority
Turkish Competition Authority (“Authority”) underlined the followings with its announcement (“Announcement”) dated 8 May 2020:
COVID-19 and force majeure within the meaning of the Commercial Act
Almost two months after the state of emergency has been introduced, the initial stress of the current situation and immediate fear of the disease itself has given way to the justified concerns about the effects that the anti-epidemic measures will have on the economy and trade in the short and long term.
Turkey Announces Procedure and Principles Regarding R&D Tenders
Presidential Decree (“Decree”) numbered 2483 was published in the Official Gazette dated 30 April 2020 and numbered 31114 and entered into force on the same day. The Decree regulates the procedure and principles of services to be procured through tenders for the national research-development (“R&D”) projects conducted and supported by the national R&D institutions within …
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