While the world is grappling with the outbreak of the novel coronavirus (Covid-19), the lockdowns and restrictions that have been imposed to contain this pandemic, have brought businesses to a grinding halt. In such unprecedented times, when the wheels of global and regional supply chains are clogged, it becomes imperative to have a relook at …
Modernization of environmental law and simplification of RES production licensing
The Greek Parliament will soon be called upon to vote on a bundle of new legislative measures on the modernization of environmental legislation which will significantly amend the current licensing procedure for RES power plants.
Disputes of RES producers on power purchase agreements (PPAs)
According to information posted on the official website of the State Enterprise “Guaranteed Buyer”, as of April 01, 2020, the state enterprise had indebtedness to the producers of electricity from RES in the amount of approximately 34% for February 2020. Quite recently, the Guaranteed Buyer also had significant debt for the last months of 2019.
Effect of COVID-19 on the Law of Limitation
Corona Virus (COVID 19) has engulfed the world into an unprecedented crisis forcing most of the countries to enforce a lockdown on the movement of persons which appears to be the only option to control and contain spread of this dreaded virus. Around 211 countries and areas are experiencing the cases of COVID-19, with around …
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Evaluation of Impacts of Covid-19 on Lease Agreements
The novel COVID-19 pandemic continues to have severe effects upon pace and quality of lives of many. Globally, businesses suspended or considerably decreased manufacturing; governments decided to close certain businesses during designated time periods, countries sealed their borders and millions of people are advised to stay in their houses.
What does the new medicinal cannabis scheme mean for New Zealand?
The Misuse of Drugs (Medicinal Cannabis) Regulations 2019 (the Regulations) and Misuse of Drugs (Prohibition on Utensils) Notice 2020 (the Notice) came into force on 1 April 2020, opening up new avenues for patients to access medicinal cannabis, and new opportunities for business.
Coronavirus and its impact on commercial contracts: is it a force majeure event?
With the worldwide spread of coronavirus (covid-19), its declaration by the World Health Organisation as a pandemic and the uncertainty surrounding the current situation, businesses and individuals have been forced to navigate the challenges brought on by the rapid spread of the virus, its impact on their daily lives, freedoms and economic stability, while complying …
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Clarity in chaos – Judiciary’s stand on NPA Classification
Authored by Ishaan Duggal Mr. Shaktikanta Das, the Governor of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) in his statement on April 17, 2020, addressed the situation caused due to the ongoing pandemic and stated “Today, humanity faces perhaps the trial of its time as COVID-19 grips the world in its deadly embrace. Everywhere, as also in …
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Redundancies under Maltese Law
When terminating on grounds of redundancy, an employer must always follow the last in, first out rule. Thus, the last person engaged within a class of employees affected by the redundancy should be the first to be made redundant.
COVID-19: Teleworking Becomes a Necessity Not Just an Employee Benefit
Due to the present circumstances, many employers have had to put into action contingency plans with regards to remote working in order to abide by the public health department’s instructions to safeguard the health of their employees.