Covid-19 is «pushing» for the use of Electronic Signatures
As the epidemic of the Covid-19 spreads around the globe, more and more professionals are required to work from home, a situation that leads to new challenges, one of which being the signing of documents. In order to tackle such an issue, more and more businesses are now using electronic signatures for the completion of …
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COVID-19 and Contractual Obligations
Force Majeure & the Doctrine of Frustration in Cyprus Law Introduction The recent outbreak of Covid-19, which the World Health Organisation classified as a pandemic, has brought to the fore significant issues for businesses. The disease has a profound impact on the performance of businesses and their underlying contractual relationships.
How to close business by bankruptcy procedure in Kazakhstan
Symbat Tursyngali, Anar Kubeyeva Lawyers, Synergy Partners Law Firm A company, for example LLC[1], has decided to close its business. In this case there are several options:
Connection Between the Fight Against Corruption and Fight Against COVID-19
At the moment, almost all countries face a global health crisis with the rapid spread of the coronavirus pandemic. At the moment, almost all countries face a global health crisis with the rapid spread of the coronavirus pandemic. Unfortunately, also during times of social and economic stress and low public trust like these, is when …
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What If Someone Files A Fake Cheque Case Against You?
Dishonored cheques are considered as a crime in UAE under Federal Law number 3 of 1987 on UAE Penal Code. Have you been in a situation where you issued a cheque, however, later paid the cheque amount in cash to the beneficiary but, the beneficiary failed to return the cheque or refuses to return the …
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Authors: Ms. Aakanksha Nehra, Advocate & Mr. Naman Tandon, Advocate (Practicing advocates before the various court of Delhi) The Government of India vide Notification dated 24.03.2020 directed a nationwide lockdown in order to contain the spread of the Coronavirus outbreak (COVID-19); commencing with effect from 25.03.2020.
Can Impact of Coronavirus be a Force Majeure Event?
The aftermath of coronavirus outbreak is devastating and its impact on businesses and global economy is now easily discerned as catastrophic.
Did You Issue the Cheque in Bad Faith?
The chances of a cheque not being cleared by the bank due to either insufficient funds or false signature are critically high. Most countries consider cheque bounce as a criminal act.
History of Federal Law No. 14 for the year 2014 on combating the communicable diseases
A- Introduction and history of the Law No. 14 for the year 2014 Following the Emirates Union on 2 December 1971 and the formal declaration of the establishment of the United Arab Emirates, notable plans and strategies have taken place to encourage investments and economic growth. The positive outcome of the said economic growth strategies turned …
How Long Will Personal Injury Claims Take In UAE?
However, the law lacked in providing an explicit guideline or procedure to initiate such claims before the relevant authorities in UAE.