Effects of Financial Crisis Caused by Covid-19 Epidemic on Aviation Sector
Since the outbreak in Wuhan, China in December 2019, the CoVid-19 epidemic caused by the novel coronavirus which is spreading increasingly and became a huge crisis across the globe, deeply affects not only the public health but also the business world. There is no doubt that the civil aviation sector is the most affected sector …
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Cell Companies for Aviation & Shipping Companies
Act V of 2020 (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Act’) was published on 3rd March 2020 and provides a number of amendments to various financial services laws. The most pertinent of these amendments in relation to the shipping and aviation sectors is found in Part V of the Act, which caters for the amendments to the Companies …
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Impact of COVID-19 on Vessel Charters
The COVID-19 outbreak has had a considerable impact on business globally, particularly the Maritime sector.
Turkish Competition Authority’s Current Approach towards the Potential Anti-Competitive Conducts
As the COVID-19 pandemic has become the main concern of individuals and market players all around the world, its impact over the businesses and daily life has also been observed by the Turkish government and its authorities, including the Turkish Competition Authority.
COVID-19 Commerce Commission issues guidance but cartel risks remain
COVID-19 is affecting all businesses. Huge swings in demand (generally down, but in some cases up) and logistical challenges are looming large. For our full COVID-19 coverage, follow this URL: https://www.bellgully.com/publications/covid-19-updates
Current Measures from Healthcare Regulators Regarding COVID-19 in Turkey
As a result of the pandemic of Coronavirus (COVID-19), taking into consideration the rate of contagion and cases in countries all around the world, governments are taking new measures almost every day in order to respond to the crisis as rapidly as possible.
The European Union’s Investment Policy
The Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions – Towards a comprehensive European Investment Policy (Brussels 7.7.2010 COM (2010)343 final) outlines the first steps of the European Union to establish an investment policy, following the Lisbon Treaty through which investment too became a common …
Extraordinary G20 Virtual Leaders’ Summit
Tackling the pandemic and its economic implications as the world faces a global fallout has brought the G20 countries together in an extraordinary way. Tackling the pandemic and its economic implications as the world faces a global fallout has brought the G20 countries together in an extraordinary way.
Landmark Supreme Court decision confirms key aspects of NZ price fixing prohibition
For a copy of the full article, please click the following URL: https://www.bellgully.com/Shared%20Documents/A%20landmark%20Supreme%20Court%20decision%20has%20confirmed%20key%20aspects%20of%20the%20price%20fixing%20prohibition%20in%20New%20Zealand.pdf
New Regulations on Product Safety: Law No. 7223 on Product Safety and Technical Regulations
Turkey recently introduced new regulations on product safety. The Law No. 7223 on Product Safety and Technical Regulations (“Product Safety Law”) was published in the Official Gazette of March 12, 2020. The Product Safety Law will become effective after one year as of its publication (March 12, 2021)