Defamation on Social Media Platform
Criminal Lawyers of Abu Dhabi have scrutinized the definition of Defamation as an illegal act committed by spreading false information about an individual which may tarnish his reputation before friends and family and if against any business it may cause serious financial loss as well.
Can You Use Whatsapp Messages As Evidence In UAE Courts?
The law governing the electronic evidence is Electronic Transactions and Commerce Law Number 2 of 2002 herein mentioned as the Electronic Transactions Law.
Fintech, in general terms, means the usage of technology for the provision of financial services. In recent years, UAE has seen a vast and rapid growth in the companies and institutions that are working towards developing and using technology, products, services etc. for the purposes of providing financial services in and outside of UAE. Considering …
Property rental income and the partner visa financial requirement
Appendix FM of the Immigration Rules is family members of British nationals such as unmarried partners, fiance(e)’s, spouses or children coming to the UK. Most people in this category will need to meet a financial requirement as part of their application and the rules set out some specific ways in which those requirements can be …
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What are ‘insurmountable obstacles’ to family life?
What happens when an applicant for leave to remain in the UK as the partner of a British or settled person does not meet all of the requirements of the immigration rules? They may still be able to acquire leave to remain on the basis of their right to private and family life under Article …
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Can Tier 1 Investors invest in Start-ups?
With government bonds no longer an investment option for UK Investor visa holders, the attention of many Tier 1 Investors has naturally turned to UK companies, with some savvy investors looking to invest in the UK’s start-up scene. But can Tier 1 Investors invest in UK start-ups?
Evidencing An Exceptional Talent Application to the Arts Council
The Arts Council can endorse applications for individuals with expertise in arts and culture including dance, music, theatre, combined arts, literature and visual arts (museums and galleries). Over the years, the Immigration Rules have been updated to become more and more specific about the evidence that they want to see to prove that a person …
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M&A: Share acquisition of IT companies – tax it or pass it?
Expansion of the business places the manager in front of the classical choice – grow organically or make an acquisition? Once the acquisition is decided to proceed upon and all other strategic considerations are satisfied, a business should decide whether the acquisition should proceed by acquiring assets or shares of a specific business.
The end of waste after Sblocca cantieri e Salva imprese Decrees
By implementing the European legislation, Legislative Decree 152/2006 (so-called‘Environment Code’) enabled the Italian law to take a firm step towards a circular economy model, alsoregulating – through Article 184ter -the theme of end of waste.
Urgent news for renewable energy producers
Yesterday (November 28th, 2019) Ministry of energy and environmental protection of Ukraine shared initial version of the draft law on the changes to the “green” tariff support system. Next week the draft law will be registered in the Parliament.