L’émission « VU » de France 2 est-elle une reprise de « Le Zapping de Canal+ » ? En savoir pl
Dans un jugement du 21 octobre 2019, le Tribunal de commerce de Paris rejette les demandes de Canal + qui sollicitait la condamnation de France Télévisions à lui verser des dommages et intérêts pour parasitisme à la suite de la mise à l’antenne de l’émission VU.
Please click here for more information.
Dismissal of Board Members in Turkey
Dismissal of the board members of a joint stock company is regulated under the Turkish Commercial Code numbered 6102. According to Article 408/2 of the TCC, general assembly of shareholders is granted with the sole power to appoint and dismiss board members.
The use of experts in the UAE municipal courts: Seven things you need to know
1. There is a high possibility that you will have to present your case to an expert: Although the appointment of experts is more likely in technical disputes (e.g. maritime disputes, construction disputes, etc.), it is increasingly common for the UAE courts to refer disputes which, on the face of it do not require expert …
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The Competition Damages Directive: Ensuring effective remedies for damages resulting from competitio
With the introduction of the Competition Damages Directive (Directive 2014/104/EU, the “Directive”) any victim – be it a citizen or a company – can now claim compensation if they are harmed by third party infringements of EU competition rules. The Directive bolsters enforcement of EU competition law by introducing the notion of private enforcement whereby …
Patents in Greece – Lexology & GTDT
Applying for a patent Patentability What are the criteria for patentability in your jurisdiction? In order for an invention to be patentable in Greece, it must be new, involve an inventive step and be susceptible of industrial application. A patentable invention may concern a product, process or industrial application. In order for an invention to …
South Korea Enacts World’s First Law on P2P Financing
The Act on Online Investment–Linked Financing and User Protection (the “P2P Financing Act”) passed the plenary session of the Korean National Assembly on October 30, 2019 and was promulgated on November 26, 2019. The P2P Financing Act is a legislation proposed to regulate the online investment-linked financing, namely, the P2P financing, which is known as …
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Why has my UK visit visa been refused?
In this article we look at the most common reasons for refusal of a UK visit visa application.
Long Residence ILR: Section 3C & Paragraph 39E
This is the third post in a series of blogs regarding recent developments in case law on overstaying and applying for settlement, also known as indefinite leave to remain (‘ILR’), on the basis of 10 years long residence. The first and second post, provided an in-depth exploration of the recent cases on the interpretation of …
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British Citizenship: The Citizenship Ceremony
If an individual is over 18 and has made a successful application to become a British citizen, they will be required to attend a citizenship ceremony. The individual is required to attend a ceremony by law.