1. Overview In the context of the protection of natural persons with regards to the processing of personal data, Article 25 of Regulation EU/2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation or “GDPR”) sets up the Data Protection Impact Assessment (“DPIA”) in pursuit of GDPR’s aims through a risk-based approach.
Requirements for indefinite leave as a spouse
Spouses or partners of British or settled persons can apply for indefinite leave to remain in the UK up to 28 days before they reach 60 months in the UK with leave as a partner so long as they have been granted leave in the 5 year route. ILR applications can be processed very quickly …
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UK visa requirements for South African citizens
Many South African citizens have some connection to the UK which may give rise to a basis on which they can apply for a visa to move to the UK. For example, as a citizen of South Africa, you might have a British parent, grandparent, or partner. In this post we look at the options …
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English Language Requirement for Spouse Visas
The English language requirement for partner and parent visas was introduced on 29 November 2010 by then Home Secretary Theresa May, who stated at the time that ‘the new English requirement for spouses will help promote integration, remove cultural barriers and protect public services’. This requirement is equally relevant for partner and parent visa applications.
Excessive Absences in an Application for Naturalisation
The British Nationality Act (BNA 1981) allows individuals to naturalise under either section 6(1) or 6(2) of the Act. Section 6(2) applies where an individual is married to a British citizen. An Applicant will need to demonstrate their commitment and future intentions to have their principal home in the UK before they can naturalise as …
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Good Character Requirement in Citizenship Applications
The British Nationality Act (BNA 1981) contains a good character requirement, which applies to certain applications for registration and naturalisation for those over 10 years old at the date of application. The good character requirement previously only applied for naturalisation applications, but in 2010 this was extended to other routes to citizenship.
Adequate Maintenance Requirement – Appendix FM
In July 2012, the Immigration Rules were changed to implement new requirements for non-EEA nationals applying to enter or remain in the UK under the family migration route. Appendix FM of the Immigration Rules was subsequently introduced, incorporating an adequate maintenance requirement.
Legislative Proposal to Amend Law No. 6493 on Payment Services and Electronic Money
The Legislative Proposal on Amending the Law No. 6493 on Payment and Security Systems, Payment Services and Electronic Money Institutions (“Proposal”), has recently been submitted before the Grand National Assembly of Turkey.
Malta Gaming Authority publishes Guidance Document on Brexit Impact
The Malta Gaming Authority (“MGA”) has published a guidance note (“Guidelines”) laying out the impact that the United Kingdom’s (“UK”) exit from the European Union (“EU”) will have on regulatory affairs within the remit of the MGA. These Guidelines apply to entities established in Malta and operating in the UK, with a UK licence but …
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Close Relationship Between Qatar And Turkey Is Set to Open Doors to New FDI Opportunities
Two of the growing economies in the world; Turkey and Qatar share deep historic and cultural connections. Especially in the recent years, the two nations’ agreements covering trade, defense and economic co-operation have built on their already close relations. Moreover since the Trade Ministry of Turkey points out the total amount of investments for 200 …