Angola | Amendments To The Legal Framework Governing Registration
ANGOLA | AMENDMENTS TO THE LEGAL FRAMEWORK GOVERNING REGISTRATION WITH AND CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE MANDATORY SOCIAL SECURITY SYSTEM Presidential Decree 227/18, of 27 September 2018, which will come into force on 27 December 2018, repealed Decree 38/08, of 19 June 2008, and significantly amended the Legal Framework governing Registration with and Contributions to the Mandatory …
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Mozambique Environment
MOZAMBIQUE: ENVIRONMENT | NEW REGULATION ON THE EXTENDED RESPONSIBILITY OF PRODUCERS AND IMPORTERS OF PACKAGING On 29 December 2017, Decree 79/2017, of 28 December 2017, approving the Regulation on the Extended Responsibility of Producers and Importers of Packaging (the “Regulation”), came into force. The Regulation’s objective is the adoption of principles, rules and guidelines to …
UK Spouse Visa Application Requirements
UK Spouse Visa Application Requirements The UK Spouse Visa permits holders to come to the UK to live with their partner for up to two and a half years. The UK Spouse Visa application process can however be complex and the Home Office has introduced more rigorous requirements in recent years which visa applicants will …
What is gross misconduct: workplace examples
Gross misconduct is an act or behaviour sufficiently serious to lead to dismissal without notice or payment in lieu of notice (PILON). Given the severe implications of gross misconduct, it will be important for employers to ensure they acting fairly, lawfully and consistently in taking disciplinary action against an employee for gross misconduct.
Data Protection Implications of a Bring Your Own Device Policy
BYOD is an acronym for ‘bring your own device’ and refers to a policy which an employer may implement to regulate the use of personal devices for work-related purposes at the workplace. Such a policy would regulate how employees access privileged company information and software on their personal devices, which devices would be connected to …
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Greater Reforms for Promoting Work-Life Balance – Changes to the Gender Equal Employment….
Greater Reforms for Promoting Work-Life Balance – Changes to the Gender Equal Employment and Work-Life Balance Support Act Starting 1 October 2019, employees would benefit from significant changes to the Gender Equal Employment and Work-Life Balance Support Act (“GEEA”), particularly concerning paternity leave and workhours reduction for childcare and family care. These changes are also …
Turkey: Special Purpose Acquisition Companies
Special Purpose Acquisition Companies ("SPAC"), which are incorporated to achieve the purpose of investing and merging with a non-public company, were first introduced in the United States in 1990s and recently increased its popularity globally. Unlike other countries, SPACs entered into Turkish legal system relatively late with the Communiqué on Common Principles Regarding Significant Transactions …
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Thriving in Regulation: The case for DLTs
The unprecedented expansion of the use of DLTs in various industries and disciplines has shed light to the dire need of regulation. Would it though be worth it to sacrifice some degree or even the total idea of true decentralization to achieve this end?
Law of 16 July 2019 implementing the EuVECA and EuSEF regulations and amending the RAIF law
The Law of 16 July 2019 implementing the regulations on EuVECA, EuSEF, ELTIF and MMF (the “Regulations”) and amending the RAIF law entered into force on 22 July 2019 (the “Law of 16 July 2019”). Although these Regulations are directly applicable to the EU member states, they do allow certain provisions to be regulated on …
Right of Set off under the UAE Civil Transaction Law No. 5 of 1985 and the view from the DIFC
In a 2018 judgment the DIFC, discussed and decided upon the concept of set-off under the UAE Civil Transaction Law No. 5 of 1985 (the “Civil Code”).