THE FULL DISCLOSURE OF EVERYTHING TO EVERYBODY DOCTRIN INTRODUCTION The law as to Listed Companies will undergo significant changes upon the implementation of the European Union Directive 2017/828, (hereinafter to referred to as “the Directive”).
Maltese Court Landmark Judgement – Precautionary Acts must be followed by proceedings in the EEA
A recent landmark decision by the First Hall of the Civil Court has confirmed for the first time that in order for a precautionary warrant to remain in force, it must be preceded or followed (within 20 days), by a court case filed in Malta or in the European Economic Area (EEA).
Criminal liability of corporations – Global vs Romanian approach
Criminal liability of corporations is a hot topic worldwide. From financial institutions to global corporations, almost daily we hear about a large corporation being investigated, signing a Deferred Prosecution Agreement or being convicted, usually for money laundering, tax evasion or bribery.
Ariana J. Tadler Announces Tadler Law LLP
After more than 20 years since joining the Milberg brand, under which she honed her skills and earned a solid reputation as a highly regarded and successful national litigator and business leader, Ariana J. Tadler is proud to announce the launch of her new firm, Tadler Law LLP. Ms. Tadler will be joined by talented …
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New Beneficial Ownership Register for foreign entities which own UK property
The UK government intends to introduce a new register of People with Significant Control over Overseas Companies, “the PSCOC Register”, in order to improve transparency of beneficial ownership for foreign entities which own UK properties. The Bill will be introduced to Parliament in 2019 and is intended to become operational by 2021.
Mad II -EU regulation (MAR) and directive (CS MAD) as protection of investors and its application to
Protection of financial market investors and prevention of unlawful disclosure of inside information and financial market manipulation is provided and guaranteed by the EU Market Abuse Regulation (Regulation 596/2014) (MAR) and the Directive on criminal sanctions for insider dealing and market manipulation (Directive 2014/57/EU) (CSMAD), which collectively replace the previous Market Abuse Directive (MAD) and …
Bär & Karrer Advises MSCI on the Acquisition of Carbon Delta
MSCI Inc., a New York-based provider of critical decision support tools and services for the global investment community, has announced that its subsidiary, MSCI Barra Suisse Sàrl, has entered a definitive agreement to acquire Carbon Delta AG, a Swiss based environmental fintech and data analytics firm.
Bär & Karrer Successfully Defends International Fintech Company in Swiss Criminal Proceedings
Bär & Karrer successfully defended a large, international fintech company and its management in Swiss criminal proceedings which have been initiated due to the misuse of the company’s platform by various unknown fraudsters. The proceedings led to the arrest of the company’s chairman following an arrest warrant issued by a Swiss prosecutor. The arrest warrant …
Foyen Updates On Construction Law In International Publication
15 August, 2019
Foyen in Getting the Deal Through Mining 2019
4 September, 2019