CJEU: Change in ownership of company renders purchaser liable for anti-competitive behaviour
Buyer beware: purchasing a company may render you liable in damages for breach of the competition rules committed by the purchased company.
Austria: Anonymisation Accepted As Valid Data Deletion Method
On 5th December 2018, the Austrian data protection authority (Datenschutzbehörde, "DSB") issued a decision (DSB-D123.270/0009-DSB/2018) on data subject's right to data deletion according to Art 17 GDPR. In a nutshell, the DSB accepted consistent anonymisation as a valid alternative to physical and technical deletion. Beside the clear statement that anonymous data is not subject to the GDPR, the DSB …
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Consent or pay – a valid scheme under the GDPR?
Media companies throughout Europe struggle with a difficult economic environment: Shrinking sales figures for print products, the digitalisation and consumer demand force publishers to offer their content also on the internet. However, generating money for online publications is not quite easy as – at least in Austria – online subscription against renumeration has not been …
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New rules clarify practical aspects of the Register of Beneficial Owners
The Luxembourg government adopted on February 15 a Grand-Ducal Regulation regarding the registration, fees and other charges relating to the forthcoming Register of Beneficial Owners, as well as on access to the register’s information. The regulation supplements and adds additional detail to the provisions of the law of January 13, 2019 creating the register of …
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Luxembourg introduces a register of beneficial owners and new AML obligations for companies
On 13 January 2019 the Luxembourg parliament adopted a new law relating to the register of beneficial owners (hereafter the “Law”). It is a part of the implementation of the recent EU legislation on the anti-money laundering (so-called 4th and 5th anti-money laundering directive). The Law will enter into force on 1 March 2019. The …
The ePrivacy regulation: When and why you should care
What is the ePrivacy Regulation? The ePrivacy Regulation[1] (‘ePR’) is an unfinished EU law first published in January 2017 that is meant to become an extension of the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (‘GDPR’).[2]
Cyprus Investment Programme
The Cyprus Investment Programme has been redesigned by the Cyprus Government in order to continue to attract high net worth individuals to settle and do business in Cyprus. The Key Changes will be applicable from the 15th of May 2019 and include the following:
CYPRUS: Introduction of the General Healthcare System (GHS)
Cyprus has introduced the General Healthcare System (GHS) that will cover its entire population. The GHS is a modern, patient-centric healthcare system with the aim of delivering equal and quality healthcare services to beneficiaries.
The Predicted End of Fiat Currencies
Billionaire and crypto investor Tim Draper envisages a radical overhaul in payment systems; predicting that cryptocurrencies will replace fiat currencies within the next five years.
Termination of Employment for Good and Sufficient Cause
In the case of Joseph Saliba vs Imperial Hotel (Goldvest Company Limited), the facts of the case revolved around Mr Saliba who was employed in various positions within the Hotel Imperial in Sliema until such hotel was acquired by Goldvest Company.