The General Data Protection Regulation
the right to be forgotten in connection with the Financial Services Sector by Gauci-Maistre Xynou Europe’s landmark data privacy law, GDPR, came into effect last May. What counts as personal data under the GDPR? The General Data Protection Regulation, better known as ‘GDPR’ has at its heart, the notion of ‘Personal Data’, defined in article …
CTRL +C, CTRL +V can spell trouble by
Forget generation gap issues in our ‘Copy & Paste’ habits. Unless you don’t use a computer, copying and pasting is part of our keyboarding lives – especially when it comes to downloading images/video clips to finish off a presentation, blog/vlog post or website update. Precious time is spent scrolling down myriad visuals until ‘the one’ …
Blockchain – the backbone of tomorrow’s digital ports by
Picture the scene. An autonomous truck fully loaded with goods leaving the warehouse and arriving without a hitch at its destination almost 200 km away. The stuff of a millennial James Bond movie? The latest commercial going viral? No, this is October 2016 when a self-driving semi-trailer heaped with Budweiser wheeled its way across the …
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IDPC fines Lands Authority for Data Breach
On the 18th of February, the Information and Data Protection Commissioner (“IDPC”) imposed a €5,000 fine on the Lands Authority after having investigated a major data breach in November 2018.
Good Bye to Entangling Investigations, Minor Crimes to be Disposed within One Day in the UAE.
Criminal Order is a new procedural system established by the amendment to the UAE Criminal Procedure Law, which envisages efficient and seamless transition of workflow with the goal to lessen the judicial workload.
With the new Law in the UAE, the Prosecution Can Allow the Accused and the Victim to Settle Criminal
The new amendment to the UAE Criminal Procedure Law provides for an amicable settlement opportunity to the parties in a criminal case, namely the victim and the accused under the aegis of the prosecution.
UAE joins nations monitoring Offenders through Electronic Tagging
The Law No. 17 of 2018 provides for an alternative to imprisonment in certain offences and subject to certain restrictions, which we have amplified in the following part herein. The alternative to imprisonment comes as a handy, electronic, portable and wearable device, which is intended to restrict and monitor the convicts or the accused pending …
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All that you should know about the New Anti-Money Laundering Law
As part of the requirement of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), a Federal Decree No. 20 of 2018 on anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism was issued on 23 September 2018.
Performance Bonus paid out more than 5 years later
The Court of Appeal in its Inferior Jurisdiction overturned a decision taken by the Court of Magistrates and ordered the payment of a performance bonus owed by the Transport Authority in Malta to one of its employees.
Bär & Karrer Partner Paolo Bottini Wins the Client Choice Award 2019 by Lexology
Bär & Karrer is pleased to announce that partner Paolo Bottini has been recognized by Lexology and the International Law Office (ILO) as the Client Choice Winner 2019 in the Corporate Tax category in Switzerland.