Sub-Letting of Commercial Tenements After 31st May 2018 – Let it Be!
Proposed amendments being discussed in Parliament aimed at providing sub-lessees of commercial premises, whose sub-lease is going to end on 31st May 2018 by operation of law, with an option to demand the Rent Regulation Board to allow them to continue the sub-lease under revised conditions reflecting market conditions for a maximum period of 10 …
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Silence is Golden: Holding the Breach on Free Speech with Trade Secret Law on the Horizon
“EU Directive 2016/943 on the protection of undisclosed know-how and business information” is coming soon to a legislature near you. If you didn’t know (or care) until now, here are a few reasons why you should.
Turkey Moves to Improve the Investment Environment
I. Introduction The Law on the Amendment of Certain Laws for the Improvement of the Investment Environment No. 7099 ("Law") was published in the Official Gazette last month (March 10, 2018) and introduced significant amendments to various laws, including the Turkish Commercial Code No. 6102 ("TCC"), the Tax Procedural Law, the Law on Legal Fees and …
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Egypt’s New Labor Union Law
A new labor union organizations law was issued last December under Law No. 213/2017 (the “Law”) replacing previous labor union organizations law No. 35/1976. The Law explicitly provides for the prohibition of establishing labor unions based on religious or political grounds or incorporating discriminative rules in the articles of association of such organizations.
Demystifying the Holding of Purchase Price On Stakeholders Basis
The bone of contention between parties when selling or purchasing any piece of land is to whom the Purchase Price (deposit and/or balance) shall be paid pending transfer of the property into the purchaser’s name.
Surviving Tough Times: Is a Scheme of Arrangement
The Solution? The just concluded capital restructuring of national carrier Kenya Airways PLC, part of which involved twelve of its most significant creditors (the Government of Kenya and eleven commercial banks), is an interesting illustration of one kind of corporate restructuring available to struggling companies under the Companies Act, 2015.
6 Quick Points on Mergers in Kenya
Mergers and Acquisitions is an interesting and vibrant practice that is emerging in Kenya. It is reported that Kenya ranked 4th overall in Africa after South, Nigeria and Ghana as the most sought after country for foreign investors for mergers with local firms/companies. The following is a brief write up on mergers in Kenya
Plastic Bags Ban in Kenya: A Gold Mine of Opportunities
The ban Marine and environmental pollution by plastic material has for several years been a global concern. The United Nation Environmental Programme’s (UNEP) initiative dubbed the “#CleanSeas campaign”, among others, urges governments to pass plastic reduction policies. In August 2017, Kenya became the 11th country to embrace the campaign by enacting a ban on plastic …
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Keeping disputes out of Court…Mediation gaining ground in Kenya
When you hear Alternative Dispute Resolution commonly referred to as ADR, the first thought that comes to mind is settling a dispute outside the Courtroom, which is correct. The typical ADR processes include: Arbitration, Negotiation, Mediation and Conciliation. It would be great to enlighten you on all four processes but the focus of this article …
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Linking your Business to the eCitizen Portal
With the introduction and recent operationalization of the Business Registration Services (BRS) by the Companies Registry, all applications relating to: