[SOUTH KOREA] Questions on Product Safety Continue, Bringing About Strengthened Regulatory Oversight
In the midst of growing public concern over the health hazards of certain household chemical products,¹ concerns are now being raised about the safety of chemicals in other types of products, such as "quasi-drugs" (e.g., toothpastes) and cosmetics. Primarily, these recent concerns focus on the health hazards associated with biocides contained in household products. …
[SOUTH KOREA] (1) Hong Kong Tax Treaty, and (2) Amendment to the Korea–India Tax Treaty
Much earlier than expected, on September 12, 2016, the Korean government notified the Hong Kong government of the Korean National Assembly’s ratification of the Korea–Hong Kong Tax Treaty (“Treaty”). On September 27, 2016, the Treaty entered into force.
[SOUTH KOREA] KFTC Begins to Enforce the Amended Consumer Dispute Resolution Standard
KFTC Begins to Enforce the Amended Consumer Dispute Resolution Standard to Reinforce Consumer Protection On October 26, 2016, the Korea Fair Trade Commission (the “KFTC”) announced that it would enforce its amendment to the Consumer Dispute Resolution Standard (the “Standard” or such amendment the “Amendment”).