Corporate Reporter – Issue No. 43
Corporate Reporter – Issue No. 43 Glenn Joblin and Torrin Crowther, Partners | Wednesday 16 November 2016 Welcome to Issue No. 43 of Corporate Reporter, Bell Gully’s regular round-up of corporate and general commercial matters, designed to keep you informed on regulatory developments, legislation and cases of interest.
New Real Estate Law-A Glimpse
In Qatar, a new law on Real Estate Property registration and ownership is underway to replace the existing old law. In the past, the ownership of property in Qatar was restricted to Qatari nationals. However, this changed in 2006 and now an expatriate person is able to possess and pass on the rights to their …
Role of Gulf Women in Arbitration.
As an integral part of the Qatari society women are bestowed great consideration in Qatar. According to the constitution all persons are equal regardless of their sex, religion, language, or race. The constitution also warranted the principle of equality between all citizens in public rights and duties. Therefore, no provision in law prohibits women from …
Is relief in sight for offshore futures dealers from NZ client money rules?
Is relief in sight for offshore futures dealers from NZ client money rules? David Craig, Partner | Wednesday 9 March 2016 Background The client money rules in Part 6 of the Financial Markets Conduct Regulations 2014 (the Regulations) are something of an anomaly in New Zealand financial services law. Typically, that law recognises a wholesale/retail …
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Doing Business in New Zealand: a guide
Doing Business in New Zealand: a guide Friday 1 April 2016 In response to demand from overseas investors and their professional advisers for information about investing in and trading with New Zealand, Bell Gully has produced a guide to doing business in New Zealand.
DEVELOPMENTS ON COASTAL INVESTMENTS: New Communiqué on National Estate No. 373
Introduction On October 8th 2016, the General Communiqué on National Estate No. 373 (“Communiqué”) has been published on the Official Gazette. The Communiqué governs principles regarding easement right and/or right of usage to be granted to financers for them to construct marinas, landing stages, piers and berths on state-owned or treasury lands. The Communiqué brings …
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Transparency International Publishes 2016 Corruption Barometer for Europe and Central Asia
Transparency International ("TI") has published its regional Corruption Barometer for Europe and Central Asia ("Report") on 16 November 2016.
Austria: Upcoming ban on speculative financial transactions for public bodies
The Austrian Federal Government agreed in its 2013-2018 work programme, on the implementation of a nationwide ban on speculative financial transactions for the Federation, the Austrian Federal States, Austrian Municipalities, and other public bodies. read more…
Turkey’s request for consultations against Morocco’s anti-dumping measures
I Background In September 2014, following an anti-dumping investigation period, Morocco has imposed an 11 % tax duty against Turkish hot-rolled steel exporters which has created fuss in Turkish hot-rolled steel market and exporters. Upon Morocco's anti-dumping measures on hot-rolled steel, in October 2016, Turkey has filed a "Request for Consultations" against Morocco …
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Resolving Franchising Disputes
The reality: Honeymoon-Rough-Bold Despite all best efforts to maintain the “honeymoon” period, there will come time during the relationship where the franchisee and franchisor may not agree or see things differently; this is the “Rough” period… very likely, such period will evolve to a clear disagreement the “Bold” period which, if not managed properly, it …