The Thai fashion industry has become renowned worldwide for its exquisite craftsmanship, diverse designs, and captivating aesthetics.Amidst this dynamic landscape, safeguarding intellectual property (IP) emerges as a critical element for sustainable growth and competitive advantage. From ground-breaking fashion creations to brand identities and marketing strategies, IP assets lie at the core of the industry’s success. This article delves into the significance of IP management within the Thai fashion industry, providing comprehensive insights, considerations, and recommendations for fashion businesses to protect their innovations, foster innovation, and thrive in a rapidly evolving market.

Thailand is home to several fashion brands that are known for their strong IP management practices. These brands have not only achieved significant success in the industry but have also demonstrated a commitment to protecting their intellectual property. Here are a few
notable examples:

– Disaya:

Disaya is a Thai fashion brand founded by Disaya Sorakraikitikul. Known for its whimsical and feminine designs, Disaya has built a strong brand identity and has taken proactive steps to protect its intellectual property. The brand has successfully registered trademarks for its name, logo, and distinctive designs, ensuring brand recognition and preventing unauthorized use.


ASAVA is a luxury Thai fashion brand founded by Polpat Asavaprapha. Renowned for its elegant and timeless designs, ASAVA has established itself as a leading brand in the industry. The brand places great importance on protecting its intellectual property and has registered trademarks for its logo and brand name, safeguarding its distinctive identity.

– Kloset:

Kloset is a popular Thai fashion brand known for its playful and colourful designs. The brand has gained international recognition and has a strong presence both in Thailand and abroad. Kloset has been proactive in protecting its intellectual property, with registered trademarks for its logo, brand name, and unique patterns.

– Issue:

Issue is a contemporary Thai fashion brand that embraces minimalist aesthetics and clean lines. With its focus on simplicity and quality, the brand has gained a loyal following. Issue understands the importance of intellectual property protection and has taken measures to safeguard its brand through trademark registration for its logo, brand name, and innovative

– Sretsis:

Sretsis is a renowned Thai fashion brand founded by three sisters, Pim, Kly, and Matina Sukhahuta. Known for its whimsical and feminine designs, Sretsis has garnered international acclaim and has been featured in major fashion publications. The brand has demonstrated a commitment to protecting its intellectual property through trademark registrations for its logo, brand name, and distinctive patterns.

These brands serve as examples of how Thai fashion companies can successfully navigate the realm of intellectual property, not only creating innovative designs but also safeguarding their creations and brand identities. Through their proactive IP management practices, these brands have established themselves as leaders in the industry, promoting creativity and contributing to the growth of the Thai fashion landscape. So here are some pro tips on making your fashion brand more IP-forward:

  1. Securing Fashion Designs:

Fashion designs, particularly those with distinctive elements, qualify for copyright protection in Thailand. To secure exclusive rights and prevent unauthorized reproduction, it is essential for SMEs in the fashion industry to register their designs with the Department of Intellectual Property (DIP). Keeping detailed records of design development and documentation strengthens their case in potential copyright infringement disputes.

  1. Brand Protection through Trademarks:

Crafting a strong brand identity is paramount for fashion businesses. Registering trademarks, including brand names, logos, and slogans, serves as a crucial step in safeguarding brand recognition and preventing unauthorized use. Conducting thorough trademark searches prior to registration is advisable to ensure uniqueness and avoid infringing upon existing trademarks. Vigilant market monitoring and swift action against potential infringements are instrumental in maintaining brand integrity.

  1. Ensuring Textile Pattern Preservation:

Textile patterns hold immense value in fashion design, representing a brand’s distinct essence. Although copyright may not directly protect them, SMEs can explore alternative avenues, such as trade dress or design patents, to safeguard their unique and recognizable patterns. By registering these patterns, businesses can prevent unauthorized replication and maintain exclusivity in the market.

  1. Protecting Trade Secrets and Confidentiality:

Trade secrets are pivotal in sustaining a competitive edge within the fashion industry. Robust measures should be implemented to safeguard confidential information like manufacturing techniques, sourcing strategies, and business plans. Establishing stringent confidentiality agreements with employees, suppliers, and contractors becomes imperative in preventing
unauthorized disclosure and misuse of sensitive data.

5.Strategic Collaborations and Licensing Agreements:

Collaborations and licensing agreements frequently drive innovation and growth in the fashion industry. While venturing into such partnerships, it is essential for SMEs to ensure clear delineation and protection of intellectual property rights. Drafting well-defined contracts that outline the scope of IP usage, ownership, and royalties mitigates future disputes or misunderstandings.

6.Combating Counterfeiting through Brand Enforcement:

Counterfeiting poses a substantial threat to the fashion industry. SMEs must proactively monitor the market for counterfeit products and take immediate legal action against infringers to protect their brand reputation. Cultivating strong relationships with law enforcement agencies and engaging experienced IP professionals significantly bolster the fight against counterfeiting.

Therefore, IP management lies at the heart of the Thai fashion industry’s growth and sustainability. Prioritizing the protection of fashion designs, trademarks, textile patterns, and trade secrets empowers SMEs to establish themselves as trailblazing leaders while preserving their creative assets. Collaboration, meticulous licensing agreements, and rigorous brand enforcement foster an environment that upholds the integrity of fashion brands and effectively combats counterfeiting. As the Thai fashion industry continues to flourish, a comprehensive IP management strategy becomes indispensable, allowing the industry’s creative spirit to thrive and contribute to the nation’s economic development.

Author: Namrata Bhowmik

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