
Today, uncertainty, associated with economic development and technology is growing; conflict regarding the distribution of wealth (goods) has been joined by conflict regarding the distribution of “ills.” This distribution depends not only on technological, economic, social and cultural variables but also on the political-institutional structure of the diverse States. Different societies and cultures react differently …

The Influence of the Three-Circle Model of the Family Business System in Today’s Wealth Management in Mexico Over the last couple of years, digital assets presence has grown exponentially – mainly due to their rise during the COVID-19 pandemic – and regular investors and common individuals consider that this new type of assets are no …

The fact that parties participating in commercial transactions offset amounts payable between them constitutes a common practice today. In Mexico, this practice has been carried out in respect of the amount of commercial transactions, as well as VAT related thereto. This situation by no means implied the non-payment of the referred tax but the offsetting …

Here, you will find focused information and practical guidance on the legal regime and market of dispute resolution in Qatar. Firstly, this article will provide a general overview of the legal system and courts in Qatar. Then, the article will guide the reader through the legal framework and the market of litigation, arbitration and mediation …

The rules and procedures for ship arrest in Turkey are specified under the Turkish Commercial Code no. 6102 (“TCC”) and the Enforcement and Bankruptcy Code no. 2004 (“EBC”) (The general rules of the EBC apply to the enforcement of ship arrest unless otherwise stated in the TCC.) This memo has been prepared to explain the …

Banking and payment systems are heavily regulated in Turkish Law. Banking Law No. 5411 (“Banking Law”) is the main legal document that regulates banking sector; and, the payment systems are regulated by Law on Payment and Securities Settlement Systems, Payment Services and Electronic Money Institutions (“Payment Law”), with their secondary legislation. Under the Payment Law, …