
One of the issues most commonly raised by foreign Clients and colleagues abroad is the question of whether unregistered trademark rights can be protected in Turkey. While there are numerous ways to obtain similar results through efficient strategizing, asset management, and litigation; the suggested and most cost-effective method of doing so is through effective use …

The great challenge for the insurance industry in Mexico today lies in the evolution of the Mexican legal system, which, since 2011, has had a constitutional reform in which human rights are now the basis for interpretation and application of the legal environment, which is breaking paradigms and forcing insurers to improve their operations in …

In the contemporary business landscape, the issue of workplace harassment is a topic of growing importance and concern. Workplace harassment not only affects the psychological well-being of employees but can also have serious legal implications for employers and employees, in addition to potential damage to the reputation and image of companies in society and within …

Recently, the Indonesian government has issued Law Number 11 of 2020 on Job Creation (commonly known as “Omnibus Law”). The issuance of the Omnibus Law is one of the Indonesian government’s efforts to attract more Foreign Direct Investment and make it easier to do business in Indonesia.   The Omnibus Law comprises 15 chapters and …

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MONTENEGRO With its lovely location, high mountain covered with snow and ice, long river, lovely beaches, and abundance of energy sources, Montenegro is an excellent site to combine the pleasant and the practical. Population: 622,373 (2017 midyear est.) Area:000 km2 Government: is an independent and sovereign state, republican form of government. Montenegro is a civil, …