
Name – Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Capital city – Addis Ababa Population (2021) – 120,283 million (World Bank) Languages spoken (three most widely spoken) – Amharic, Afan Oromo, Somali Neighbouring countries – Somalia, Kenya, South Sudan, Sudan, Eritrea, Djibouti GDP – USD111.27 billion (2022) (World Bank) Net inflow of FDI (2021) – USD 4.26 …

Foreign court judgments are not directly enforceable in Turkey. According to Art. 50 of Private International Law and Procedure Act numbered 5718 (the “Act”), a final judgment rendered by a foreign civil court can only be enforced in Turkey if a competent Turkish court decides that it is enforceable. Therefore, those holding a foreign court …

Turkey’s dynamic regulatory framework, anchored by the Electricity Market Law and its accompanying regulations such as Storage Regulation, License Regulation, and YEKDEM Regulation, unveils a compelling landscape for investors seeking to seize opportunities in the burgeoning electricity storage sector. By embracing a progressive approach, Turkey has established an advantageous environment for the establishment and operation …

Turkey’s urbanization, which gained momentum in the late 20th century and continues today, has raised concerns regarding unstructured urban planning, construction in unsuitable regions, and technically deficient buildings. These challenges, exacerbated by Turkey’s location in an earthquake-prone zone, have resulted in severe tragedies during catastrophic earthquakes and floods. The devastating earthquake of 2023 brought these …

The importance of the banking sector to the wellbeing of the Cyprus economy is high relative to that of its European neighbours.  In 2020 it accounted for 6.6% of national Gross Value Added, a figure which contrasted sharply with the Eurozone average of 2.8%.   Cyprus’ Banking sector has been transformed in the years following the …

In 2023, the Romanian legislator initiated a process to update criminal legislation by aligning the provisions of the Criminal Code of Procedure in force and effect as off 2014 with several decisions of the Constitutional Court of Romania (the “Constitutional Court”) that found numerous procedural provisions in breach of the national 2003 Constitution and, by …