
Since gaining independence from the UK in 1960 Cyprus has transformed itself into a successful, modern international business centre. A Member State of the European Union (‘EU’) since 2004, it provides a gateway for investment into and from Europe and, due to its geographic location, it enjoys strong commercial ties with Eastern Europe, the Middle …

Mexico has pushed towards an effective national legal system for the protection of intangible rights and, through the years, has adapted its legislation to the international treaties that govern intellectual property worldwide and regionally. The proximity and close trade relationship with the United States and other commercial partners, has caused the Mexican government to reformulate …

The fact that parties participating in commercial transactions offset amounts payable between them constitutes a common practice today. In Mexico, this practice has been carried out in respect of the amount of commercial transactions, as well as VAT related thereto. This situation by no means implied the non-payment of the referred tax but the offsetting …

The laws that affect the protection of personal data in Poland are not limited only to the GDPR but also include other acts i.a.: 1. Protection of Personal Data Act of 10 May 2018, which specifies in particular: the procedure for notifying the appointment of a Data Protection Officer (“DPO”); monitoring compliance with the personal …

Over the last couple of years, digital assets presence has grown exponentially – mainly due to their rise during the COVID-19 pandemic – and regular investors and common individuals consider that this new type of assets are no longer a far-fetched idea and must be taken into consideration as important assets in which investors can …

Switzerland has recently introduced new reporting and due diligence requirements on non-financial issues. This is intended to improve environmental and human rights concerns along the entire supply chain. In the following, the new regulations are presented and the impact on Swiss real estate is discussed. Following the rejection of the Corporate Responsibility Initiative on 29 …

What, besides chocolate, watches and mountains makes Switzerland such an attractive country for thousands of people from all over the world to yearly take up residence in one of the smallest countries in Europe? Switzerland is located in the heart of Europe and has approximately 8.7 million inhabitants with a rising tendency . The country …

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You probably heard about Croatia. You maybe went for a vacation to Croatia or heard travel stories from friends and colleagues. You maybe watched a sports game with Croatian players. However, Croatia is more than just that. Croatia, a country located in Southeast Europe, has become an increasingly popular destination for investors and entrepreneurs looking …