The Legal 500 Green Guide: EMEA 2024

EMEA 2024

1,5 Advokatfirma AS



Advokatfirmaet Haavind AS

Advokatfirmaet Hjort

Advokatfirmaet Simonsen Vogt Wiig

Advokatfirmaet Thommessen AS

Advokatfirman Lindahl KB

Aluko & Oyebode


Arntzen de Besche

Arqis Rechtsanwälte

Arthur Cox


B2RLaw Jankowski Stroiński Zięba & Partners


BDO Azerbaijan LLC

BLOMSTEIN Rechtsanwälte

BSLAW Budapest Szuchy Ügyvédi Iroda

Baker McKenzie


Binder Grösswang

Bopa Bojanovic & Partners

Bruun & Hjejle

Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner

Bär & Karrer

CERHA HEMPEL Rechtsanwälte GmbH




Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr

Clifford Chance LLP



DLA Piper

DORDA Rechtsanwälte

DS Avocats

DSC Doralt Seist Csoklich

Deloitte Legal


Doklestic Repic & Gajin

Domanski Zakrzewski Palinka

ENS Africa

EY Law


Ergun Law


Fellner Wratzfeld & Partners

Filip & Company

Franßen & Nusser Rechtsanwälte PartGmbB

GSK Stockmann

Ganado Advocates

Greenberg Traurig LLP

Gárdos Mosonyi Tomori Law Office


HPP Attorneys


Hannes Snellman

Heid und Partner Rechtsanwälte GmbH

Herbert Smith Freehills LLP

Herbst Kinsky

Herzog Fox & Neeman

Hogan Lovells

Holla Legal & Tax

Id est avocats Sàrl



Jones Day


Karatzas & Partners

Kellerhals Carrard

Kieltyka Gladkowski KG Legal


LCF Law Group




Latham & Watkins LLP

Lex Law Offices


Linklaters LLP

Lipa Meir & Co

Loyens & Loeff

Luther Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH

MAQS Advokatbyrå

MLL Legal

MOIRA Legal Practitioners

Mannheimer Swartling

Mason Hayes & Curran LLP

Matheson LLP

Mazghouny & Co

McCann FitzGerald LLP

Morais Leitao

Niederer Kraft Frey AG

Niederhuber & Partner Rechtsanwälte GmbH

Norton Rose Fulbright

OKL & Partners

Oppenheim Ügyvédi Iroda

Osborne Clarke LLP

PHH Rechtsanwält:innen GmbH

Pinsent Masons LLP

Pohlmann & Company


Poul Schmith

PwC Legal






SSW Pragmatic Solutions

Saxinger, Chalupsky & Partner Rechtsanwälte GmbH (SCWP Schindhelm)

Schalast Law

Schima Mayer Starlinger Rechtsanwälte

Schönherr Attorneys at Law


Simmons & Simmons


Sustainable Law

TGS Baltic

Taylor Wessing LLP


Van Doorne



Von Bredow Valentin Herz

Vukmir & Associates


Watson Farley & Williams LLP

Wenger Vieli Ltd

Wikborg Rein

William Fry

Wolf Theiss

YBK Attorney Partnership

Zepos & Yannopoulos

A&L Goodbody LLP


A&L Goodbody’s energy, infrastructure and natural resources group, led by project finance expert Ross Moore, works closely with the firm’s environment and planning group, led by Alan Roberts, to advise clients on a range of sustainability issues, including sustainability reporting, environmental due diligence, sustainable finance, and transactions in the renewable energy sector. In the latter segment, the firm handles a number of wind, solar, and green hydrogen projects, both onshore and offshore.

Currently, the team is advising BOC Gases on the joint development with Bord Na Mona of one of Ireland’s first renewable hydrogen plants at the 84 MW Mount Lucas Wind Farm. Another client is Codling Wind Park, a joint venture between EDF and Fred Olsen, for which the team is advising on the 1.3 MW Codling Bank offshore wind farm in Ireland. For EDF Renewables Ireland Limited, it recently handled the acquisition of a 50 percent stake in the 1.35 GW Western Star and 1.3 GW Emerald floating offshore wind projects.

To consolidate its expertise, the firm has a cross-departmental ESG and sustainability steering group chaired by Laura Mulleady and supported by ESG and sustainability lead Jill Shaw, who also leads the content development, education and knowledge working group of the Green Team Network, a forum that supports member firms’ in their sustainability goals.

Shaw also lectures on sustainable finance as part of the Law Society of Ireland’s Diploma in Finance Law, while Roberts is a lecturer on planning, environmental, and real estate issues at Irish Law Society conferences and is a member of the Irish Environmental Law Association.

The firm is a member of the Chancery Lane Project and continues to be involved in thought leadership through several publications, including an ESG & Sustainability bulletin. It also authored a chapter on Ireland in the Commonwealth Climate and Law Initiative’s Primer on Climate Change.

Laura Mulleady  | Ireland

Ross Moore  | Ireland

Alan Roberts  | Ireland

Jill Shaw  | Ireland

Abreu Advogados


Leading Portuguese firm Abreu Advogados often advises clients in the renewable energy area, standing out for its work in the hydrogen and wind sectors. Integrating sustainability into its own business, the firm is also a UN Global Compact member and a B Corp.

In an ongoing highlight, the firm’s public and environment team is advising long-standing client Iberdrola Generación on a project which adds two wind farms to the Tamega hydroelectric complex, making it one of the largest initiatives in Portugal. The project received investments of €1.5bn and will have a capacity of 300MW. The firm is assisting the same client with all regulatory issues concerning a major PV project in Portugal, the 1.2GW Fernando Pessoa, with a value of €800m, which is expected to be commissioned by 2025.

The team is also providing ongoing legal advice to Copenhagen Offshore Partners on a major wind farm project with a capacity of 6GW which will significantly contribute to the green transition in Portugal.

Internally, the firm has a sustainability committee, headed by Pedro Pais de Almeida, which aims to promote green activities within the firm. It joined the Climate Ambition Accelerator, a training programme for companies looking to improve their performance in terms of setting science-based goals and building a clear transition path towards net-zero.

A number of the firm’s key individuals regularly take part in sustainability-related events. Most recently, José Eduardo Martins, co-head of the firm’s public and environmental practice, was a speaker at the Green Economy Forum 2023; Manuel Andrade Neves participated at a major ESG conference in Portugal discussing public policies for sustainability; and Bruno Azevedo moderated a panel discussing ocean renewables.

The firm also recently co-authored a book discussing ESG and corporate responsibility.

Pedro Pais de Almeida  | Portugal

José Eduardo Martins  | Portugal

Manuel Andrade Neves  | Portugal

Bruno Azevedo  | Portugal



Bonellierede, one of the largest independent Italian law firms, often assists clients with transactions that fund green projects in the country, including in the areas of solar and wind energy. Its multidisciplinary ESG group also advises clients across environmental law and sustainable finance, among other matters. The firm additionally established an infrastructure, energy and ecological transition team, led by Catia Tomasetti, and an environmental sustainability focus team, led by Luca Perfetti.

Notably, the firm provided assistance to UniCredit and SACE in a green loan project financing worth €560m for the development of TANGO, a manufacturing plant for solar panels located in Catania, Italy. In another recent matter, the firm advised a pool of banks consisting of Banco BPM, BPER Banca and Intesa Sanpaolo in relation to the €54m financing to E FRANZESE, which will fund the construction and operation of a 37.8MW wind farm located in the Campania region.

Demonstrating its commitment to sustainability and climate change mitigation beyond client work, the firm conducted reforestation activities in Paneveggio Natural Park, which was heavily damaged by a storm in 2018. It also planted 400 trees in Cormano.

Catia Tomasetti  | Italy

Luca Perfetti  | Italy

Castrén & Snellman


Through its corporate sustainability, energy, and banking & finance teams, full-service Finnish law firm Castrén & Snellman supports diverse clients in their green business plans. Vital here is the work of head of sustainability Anna Kuusniemi-Laine, who leads mandates as well as seminars to help clients meet EU-level ESG legislation.

A notable ongoing client is the state-owned Finnish Climate Fund, whom the firm advises across its green transition investments. Notable assignments include assisting the client with its investments into Aeromon to upscale its industrial emissions measurement and mapping technology, and into Joensuu Biocoal in connection with its novel commercial-scale biomass production plant.

Simultaneously supporting the decarbonisation of corporate clients and the financing of renewable energy projects, wind power specialist Miika Pinomaa acted for telecommunications group DNA in its 10-year power purchase agreement with Statkraft. Through the PPA, the client will offtake 85 GWh of green electricity per year, accounting for 80% of its power needs, from the 100 MW Palokangas onshore wind farm.

Another key contact is sustainable finance expert Minna Korhonen, who advised real estate investor Nrep on providing a green loan to flexible living company Noli Studios. The financing, which supports the client’s commitment to becoming carbon neutral by 2030, will fund co-living premises which are certified as LEED Gold and use entirely renewable electricity.

As a member of the UN Global Compact since 2020 and a part of the WWF Green Office programme since 2009, internal sustainability is a key focus for the firm. Through the Science Based Targets initiative, the firm has pledged to reduce scopes 1 and 2 emissions by 50% by 2030. Following the purchase of carbon credits to offset its measured greenhouse gas inventory, the firm has been carbon neutral since 2020. Its internal environmental impact strategy is led by dedicated sustainability specialist Marja Ollila.

Anna Kuusniemi-Laine  | Finland

Miika Pinomaa  | Finland

Minna Korhonen  | Finland

Marja Ollila  | Finland

Dechert LLP


Dechert’s Dublin office has significant expertise in sustainable finance, where it advises on the structuring of green bonds and sustainable investment products. The team also actively represents a significant number of fund platforms, assisting with issues related to the EU Securities Financing Operations Regulation, the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation, and the Taxonomy Regulation.

One client in this area is UBS, which seeks the firm’s advice on the integration of ESG considerations and compliance with the SFDR and Taxonomy.

On a pro bono basis, the team is also assisting the Free Trade Advocacy Office, a joint initiative of Fairtrade International, the World Fair Trade Organisation, and the World Fair Trade Organisation-Europe, in integrating sustainability values into traditional competition law analysis.

As part of its efforts towards energy conservation, waste and pollution prevention, and reduction of supply chain impacts, the firm estabished several internal practices aimed at reducing energy consumption, incorporating eco-friendly products, and promoting employee awareness of environmental issues.

Sharing its knowledge, the team also continues to publish articles and papers on ESG topics, including sustainable finance and climate change.


Dechert LLP’s Luxembourg office continues to assist clients on sustainability-related matters, particularly in the area of sustainable finance, where the team routinely advises on green bond structuring and the formation of sustainable investment products.

A particular area of expertise is the Sustainable Finance Disclosures Regulation. Here, the team is currently assisting Stepstone Group and its subsidiary Swiss Capital on a number of fund formation and fund financing matters in line with the SFDR. Another client in this space is Forty51 Advisors, where the team is handling the implementation of the client’s first life sciences venture capital fund under SFDR.

The firm also actively publishes ESG thought leadership on sustainability trends and sustainable finance strategies and developments, including a piece on the Luxembourg supervisory authority’s (CSSF) SFDR guidance.

Internally, the firm’s sustainability measures include policies on saving energy, preventing waste and pollution, and reducing supply chain impacts.

Dillon Eustace


Dillon Eustace’s Irish asset management and investment fund team advises clients on a range of regulations related to sustainable finance, including the Sustainable Finance Disclosures Regulation and the Taxonomy Regulation, as well as on the implementation of new products that promote environmental values and sustainable investments.

In a recently concluded matter, the firm assisted Guinness Asset Management with the creation of its Guinness China A Share Fund, advising on the implementation of SFDR Article 8 and ESG factors, including climate and environmental indicators, carbon intensity, and carbon transition risk.

Another highlight in this area is the advice provided to Azimut in establishing a number of funds that fall under the scope of SFDR Article 8.

For client LGIM Managers (Europe) Limited, head of the firm’s internal ESG group Cillian Bredin advised on the integration of sustainability risk and sustainability factors into risk management and investment due diligence.

Bredin also recently contributed to a number of discussions on the EU Action Plan for Sustainable Finance, including the Eagle Alpha Panel in October 2022 and the ICI Global Compliance Committee Meeting in October 2023. He is also known for regularly publishing articles and thought leadership content on ESG together with professional support lawyer Áine McCarthy. McCarthy is vice chair of the Irish Funds ESG Policy, Legal & Regulatory Working Group which engages with the Central Bank of Ireland to represents Irish fund management companies on key legislative and regulatory issues related to sustainable finance.

The team continues to be involved in a number of volunteering initiatives, including the recent Green Team Network’s National Clean up initiative in Dublin, the Funds Industry Climate Challenge, and the Beach Clean-up initiative organised by marine environmental charity Flossie and the Beach Cleaners.

Cillian Bredin  | Ireland

Áine McCarthy  | Ireland

Dittmar & Indrenius


UN Global Compact member Dittmar & Indrenius makes a leading contribution to the green transition of the Finnish economy, advising clients in the energy and transport sectors on vital decarbonisation transactions and investments.

Transaction department head Mikko Eerola is a key contact in renewable energy investments and M&A. In the wind power sector, the firm assisted Ingka Investments on the Finnish law aspects of its €30m investment into the Laine, Halla, and Tyrsky offshore wind development projects. Through the mandate, the client will acquire a 49% ownership stake in the 6000 MW portfolio from renewable energy developer OX2.

In a €30m deal, the firm acted for renewable energy company Arise on its partnership with onshore wind and solar developer Pohjan Voima. Within the transaction, the client acquired a 51% controlling interest in a 1.7 GW planning and pre-planning stage renewables portfolio.

The firm also advised impact private equity fund Mirova Environment Acceleration Capital on its participation in mechanical sails provider Norsepower’s €28m financing round. The mandate, which supports the client’s responsible investment strategy, finances the research and development of rotor sail technology to help decarbonise heavy maritime transport.

Head of Corporate Advisory, Compliance & Sustainability Hanna-Mari Manninen oversees the firm’s internal green efforts. The role includes leading a partnership with consultancy Miltton, through which the firm marries strategic sustainability considerations with a legal understanding of emerging regulation toward creating green value for clients’ businesses.

As a long-term board member of WWF Finland, the firm assists the organisation with legal matters concerning biodiversity, conservation, and sustainable development. Having also been certified as a WWF Green Office since 2014, it is committed to responsible consumption and reducing its carbon footprint. To boost its sustainability credentials, it compensates unavoidable emissions generated from business travel and encourages staff to use technology to monitor and minimise their carbon footprints.

Emeriane Avocats


Emeriane Acocats in France supports businesses in the creation of sustainable business models, assisting with the design, structuring and implementation of transformation projects. It is also well-versed in handling CSR and ESG audits, and has expertise in sustainable finance matters. 

Its current workload includes advising Neoen, a French renewable energy producer, on corporate governance matters, in addition to advising Unbottled, a plastic-free cosmetics brand, on its adoption of “société à mission” objectives and in implementing a “comité de mission”. It has also been advising Arianee on upcoming green deal regulations concerning its digital passport. Practice co-founders Eole Rapone and Juliane Dessard Jacques lead on these matters, outside of which they regularly contribute to thought leadership, publishing various studies on sustainability.

The firm also contributes to sustainability seminars and workshops whilst taking active steps to comply with the ten principles of the United Nations Global Compact and improve its internal practices through implementing energy and waste-reducing strategies and other carbon footprint reduction measures.

Eole Rapone  | France

Juliane Dessard Jacques  | France

Eversheds Sutherland


In Slovakia, Eversheds Sutherland, advokátní kancelár, s.r.o. stands out for its focus on environmental law and waste management. The team also displays significant expertise in the renewable energy sector, routinely advising on complex renewable energy projects including solar and wind.

In the latter area, it recently assisted BIA Plastic and Plating Technology Slovakia with its goal of achieving carbon neutrality in 2026 by advising on the construction and operation of a large solar power plant on the roof of an existing facility (1.6 MW), as well as on the construction and operation of a 5MW wind power plant.

In a similar project, the team provided legal advice to Letisko Košice, the city’s international airport, on the construction of a photovoltaic plant on the roofs and vacant areas of Košice Airport, in order to accelerate CO2 neutrality.

For Austrian waste management company ecorec Österreich, the team recently handled the entire waste management and energy recovery process, advising on waste shipments as substitute fuel for energy recovery for cement plants in Slovakia operated by Danucem Slovensko (CRH Group).

The Slovak team also participates in several sustainability and environmental events and conferences, such as the Waste 2023 conference, where environmental law expert and a regular author on renewable energy, Annamária Tóthová, held a presentation on environmental impact assessment and IPPC construction permits under the new building regulations.

Globally, the firm is a founding member of the Net Zero Lawyers Alliance and an executive member of the Legal Sustainability Alliance.


Eversheds Sutherland Poland has a significant focus on renewable energy projects, particularly in the photovoltaic sector. The firm, which recently established an ESG practice, also continues to advise on environmental protection, sustainable development, and sustainable investments, including green bonds and green loans.

In two recent projects, the team assisted BayernLB with financing the construction of photovoltaic plant portfolios of 157MW and 176 MW respectively. For Sequoia Investment Management Company, which specialises in infrastructure debt management, it advised on a financing agreement with renewable energy company Green Genius for the development of 66 MW photovoltaic plants in Poland.

Internally, the firm is a member of the Polish Sustainability Education Programme (SEG), in addition to supporting the ‘5 Fractions Coalition’, Poland’s first cross-sectoral initiative to address the issue of raw materials’ collection in a more holistic manner.

Sustainable finance and sustainable investments expert Piotr Kowalik is a member of the SEG Sustainability Committee and an external expert of the Climate Leadership Programme run by UNEP/GRID-Warszawa, an organisation associated with the United Nations Environment Programme.

Czech Republic

In the Czech Republic, Eversheds Sutherland Dvorák Hager, advokátní kancelár, s.r.o.’s energy and environment team assists clients with a range of environmental law and energy regulatory and contractual issues. Alongside its expertise in the waste management field, where it advises on waste-to-energy projects and on the treatment, recycling and disposal of waste, the team displays significant expertise in the construction of power generating facilities, including solar power stations, wind parks, and biomass incinerators.

In the renewables space, in an ongoing matter, the team is acting for WEB Windenergie on the permitting process related to the construction of a wind park of 11 wind turbines in the Horni Rasnici village. Another client is Windkraft Simonsfeld, for which the firm is handling the construction process of a transborder power supply line which will connect a Czech photovoltaic power plant with an Austrian factory.

In the waste management area, a current highlight concerns the legal advice provided to Kámen a písek, one of the largest mining companies in the South Bohemian region, regarding the import, reuse and application of steel sludge from Austria. The team is assessing the legal framework for the shipment of waste, the treatment of sludge in the Czech Republic and its use as a construction material.

Globally, the firm is a member of several groups which promote and share best practices in relation to environmental impact, including the Net Zero Lawyers Alliance (NZLA), the Legal Sustainability Alliance (LSA), and the Legal Renewables Initiative (LRI).


Eversheds Sutherland’s German offices in Berlin, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Hamburg and Munich are fully equipped to advise clients on the whole range of green transition and sustainability issues, with a focus on renewable energy and environmental law, where the team advises on green energy transactions and infrastructure projects.

In the latter segment, a team including clean energy expert Martin Weitenberg is assisting Q ENERGY Europe in one of the largest commercial solar project transactions in the domestic photovoltaic market, which involves the development of a framework agreement for the construction of a 500 MW photovoltaic plant in Germany.

In another recently completed highlight, the firm acted for The Renewables Infrastructure Group (TRIG) in acquiring an additional stake in the 386 MW Merkur offshore wind farm, an operational wind project located in the German North Sea which is capable of producing enough clean energy for nearly half a million homes.

For the German chemical group ALTANA, Weiterberg also led a renewable corporate power purchase agreement (PPAs) which will help the client achieve its goal of becoming climate neutral by 2025.

Beyond client work, in 2023, the German team produced an ESG jurisdictional guide for Germany covering over 27 key areas and giving an overview over legal and regulatory obligations across the ESG spectrum. It also led on another guide for clients on hydrogen and the decarbonisation of manufacturing operations.

Globally, the firm is a Global Compact (UNGC) participant, as well as a founding member of the Net Zero Lawyers Alliance and an executive member of the Legal Sustainability Alliance, through which it also signed up to the Legal Renewables Initiative.

Four of the German offices are powered by renewable energy.


Eversheds Sutherland’s multidisciplinary team in Ireland advises on a range of sustainability issues, from advice on sustainable banking and green loans to renewable energy transactions.

Currently, the team is assisting the Kingspan Group, a provider of high-performance insulation solutions committed to accelerating a future net-zero-emissions environment, with its investment in H2 Green Steel, a company which is experimenting with new environmentally friendly methods of steel production through hydrogen.

In another recently completed matter, the firm acted for FuturEnergy on the sale of 20-30 wind farm projects over the next eight to ten years. For the same client, the firm is also advising on the development of a portfolio of onshore wind farms in Ireland.

Head of the firm’s projects and construction group and Irish ESG committee, Mark Varian, who is also part of the firm’s global clean energy group, is a member of several sustainability-related organisations, including Wind Energy Ireland and the Irish Solar Energy Association, of which he is a founding member.

The firm is a member of Hydrogen Ireland and a founding member of the Net Zero Lawyers Alliance. It is also part of the Legal Sustainability Alliance and the Legal Renewables Initiative.


In Latvia, Eversheds Sutherland Bitāns has created a dedicated sustainability team in order to coordinate its advice for local and cross-border clients and to help devise an internal sustainability strategy. Having published a pioneering sustainability report – identifying current shortcomings and making goals to direct further green development – the firm also received the silver certificate from EcoVadis for its responsible business practices.

Alongside KPMG, the firm assisted the Latvian Ministry of Finance and Estonian Ministry of Environment in its project to implement the EU Taxonomy and develop a sustainable finance roadmap, helping underpin green and resilient economic growth. Within the project, ESG team head Māris Vainovskis analysed the Taxonomy and SFDR regulations, assessed sectoral investment needs to recommend policies which can best implement sustainable finance practices, and helped establish a framework to implement green labels in financial products.

In a matter which reassures ongoing financial support for emerging renewable energy projects, the firm assisted long-term client Energo Wind in the multi-million-euro sale of a 93 MW development-stage windfarm to a local investor. The firm advised on the deal structuring, prepared a share sale agreement, and participated in negotiations to close the transaction and restructure the project’s financing.

Renewable energy expert Ilze Kramiņa acted for solar power solutions company Smartecon in conducting legal due diligence for the acquisition of a PV power facility. Within the mandate, which supports the client in its development of solar power plants, the firm also advised on regulatory licensing, land use, and the construction process.

The firm makes a key contribution to thought leadership in the sustainable finance space, having conducted presentations and prepared articles on ESG topics for leading organisations including the Bank of Latvia, the Nasdaq Riga Stock Exchange, and the Baltic Institute of Corporate Governance.


The Eversheds Sutherland Iraq team routinely advises on a spread of work within the renewables space, with particular strength in green M&A concerning photovoltaic projects.

The team is a key point of contact for the Ministry of Electricity, whom they are currently assisting on all aspects, including drafting and negotiating PPAs, of the procurement of several 1GW greenfield solar projects: five from Madsar, one from Total Energies and one from ACWA Power Company. Middle East managing partner Tawfiq Tabbaa is active in all of these matters.

The firm’s dedication to fostering a sustainable future goes beyond its workload as evidenced by its affiliation with several organisations such as the United Nations Global Compact, the Legal Sustainability Alliance and the Legal Renewables Initiative, which positively contribute to the conversation surrounding sustainability.

The firm also plays an active role in inspiring others to act similarly, not only as a founding member of the Net Zero Lawyers Alliance but also through its contribution to thought leadership through its ESG knowledge hub, which houses regular briefings, articles, videos and podcasts on ESG-related topics.

United Arab Emirates

The UAE team at Eversheds Sutherland expertly handles projects related to renewable energy, water and sustainable finance.

Its portfolio in the photovoltaic space includes its current advice to the Ministry of Energy and Saudi Power Procurement Company on the procurement of 12 solar projects in KSA, as well as its recent assistance to Riyad Bank and Arab Petroleum Investments Corporation regarding the financing of the 120 MW solar facility in Wadi Ad Dawasir, being developed by the consortium of TotalEnergies Solar International, Toyota Tsusho Corporation and Altaaqa Alternative Solutions.

In an ongoing matter, the group is also assisting the Saudi Water Partnership Company on its tender of three independent water projects across Saudi Arabia with a combined desalinated water production capacity of 1,200,000 m3 per day, a project which contributes to Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 and the National Transformation Plan 2020 regarding its future water security.

As a member of the Global ESG Leadership Team, ESG legal director Christopher Shelton is a key contact within the group, regularly speaking at ESG events, hosting roundtables and panels, and writing articles on ESG-related issues for publications. He is also a member of the ESG Strategy and Solutions team alongside Ashley Halewood, who is recommended for his deep expertise in handling projects within the renewables sector.

Globally, the firm is part of the United Nations Global Compact, the Legal Sustainability Alliance and the Legal Renewables Initiative. It is also a co-founder of the Net Zero Lawyers Alliance.

Also firmwide, the group directly contributes to the narrative surrounding sustainability through its ESG knowledge hub, where it publishes articles and podcasts on ESG issues, as well as through the recent launch of its Sustainable Finance App and its Global ESG Insights platform, which keeps clients updated on recent developments in the area.


The Dutch renewable energy team at UN Global Compact member Eversheds Sutherland is a leading advisor on innovative clean power projects which work to solve key issues including community engagement, investment hurdles, and land-use constraints.

In a pro bono mandate, energy group head Michel Chatelin advised the 2tokens Foundation on the development of infrastructure which hosts both the fractionalised ownership of renewable energy assets and the tokenisation of green energy certificates. The project, now operationalised as ‘Power to the Many!’, helps democratise and digitalise green investment, allowing citizens and local communities to own a stake in renewable energy assets and the produced electricity.

A cross-practice team is advising renewable energy project developer Groenleven/Bay Wa in a dispute with local tax authorities regarding the Bomhofplas floating solar park. The firm’s representation ensured that the park was classed legally as a ship, rather than real property; the outcome allows the facility to incur a lower financial burden and become more attractive to investors, supporting investment in floating solar technology.

In the solar power sector, the firm also advised green energy supplier Novar on the sale of the Mojo solar carport. The project, which efficiently utilises land by placing a 35 MW solar facility on a festival-site car park, can simultaneously accommodate 15,000 cars and 90,700 solar panels.

The firm engages in sustainability matters within the wider community, having in 2023 hosted a clean energy battery storage event and participated in a sustainable data centre energy panel. The Rotterdam office also collaborates, through Wetland Link International, with De Biesbosch National Park to raise awareness of the vital environmental role of local wetlands.

Toward meeting a  firmwide science-based target of halving its emissions output by 2030, the Amsterdam and Rotterdam offices use only renewable energy, and the Amsterdam office recently moved to a more energy-efficient and sustainable building.

Annamária Tóthová  | Slovakia

Piotr Kowalik  | Poland

Martin Weitenberg  | Germany

Mark Varian  | Ireland

Māris Vainovskis  | Latvia

Ilze Kramiņa  | Latvia

Tawfiq Tabbaa  | Iraq

Christopher Shelton  | United Arab Emirates

Ashley Halewood  | United Arab Emirates

Michel Chatelin  | Netherlands



In addition to providing investors, green energy producers, and financial institutions with comprehensive regulatory advice on green energy projects, Ukrainian firm GOLAW has experience assisting both Ukranian and international clients in the development of solar, wind, and hydroelectric power plants, as well as biomass- and biogas-based power plants, the acquisition of facilities, and day-to-day operations.

A current client is TIU Canada, a subsidiary of the Canadian investment fund REFRACTION Asset Management, for which the firm is handling a range of matters related to the export of green energy from Ukraine to Europe, including the preparation of a detailed legal memorandum and action plan for the implementation of the electricity import mechanism.

In another mandate, the firm is advising KBPP Management and a group of Irish investors on the drafting and implementation of the tender for the selection of the new EPC contractor for the development of a large-scale biomass power plant in the Khmelnytsky region.

The team includes Valentyn Gvozdiy and Oleksandr Melnyk, who are known for regularly representing clean and renewable energy developers, financiers, and contractors in the full life cycle of RES projects. Sergiy Oberkovych is another key contact, noted for routinely handling both project finance and development matters for a number of energy sector clients, with a particular focus on large-scale power, renewables, and infrastructure projects.

The firm is a member of the Associated European Energy Consultants (AEEC) and cooperates with European, Ukrainian, and global partners, including IKEM and Bill Gates Breakthrough Energy, to develop a strategy for a sustainable and climate-neutral energy sector in Ukraine.

Valentyn Gvozdi  | Ukraine

Oleksandr Melnyk  | Ukraine

Sergiy Oberkovych  | Ukraine

Gorrissen Federspiel


As a member of the UN Global Compact, Danish full-service law firm Gorrissen Federspiel weaves internal decarbonisation efforts with sustainability-focused client work, with Copenhagen-based compliance and CSR group head Camilla Collet also chairing the firm’s internal sustainability committee.

The team is engaged on landmark mandates which work to decarbonise the economy while building industry expertise in green technologies. For state-owned infrastructure operator Gas Storage Denmark, it is assisting with the development of a novel onshore carbon storage facility, with this first-of-its-kind project necessitating the development of a new legal framework.

In Aarhus, leading energy contact Christian Halskov Sauer is acting for renewables project developer Skovgaard Energy in all legal aspects of its potential joint venture agreement with Ørsted to develop and construct a power-to-X project. The project, which is designed to be easily scaled-up in view of becoming a leading centre for e-fuel production, would consist of a 200 MW solar plant, 70 MW wind park, and large-scale green hydrogen facility.

In a high-value mandate, the firm assisted the Export and Investment Fund of Denmark with its €1bn loan to RWE to fund the construction of the 342 MW Kaskasi and 1.4 GW Sofia offshore wind farms in the North Sea. This required the team’s cross-border expertise since it combined a Danish lender with projects based in German and British waters.

The firm makes a key commitment to providing pro bono support for sustainability-focused organisations. As a knowledge partner to the Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping, it supports research into green solutions which help address the shipping sector’s climate impact. It also provides pro bono corporate, tax, and employment advice to the UK-based Green Finance Institute, which works to focus capital toward resilient, environmentally sustainable projects.

Camilla Collet  | Denmark

Christian Halskov Sauer  | Denmark

Kromann Reumert


Through its energy and ESG practice groups, Danish UN Global Compact member Kromann Reumert brings broad and deep expertise to clients across renewable energy projects, green business transitions, and sustainable finance.

Aarhus-based wind sector specialist Jan Hvarre advised renewable energy developer Skovgaard Energy on all legal aspects of its partnership with developer Cloudberry Clean Energy, which acquired 80% of the client’s wind turbine portfolio. In the DKK 1.5bn deal, the firm assisted in structural strategy, vendor due diligence, and in negotiating transaction documents.

In Copenhagen, energy group head Anders Stubbe Arndal is acting for Ørsted in connection with its successful tender to operate Denmark’s landmark carbon capture and storage project. From 2025, the client will capture and store approximately 430,000 tonnes of biogenic CO2 per year at its facilities in Asnæs and Kalundborg.

The firm also supported Ørsted in preparing and negotiating the contractual framework with its suppliers in the CCS value chain – carbon capture unit supplier Aker and transport and storage infrastructure developer Northern Lights – and in preparing a carbon removal offtake agreement with Microsoft, which will purchase carbon offset certificates from the client.

Helping scale-up Denmark’s power-to-X sector, the firm advised carbon reduction technology company Topsoe on a DKK 1bn sustainability-linked facility to fund the development, construction, and operation of a landmark industrial-scale solid oxide electrolyser cell manufacturing plant. Notably, the firm also serves on the advisory board for Axcelfuture’s project to create a Danish National PtX Strategy Plan.

The firm’s industry collaborations furthermore include the Green Building Council in connection with the sustainable transformation of built environments.

As a member of the CONCITO sustainability think tank, the team also works to boost knowledge of green initiatives in the business community. Through its own climate policy, the firm purchases only green electricity and encourages staff to choose zero-emission travel.

Jan Hvarre  | Denmark

Anders Stubbe Arndal  | Denmark



Leading Portuguese firm PLMJ has established a multidisciplinary responsible business practice co-led by the firm’s managing partner Bruno Ferreira and Andre Figuereido. The firm stands out in particular for its work in the sustainable finance sector.

In a recent matter, Figuereido and Raquel Azevedo acted for a consortium of banks including Caixa and Banco Comercial Portugues on the issuance of green bonds with a value of €150m to Greenvolt, a Portuguese listed company in the renewable energy sector. They are also currently leading the firm’s capital markets team in advising REN on a €5bn medium term note programme, which includes a new section on the client’s ESG objectives and commitment to sustainability goals.

In a notable ongoing highlight in the energy sector, Ferreira and head of the firm’s energy and natural resources team João Marques Mendes are assisting ReGa Energy with the structuring and implementation of a project that aims to produce green hydrogen, green oxygen, and biomethane from electrolysis with a renewable energy source. The firm assists on both the renewable energy project consisting of solar and wind plants, as well as the renewable gases generation unit (the electrolyser).

On a pro-bono basis, the firm is assisting Pangea, Europe’s first large-scale nature reserve and sanctuary for elephants rehoming from zoos and circuses across the continent. Additionally, the firm helped create Urbem, a Portuguese NGO aiming to create urban biodiversity spaces through the planting of urban forests to promote sustainable living.

Internally, the firm’s two largest offices have been recognised as certified green buildings.

Bruno Ferreira  | Portugal

Andre Figuereido  | Portugal

João Marques Mendes  | Portugal

Raquel Azevedo  | Portugal

Raposo Bernardo


Portuguese firm Raposo Bernardo has experience advising clients in the sustainable aviation and sustainable waste industry, among other areas.

Notably, in the aviation industry, the firm is advising World 2 Fly on contracts of fuel acquisition, which will enable zero-carbon flights in the near future by leveraging hydrogen, sustainable aviation fuels (SAF) and nature-based solutions. The company has set in place the Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation to its transport fuel suppliers to ensure a percentage of fuel is supplied from sustainable sources.

The team is also assisting Globulus Forest Assets with drafting contracts for the plantation and maintenance management of 220,000 trees, with a global reduction effect of 35 tonnes of CO2.

In another ongoing matter, it is supporting Menarini Pharmaceutical Group with the design and implementation of a system designed for the compliance with international environmental standards, such as more sustainable waste disposal, incentivising the green transition within the pharmaceutical industry.

Dedicated to furthering the green transition by sharing its knowledge, in 2021, the firm created a free training programme for its clients on the constantly evolving ESG requirements in Portugal.

Sołtysiński Kawecki & Szlęzak


With an interdisciplinary ESG team comprising environmental and energy law experts, Sołtysiński Kawecki & Szlęzak stands out in the renewable energy space for its focus on the offshore wind and photovoltaic sectors. The team also provides comprehensive advice on sustainable energy sector infrastructure investments, compliance with energy regulatory obligations and emission allowances, and sustainable financing instruments such as green loans and sustainability-related loans.

In addition to recently advising Alternus Energy Group, an international producer of independent electricity from renewable sources, on the purchase of the 65 MW Witnica solar park, the firm assisted Sunly Group in the acquisition and financing of 202 photovoltaic and energy storage park projects in Poland.

For German client Kelfield Deutschland, the firm managed the development of one of the first large agro-PV projects in Poland with a capacity of 1.1 MW in the Pomerania region, along with an onshore wind farm with a capacity of around 30-100 MW.

Two other noteworthy projects are assisting major Polish food retailer Jeronimo Martins Polska in obtaining a record 1.5-billion-zloty financing to improve energy efficiency and sustainable development, and advising Korea Development Bank, the Export-Import Bank of Korea and NongHyup Bank on all aspects of Polish law related to financing the construction of one of the first large-scale lithium plants in Europe.

Internally, the firm continues to participate in WLG | impact, World Law Group’s third annual corporate social responsibility project, where the team was recently involved in planting trees for 10 days in a row, donating PLN 1 for each tree planted.

The team includes head of the firm’s energy practice Krzysztof Cichocki, known for his extensive knowledge of both conventional and renewable energy power plants, energy and natural resources law specialist Tomasz Młodawski, who is also a member of the Polish Association of Energy Lawyers, and Łukasz Wyszomirski, who specialises in the development of complex infrastructure and renewable energy projects.

Krzysztof Cichocki  | Poland

Tomasz Młodawski  | Poland

Łukasz Wyszomirski  | Poland

1,5 Advokatfirma AS


Norwegian boutique law firm 1,5 Advokatfirma AS focuses its advice within the renewable energy segment, providing regulatory and contractual assistance to clients in the wind, solar, hydropower, and district heating sectors. Owing to the industry reputation of key contact Jens Naas-Bibow, the firm provides independent advice to leading players in the clean energy sector.

In the wind power segment, the firm advised Vardafjellet Vindkraft on contractual and regulatory matters regarding the Vardafjellet wind farm. It also leveraged its disputes expertise, successfully defending the client against legal action from a landowner. Further key clients in the wind power space include RES Fornybar Norge and RES Renewable Norden.

Demonstrating its expertise regarding electricity grid regulation, the firm represented Sunnhordland Kraftlag in a dispute before the Regulatory Authority for Energy. The mandate explored the interpretation of regulations concerning construction contributions in connecting the client’s new hydropower plant to the grid.

Also in the hydropower sector, the firm assisted Modalen Kraftlag in interpreting old contracts for the acquisition and lease of the waterfall rights necessary to generate hydroelectric power.

Another key client is solar power developer Solgrid, whom the firm advised on regulatory and contractual issues regarding its new ground-mounted PV plants.

The firm provides its expert outlook to support the development of the local clean energy industry, participating in the Renewables Norway association’s working group on improving the regulatory framework. Additionally, to help boost renewables expertise within the legal sector, it participates in the JUC energy law network.

Seeking to contribute to public debate on some of the most pressing issues in the Norwegian renewable energy market, Naas-Bibow co-authored an article for newspaper Aftenposten regarding the legal aftermath of the dispute between the Fosen windfarms and Sami reindeer herding interests.

Jens Naas-Bibow  | Norway



The multi-disciplinary ESG team at full-service Benelux law firm AKD makes a key contribution to the green transition in the Netherlands, representing leading clients on impactful clean energy, sustainable finance, and green disputes matters.

Energy team head Marjolein Dieperink is advising insurance cooperative Univé on its project to remediate its agricultural-sector clients’ asbestos-afflicted roofs. In exchange, the client will install and operate rooftop solar installations which generate clean electricity to be sold to cooperative members. The firm is assisting in negotiations with contractors, engineers, electricity offtakers, and roof owners.

It also advised EU co-funded clean energy and innovation fund EIT InnoEnergy on a capital raise from major institutional investors, which helps the client accelerate its investments into the energy transition and industrial decarbonisation. It assisted with establishing the fund structure, negotiating the transaction with the 16 new investors, and managing the position of the existing shareholders.

Ahead of litigation before the District Court of Amsterdam, Patrick Haas has been retained by non-profit foundation Stichting Car Claim to represent the interests of European car owners against Volkswagen Group, Renault, Dacia, and Daimler. The foundation, supported by consumer and environmental organisations, is working to secure damages against the companies’ use of emissions defeat devices.

The firm also provides legal services to non-profit organisation The Ocean Cleanup, which works to eliminate the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. It has assisted in establishing whether the client’s floating installation can be considered a vessel, advised on the legislation and regulation applicable to its ocean system, and drafted the Covenant with the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management.

Through its dedicated ESG strategy team, the firm promotes low-carbon transport and a robust waste management and responsible consumption policy. The firm’s Amsterdam and Rotterdam offices are both located in EDGE sustainable developments, with the Amsterdam office BREEAM Outstanding-certified.

Marjolein Dieperink  | Netherlands

Patrick Haas  | Netherlands



Through its multi-disciplinary green team, Belgian full-service law firm ASTREA CVBA advises on innovative green energy projects and utilises its long-standing expertise in the transport sector to assist in the decarbonisation of the automotive industry.

The firm’s green team acted for C-Energy, the clean energy branch of construction group Cordeel, in establishing the contractual structure of its latest heat grid construction project. The team has assisted the client in negotiating contracts with the energy supplier and end-users of the grid, which will decarbonise local heat consumption through being powered by geothermal energy.

Finance expert Dieter Veestraeten continues to assist Belgium-headquartered clean energy company TES regarding its green hydrogen project portfolio, advising on commercial, real estate, contract, and employment law matters. The mandate supports the client in the development of its business model, which harnesses renewable energy generated in geographies with abundant solar and wind resources in order to produce green hydrogen.

Supporting the electrification of the automotive industry, the firm has broad experience advising leading car manufacturers on the development of their green business models. It assisted Jaguar Land Rover Belux with the transition of the Jaguar brand to entirely electric vehicles, and Ford Motor Company Belgium in the launch of its e-models.

Operating in Antwerp from BREEAM Excellent-certified offices, the firm actively follows green best practices in its internal operations. As well as encouraging staff to favour low-carbon modes of transport, it is working to minimise its waste output through reducing its paper consumption, adopting digital communication, and intensifying its recycling programme.

Dieter Veestraeten  | Belgium

Advokatfirmaet Haavind AS


The dedicated renewable energy team at full-service Norwegian law firm Advokatfirmaet Haavind AS has long-standing experience advising leading clients on transactions, regulatory issues, and power plant developments in the hydroelectric and solar energy segments.

In the solar power sector, renewable energy practice head Aksel Tannum is advising landowner Opplysningsvesenets Fond on its entrance into a joint venture with Hydro REIN to develop a 655 MW solar portfolio. The firm has assisted the client with all legal matters pertaining to the establishment of the joint venture company Geisli Energi and its future operational agreements.

Key renewable energy contact Mari Reitzel Bjerke is acting for Jølstra Kraft in construction work for its hydropower plant. The firm has advised on concession processes, regulatory matters, and land acquisitions for the project, which upgrades the power production at the watercourse to 250 GWh annually while maintaining sustainable fish stocks at the site.

As advisor to the Renewables Norway non-profit organisation, the firm also assists industry members in legal and strategic challenges. In a key mandate for the client, it is advising on issues impacting the development of a legal framework for the renewables industry, particularly in setting a framework for offshore wind on the Norwegian Continental Shelf.

Helping diversify Norwegian industry and the country’s renewable energy capacity, the firm continues to contribute to the Norwegian Federation of Industries and Innovation Norway’s ‘Entry Programme Offshore Wind’. As exclusive legal contributor, it has developed instructional modules on contracting and procurement strategies, helping offshore contractors transition their businesses to clean energy services.

As part of its near-term sustainability strategy, the firm is working to further reduce its carbon emissions and paper consumption, having already reduced such by 40% from the baseline. Having moved in 2022 to BREEAM-certified offices, it is also improving its sustainability performance across procurement, waste management, and transport.

Aksel Tannum  | Norway

Mari Reitzel Bjerke  | Norway

Advokatfirmaet Hjort


Eco-lighthouse-certified full-service law firm Advokatfirmaet Hjort has demonstrable expertise advising leading clients on diverse projects which help decarbonise Norway’s energy and industrial sectors.

A key contact for corporate and regulatory advice in the renewable energy sector is Jørn A. Uggerud, who is assisting Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners in its first large-scale hydrogen and ammonia project in Sauda. The project, which the client is developing through a joint venture with Trafigura and Hy2Gen, will have an electrolyser capacity of 240 MW and produce 600 tonnes of green ammonia daily.

In the offshore wind sector, the firm assisted Source Galileo Norge and Odfjell Oceanwind in the establishment of their Utsiravind joint venture. Following the entrance of Ingka Investments and Kansai Electric Power Co into the joint venture, Utsiravind will compete for the Utsira Nord offshore wind public tender. The firm’s advice has concerned regulatory matters as well as joint venture, investment, shareholder, and sale and purchase agreements.

The firm is also acting as external counsel for industrial carbon capture and storage developer Borg CO2, which will support the decarbonisation of the Norwegian economy through capturing and storing up to 90% of the carbon emissions from industrial sites in the Viken region. The team has assisted in drafting all agreements between the client and its main shareholders, energy services player Baker Hughes and the Port of Borg.

Alongside holding significant expertise in wind power litigation, key contact Kristin Bjella is a leading authority on electrification and the electricity market, coordinating the firm’s assistance to transmission system operator Statnett.

To help boost the development of the clean energy sector, the firm engages with academic thought leadership in the field. Uggerud contributes to the “Designing a Refined Legal Framework for the Regulation of Offshore Wind” research project at the University of Bergen and participates at the HyValue hydrogen research centre.

Jørn A. Uggerud  | Norway

Kristin Bjella  | Norway

Advokatfirmaet Simonsen Vogt Wiig


Recognising the transformative potential of the green transition on the global economy, Norwegian full-service firm Advokatfirmaet Simonsen Vogt Wiig is consciously transitioning its client-base to more sustainable companies and increasing its advice for environmental organisations and renewable energy companies.

To complement its demonstrable expertise in wind power and power-to-X projects, the firm is positioning itself as a leading firm in climate litigation. Recent hire Jenny Sandvig is a key contact in climate-related disputes and is representing the NGOs Greenpeace and Nature and Youth Norway in their lawsuit and injunction proceeding against the Norwegian State to prevent three new oilfield developments.

For key client RWE, the firm is assisting in a bid to exclusively develop and operate a 3500 MW bottom-fixed and 1500 MW floating offshore wind project on the Norwegian Continental Shelf. These large-scale bids have the potential to both address a significant portion of the EU’s target offshore wind capacity and help demonstrate the potential utility of floating offshore wind technology.

In another ongoing matter, energy practice head Peter Aall Simonsen is advising sustainable fuel company Biojet and investment bank SEB Markets on all agreements to plan, construct, and build biofuel factories. The factories will support the transition of the biofuels industry away from feedstock and food crops to instead convert forestry and wood-based construction waste to fuel, thereby relieving stress on food production and land use.

As well as being Eco-lighthouse certified for its environmental management system, the firm is reducing the climate impact of its supply chain through selecting suppliers which have acquired the same standard. Through its waste management system and travel policy, it has reduced its total emissions by 75% since 2015 and offsets residual emissions with carbon credits.

To make an impact in the broader community, it also provides economic support to the youth environmental group Miljøagentene.

Jenny Sandvig  | Norway

Peter Aall Simonsen  | Norway

Advokatfirmaet Thommessen AS


Through its renewable energy and sustainability and climate risk teams, UN Global Compact member Advokatfirmaet Thommessen AS makes a broad contribution to the green transition across Norway.

From Oslo, recent hire Snorre Valdimarsson advised renewable energy company Scatec on establishing a joint venture for its Release concept, which will bring re-deployable, containerised hybrid solar PV solutions to developing economies. The firm assisted the client regarding Climate Fund Managers’ entrance into, and $102m funding of, the Release Solar joint venture.

In an ongoing matter which supports the growth of the hydrogen economy, Stavanger-based Ole Christoffer Ellingsen represents green technology company Fortescue Future Industries regarding the development of a hydrogen production facility in Holmaneset.

Helping decarbonise Norwegian industry, June Snemyr in Stavanger is advising on regulatory and commercial matters for the Northern Lights joint venture: a full-scale carbon capture and storage project on the Norwegian Continental Shelf. Alongside project and corporate advice, the firm assisted in negotiating a landmark CO2 transport and storage service with the Ørsted group and Yara International.

Oslo-based renewable energy practice head Bendik Christoffersen assisted Deep Wind Offshore in sale of 55% of its shares in an early-stage offshore wind portfolio to BP Alternative Energy Investments. Following the deal, the joint venture will own, develop, and construct four offshore wind farms, targeting a 6 GW capacity.

The firm’s ThommessenZero committee coordinates its internal environmental management measures, which have received the Eco-lighthouse certification. Operating from BREEAM Excellent-certified offices in Oslo and Stavanger, the firm has been carbon neutral since 2020 through purchasing green electricity certificates and minimising its energy and resource consumption.

To support the business community in its decarbonisation journey, the firm is a member of marine health start-up Katapult Ocean and sustainable business group Klimapartnere Rogaland, and hosts an annual Green Week to provide clients seminars on diverse climate-related topics.

Snorre Valdimarsson  | Norway

Ole Christoffer Ellingsen  | Norway

June Snemyr  | Norway

Bendik Christoffersen  | Norway

Advokatfirman Lindahl KB


The sustainable business practice at Swedish business law firm Advokatfirman Lindahl KB supports clients in pursuing their sustainability objectives across environmental, energy, and corporate compliance mandates.

A key energy and environment contact is Mikael Wärnsby in Malmö, who is acting for Vellinge municipality in the licensing of embankments at Falsterbonäset to protect homes, businesses, and public infrastructure against the impact of rising sea levels. Having represented the client in permit applications and appeals, the firm is now assisting the municipality in the execution of the project.

The team has broad experience advising international clients on project planning and transactional mandates in the renewables sector. A long-standing client is Danish power project developer European Energy, whom the firm assists in permitting and appeal processes regarding its wind and solar projects, including the 128.5 MW Svedberga PV park. A further solar power sector client is Equinor-owned developer and operator BeGreen, which is seeking the firm’s planning, strategic, and environmental advice to support both the establishment of its business in Sweden and the commissioning of its 700 MW PV project portfolio.

Aiding the decarbonisation of heavy transport and the development of a low-carbon fuel value chain, the firm also acts for clean electricity company Trelleborgs Energi regarding its involvement in the Nordic Hydrogen Corridor project and in its intentions to establish hydrogen refuelling stations and implement hydrogen-fuelled vehicles in the Trelleborg municipality.

Further demonstrating its expertise regarding green innovations which help decarbonise industrial processes and hard-to-abate sectors, it is advising electricity and district heating provider Växjö Energi on matters regarding carbon capture and storage and a sustainable aviation fuel plant.

The firm’s internal environmental policy, led by Gothenburg-based environmental law specialist Johanna Lindqvist, is focused on making sustainable choices in procurement and guiding staff toward greener transport choices.

Mikael Wärnsby  | Sweden

Johanna Lindqvist  | Sweden

Aluko & Oyebode


Alongside its energy and natural resources team, Nigerian firm Aluko & Oyebode has a dedicated ESG advisory team which assists its clients with sustainability and ESG requirements. The firm stands out for its groundbreaking work facilitating the green transition in the country through its collaboration with international organisations.

Head of the firm’s business advisory practice Oghogho Makinde is leading the energy and natural resources team in assisting The Ocean Cleanup Interception with its entry into Nigerian waters. The Netherlands based NGO is the recipient of the UN Champions of the Earth Award and aims to combat plastic pollution in oceans internationally. The firm also assists the client with environmental impact assessments and the protection of biodiversity and fauna, among other matters.

Oludare Senbore, who leads the firm’s banking and finance, and corporate finance practices as well as the firm’s power team, is assisting the American Business Council, a think tank focusing on policy issues, with its Sustainability Law Review Project, which aims to promote sustainable practices and contribute to climate and environmental development in the region.

The firm has partnerships with organisations such as the Nigeria Conservation Foundation and GreenHub Africa, among others. It has also participated in seminars and events including Africa’s Energy Transition Forum and the World Circular Economy Forum. In collaboration with the Lagos Chamber of Commerce International Arbitration Centre (LACIAC), it organised a conference aimed at promoting the financing of clean and renewable energy projects as well as raising awareness on climate change and energy transition in the region.

Key contact Adeolu Idowu, who heads the firm’s governance, risk and compliance practice, has been involved in many panels discussing sustainability, ESG, climate change and energy transition, including at Africa’s Energy Transition Forum.

Further demonstrating its thought leadership, the firm recently released a publication titled ‘the ABC of ESG’ discussing the notion of ESG, its implication for businesses, and steps for achieving compliance with ESG rules.

Adeolu Idowu  | Nigeria

Oludare Senbore  | Nigeria

Oghogho Makinde  | Nigeria



In Spain, global firm Andersen stands out for assisting companies in complying with new green regulations, with a focus on the circular economy and waste.

In the context of the new Spanish Law on waste and contaminated soils for a circular economy, which implies that producers are legally responsible for organising the management of waste generated by the products it places on the Spanish market, head of environmental group Arancha Bengoechea is leading the team advising the Association for Textile Waste Management. The client is seeking to create and implement the first Extended Producer Responsibility Collective System on textiles in Spain to organise and finance the management of all textile waste placed on the market by a number of major companies.

In another ongoing matter, Bengoechea is assisting AMBIWASTE with the project Circular Place, which is a social digital marketplace that encourages the adoption of waste prevention policies by connecting producers and manufacturers of electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) to NGOs involved in energy poverty projects which need to acquire EEE for their teaching activities.

Outside of its work for clients, the team regularly demonstrates its commitment to sustainability via events. In March 2023, the firm organised a conference in collaboration with Ecotic, discussing the recycling of electrical equipment waste. Additionally, it sponsored the Climate Launchpad event, one of the largest European competitions for entrepreneurs with ideas to accelerate the green transition.

Key contact Carlos Mínguez leads the energy and natural resources team.

Arancha Bengoechea  | Spain

Carlos Mínguez  | Spain

Arntzen de Besche


A member of the UN Global Compact since 2017, Norwegian full-service law firm Arntzen de Besche complements the green expertise of its dedicated sustainability team with a strong internal commitment to decarbonisation.

A key client is leading steel producer Celsa, whom the firm assisted in contractual matters concerning the production of green steel and in its contribution to sustainable solutions in the metal industry. Leading sustainability and compliance contact Susanne Munch Thore is also advising the client in the implementation of the Norwegian Transparency Act.

Renewable energy expert Odd-Harald B. Wasenden is acting for green transition-focused state aid vehicle Enova in its provision of financial support packages. Through the firm’s assistance, the client provided state aid to finance the operation of the 88 MW Hywind Tampen floating offshore wind park.

As part of its pro bono programme, the firm is an active member of Skift – Climate Business Leaders. In its work heading Skift’s green purchasing project, it hosts workshops on how companies can leverage the transparency act and data collection to improve their green footprint, and helped launch the client’s joint platform for green purchasing.

In the community, the firm works to promote the dialogue surrounding sustainability and climate change among Norwegian companies. It is a member of the Norwegian hydrogen forum; cooperated with the Norwegian Green Building Council to support the industry-wide adoption of the BREEAM standard; and hosts a green week for clients in March to support them in challenges regarding the energy market, the property industry, disclosure obligations, and corporate decarbonisation strategies.

The firm also places a major emphasis on its internal green credentials. As well as having been carbon neutral since 2019 through purchasing emission allowances, it moved in 2022 into a BREEAM Excellent-certified office in order to further reduce its carbon footprint.

Susanne Munch Thore  | Norway

Odd-Harald B. Wasenden  | Norway

Arqis Rechtsanwälte


The ESG practice at German boutique law firm Arqis Rechtsanwälte is sought after for its in-depth knowledge of European Green Deal regulations and expertly handles matters in connection with renewable energy, climate change law and circular economy frameworks, among other topics.

With its energy transition expertise, the firm is assisting Bürgersolarpark, a key solar power player in the country, on the development of a number of large-scale solar park projects. The team has also built up significant experience in green M&A: It is acting for Omnes Capital in its investment in the Austrian-German photovoltaic specialist CCE, which will support its transformation into a leading European independent power producer, as well as providing advice to SachsenEnergie on its acquisition of several solar parks in Germany and Europe, investments which play a key role in the nation’s decarbonisation.

Other clients include Lidl regarding deforestation regulation and Sunfire concerning all matters relating to the research and production of its electrolyser hydrogen production.

The firm also shows further commitment to climate action through its pro-bono work for the Plant-for-the-Planet Foundation dedicated to reforestation to combat global warming.

In addition to achieving net zero in 2020 by reducing and compensating for its carbon emissions, the firm continues to strive towards sustainability via its ARQIS Green Team. The team develops green initiatives with the steer of sustainability expert Jolanda Rose, a recent hire from KPMG, who is implementing digitising processes to reduce the firm’s carbon footprint.

Of note is also the re-launch of b.yond, the firm’s subsidiary for sustainability and green consulting.

Environmental, public and regulatory law expert Friedrich Gebert is a key contact for EU Green Deal, sustainability and ESG matters and regularly contributes to ESG thought leadership.

Friedrich Gebert  | Germany

Arthur Cox


In Ireland, Arthur Cox has expertise in a range of sustainability issues, including energy transition, climate action, and sustainable finance matters. In the renewable energy sector, the team is noted for advising on a significant number of solar, onshore wind, and offshore projects in Ireland.

Currently, it is advising Corio Generation on the acquisition of the 450 MW Sceirde Rocks offshore wind farm, a project which will contribute to the Irish government’s target of 5 GW of offshore wind capacity by 2030.

For Greenlink, the firm is also handling the development and financing of the 500 MW Greenlink HVDC interconnector linking Ireland to the United Kingdom.

In the area of sustainable finance, it recently assisted the managers in the issuance of Ireland’s second sovereign green bond, which will be used to finance Ireland’s transition to a low-carbon, climate-resilient and environmentally sustainable economy.

The team includes environment and planning group head Danielle Conaghan, who is a member of Wind Energy Ireland, the Marine Renewables Industry Association, and IBEC’s Environmental Committee, and sustainability and ESG head Alex McLean, who is also part of the firm’s sustainable business committee.

Internally, the firm recently achieved the Zero Waste to Landfill certification for its on-site waste streams, and is committed to achieving zero carbon emissions by 2025.

Notably, it also recently established the Irish chapter of the Chancery Lane Project, whose aim is to develop green contract clauses in support of climate change.

Danielle Conaghan  | Ireland

Alex McLean  | Ireland



In Germany, Ashurst continues its focus on renewable energy transactions, where the team advises on PPAs and sales agreements, particularly for wind and hydrogen projects. Another strength of the team lies in green mobility and sustainable transport matters.

In the renewables space, a major client is adidas. Recently, head of the German energy transition team Maximilian Uibeleisen and others assisted the company in a series of renewable energy projects in Herzogenaurach and other sites in Germany, as well as in a Europe-wide PPA tender as part of the company’s efforts to achieving decarbonisation by reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions and switching to clean energy.

In the field of electromobility, Uibeleisen and others recently advised Vinci in a tender launched by the German government for the construction and operation of charging infrastructure for electric vehicles along German motorways and in regional areas, thus contributing significantly to the decarbonisation of the transport sector.

Globally, the firm has established an ESG External Taskforce, contributing to thought leadership in the sustainability field. The firm is also a member of the Net Zero Lawyers Alliance, the Legal Sustainability Alliance, and Climate Bonds Initiative.

Maximilian Uibeleisen  | Germany

B2RLaw Jankowski Stroiński Zięba & Partners


Polish firm B2RLaw has notable expertise in the renewable energy sector, where it recently hanlded a number of innovative acquisitions and transactions.

For Vestas, one of Denmark’s leading wind turbine operators, the team advised on the acquisition of the ST3 Offshore plant in Szcecin for over PLN 170m. This new site is intended to meet national and global demand for offshore wind energy, thus playing a key role in achieving Poland’s energy transition goals.

In another recent matter supporting Poland’s transition to a low-carbon economy, the firm assisted Johnson Matthey, a UK leader in sustainable technologies which recently built a factory in Konin, Poland, with its agreement with Axpo Polska to provide the plant with renewable electricity in order to reduce its carbon footprint.

In the field of sustainable mobility, the firm acted for Triggo, a Polish company engaged in the construction of a two-seater, zero-emission electric city vehicle, in its IPO on the Warsaw Stock Exchange.

Further consolidating its commitment to sustainability and climate action, the firm is one of the first in Poland to sign the Greener Litigation Pledge.



Full-service Norwegian law firm BAHR is a leading advisor on green transition mandates across emerging regulation, clean energy, and sustainable finance. With key ongoing clients including the energy transition fund of private equity investor HitecVision and battery gigafactory company Freyr, the firm advises major players at the cutting-edge of industrial decarbonisation.

Head of energy and climate change Jon Christian Thaulow is assisting Aker Horizons Asset Development with all aspects of its 40 MW green hydrogen and ammonia production facility. The projects, which are vital in Norway’s transition to becoming a green industry-based economy and leading clean energy producer, have required innovative advice on novel regulatory issues, project development, and offtake agreements.

Helping craft novel legal precedents for offshore energy, the firm is also providing Aker Offshore Wind ongoing assistance regarding the development of a new regulatory regime for the award of exclusive rights to offshore wind projects on the Norwegian Continental Shelf.

Through its green finance expertise, the firm makes a key contribution to the decarbonisation of leading Norwegian companies. It advised energy solutions player Aker on the issuances of a total of NOK 2bn green bonds, supporting the client in the decarbonisation of its industrial investment portfolio. It also assisted recycling company Tomra Systems on its NOK 1bn green bond issuance.

Advising on a project which helps restore ocean ecosystems, managing partner Thomas K. Svensen leads the team in providing regulatory and licensing assistance to HUB Ocean. The client is a partnership between Aker and the World Economic Forum which creates tools for offshore industry actors to share and publish ocean data.

The firm minimises its carbon footprint by being located in BREEAM-certified offices, following an environmental policy which targets emissions reductions across its value chain, and sponsoring Trefadder to manage carbon-sequestering forests to offset emissions it cannot abate.

Jon Christian Thaulow  | Norway

Thomas K. Svensen  | Norway

BDO Azerbaijan LLC


BDO Azerbaijan LLC regularly handles work in the green energy space, assisting clients with advisory and financial aspects of energy transition projects, particularly in the hydroelectricity sector.

As a member of the firm’s so-called BDO Sustainability Movement, the firm shows commitment to incorporating sustainable practices into its every day operations, implementing waste management and energy-saving strategies to reduce its environmental impact. It also encourages employees to act similarly through hosting regular sustainability training days and webinars.

Having joined the Net Zero Financial Service Providers Alliance in 2021, and guided by BDO’s internal Net Zero Advisory Council, the firm is aiming to reach net zero by 2050.

BLOMSTEIN Rechtsanwälte


In Germany, antitrust, public procurement and international trade law boutique Blomstein demonstrates considerable strength in a number of specific environmental and sustainability issues. It advises in particular on the EU deforestation regulation and the H2Global procurement programme which aims to enable companies to bid for long-term supply contracts for the supply of green hydrogen and its by-products. The firm also provides regulatory advice on green hydrogen and handles carbon impact assessments.

With particular expertise in the Brazilian market, in a recent highlight, public procurement, international trade and ESG experts Roland Stein and Bruno Galvão assisted the Instituto Mato-Grossense da Carne (IMAC), an autonomous social agency representing the cattle sector in the state of Mato Grosso, one of Brazil’s largest producers, and the Associação Brasileira das Indústrias Exportadoras de Carnes (ABIEC) on all issues related to the EU deforestation-free products regulation.

In the field of electro-mobility, one client is green mobility company FASTNED, for which the team recently handled the development of charging infrastructures for electric vehicles in Germany.

The firm supports the foundation Stiftung Allianz für Entwicklung und Klima, which is committed to global sustainable development and the reduction of CO2 emissions, and has contributed donations to its offsetting partner PRIMAKLIMA, engaged in reforestation and forest protection projects globally.

The team is also prolific in its thought leadership on sustainability matters, including numerous publications, academic work, and the participation in and hosting of conferences, webinars, workshops and roundtables.

Two other key contacts are Florian Wolf, who heads up the ESG group, and antitrust law and ESG expert Anna Huttenlauch.

Anna Huttenlauch  | Germany

Roland Stein  | Germany

Bruno Galvão  | Germany

Florian Wolf   | Germany

BSLAW Budapest Szuchy Ügyvédi Iroda


Independent law firm BSLAW Budapest has considerable experience in the regulatory landscape of the Hungarian energy market, where it assists a number of clients in the renewable energy, oil and gas and electricity sectors, including energy trading companies, in smart energy and energy efficiency matters.

In a recent highlight, the firm assisted MOL, one of Hungary’s leading integrated oil and gas companies, in developing a complex legal and financial framework in compliance with Hungarian and EU regulatory requirements aimed at enabling the efficient operation of MOL’s solar energy capacity. For Public Power Corporation, a major Greek electricity company, the team handled a number of energy matters related to the client’s entry into the Hungarian market, including assisting with obtaining a licence for electricity trading. The firm also recently provided comprehensive advice to Smart Charging, a company developing software for electromobility and IoT.

A frequent speaker and writer on the subject of smart energy, managing partner Róbert Szuchy participated in the World Energy Justice Congress 2023, an event addressing social justice in energy law.

Internally, the firm’s commitment to sustainable mobility is evidenced by the replacement of office cars with plug-in hybrid vehicles using electricity mainly from renewable sources for urban transport.

Róbert Szuchy  | Hungary

Baker McKenzie


Baker McKenzie is recognised for its cross-industry energy transition and sustainability work, advising clients on matters such as hydrogen projects, clean energy procurement strategies, and project financing in the renewable energy sector, where the team recently handled one of the biggest renewable transactions in Austria on behalf of the Austrian energy service provider.

Alongside its regular advice to VERBUND, one of Europe’s largest producers of renewable energy, the team also acted for circular economy start-up Refurbed with regard to its corporate reorganisation.

The group’s ‘green’ expertise was strengthened by the arrival of energy market expert Walter Boltz, who notably advises the Austrian government on regulatory green deal and energy transition-related matters together with competition and regulatory practice head Andreas Traugott. Global lead sustainability partner and a prominent speaker on topics surrounding the EU Sustainable Finance Action Plan and EU Green Deal, Eva-Maria Ségur Cabanac is noted for her broad knowledge of ESG regulatory frameworks and M&A in energy transition projects.

For the Good Law Project, Friends of the Earth, and ClientEarth, the firm handled on a pro bono basis and won a judicial appeal brought against the UK government’s Net Zero Strategy (NZS).  It also continues its commitment to tracking global clean hydrogen’s legal, regulatory and policy developments through its Hydrogen Hub and Global Hydrogen Policy Tracker.

Beyond its work portfolio and client services, the firm – which is also a founding member of the Net Zero Lawyers Alliance – is committed to consolidating its carbon footprint reporting process, as demonstrated by its bespoke environmental management system “bGreen,” while also continuing to review its global sustainable procurement processes.

Walter Boltz  | Austria

Andreas Traugott  | Austria

Eva-Maria Ségur Cabanac  | Austria



A member of the UN Global Compact since 2009, Danish full-service law firm Bech-Bruun has created a cross-practice ESG team which coordinates its legal work and thought leadership to best support clients in their green ambitions.

The firm is providing ongoing advice to major waste-to-energy plant Vestforbrænding regarding its carbon capture and storage project. Energy industry group head Johan Weihe has assisted with all legal aspects in the planning of the project, from participation in the DKK 8.3bn CCUS tender with Ørsted Bioenergy & Thermal Power and Aalborg Portland to negotiating cooperation agreements with the distribution grid operator and storage operator. The mandate is vital for Denmark’s nascent carbon capture sector, supporting a landmark project which can help reduce the carbon footprint of energy production.

For the Hempel Foundation, whose objectives include the protection of biodiversity, the firm advised on the purchase of 775 hectares of agricultural land to be rewilded and converted into a nature reserve. It assisted the client throughout the investment process, which provided the financing necessary to fund the preservation of local biodiversity.

In the renewable energy sector, the firm acted for Mitsui & Co in its entrance into a power-to-X project partnership. It advised on the transaction whereby the client purchased a 49% stake in the 304 MW Kassø solar plant and the associated 52 MW e-methanol facility from renewables developer European Energy. The plant, which is an innovative example of a large-scale commercial e-fuel production facility, is capable of producing up to 42,000 tonnes of e-methanol per year.

Through its BB Impact cooperation programme, the firm supports green start-ups in their attempts to create low-carbon alternatives in the economy. Recent companies supported by the programme are developing projects which pioneer reduced-CO2 paint, sustainable meat production, and ocean plastic-based clothing. The firm also provides regular pro bono assistance to the WWF.

Johan Weihe  | Denmark

Binder Grösswang


Austrian full-service law firm Binder Grösswang’s contribution to the expansion of clean energy in the country is exemplified by the increasing number of mandates in the field, where the team has recently been involved in large-scale acquisitions, project financings of major renewable energy projects, as well as regulatory work concerning EV charging stations and the storage of hydrogen.

Two highlights in the sustainable finance space were the firm’s support to VERBUND, Austria’s largest electricity provider, in the first green bond ever issued in German-speaking countries, and its advice to Rail Cargo Austria on a sustainability linked revolving credit facility, the first ever syndicated loan for the Austrian Railways group. In a particularly innovative matter, the banking and finance team also assisted the Austrian municipality of Stanz with its blockchain-based local renewable energy community, a project implemented in cooperation with the EU.

A multi-disciplinary team acted for Lenzing Fibers on the acquisition of a biomass cogeneration plant from Energie 42 Beteiligungs GmbH, which will enable the environmentally friendly fibre production site to reduce its CO2 emissions associated with energy use by around 50,000 tons of CO2.

On the pro bono side, a team led by sustainable finance expert Emanuel Welten supported CAPE.10 on the financing of social impact bonds and local measures aimed at mitigating climate change.

Additionally, the firm has, as of 2023, joined respACT, an Austrian platform aimed at advancing sustainable business practices by giving its members access to a dynamic community to exchange ideas and innovative solutions. It also continues to work on its BG Future Lab Initiative, a sustainability-focused think tank created by six of the firm’s partners, including EU and competition expert and author of the guide on Sustainability Law Raoul Hoffer, and ESG lead partner and member of the firm’s regulatory practice Johannes Barbist.

Johannes Barbist  | Austria

Raoul Hoffer  | Austria

Emanuel Welten  | Austria

Bopa Bojanovic & Partners


Serbian firm Bopa Bojanovic & Partners provides a range of sustainability-related services, often assisting green companies with their entry into the Serbian market. Founding and managing partner of the firm, Vladimir Bojanovic heads the projects and energy department as well as the ESG team.

In an ongoing matter, he is assisting Ariston Group with an analysis of the green power incentives given to companies which provide greener manufacturing processes. Alongside the analysis, the firm prepared documentation which will help the company achieve a green transition. Bojanovic is also working with EMX Royalty on starting the Green Mine project, which aims to analyse eco-friendly ways of exploration and mining.

In a recent highlight in the renewable energy sector, the team advised R Power, a major Polish company in the solar energy market, regarding its arrival in the Serbian market. The firm’s work for the client included conducting an analysis of the local regulatory framework governing renewable energy projects and preparing the required documentation to obtain an energy license.

Vladimir Bojanovic  | Serbia

Bruun & Hjejle


Active across green infrastructure and real estate, renewable energy, sustainable finance, and climate change litigation, full-service law firm Bruun & Hjejle makes a broad commitment to the green transition of the Danish economy.

In a cross-border mandate, energy M&A specialist Lars Kongsgaard Hansen advised Swedish offshore wind operator Vattenfall on the acquisition of project company Anker Development, which was developing a 765 MW offshore wind portfolio. Alongside performing transactional due diligence, the firm provided the client with regulatory assistance regarding Denmark’s open-door licensing regime.

Supporting Copenhagen’s municipal utility HOFOR in becoming carbon neutral by 2025, the firm is assisting on various questions related to the reception and utilisation of state aid. Recent assignments for the client have included securing aid from the European Commission to operate a biomass-fired CHP plant to replace a former coal-powered facility; assisting regarding the use of state guarantees to erect wind turbines; and advising on the Danish Energy Agency’s decision to suspend wind projects under the open-door scheme.

Demonstrating the firm’s expertise in the sustainable finance market, Anne Cathrine Ingerslev acted for telecommunications company TDC NET regarding its €500m sustainability-linked notes issuance. The mandate supports the client in raising funds toward achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions across its value chain by 2030.

As a signatory to the UN Global Compact, the firm is committed to incorporating sustainability within its day-to-day operations. In order to build a platform from which it can most effectively reduce its carbon footprint, it is working with consultancy Rambøll to map its direct and indirect carbon impact before producing an emissions report aligned with Greenhouse Gas Protocol standards.

Lars Kongsgaard Hansen  | Denmark

Anne Cathrine Ingerslev  | Denmark

Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner


Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner’s team in France handles the gamut of energy, infrastructure and ESG-related work, with a particular focus on wind, solar and energy storage. Practice co-heads Jean-Pierre Delvigne and David Blondel stand out for their energy transition work.

The firm’s green M&A work includes advising R3, a subsidiary of the European electric mobility company DBT, on its partnership with Amundi Transition Energétique and Banque des Territoires, a consortium for the development of the EV charging points throughout France. The team also advised RGreen Invest, who specialises in financing the energy transition, on its joint venture with the battery storage company NW Groupe to create NW Storm. These projects mark an important step in assisting France in its aim to reduce its production of greenhouse gases by 2030.

The firm shows further dedication to the green transition through its internal initiatives: It created a sustainability committee, which works to implement best practices through a blend of waste reduction and utilities conservation. Its Paris office has recently been awarded the BREEAM excellent certification for sustainability.

Of note is also the firm’s affiliation with the Syndicat des Energies Renouvelables, the French Renewable Energy Trade Association.

Jean-Pierre Delvigne  | France

David Blondel  | France

Bär & Karrer


Swiss law firm Bär & Karrer continues to advise on a range of ESG-related matters, from compliance with sustainability reporting to complex, cross-border and internal investigations and litigation proceedings involving ESG issues such as climate change.

Currently, the team is advising Engie New Ventures, Montrose Environmental Group, and the European Innovation Council (EIC) Fund on their investment in TreaTech, a Swiss start-up that has devised an innovative technology for waste treatment.

In the renewable energy sector, the firm has gained considerable experience in managing joint ventures. It is advising H2 Energy Europe, a Swiss innovator in the field of renewable energy and hydrogen technology, on a joint venture with Phillips 66 directed at creating a network of hydrogen refuelling points in Germany, Austria and Denmark. For MET Group, an integrated European energy company based in Switzerland, the team assisted on a joint venture with Keppel Infrastructure to invest in both greenfield and brownfield solar and wind assets in Western Europe, including an initial portfolio of 213 MV of solar projects in Italy.

The firm’s ESG department is led by Vera Naegeli, a regular speaker and writer on topics such as climate and natural resources, including co-authoring together with ESG and sustainability expert Marie-Cristine Kaptan a commentary on the new Swiss ESG-related provisions in the Code of Obligations.

Internally, in 2019, the firm completed the construction of a sustainable ecosystem on a 2500m2 area on the roof of its office building. The project was awarded the PropecieRara label, which recognises active work in preserving traditional plant and animal species for future generations.

Vera Naegeli  | Switzerland

Marie-Cristine Kaptan  | Switzerland

CERHA HEMPEL Rechtsanwälte GmbH


Noted for closing one of the largest PV deals in Austria and CEE in 2022 with a deal volume of approximately €200m, Austrian-based CERHA HEMPEL continues to handle a wide range of high profile sustainability-related transactions, spanning JVs, acquisitions and sales.

The firm acted for Saubermacher, one of the leading waste disposal and recycling companies in Central Europe, in the sale of its 100%-shareholding in Redux Recycling, and led on a project for listed Austrian oil, gas and petrochemicals company OMV related to the construction of a waste sorting plant to produce recycled chemical raw materials from plastic waste.

On the green finance side, the team notably assisted RHI Magnesita in a €250m sustainability linked loan facility agreement, while also handling Commerzbank’s adaptation of its master rollover corporate loan documentation in line with the LMA’s green loan principles and sustainability-linked loan principles.

Internally, the firm is committed to achieving a reduction in energy and paper consumption of 25 percent by 2025. Externally, it hosted its own ESG conference for clients in 2023, discussing topics such as sustainability and supply chain compliance, taxonomy, environmental litigation and greenwashing.



Alongside its broad expertise in climate change-related issues, including litigation, sustainable finance, and renewable energy, CMS Reich-Rohrwig Hainz Rechtsanwälte GmbH is noted for its focus on ESG matters, where Döne Yalçın, sustainability head for Austria and CEE and founding member of the firm’s global sustainability initiative, advises clients on ESG risks in corporate transactions. A driving force when it comes to the sustainability agenda, Yalçın also sits on various related internal and external steering committees, including of the Campaign for Greener Arbitration.

In 2022, the team assisted WEALTHCORE with the acquisition of two residential real estate projects adhering to the ‘dark green’ standard under Article 9 of the Sustainable Finance Disclosures Regulation (SFDR), the highest level of sustainability, and more recently represented an international banking consortium in the issuance of 750m of MREL-eligible Green Preferred Senior Notes issued by Erste Group Bank in Vienna.

In the renewables space, a recent highlight was advising Green Source and Core Value Capital on the financing and acquisition of a 63MW solar park in Hungary.

Notably, using the latest AI technology, the firm has been conducting an audit of its contracts across key practice areas with the goal of refining clauses associated with climate change and ESG.

As part of its efforts to promote sustainable mobility and reduce CO2 emissions in Vienna, the firm recently purchased five electric scooters for its team members, and continues to encourage the use of its MyGreenerFootprint app (designed by the firm) which allows users to explore how to reduce their impact on the environment.


In Hungary, CMS provides comprehensive regulatory advice on environmental and sustainability issues. The team also has significant experience in the renewable energy sector, where it advises a range of clients, including banks, power plant developers, operators and investors, on several project financings and corporate acquisitions, particularly in connection with photovoltaic and wind farms.

Currently, the team is advising Green Source on the financing and development of a photovoltaic project in Hungary with a capacity of 49,95 MW. In another ongoing matter, the firm is acting for Futureal Group in a series of carbon offsetting initiatives and the implementation of green lease clauses that comply with ESG standards, while for ALDI, the firm recently worked on the transformation process of the company’s waste management business and conducted a review of green requirements on behalf of the client.

Both internally and externally, the firm continues to engage in various sustainability-related publications and initiatives, such as in 2023 publishing a guide on plastics and packaging laws in Hungary and participating in the regional forum ‘Transition to Green Economy’ organised by the Hungarian Association of Environmental Companies and the Ministry of Energy. László Jókay, whose broad practice spans waste management, soil and groundwater contamination, as well as hazardous substance issues, joined as plenary speaker.

The team also includes head of the Budapest real estate department Gábor Czike, an expert in sustainable development and environmentally-friendly construction, who recently participated, together with Jókay, in a round table discussion on new waste management regulations in Hungary.


CMS Germany has considerable experience in a range of sustainability issues, where the team routinely advises on renewable energy transformation projects, carbon footprint reduction and environmental due diligence.

In a current highlight, the team is assisting the German Federal Highway Research Institute, in cooperation with two environmental planning and two engineering offices, in a research project related to climate change in road planning, advising on all legal aspects related to the German Climate Change Act, German Environmental Impact Assessment Act, German Federal Nature Conservation Act.

Another client is the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, for which the team provides advice on how to structure carbon contracts for difference.

In the Hamburg office, commercial and corporate law expert and a member of the firm’s ESG Taskforce, Christoph Schröder regularly advises on environmental risks and liabilities as well as supply chain compliance.

Notably, the firm in Germany leads the German chapter of the Chancery Lane Project with the aim of rolling out the project of developing climate protection clauses in a number of commercial contracts to the German legal market.

In the thought leadership space, the team recently implemented ESG tools such as the CMS Green Trail and CMS Green Globe, an interactive platform which informs clients about all major trends and developments in relation to sustainability claims.

The firm in Germany was also recently awarded a silver rating by Ecovadis.


CMS in Oman is at the forefront of the country’s green transition, having assisted clients in leading renewable energy projects setting the blueprint in the region.

Recently, in a groundbreaking highlight, the firm’s energy and infrastructure team advised the Oman Ministry of Energy and Minerals on the setting up of a legal regulatory framework to support Oman’s ambition of producing 1 million tons of green hydrogen annually by 2030.

In another major ongoing matter, Charles Dolphin is leading the team in assisting the Saudi Power Procurement Company on Round 4 of the National Renewable Energy Program, comprising two solar and three wind projects, with a combined generation capacity of 3.3GW.

Globally, the firm has developed the CMS Green Globe, an interactive platform which allows companies to stay informed about current trends and developments related to sustainability claims worldwide, and avoid greenwashing.


In the Netherlands office of UN Global Compact member CMS, a dedicated ESG Taskforce combines the expertise of its energy & climate change, banking & finance, and corporate groups to advise clients on their clean energy and sustainable development mandates.

Energy & Climate Change group head Cecilia van der Weijden advised clean energy infrastructure fund manager Glenmont Partners on its 15% acquisition of the 731.5 MW Borssele III/IV offshore wind farm from private markets firm Partners Group. With the transaction marking the client’s first Dutch offshore wind acquisition, the team’s advice included introducing the client to the governing legal framework.

In the solar power sector, the firm is advising real estate asset manager Trio Investment on the acquisition and development of a photovoltaic park on the premises of farmed live bait supplier Topsy Baits. The project is an innovative example of land-use efficiency, whereby the solar installation will provide shade to support bait farming on the same site, helping augment the Netherlands’ renewable energy capacity without necessitating the exploitation of further green space.

The banking & finance team assisted logistics specialist Delin Capital Asset Management on a €202.8m green loan, which refinanced and restructured its real estate fund, and in the recent €20m increase to the facility. The loan agreement supports the client in the development and operation of sustainable warehouses and distribution centres.

Toward obtaining a silver EcoVadis rating, the firm is actively working to manage its emissions footprint. Alongside providing an ESG education programme and training for all staff, it is measuring and analysing its greenhouse emissions, lowering its energy consumption while producing renewable energy, reducing and recycling waste, promoting low-carbon transport within an eco-friendly business travel policy, and practicing sustainable procurement.

Döne Yalçın  | Austria

Gábor Czike  | Hungary

László Jókay  | Hungary

Christoph Schröder  | Germany

Charles Dolphin  | Oman

Cecilia van der Weijden  | Netherlands



Portuguese law firm CTSU, which is Deloitte’s legal practice in Portugal, stands out for its work in the renewable energy sector.

Rita Ferreira dos Santos, who leads the firm’s energy and infrastructure team, is currently advising WElink Energy on a range of legal matters spanning areas such as energy, construction contracts and real estate. The company owns and operates Solara4, a 200MW PV solar plant considered one of the biggest in Portugal and which is to be further expanded with the addition of wind energy and batteries.

Ferreira dos Santos is also assisting Associação HyLab, which aims to strengthen the hydrogen market in Portugal by addressing the relevant supply chain components to enable a hydrogen-driven economy, across a range of legal matters. Additionally, she provides legal services to Preco Circular Norte on the financing, engineering and operations of a large chemical recycling plant which will produce biofuels, located in the Portuguese municipality of Nelas.

Outside of her client work, Ferreira dos Santos is an ambassador for the Women in ESG Portugal civil initiative. Recently, the firm hosted two conferences with the initiative, one discussing the challenges of the energy transition and the other the challenges of the circular economy. Ferreira dos Santos also recently published an article in ECO on the new proposed legal regime for voluntary carbon markets.

The firm aims to achieve net zero status by 2030.

Rita Ferreira dos Santos  | Portugal



Italian full-service firm Chiomenti launched an ESG and Corporate Advisory group in 2023, led by key individuals Carola Antonini and Paolo Valensise, and has a particularly active practice assisting clients with sustainable finance matters.

Notably, the firm is advising Enel Finance in relation to the launch of a dual-tranche sustainability linked bond with a value of circa €1.5bn. The first tranche of bond combines a KPI linked to the EU taxonomy with a KPI linked to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and the second is linked to two KPIs related to the company’s decarbonisation path.

In another ongoing highlight, the firm is assisting a syndicate of Italian and French financial institutions with a €188m project financing to extend an existing train network allowing it to carry a further 2.5m passengers per year. This deal supports sustainable infrastructure as it will significantly reduce CO2 emissions caused by other forms of transport.

The firm’s internal green strategy is managed by a Sustainability Steering Committee. All energy delivered to its Italian offices since 2023 is 100% renewable, and the firm’s green efforts have been recognised by Ecovadis.

Externally, the team regularly publishes thought leadership through its ESG Podcast and ESG newsletter.

Carola Antonini  | Italy

Paolo Valensise  | Italy

Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr


Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr incorporating Kieti Law LLP in Kenya has a growing environmental law practice, led by Clarice Wambua, which stands out for its work assisting organisations including NGOs that push for better environmental standards in the region.

The firm assisted Conservation International, an environmental NGO, on a blue carbon policy project which aims to identify the main challenges affecting the protection, conservation and sustainable management of the blue carbon ecosystem in Kenya, as well as map out the opportunities to accelerate blue carbon conservation through policies.

Natural Justice, an organisation steered by legal experts which aims to pursue environmental justice, sought the firm’s advice regarding the development of a climate change legal handbook, intended to equip local communities with the tools to effectively respond to climate change challenges. The handbook also assists with the understanding of legal processes for obtaining remedies for environmental breaches.

On a pro bono basis, it acted for Media Legal Defence Initiative (Media Defence), an international organisation that provides legal assistance to journalists internationally, by analysing the legal challenges faced by environmental journalists and defenders, and providing lawyers with the necessary knowledge to defend and protect them.

Key individual Wambua focuses her practice on the environmental and natural resources sectors, and teaches climate law at the University of Nairobi’s Faculty of Law.

Clarice Wambua  | Kenya

Clifford Chance LLP


In Luxembourg, Clifford Chance LLP advises clients on a range of sustainability issues, including in connection with green bonds and sustainability-related financing.

In a recently concluded innovative matter, the team provided legal assistance to the European Investment Bank for the issuance of its first Climate Awareness Digital Bond. The client used the so | bond platform, which was launched by Crédit Agricole CIB and Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken in April 2023 and uses the Proof of Climate awaReness (PoCR) protocol, a new type of blockchain validation logic that enables energy consumption comparable to non-blockchain systems and provides incentives for participating nodes to improve the environmental footprint of their infrastructure.

Another longstanding client is Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners, a fund manager specialising in greenfield investments in the renewable energy sector, including investments in offshore and onshore wind, solar PV, biomass, and energy from waste. Here, the team was responsible for the implementation of the CI Energy Transition Fund I, one of the largest funds dedicated to clean hydrogen.

Globally, the firm is involved in several sustainability initiatives and continues to support a number of external sustainability organisations. In addition to being a co-founding member of the Net Zero Lawyers Alliance, it provides pro bono assistance to Plan Vivo, an organisation committed to enabling communities to access carbon finance in exchange for emission reductions generated by sustainable community land use projects. It also recently contributed to a milestone UN resolution recognising the universal human right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment (R2HE).

In 2020, the firm partnered with EcoVadis to monitor its sustainability performance and was awarded a gold medal. It is committed to achieving zero global emissions by 2050.


In France, Clifford Chance LLP regularly assists clients with climate change issues, sustainable finance, and green business transformation models. Drawing on the strength of its globally integrated ESG team, it is also known for its adept handling of cross-border green energy projects.

In an ongoing cross-border matter, the Paris team is co-advising Sembcorp and 8 Rivers Capital as sponsors on all aspects of the development of an oxy-fuelled CCGT power plant with a carbon capture and storage capacity in Teesside. Owned by Whitetail Clean Energy, the project has been billed as the UK’s first Net Zero emissions power station.

The team is also assisting the Republic of Namibia with its agreement with Hyphen Hydrogen Energy, which allow it to govern the development and operation of the largest green hydrogen project in sub-Saharan Africa. At peak capacity, the project is expected to produce 2 million tonnes of green ammonia annually for regional and global markets.

In recent years, the firm’s commitment to a greener future has continued to grow; since collaborating with EcoVadis back in 2020 for the assessment of its sustainability performance, it has received a Gold Award and now aims to become net zero by 2050.

The firm is not only a co-founder of the Net Zero Lawyers Alliance and regularly hosts ESG webinars, but on a pro bono basis, it also collaborates with Plan Vivo, an organisation committed to helping rural communities access carbon finance through participating in sustainable land-use projects.


With deep expertise advising leading European clients on the development and construction of clean energy projects and infrastructure, Clifford Chance’s Belgian office plays a key role in the growth of the region’s renewables sector.

A key client is transmission system operator Elia, whom the firm advised on the structuring and negotiation of the EPCI contract with consortium TM Edison for its artificial renewable energy island. The island, which will be located in the Princess Elisabeth offshore wind zone in the North Sea, will connect a 3.5 GW wind portfolio with the onshore electricity grid. Alongside supporting the decarbonisation of Belgium’s energy mix, the project is envisaged to later link with interconnectors in the UK and Denmark and consequently support the delivery of clean electricity across the region.

Alongside the firm’s Paris office, energy practice co-head Patrice Viaene is advising Hydrogene de France on procurement and contracting matters for a flagship integrated 50 MW solar and 128 MWh green hydrogen and battery storage project in Barbados. The facility aims to be the largest hydrogen power project in the Caribbean and simultaneously maintain local sustainable development: since the facility is located on pastoral land, it will incorporate agrivoltaic PV generation, preserving its economic use for sheep farming.

As a leading member of the firm’s global Clean Hydrogen Taskforce, Viaene is a key contact in thought leadership concerning the European hydrogen market and has also authored briefings on the tendering principles for Belgium’s offshore wind developments.

A firmwide Net Zero Delivery Group works to realise its global Science-based Targets of reducing scopes 1 and 2 emissions by 80% and scope 3 emissions by 47% by 2030. To demonstrate its sustainability commitments, the firm is a member of the UN Global Compact, reports against the Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures, and received a gold certification by EcoVadis.

Patrice Viaene  | Belgium



The Estonia office makes a key contribution to the Baltic-wide ESG practice group at full-service law firm Cobalt, with demonstrable expertise in advising international clean energy companies and domestic state organisations on their landmark renewables sector projects.

Supporting the development of Estonia’s clean energy capacity, the firm advised French investment company Mirova Energy Transition on its project to develop a 100 MW solar power portfolio. The team assisted the client, a dedicated sustainable investment platform, on the acquisition of the existing project companies and in securing the cooperation of Estonian renewables developer Evecon.

In the onshore wind sector, the firm is advising developer Eurowind Energy on preparing and negotiating land-lease agreements to secure the rights necessary to develop ten windfarm projects. Within the mandate, the firm has provided regulatory, zoning, and land leasing advice.

Senior Associate Siim Vahtrus is a renewable energy and environmental law specialist and led the team in co-authoring an analysis for the Ministry of Finance, exploring the possibilities for developing offshore wind farms in the marine area around Hiiumaa island. The analysis looked at the legal feasibility of spatial planning procedures to support the most optimal expansion of the country’s wind power segment.

Head of ESG and sustainability Mervet Kägu contributes broadly to thought leadership, publishing on impact investing, sustainability regulation, and how companies can operate as responsible businesses. To further share knowledge on how companies can become more sustainable, the Estonian office is a member of the Responsible Business Forum.

Across the region, the firm participated in the Greenspect programme to measure the carbon footprint of its three offices and create targeted policies to mitigate its internal climate impact.  Having followed the European Green Office principles to reduce its operational emissions, the firm was awarded the bronze VEF ESG Quality Certificate for its internal environmental management performance.


The Latvian office of pan-Baltic law firm Cobalt is a key advisor to state and private clients in their green transition strategies, assisting with regulation and project developments which are vital to the country’s energy independence and nascent green power sector.

In an ongoing matter, ESG practice head Gatis Flinters is advising Swedish renewables operator Eolus Vind in the development and construction of a 200 MW wind farm portfolio. The firm has assisted on real estate, energy regulatory, environmental impact, planning, and permitting processes, supporting the development of one of the country’s largest renewable energy projects.

A key client is the Latvian Ministry of Climate and Energy, whom the firm assisted in preparing amendments to regulations concerning the price at which public land will be leased for the development of wind farms. The firm’s advice ensured the wind power joint venture between national energy company Latvenergo and the national forestry company, which is seeking to build clean energy security through developing an 800 MW onshore wind portfolio, is compliant with state aid and competitive neutrality rules.

The firm’s Riga office is a founding member of the Latvian Institute for Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility, which brings together corporations, organisations, and experts to promote sustainable business strategies. The firm also provides support to the institute’s Sustainability Index, which provides companies with a free assessment of their ESG performance.

In 2023, the firm participated in the Greenspect programme to assess the environmental impact of its offices across the Baltic region, using the report to understand the largest contributions to its carbon footprint before devising targeted measures to reduce these emissions. The firm is currently pursuing emission reductions through reducing energy consumption, waste, and unnecessary travel.


In Lithuania, pan-Baltic law firm Cobalt makes a leading commitment to the growth of the region’s clean energy sector, advising investors, developers, and industry associations on their critical green projects.

A key client is Danish renewables developer European Energy, whom the firm advised on regulatory, transactional, and project development matters regarding the buildout of a wind and solar power portfolio in Lithuania. The firm’s ongoing advice supports the client in its intended €1.5bn investment in the country’s renewables sector, through which it seeks to build a 1 GW portfolio of wind and solar projects.

Renewables expert Paulius Markovas has wide expertise advising clean energy investors and developers on planning law, environmental regulation, grid development, contracting, and project development. Key clients here include Aura Power regarding its solar power pipeline, and INIKTI regarding its wind and solar project portfolio.

The firm also provides ongoing legal advice to the Lithuanian Confederation of Renewable Resources, assisting its members in legal and strategic challenges concerning the development of biomass, biofuels, solar, and wind power projects in the country. The firm’s advice supports the organisation in its ongoing collaboration with public institutions, where it helps ensure that members’ interests are represented.

As part of its internal commitment to implementing sustainability principles within its daily operations, the firm is working to apply the European Green Office standards of ecological management. Having calculated its greenhouse gas emissions in cooperation with consultancy Greenspect, the firm is currently devising science-based targets to reduce emissions generated in energy consumption, waste generation, travel, and procurement.

Mervet Kägu  | Estonia

Siim Vahtrus  | Estonia

Gatis Flinters  | Latvia

Paulius Markovas  | Lithuania



Cuatrecasas in Portugal often advises on innovative green projects which accelerate the green transition in the country. Its internal commitment to sustainability is further evidenced by its recent award of a gold sustainability rating from Ecovadis.

Head of the firm’s energy M&A practice Francisco Santos Costa recently lead the team in a multi-jurisdictional matter for Altri Group regarding the structuring and negotiation of a joint venture with Smarttia for the development of a €750m project to produce green fiber in Spain.

In another recent highlight, the firm assisted Natwest with one of the largest energy financing and refinancing transactions in Portugal in 2022, namely, the financing of new projects and refinancing of the debt of Finerge Group, a major renewable energy player in the country.

Internally, the firm created Cuatrecasas ESG which aims to define its ESG policies. Notably, it reduced its carbon footprint by 31% in 2022 compared with 2019 levels.

The firm has also shown its dedication to sustainability externally by promoting and participating in a number of green events, such as a recent conference in Lisbon discussing the new environmental licensing regime in Portugal and its impact on the water and waste management sectors. The team has also demonstrated its expertise in sustainability matters beyond client work through thought leadership pieces discussing topics such as the role of sustainability in shaping the legal industry and legal policies.

Francisco Santos Costa  | Portugal

DLA Piper


In Austria, DLA Piper Weiss-Tessbach Rechtsanwälte GmbH’s energy and projects practice stands out for its expertise in renewable energy, where it assists both national and international clients.

In a recent high-profile matter, the team provided comprehensive advice to the government of Albania, which was engaged in the country’s first public-scale tender process for the allocation of onshore wind power support, resulting in the selection of three onshore wind projects for construction with an aggregate capacity of 222.48 MW.

For the Central European Gas Hub CEGH, the Austrian VTP operator, the firm handled the standard commercial agreement on biogas certificates for the recently launched CEGH GreenGas platform for the trading and marketing of renewable gases, including biogas and hydrogen, as well as guarantees of origin (GO) for green gases.

Recently, the firm also advised Ocean Breeze on a PPA with RWE for its offshore wind farm located in the German North Sea, with parts of the volumes used for an electrolyser project.

The Austrian team includes energy practice head Andreas Gunst, an expert in renewable energy and emission reduction projects, and energy and climate specialist Kenneth Wallace-Müller, whose broad practice includes the development and trading of renewable energy, hydrogen and biomethane and gas projects.

The firm is a signatory of the UNGC and has committed to becoming a net zero law firm by 2040. It has also set a science-based carbon reduction target, which was validated by the SBTi in September 2021.

In a noteworthy partnership, the firm also sits on the board of the Carbon Markets and Investors Association (CMIA), an independent, non-profit trade association committed to implementing climate investment policies.

In the pro bono space, the firm continues to support Carbon 13, a climate accelerator and venture builder which seeks to reduce carbon emissions and change global systems for a carbon-neutral future, as well as the Climate Policy Initiative (CPI) Global Innovation lab for Climate Finance, which addresses key environmental issues such as energy transition, land use, climate resilience and sustainable infrastructure.


In Poland, DLA Piper’s environmental protection practice advises local and international clients on the full spectrum of sustainability issues, including climate change matters, energy efficiency strategies and renewable energy projects. Practice head and Polish and EU environmental protection law expert Dawid Krakowiak has particular expertise in the field of greenhouse gas emissions, land contamination, and waste management.

In the renewable energy sector, the team is handling one of the largest acquisitions in the country in the last 12 months, assisting RWE’s purchase of Alpha Solar, a leading developer of renewable energy projects in Poland, with a portfolio of photovoltaic projects with a total capacity exceeding 3 GW. The firm is also acting for global energy company EDPR Renewables in connection with the sale of a 100 per cent stake in a 142 MW Polish wind power portfolio to Orlen Wind 3 for a value of approximately PLN 2.20bn.

In another notable matter, the firm is preparing comprehensive guidelines on energy performance contracts for the Polish Ministry of Climate and Environment.

As part of a multi-jurisdictional research project involving lawyers from the firm’s offices around the world, the Polish team also recently provided pro bono advice to the Norwegian Refugee Council on internal displacement policies in the context of climate change and disasters in Poland.

Globally, the firm continues to be involved in various internal and external sustainability initiatives. It published its second voluntary sustainability report in 2022 and aims to become a net zero law firm, reducing carbon emissions by 90% by 2040. In addition, it has committed to the Legal Renewables Initiative, pledging to source electricity for all offices from 100% certified, non-greenwashed renewable sources by 2025.

The firm is also a signatory of the UNGC and a founding member of the Net Zero Lawyers Alliance.


In Hungary, DLA Piper has significant expertise in the renewable energy sector, where it regularly advises clients on planning, authorisation, joint ventures, and other corporate matters. The team stands out in particular for its experience with PPAs, public infrastructure development, concession law and electromobility.

In an ongoing highlight, the firm is assisting solar project development specialist Solin Energy on its cross-border virtual corporate PPA models for a photovoltaic plant project which is currently being developed in Hungary and Kosovo.

The firm’s finance, projects and restructuring group is led by Péter Györfi-Tóth, who also chairs the ESG team in Budapest and advises clients on complex infrastructure projects, including solar power plants and projects related to power generation and transmission. He is co-host of the firm’s regular seminar for energy clients, Energybar (Energiaszelet), together with Gábor Simon, who acts for various companies in the renewable energy sectors.

The firm is a main sponsor of the annual conference of the Hungarian Association of Energy Traders, and continues to contribute to a number of publications on energy, where it also highlights ESG aspects and trends, such as in a recent article published in the DLA Piper Hungary Legal Blog on the development of resilience services as a potential solution to the challenges of the energy sector.


DLA Piper’s German team routinely provides advice in the renewable energy sector, including in connection with offshore wind and photovoltaic projects.

In a current highlight, the team is assisting GLP and its subsidiary GLP Energy with the ESG upcycling of their logistics properties related to the construction of photovoltaic plants with a total capacity of over 500 megawatts.

The firm also recently acted for German solar and wind farm operator Blue Elephant Energy in the acquisition of a 120-megawatt solar project portfolio through a joint venture with Chilean project developer oEnergy Capital.

Another client is BASF, whom the firm advised on the conclusion of a partnership with Vattenfall related to the tender process for the Hollandse Kust West (HKW) offshore wind farm, located about 53 kilometres off the west coast of the Netherlands.

Head of the firm’s energy team Michael Cieslarczyk is also a member of the firm’s international leadership team of the energy and natural resources sector, and acts as German Counsel to the European Federation of Energy Traders (EFET). His experience spans energy contracts and regulatory advice in relation to renewables projects.

Other key contacts include Guido Kleve, who focuses on product and environmental law, ESG and supply chain integrity issues, and Ludger Giesberts, who has expertise in environmental and planning law issues in infrastructure projects and M&A transactions, as well as in product-related environmental law, waste and disposal law, and soil and water protection.

Globally, the firm is a UNGC signatory, as well as a founding member of the Net Zero Lawyers Alliance. In 2020, it also committed to the Legal Renewables Initiative and to becoming a net zero law firm by 2040.


DLA Piper’s energy and infrastructure practice in Ireland has considerable experience assisting clients with a range of renewable energy matters, including development, project financing, and regulatory advice.

In a recent matter, the firm advised clients Power Capital Renewable Energy and Statkraft, two of the counterparties to Microsoft’s large-scale purchase of renewable energy in Ireland, on a major corporate offtake investment in the country, whereby Microsoft is acquiring more than 900 MW of wind and solar power, contributing to approximately 30 percent of Ireland’s 2030 power purchase target.

Other recent highlights include the team advising on a number of leading solar power projects in Ireland and on several renewable energy acquisitions, including solar and battery storage development sites.

Globally, the firm is committed to becoming a net zero law firm by cutting its carbon emissions by 90% by 2040. It is also a UNGC signatory, a founding member of the Net Zero Lawyers Alliance, and a participant in the Legal Renewables Initiative.


In Sweden, DLA Piper assists clients in transitioning toward running a more sustainable business, leveraging the expertise of its banking and finance practice across renewable energy projects and sustainable investments.

Supporting the operation of Sweden’s key onshore wind assets, renewable energy finance contact Björn Sjöberg acted for Energy Infrastructure Partners on its project bond financing for the 253 MW BMB2 North onshore wind farm. In the solar power sector, Sjöberg led the team advising long-standing client DIF Capital Partners on its €150m investment in solar project developer Alight, which will accelerate the build-out of the target’s near-term solar project pipeline.

In a leading asset-backed facility for the sustainable mobility sector, the firm represented electric transport company Einride in its raising of a $350m debt financing which will support the development and expansion of the client’s global heavy-duty electric vehicle fleet.

Demonstrating the firm’s expertise with sustainable finance, the firm represented Mizuho Bank in a SEK500m green loan to ingredients company AAK. The loan, which is compliant with the LMA Green Loan Principles, will further investments in biomass boilers and reduce CO2 emissions at AAK’s production plant in Aarhus, Denmark by around 90%.

As an international member of the UN Global Compact, the firm is committed to responsible business and has a Science Based Target Initiative-approved objective to become net-zero emissions by 2040. Toward this aim, the firm’s Global Sustainability Initiative mandates the use of only renewable electricity from 2025 to complement existing procedures, including a sustainable procurement policy and the reduction and carbon offsetting of business travel.


In Denmark, UN Global Compact member DLA Piper makes a key contribution to the development of the region’s renewable energy capacity, with demonstrable expertise in advising clients in the power industry and investment sector on impactful clean energy projects.

Recently, the firm assisted key pan-Nordic client Cloudberry Clean Energy with its first project in Denmark, whereby it acquired an 80% stake in Skovgaard Energy’s onshore wind turbine portfolio. It handled the €200m agreement to acquire 51 wind turbines as well as the negotiation of a development agreement for further renewable energy assets.

In a cross-border mandate, Aarhus-based offshore wind experts Alexander Severance and Martin Juste acted for turbine provider Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy in negotiating a turbine supply agreement with joint venture ELEKTROWNIA WIATROWA BALTICA to serve the 1500 MW Baltica 2 offshore wind project. 107 14 MW turbines will be supplied following the agreement, which expands the client’s presence in the growing offshore wind sector in Poland and the Baltic Sea.

In Copenhagen, energy and private equity specialist Christian Bredtoft Guldmann has deep experience advising on impactful investments in the renewable energy sector. Notable clients include the pension funds P+ and Lægernes Pension, whom he advised on a DKK 1.5bn investment into CIP’s Copenhagen Infrastructure Green Credit Fund 1, which invests in renewable energy, biomass, and energy storage assets. A further key client is farming cooperative DLG Group, whom he acted for regarding its investment into renewable energy cluster developer, owner, and operator BioCirc Group.

As part of its cross-office Science Based Target Initiative-verified goal to become net-zero emissions by 2040, the firm has introduced a Global Sustainability Initiative which commits it to using only renewable electricity from 2025, implementing a sustainable procurement policy, and reducing business travel while offsetting unavoidable emissions through carbon credits.


In Norway, UN Global Compact member DLA Piper specialises in providing transactional advice in the clean energy segment, with leading clients regularly seeking the firm’s assistance on complex and innovative renewable power projects.

For Cloudberry Clean Energy, renewable energy sector head Kaare Oftedal assisted in the NOK 703m sale of the Åmotsfoss, Selselva, and Nessakraft hydropower plants to Norsk Vannkraft. The transaction provides a long-term operator for the 77 GWh portfolio while allowing the client to redeploy capital into new renewable energy projects.

The firm previously advised the same client on the sale of 50% of the shares in Cloudberry Offshore Wind to Oslo’s municipal power generator Hafslund. Within the joint venture, the client will develop and manage the Stenkalles Grund 100 MW shallow-water wind project in southern Sweden.

In a cross-border mandate, the firm’s energy team acted for Norway-based conglomerate Lentusgruppen in its activities as a developer of, and investor in, renewable energy projects. The team assisted with drafting and negotiating power purchase agreements for bioenergy and solar power plants across Gabon, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Sri Lanka.

The firm utilises the expertise gained within its client work to make a contribution to thought leadership in the renewable energy space. Through the firm’s online hub, clients are provided with regular insights into the regulation, policy, and economic drivers impacting the wind and solar industries.

As part of its Global Sustainability Initiative, the firm reduces its business travel and offsets unavoidable emissions through carbon offsets, follows a sustainable procurement policy, and is working toward using 100% renewable electricity by 2025. The policies have been set-out to help the firm reach its global Science Based Target Initiative-verified plan of becoming net zero emissions by 2040.


Equipped with particular strength in renewable energy and green M&A, DLA Piper’s Italian team is sought out by a spread of corporate clients looking to transition to sustainable practices and make green investments. 

The group’s energy transition portfolio includes assisting Equitix European Infrastructure with its purchase of Enerfarm, owner of five biogas plants and a fertilizer production plant, in addition to acting for NECRI Holdings on its acquisition of OX Holding New Markets’s Apulian wind farm, which has an aggregate capacity of 27 MW. 

In an ongoing matter, the team is also advising Tapojarvy on the construction and operations phases of its recycling project in Italy, an innovative project which aims to manage and recycle the waste generated by AST’s steel manufacturing site in Terni.  

On a global scale, the firm dedicates itself to encouraging the green transition through its affiliation with the Climate Markets and Investments Assocation (CMIA), as well as through its co-founding of the Global Alliance of Impact Lawyers (GAIL).

Since committing to the Legal Renewables Initiative in 2020, a pledge to source all electricity for all premises from 100% renewable sources by 2025, the firm is now also on the path to becoming net zero by 2040, hoping to cut its carbon emissions by 90%.

Its dedication to successfully making these changes is displayed through its participation in sustainability and ESG analytics such as EcoVadis and Impactvis, and, as a founding member of the Net Zero Lawyers Alliance, a group which aims to share sustainability practices in the legal sector, it is hoping to encourage other firms to do the same.


In Portugal, DLA Piper is a key player in the renewables space with a particular emphasis on solar projects. The firm advises a client base of European energy, automotive and large corporate clients on the energy transition.

The group is currently advising Investec Bank and Kommunalkredit Austria on the financing arrangement of Solara4, a solar farm in Portugal with the capacity to generate electricity to power 200,000 homes, as well as handling the regulatory, contractual and corporate aspects of its Energi Innovation’s photovoltaic assets in Portugal. It is also providing advice to Statkraft Markets on its commercial activities within the Portuguese energy market. Backed by a wealth of experience advising on high-profile finance transactions within the energy sector, Nuno Azevedo Neves takes the lead on these matters.

The firm is also a member of several global initiatives that strive to encourage climate justice, such as the UN Global Compact, the Global Alliance of Impact Lawyers (GAIL), the Climate Markets and Investments Assocation (CMIA), and the Legal Renewables Initiative. Through the latter, it has committed to using 100% renewable energy sources by 2025.

It also launched the Net Zero Lawyers Alliance and aims to become net zero by 2040. Its participation in sustainability and ESG analytics such as EcoVadis and Impactvis illustrates its commitment to achieving these goals.


With particular strength in the natural resources sector, DLA Piper Romania assists a client base comprised predominantly of international investors in all stages of the sale, purchase and development of national and European renewables assets, particularly those relating to solar and wind farms.

The firm’s green M&A work includes assisting PNE with the sale of 5 photovoltaic projects to TotalEnergies Renewables, as well as aiding Boaz Peled and Energy Assets Investment with the sale and development of the Braila 70 MW wind farm to OX2, projects which mark a significant step in Romania’s transition to a sustainable economy.

The firm’s work in connection with PPAs is also noteworthy. In a recent highlight, the group advised Engie Romania on a long-term PPA to offtake the power produced by 5 solar parks. Such contracts having been legalised in 2020 after an 8-year ban in Romania, this is one of the first of its kind in the country.

With expertise in handling energy trading, project financing and PPAs for the renewables sector, Paula Corban-Pelin is a key figure in the practice, serving as lead on the firm’s most complex energy matters. She also heads the Romanian pro bono team and is a frequent guest speaker in the industry.

Going beyond its workload to promote sustainability, the firm is also a member of the UN Global Compact (UNGC), Carbon Markets and Investors Association (CMIA) and Legal Renewables Initiative, as well as a founding member of both the Global Alliance of Impact Lawyers (GAIL) and the Net Zero Lawyers Alliance (NZLA).

Globally, it is also on track to becoming net zero by 2024.


Drawing on a team of multidisciplinary specialists, DLA Piper Spain’s ESG offering spans the breadth of energy matters with the firm advising on PPAs, green hydrogen, energy efficiency, storage, renewables and EPC and O&M contracts for energy assets. In recent years, it has also seen an increase in the number and size of cross-border transactions it handles, namely in the sale, acquisition and financing of renewables projects.

Its green M&A portfolio includes advising TozziGreen on its joint venture with the Spanish developer Altec, which will see the development of several wind parks with a capacity of up to 150 MWp, in addition to assisting Shell with its acquisition of ten photovoltaic projects from Green Tie Capital, the UK company’s first investment in Spain.

The firm was also involved in supporting the receivables sale and purchase agreement between the European Energy Efficiency Fund and Acciona, which aims to improve the public energy efficiency and consumption of Gijón.

In line with its energy transition portfolio, the firm shows further dedication to achieving a sustainable future through its participation in the Legal Renewables Initiative, through which it has set the target of sourcing all electricity from certified, non-greenwashed 100% renewable sources across all offices by 2025. Additionally, the firm hopes to achieve a net zero status by 2040 by cutting carbon emissions by 90% and, as a founding member of the Net Zero Lawyers Alliance, aims to encourage firms to act similarly.

It is also proudly affiliated with the Carbon Markets and Investors Association (CMIA) and the UN Global Compact, in addition to being a founding member of the Global Alliance of Impact Lawyers (GAIL).

United Arab Emirates

The UAE group at DLA Piper has deep expertise in project financing within the infrastructure and utilities spaces. Adam Haque, who is currently leading various water and green hydrogen projects, stands out for his wider contribution to the development of the region’s renewables space.

In an ongoing matter, the firm is assisting NEOM Green Hydrogen Company with the development of its green hydrogen and ammonia export project in Saudi Arabia, which will be one of the first industrial-scale projects of its kind. It is also acting for Hydrogen Oman in a public tender, which will see the development of several green hydrogen projects, drawing on Oman’s natural wind and solar resources and contributing to Oman’s goal of meeting its 1 MTPA production target of green hydrogen by 2030.

The group also recently advised the lenders supporting ACWA Consortium on the development and financing of the Red-Sea multi-utilities project in Saudi Arabia, which, thanks to its 240MW solar power capacity, 33,000m3 per day desalination scheme, and 1.3GWh battery storage facility, is expected to be able to remain off-grid day and night.

The firm is also taking responsibility for its own impact, pledging to source energy across its global offices from renewable sources, eventually aiming to become net zero by 2040. Through its recent launch of the Net Zero Lawyers Alliance, it intends to inspire other firms to act similarly.

Worldwide, the firm is a signatory of several sustainability initiatives, including the UN Global Compact and the Carbon Markets and Investors Association (CMIA), alongside recently founding its own: the Global Alliance of Impact Lawyers (GAIL).

South Africa

In South Africa, DLA Piper specialises in energy transition work, handling a full scope of M&A, financing and restructuring mandates for banks, financial institutions and energy clients looking for assistance with managing their energy assets. Sustainable finance experts Jamie MacDonald and Pride Jani are both highly active in green energy projects Africa-wide. 

In Johannesburg, the team is currently advising Pele Green Energy concerning the refinancing and restructuring of a renewable energy project in the Western Cape, along with assisting NOA Group Holdings on the formation, structuring and financing of their renewable energy platform, which aims to provide net zero orientated solutions to commercial and industrial clients through wind and solar power. 

Also of note is the team’s green M&A work, which includes working with Dogstar Mauritius, a majority shareholder in renewable energy services provider Starsight Energy, on its merger with South African-based solar firm SolarAfrica Energy. United, the group will have the capacity to provide renewable services across Africa, which, in turn, plays a pivotal role in encouraging a transition to clean energy throughout the continent.  

The firm’s dedication to sustainability goes beyond its work portfolio: Since committing to the Legal Renewables Initiative, a pledge to source all electricity from green energy sources by 2025, it is now hoping to become net zero by 2040. It has also committed to measuring its internal practices through ESG analytics such as EcoVadis and Impactvis.

Its participation in the UNGC and Carbon Markets and Investors Association (CMIA), along with its launch of the Net Zero Lawyers Alliance (NZLA) and Global Alliance of Impact Lawyers (GAIL), also serves as a testament to the firm’s dedication to the topic.


DLA Piper’s Luxembourg office has considerable experience in advising a range of clients, including sponsors, fund managers and institutional investors, on all matters relating to sustainability-related funds.

The firm’s recent work portfolio includes assisting Campbell Global, a subsidiary of JPMorgan Asset Management Holdings, in structuring and establishing a fund that invests in forestry land, verified carbon reduction, sequestration or transformation units, and other climate-solving technologies.

Another client is EIG Global Energy Partners, a leading institutional investor in the global energy sector, for which the team is currently structuring and setting up EIG Energy Transition Fund II S.C.Sp., intended for investments in sustainable energy and related infrastructure projects.

Recognised for her expertise in zero-carbon investments and sustainable investment funds, Caroline Pimpaud regularly contributes to thought leadership by publishing a number of articles and papers, including on the topic of carbon reduction. Recently, she was also invited by the Luxembourg Fund Investment Association to speak about the zero-carbon transition and the EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation.

The team also includes SFDR specialist Catherine Pogorzelski, who has written around this topic and regularly speaks about sustainable fund structuring and formation.

Internally, the firm published its second voluntary sustainability report in 2022 and continues to work towards the goal of becoming a Net Zero law firm by reducing carbon emissions by 90% in all three scopes by 2040. Externally, it is a signatory of the UN Global Compact, a member of the Legal Renewables Initiative, and a founding member of the Net Zero Lawyers Alliance.


With demonstrable expertise advising local and international clients on regulatory and contractual matters, the Belgian office of DLA Piper makes a leading commitment to the development and operation of green and low-carbon projects across Europe.

In an ongoing mandate, renewable energy specialist Alec Van Vaerenbergh is advising the Directorate General and the Cabinet of the Federal Energy Minister on the legal framework for repowering existing offshore wind concessions in the Belgian North Sea. With the current concessions’ lifetime elapsing, the mandate supports the government’s plan to modify and merge the existing concession areas to rationalise wind production. Helping inform the political process through which the modified concessions will be retendered, the firm is advising on relevant renewable energy support legislation, public procurement contracts, and state aid issues.

For Flemish distribution system operator Fluvius, the team is assisting with the installation of a district heating network in Alost, sourcing residual heat from a sugar factory; the joint development of various large-scale district heating projects in northern Antwerp, taking waste heat from sewage; and negotiating long-term production, purchase, and grid connection agreements to create district heating networks from waste heat at Total’s Antwerp refineries. The firm’s ongoing advice for the client is vital in ensuring industrial byproducts help generate low-carbon heat.

An expert regarding the Greek clean energy market, Orestis Omran is acting for renewable energy investment company Euroenergy on the prospective €55m refinancing of eighteen wind and two solar plants in Greece, and three solar farms in Romania. Within the mandate, the firm performed a due diligence review, analysed the relevant regulatory regimes, and assessed prevailing financing conditions.

Varenbergh is a key contact in green thought leadership, having held a workshop for clients on the EU cross-border adjustment mechanism and having authored insights into green product-as-service agreements.


In the Netherlands, UN Global Compact member DLA Piper makes a leading contribution to the sustainability landscape, advising on impactful clean energy project financings and the development of accountable carbon marketplaces.

Renewables project financing expert Gerard Kneppers advised PowerField Netherlands on the €500m fundraising to finance the construction and development costs of clean energy solutions. Supporting the client in its plans to develop a platform which integrates solar, storage, and EV charging projects as an interconnected and sustainable service offering, the firm assisted with legal vendor due diligence, establishing the group structure, and in preparing transaction documents.

The firm is also acting as sponsor counsel to Corre Energy regarding its flagship Compressed Air Energy Storage projects, which convert renewable electricity into compressed air to be stored long-term in underground salt caverns. For the novel project, the team has advised on drafting and negotiating PPAs as well as all construction, land, operation and maintenance, grid, and supply agreements.

In an ongoing matter which helps ensure veracity and accountability among carbon-sequestering agroforestry projects, the firm is assisting Rabobank in building a global and transparent marketplace to create and trade voluntary carbon credits. A cross-practice team acted for the client in its first carbon-reduction unit trade with a major corporate counterparty, drafting the standard documentation, and providing regulatory advice on the status of the product.

The team regularly posts insights concerning diverse sustainability topics, including corporate emission reduction plans, clean energy soft law, and the interaction between COP28 and local decarbonisation issues.

As a signatory to the Business Ambition for 1.5°C, the firm set a science-based target to become net zero by 2040 and, as a member of the Legal Renewables Initiative, has pledged to source all electricity from renewable sources by 2025. It also seeks to divert 95% of its waste from landfill by 2025.

Andreas Gunst  | Austria

Kenneth Wallace-Müller  | Austria

Dawid Krakowiak  | Poland

Péter Györfi-Tóth  | Hungary

Gábor Simon  | Hungary

Michael Cieslarczyk  | Germany

Guido Kleve  | Germany

Ludger Giesberts  | Germany

Björn Sjöberg  | Sweden

Martin Juste  | Denmark

Christian Bredtoft Guldmann  | Denmark

Kaare Oftedal  | Norway

Nuno Azevedo Neves  | Portugal

Paula Corban-Pelin  | Romania

Adam Haque  | United Arab Emirates

Jamie MacDonald  | South Africa

Pride Jani  | South Africa

Caroline Pimpaud  | Luxembourg

Catherine Pogorzelski  | Luxembourg

Alec Van Vaerenbergh  | Belgium

Orestis Omran  | Belgium

Gerard Kneppers  | Netherlands

Alexander Severance  | Denmark

DORDA Rechtsanwälte


As one of the first major Austrian law firms to create a dedicated sustainability practice, DORDA Rechtsanwälte operates across a variety of ESG and sustainability issues, ranging from circular economy and renewable energy projects to greenwashing, green leases and green finance.

Notably, the firm assisted the Circular Economy Forum Austria, the country’s largest independent multi-stakeholder platform for the promotion of circular economy, in drafting an action plan proposed by the Austrian government and with the foundation of its own non-profit organisation.

The team is also assisting several clean and green tech start-ups such as neoom, which offers decentralised clean energy solutions, and carbonify, whose software handles the processing of greenhouse gas reduction quotas for electromobility and sells them to companies in the mineral oil industry.

As part of its commitment to sustainable and energy efficient urban development projects, the firm also advised Ascott International Management on a LEED-certified project for serviced residences meeting the highest sustainability standards as required by the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB).

Banking and finance practice co-heads and sustainable finance experts Andreas Zahradnik and Christian Richter-Schöller actively contribute to thought leadership in the space with a guide on sustainability law and more recently sustainable financing. Richter-Schöller also co-leads the firm’s sustainability group and is a founder of the first national interdisciplinary ESG consultants network ESG Experts Austria.

Internally, the firm operates on 75% hydroelectric and 11% wind energy, and has implemented several environmentally friendly solutions, including a plastic-free and paperless office, and organic and zero-waste packaging fruit deliveries.

Andreas Zahradnik  | Austria

Christian Richter-Schöller  | Austria

DS Avocats


DS Avocats in France is experienced in handling a spread of energy and environmental issues, with particular strength in energy transition matters, where it regularly assists with the development of renewable projects and energy infrastructure.

Of its energy portfolio, the group is advising Eqiom on the creation of a carbon capture storage site in France, which will be the first of its kind in France, in addition to advising RTE on its offshore and onshore grid connection infrastructure, which will connect the national grid to several offshore windfarms with the capacity of 2.5GW.

With expertise in the management of environmental impacts, the team is also advising FNAC Darty Participations on an environmental auditing matter. Uniquely, the teams’ lawyers are registered as auditors and are ISO17029 certified to perform audits in connection with the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD).

Patricia Savin heads the environment and sustainable development team, and as president of the sustainability organisation ORÉE, she brings with her deep knowledge of ESG developments, regularly speaking at environmental conferences and seminars.

Since becoming a member of the UN Global Compact in 2015, the firm also recently relaunched its ESG Taskforce, through which its sustainability goals will be set and measured. Thus far, it has significantly reduced its waste production and energy and carbon consumption through implementing various measures including recycling programmes and providing EV charging stations and bike storage areas.

Not only was the firm’s office building renovated to meet Haute Qualité Environnementale standards back in 2014, but it also boasts Bâtiment Basse Consommation and Effinergie certifications.

Patricia Savin  | France

DSC Doralt Seist Csoklich


DSC Doralt Seist Csoklich has significant experience advising on a range of sustainability issues, including sustainable infrastructure projects to promote the use of public transport in Vienna and renewable energy projects.

In the renewables space, the team advises Umweltbundesamt, the Austrian Environment Agency, on a number of procurement issues for the EU4Green project, which supports the implementation of the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans. For the same client, the firm also recently handled several procurement procedures related to the EU Water Initiative Plus for the Eastern Partnership programme, which aims to improve the management and quality of water resources.

In another notable matter, the team advised French investment fund Eiffel Gaz Vert on its investment in BIOQUADRAT Energie- und Wassertechnik, an international producer of biomethane and biogas plants based in Austria.

In the field of public transport, the firm is currently assisting Wiener Linien, Vienna’s public transport operator, in several tendering procedures for the extension of the public transport network in Vienna, which aims to reduce private traffic in the city and, consequently, CO2 emissions in the Austrian capital.

The Austrian team includes Christoph Leitgeb, who has extensive experience in investments in green energy projects and environmentally innovative technological solutions for home energy and zero-emission electric vehicles, and transaction expert Wilfried Seist, who routinely advises on ESG/green elements of real estate transactions.

Christoph Leitgeb  | Austria

Wilfried Seist  | Austria

Deloitte Legal


Deloitte Legal in Spain frequently conducts due diligence work for clients, assisting them with the implementation of major projects accelerating the green transition.

The firm recently advised Repsol on the due diligence process for the purchase of two photovoltaic and three wind projects, with a total capacity of 250MW, from ABO Wind. It also assisted Redexis with the due diligence process for the purchase of EGA, a company dedicated to the management and recovery of organic waste generated in the agri-food sector and the production of biomethane.

Outside of its work for clients, the firm also recently organised several conferences and seminars on sustainability topics, such a discussion around the main impacts on sustainability regulations for the insurance sector, and the implications of new green taxes.

Globally, the firm launched the initiative WorldClimate, which aims to drive its internal sustainability strategy. This includes reaching net zero by 2030, a goal that has been validated by the SBTi.

Compliance and regulatory expert Ignacio Ortiz del Río has demonstrates his expertise in sustainability matters via the publication of a number of articles, including a recent discussion on how B Corp companies can accelerate change towards sustainability.

A notable recent addition to the team is Antoni Companys, who was incorporated into the firm’s Barcelona office to lead the environmental practice.


The cross-disciplinary Climate & Energy team at Belgian business law firm Deloitte has demonstrable expertise advising state and corporate clients on low-carbon energy and circular economy projects.

The firm continues to advise public waste agency OVAM on its legal approach toward the circular economy across purchasing, material cycles, product legislation, business models, and taxation. As part of the framework agreement, the team is studying how optimal waste prevention measures can be added to the Waste Framework Directive.

In a €1.6bn mandate, managing partner Kathleen De Hornois is acting for the Federal Participation and Investment Company in the creation and operationalisation of a Design, Renovate, Finance & Maintain entity. The entity will establish energy-saving investment structures to facilitate the renovation of federal government buildings, consequently reducing the carbon footprint of the authority’s real estate portfolio.

In the renewable energy sector, the firm assisted offshore wind farm developer Parkwind on compliance matters regarding the development and construction of offshore wind farms in German waters. For the client, the team advised on the projects’ compliance with the Equator Principles, which manage environmental and social risks in project financings, and the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive.

Offering her expertise within the academic dialogue on the green transition, sustainability and climate expert Dominique Vanherck is a voluntary researcher at the KU Leuven Institute for Environmental and Energy Law and a member of the editorial board of Die Keure’s Environmental and Energy Law Journal.

The firm is aligned with Deloitte’s global goal to reach net-zero emissions by 2030, expand internal green practices, and extend its impact into the business community. Having identified the sources of its greatest carbon impact following an internal audit, the firm is working to electrify its fleet, rethink the regularity and modes of its business travel, and gain green construction certifications for its premises.

Ignacio Ortiz del Río  | Spain

Antoni Companys  | Spain

Kathleen De Hornois  | Belgium

Dominique Vanherck  | Belgium



In Poland, UNGC signatory Dentons routinely advises clients in the energy and infrastructure sectors on the full range of environmental issues, including environmental impact assessments, waste management, emissions trading and circular economy. The team also has significant experience in renewable energy and sustainable finance where it assists both financial institutions and borrowers with green loans and green bonds.

Recently, the firm assisted GoldenPeaks Capital, one of Europe’s largest independent green energy producers and a major owner of photovoltaic plants in Poland, in two transactions to finance its investments in photovoltaic projects in 15 Polish provinces.

Another client is AP Pension, one of Denmark’s largest pension funds, for which the firm managed one of Poland’s biggest green energy investments related to the financing of Better Energy’s portfolio of five solar parks across the country, with a combined annual production capacity of 237 MW.

Agnieszka Kulińska chairs the firm’s energy group with expertise in renewable energy sources, most notably wind farm and photovoltaic projects. Head of the public and regulatory law practice in Europe, Ewa Rutkowska-Subocz is another key contact for environmental issues. She is one of the founders of the firm’s European Environmental Law Academy (DEELA), a platform established in 2015 to develop legal knowledge of environmental law across the firm’s offices, and is an active member of the Network for Industrially Co-ordinated Sustainable Land Management in Europe, which promotes efficient and sustainable management of industrially contaminated land.

The firm is also part of WindEurope, a leading European wind industry association, and continues to offer ESG thought leadership through its Global Solutions Hub and ESG webinar series.

Internally, the firm’s sustainability and governance committee advises on the development and implementation of its environmental sustainability strategy.


In Germany, Dentons advises on a range of sustainability issues, in particular on green bond financing and renewable energy transactions.

In a recent highlight, the team assisted the German Federal Finance Agency with the placement of a syndicated federal green bond with a volume of €4.5bn.

In the renewable energy sector, it acted for BayernLB and the Danish export credit agency EKF in a financing for German multinational energy company and global green and renewable energy provider RWE, which will be used for two offshore wind farms in Germany and England.

Another notable mandate is the advice provided to a consortium of seven international banks on a €155m loan for the Serbian MK Group and the Slovenian ALFI Green Energy Fund to finance the 103.3 MW Krivača wind farm, the first commercial PPA renewable energy project in Serbia.

The German team includes Birgit Spiesshofer, who is also a member of the firm’s Sustainability and Governance Committee in Europe, which aims to develop and implement the firm’s environmental sustainability strategy.

Globally, the firm is a signatory to the UN Global Compact and supports the Chancery Lane Project, where the German team is involved in drafting and publishing climate-friendly contract clauses to be used by lawyers and firms alike.


The Netherlands office of UN Global Compact member Dentons makes a notable contribution to the firm’s global renewable energy and sustainable finance presence, advising leading energy companies and financial institutions on high-value and impactful mandates.

Renewable energy expert Jan Jakob Peelen is advising RWE Generation on its novel circular economy project FUREC, which converts residual municipal waste into circular and green hydrogen to help decarbonise operations in the chemical industry. Following a €108m grant from the EU’s Innovation Fund, the team has assisted in securing permits and approvals and in negotiating with suppliers, offtakers, and waste providers.

Following the client’s success in the tender process, the team is also acting for RWE in its expansion into the Dutch offshore wind market, assisting with the development of the 760 MW Hollandse Kust West VII offshore wind farm. The project seeks to make a scalable and multi-faceted contribution to the Netherlands’ renewable energy matrix by including battery storage to manage demand, floating solar panels to more efficiently utilise space, and electrolyser capacity to help generate green hydrogen. The firm’s advice covers all regulatory, competition, permitting, and environmental matters.

In a cross-border mandate led by the Dutch banking team, the firm advised Rabobank and a syndicate of banks on a sustainability-linked loan to multinational coffee merchant Sucafina. The facility, which includes total commitments of $275m and an accordion option of up to $125m, supports sustainable development in the coffee industry by being linked to the borrower’s implementation of measures which reduce emissions and protect against deforestation risks.

To contribute more broadly to the sustainability landscape, the firm’s Netherlands-based lawyers also provide pro bono assistance on strategic, contractual, and employment matters to the Justdiggit NGO, which is working to regreen Africa. The Dutch team also contributes toward an annual firmwide guide on investing in renewable energy projects across Europe.

Agnieszka Kulińska  | Poland

Ewa Rutkowska-Subocz  | Poland

Birgit Spiesshofer  | Germany

Jan Jakob Peelen  | Netherlands

Doklestic Repic & Gajin


Serbian firm Doklestic Repic & Gajin has a dedicated team advising on renewable energy and other environmentally sustainable projects.

The firm’s managing partner, Slobodan Doklestic, is leading the team assisting Megawaste with its investment into a project in Serbia comprising of the development of five biomass power plants. He is also advising Swiss company Telsonic on a project to develop, construct and operate a factory for the production of products to support the green automobile industry, such as car batteries for electric vehicles.

Another client is Polygreen, a network of companies aiming to provide pioneering circular economy solutions, which is seeking the firm’s advice on a range of legal matters.

Internally, the firm has a notable corporate policy concerning the limitation of unnecessary travel for business meetings.

Slobodan Doklestic  | Serbia

Domanski Zakrzewski Palinka


Domanski Zakrzewski Palinka advises clients on a range of environmental issues from climate change and energy transition to sustainable finance and green investments. The firm’s banking team is noted for its expertise in green financing, where it recently advised DNB Bank Polska on the first green bond issue by a local authority in Poland.

Among recent highlights in the firm’s environmental practice, which encompasses waste management, circular economy and renewable energy projects, is the advice provided to EKO-PUNKT, a packaging waste recycling company, on the implementation of circular economy and packaging management requirements in Poland.

For Qair Polska, an independent producer of renewable energy belonging to the global Qair group, the team concluded a 15-year corporate power purchase agreement with Żabka Polska, a major chain of modern convenience stores in Poland. The contract will cover a total of nearly 1.7 TWh of energy from a wind park and a large-scale photovoltaic farm.

The firm, which is a signatory member of the Global Compact Network Poland, takes part in a number of climate change and sustainability-related initiatives. Among these, it was involved in several proposals to the UN Global Compact Network Poland on the development of a draft regulation aimed at restricting the illegal disposal of used oil and lubricants.

In the environmental area, names to note are Pawel Grzejszczal, a member of the Climate Ministry working group which is currently developing the legal framework for the hydrogen agreement; Rafał Hajduk, an energy and natural resources specialist; and Daniel Chojnacki, who frequently speaks academic conferences and handles pro bono environmental law advice for the UN Global Compact Poland Network.

Pawel Grzejszczal  | Poland

Rafał Hajduk  | Poland

Daniel Chojnacki  | Poland

ENS Africa

South Africa

ENS Africa in South Africa is at the forefront of the green transition in the region, regularly advising clients on a variety of areas ranging broadly from green hydrogen to sustainable fashion.

In an ongoing highlight, the firm’s South African team is collaborating with a Namibian team in assisting Hyphen Hydrogen Energy with a bid in respect of the Southern Corridor Development Initiative, which envisages the establishment of a major green hydrogen production project in Namibia, worth circa $9bn and aiming to displace 5-6 million tonnes of CO2 emissions annually.

Key contact James Brand, who is a member of the firm’s ESG working group, is advising Sealand Gear, a lifestyle brand focused on sustainably made products, which has recently established a sustainability committee – including Brand himself – aiming to become a leader in green fashion in the region.

Internally, the firm has a multi-disciplinary ESG practice group, led by Jessica Blumenthal, which both undertakes ESG mandates and aims to promote internal sustainable practices.

Externally, the firm is a member of the Global Alliance of Impact Lawyers, as well as the Biodiversity Credit Alliance and Environmental Law Association. It is also a patron of Leadership for Conservation in Africa (LCA), where key contact Stephen Levetan in the firm’s natural resources and environmental department has served as board member since 2012.

Additionally, the firm is at the forefront of thought leadership in the region with Blumenthal and Brand, for instance, recently publishing an article discussing Africa’s ESG potential.

James Brand  | South Africa

Jessica Blumenthal  | South Africa

Stephen Levetan  | South Africa

EY Law


In Poland, UNGC participant EY Law stands out in the field of energy and environmental law for its expertise in climate change-related issues and specifically carbon markets. The firm’s dedicated European Green Deal Centre of Excellence provides regulatory advice on EU Green Deal policies, and its Climate Policy Centre advises governments on the implementation of national climate regimes.

The team recently assisted the Polish Ministry of Climate and Environment in the development of a system for hydrogen generation and consumption in the country.

It also continues to provide advice to a range of clients including leading oil and gas producers, shipping companies, and manufacturers, on emissions trading and carbon offsetting projects, including comprehensive advice on the EU’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM). In two international matters, it assisted a private investor involved in the development of a Moringa plantation in Ghana on the issuance of carbon credits and their disposal under Article 6 of the Ghana Act, and advised another private entity on the implementation of carbon offset projects in Malawi.

Futher demonstrating its engagement with issues surrounding carbon credits, the firm is supporting Polish ecological foundation Dziedzictwo Przyrodnicze Foundation with the certification process of its forestry project for the voluntary carbon credit market, and participated in a consultation group on the Gold Standard regarding its alignment with Article 6 of the Paris Agreement.

Energy, environment and climate change law specialist Katarzyna Kłaczyńska-Lewis, recognised for her expertise in the EU Emissions Trading System, is also noted for developing, together with her team, a dynamic CBAM modelling tool to assess different levels of carbon pricing in source countries, and to calculate embedded emissions based on actual data.

Katarzyna Kłaczyńska-Lewis  | Poland



In Estonia, pan-Baltic law firm Ellex makes a leading contribution to the local sustainability landscape. The firm’s banking and commercial teams are key advisors on novel mandates which support clean energy generation across the region and the development of green industry within the country.

Commercial law specialist Martin Käerdi, a key contact for energy transition matters, advised French sustainability-focused asset manager Mirova on its investment into Baltic renewable energy independent power producer Sunly. Within the mandate, which was the client’s first investment in the Baltics and vital in developing the region’s clean energy sector, the firm performed a legal audit of the target’s projects, helped the client navigate renewables regulations, and advised on the conclusion of necessary agreements.

In an ongoing matter, the firm is acting for state-owned venture capital management company SmartCap on the creation of its Green Fund. The firm is further advising the fund on its investments into Taxonomy-aligned activities, including performing legal due diligence and drafting investment agreements with early-stage greentech startups.

Utilising its banking sector expertise to support the region’s sustainable future, the firm advised renewable energy producer Enefit Green on the €100m loan provided by the Nordic Investment Bank, which will co-finance the construction of wind and solar power projects across the Baltic region.

The firm regularly contributes to sustainability thought leadership, publishing articles on topics including greenwashing and green investments. Additionally, it conducted a workshop on green investments at the 2023 Estonian Financial Conference.

To help reduce its operational carbon footprint, the firm has implemented green office policies targeting improved waste management, energy conservation, and responsible procurement. Following its efforts, the Estonian office earned the Green Office certificate for its environmental management and is presently charting its carbon footprint in order to transition into a net-zero firm.


With demonstrable expertise in handling fund formations and sustainable investments, pan-Baltic law firm Ellex is a key advisor to investment managers seeking to inspire a positive financial commitment to Latvia’s green transition.

In an ongoing matter, ESG practice member Marta Cera is assisting SG Capital with the first close of its Sustainable Forest and Land Fund. For the client, a novel example of an alternative investment fund focusing on sustainable forest management, the firm advised on the structuring and establishment of the fund, the negotiation of its sustainability policy, and in the €53m fundraising from its investors.

Also in the investment fund space, the firm advised on the structuring, regulatory approval, and establishment of Merito Partners and its alternative investment funds. The client’s first sustainable growth fund attracted €17m from investors and will be deployed to finance the development of solar parks.

In the electric vehicle sector, the firm acted for Estonian clean energy company Gren Eesti on its €5m investment in public charging network developer Eleport. The financing accelerates the deployment of EV chargers across the Baltic region, aiding consumers in the electrification of transport solutions.

Helping improve the waste recycling rate in Latvia and minimising the amount of plastic pollution which reaches the Baltic Sea, the firm supports DIO, an organisation of drinks manufacturers and retailers, in its operation of the country’s packaging deposit system. Following the introduction of the system, the firm is advising on the ongoing development of the relevant regulatory and legal frameworks.

Supporting international enterprises in their local sustainability strategies, the firm collaborates with the AmCham thought leadership hub to organise and moderate discussions on integrating ESG strategies into business operations. Additionally, ESG practice head Anete Puče-Dimitrovska hosted a talk on corporate sustainability responsibility at the LAMPA Conservation Festival.


Pan-Baltic law firm Ellex makes a key contribution to the region’s clean energy landscape, with Lithuania-based teams actively advising leading project companies and energy players on renewable developments, emerging regulation, major transactions, and high-value investments.

In an ongoing matter, key energy contact Dovilė Greblikienė is advising project company ABOVO red on all legal aspects of the 75 MW Akmene One and 100 MW Akmene Two wind farms. After assisting with the projects’ planning, development, and construction, the firm provided legal advice across operation and maintenance agreements, corporate and contract law, and in the Akmene One farm’s successful participation in the renewable electricity auction. The mandate supports the project – innovative in that its development was financed without state subsidy – in contributing to the decarbonisation of Lithuania’s electricity matrix.

The firm’s renewable energy sector clients also include Danish independent power producer Nordic Solar, whom the firm assisted with emerging regulatory amendments concerning renewable energy projects, and developer Energy Unlimited, which sought the firm’s advice on the sale of a 60 MW solar project to national electric utility Elektrum Lietuva.

In the banking sector, the firm acted as local counsel to green energy company Gren on a €300m financing package provided by a consortium of European banks. The mandate supports the client’s drive to provide clean energy to domestic and industrial consumers, with the loan funding the production of sustainable district heat and renewable electricity across Northern Europe.

As part of an ongoing effort to champion sustainability principles within its offices while reducing its carbon footprint, the firm has implemented green office initiatives including an improved waste management programme, energy conservation techniques, responsible procurement directives, and a guide which encourages staff into sustainable choices.

Martin Käerdi  | Estonia

Anete Puče-Dimitrovska  | Latvia

Marta Cera  | Latvia

Dovilė Greblikienė  | Lithuania

Ergun Law


Turkish multi-service firm Ergun Law often provides multi-disciplinary advice in connection with major renewable energy projects.

In an ongoing highlight, the firm is acting for Türkiye İş Bankası, one of the first signatories of the Global Compact Turkey Declaration on Sustainable finance, on the financing of a 50kWp wind power project. It is also currently representing Enerjisa Enerji, which committed to a net-zero target by 2032, in a lawsuit regarding the cancellation of the Renewable Energy Resources Zone Project (YEKA) procedure, where the client holds a pre-license for the wind energy-based YEKA declared in the relevant area.

Recently, the firm’s energy, banking & finance, and project development teams represented Mott Macdonald in the ‘enabling private sector engagement in adaptation and environment resilience’ project, which aims to support mobilising private capital for climate resilient investments.

The firm’s founding partner, Çağdaş Evrim Ergün, has lectured on renewable energy law at various universities.

Internally, the firm uses energy-efficient office equipment and recycles all waste, among other sustainability measures.

Çağdaş Evrim Ergün  | Turkey



The Estonian office of pan-Baltic law firm FORT makes a leading contribution to sustainable and environmentally friendly development, with experience advising major organisations and green energy companies on their impactful projects and advocating for them before government and the courts.

A key ongoing client is fuels distributor Neste Eest, whom the firm acts for on all legal matters concerning the sale and marketing of renewable diesel. The team’s regular work includes advising on operational aspects in selling renewable fuels and on the design of the national regulatory framework, as well as advocating for the client before the climate ministry to help increase the salience of renewable fuels in the transport sector and implement a favourable tax regime.

Supporting the expansion of Estonia’s clean electricity capacity, sustainability specialist Minni-Triin Park is advising renewables producer EOC Energy on its project to develop solar parks on idle Orthodox Church lands. The firm is assisting the client on real estate requirements, joint venture agreements, and energy law.

The firm is also representing Jägala Kalateed, the Estonian Fishermen Association, and the Estonian Ichthyology Association before the court regarding the access of various protected fish species to habitats and spawning areas in a Natura 2000 protected river. It is acting for the NGOs in challenging a government decision to allow a hydropower facility to block access to the spawning area and seeks to ensure that the government accounts for environmental considerations when developing clean energy projects.

The firm regularly advises on projects which seek to boost environmental initiatives in Estonia. As well as having acted for the state regarding issues in the design and construction of the sole hazardous waste management facility in Estonia, it also partnered with the Stockholm Environment Institute to draft local guidelines for green public procurements.

Minni-Triin Park  | Estonia

Fellner Wratzfeld & Partners


Since 2020, Fellner Wratzfeld & Partner’s offering includes an ESG & sustainability practice group, which advises on green transactions including green-tech, renewable energy projects (wind, solar, and photovoltaic projects alike), and green public private partnerships, among other matters, while also continuing its support to sustainable projects and initiatives.

The firm has particular expertise in energy efficiency measures and sustainable urban planning, where the team assists clients with decarbonisation strategies, the generation and storage of electricity from renewable sources, and climate-conscious use of building waste heat. For Raiffeisenlandesbank Burgenland und Revisionsverband eGen, which recently launched the Raiffeisen Sustainability Initiative Burgenland in support of sustainable energy production and measures against climate change, the firm handled the establishment of bespoke Renewable Energy Communities. As a new instrument for renewable energy generation and storage, these communities play a significant role in Austria’s energy transition process.

Of note is also the firm’s launch of a photovoltaic legal roadmap app, which supports the expansion of PV systems by providing location-based information on building requirements and official permit obligations in Austria.

Beyond from offering sustainability-related client services, the firm has established a sustainability committee to develop, implement and achieve internal sustainability goals. It is has been reporting on its ESG performance since 2019.

Furthermore, the team regularly participates in talks and seminars, such as a recent panel discussion on the EU’s Green Deal at Hypo Tirol’s headquarters in Innsbruck, which brought together industry experts in Austria.

The firm’s support of sustainable projects is also evident in its partnership with Miёlo, a leading producer of bee-friendly and sustainable honey with a focus on farmland re-ecologisation.

Key contacts include planning, environment and public procurement experts Michael Hecht and Josef Peer.

Josef Peer  | Austria

Michael Hecht  | Austria

Filip & Company


Among its sustainability-related work, leading Romanian firm Filip & Company has expertise in the real estate and energy areas, often assisting clients with green projects.

In an ongoing highlight, the firm’s real estate team is representing Magnet Developments in relation to the development of the Amber Forest residential project, one of the largest green residential projects in the region.

In the sustainable finance space, the firm recently advised a syndicate of major banks including UniCredit Bank and Raiffeisen Bank on the €127,000 financing to Green Group, one of the largest waste recycling groups in Central Europe, aimed at developing recycling facilities.

Other relevant work includes assisting clients with enhancing their internal environmental policies, and the development of a number of major renewable projects.

Recently, the firm implemented an internal green initiative called Purple loves Green, which aims to drive the firm’s sustainability initiatives, such as recycling. The firm has the goal of achieving net zero by the end of 2024.

Franßen & Nusser Rechtsanwälte PartGmbB


German boutique Franßen & Nusser Rechtsanwälte specialises in advice at the intersection between environmental and product law, where the team assists with circular economy matters, deforestation regulation, and supply chain compliance, among other topics.

Two key clients seeking the firm’s comprehensive advice on the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act are Deutsche Telekom and German door manufacturer Hörmann.

The team is also actively involved in sustainability reporting and assists, for instance, German property company Gewobag and ebm-papst Group, a leading manufacturer of fans and motors, with all aspects related to sustainability reporting under the CSRD and the Taxonomy Directive.

Jens Nusser and Marthe-Louise Fehse are known for their expertise in environmental product law and compliance. Fehse was recently involved in mandates related to the re-use of construction products and supply chain compliance, while Nusser has been acting for Deutsche Telekom on environmental product law and product safety law issues for more than 15 years.

The team regularly contributes to thought leadership through publications on a range of topics, including deforestation, waste management, and sustainability reporting. Waste and recycling management expert Gregor Franßen is author of a series of papers on soil contamination and protection and single-use plastic packaging.

Notably, the firm also participated as a volunteer in several DIN SPEC projects that aim to set standards in the field of circular economy, and is building an international network of law firms specialising in the circular economy.

Jens Nusser  | Germany

Marthe-Louise Fehse  | Germany

Gregor Franßen  | Germany

GSK Stockmann


GSK Stockmann’s ESG team in Germany is fully equipped to provide comprehensive advice on sustainability issues to a wide range of public and private sector clients. The firm is particularly strong in the areas of sustainable finance as well as real estate and sustainable development, while it also advises on the implementation of environmental protection standards in cross-border supply and value chains, taxonomy issues and ESG regulation.

In the investment funds space, the team is currently advising alternative investment fund asset management company Real I.S. on the implementation of the EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR). For Terra Investment Management, it handled the legal structuring of a special closed-end fund under Art. 9 of the Disclosure Regulation for the financing of a new sustainable urban quarter in Cologne.

Another client is Vetter Pharma, a large pharmaceutical logistics company, which is seeking the firm’s support in connection with its Supply Chain Due Diligence Act task force.

In 2022, the firm organised its first Sustainability Day, bringing together industry experts to explore opportunities for advancing the topic of sustainability within the firm. This continued in 2023 when the firm also published its second annual Sustainability Report.

Key contacts for sustainable finance include Lisa Watermann, who has a focus on regulatory and compliance matters, and capital markets expert Philippe Lorenz.

Lisa Watermann  | Germany

Philippe Lorenz  | Germany

Ganado Advocates


Malta-based firm Ganado Advocates has a growing energy and resources practice, and has worked closely with the Malta Resources Authority (MRA) on various international projects involving aspects of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme.

Notably, the firm is assisting Malta ESG Alliance on a pro-bono basis, with the regularisation and formulation of the association, which aims to help with the decarbonisation of small to medium enterprises.

The firm is also advising a solar developer with large scale solar projects, and another client on legal issues for the development of a waste to biogas plant.

Outside of its work for clients, the firm demonstrates its knowledge surrounding sustainability having recently launched a podcast focused entirely on green finance, which discusses topics such as the green economy and the latest developments and challenges in the field of sustainable finance. The team has also published several articles discussing topics such as shipping emissions and the need to shift towards greener capital markets.

Members of the firm are involved in the executive committee of Malta Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energies Association, a Maltese NGO that aims to promote discussions surrounding energy-related issues, with a focus on sustainable energy policies which emphasise the use of renewable energy.

Internally, in an effort to improve the firm’s energy efficiency, it collaborated with the University of Malta’s Institute for Sustainable Energy to carry out energy audits of the firm’s office. In response to the audits, the firm installed 30 solar panels in its Valletta office.

Key individual Nikolai Lubrano focuses his practice on energy-related projects with expertise in energy finance, sustainable finance, voluntary carbon markets, and the opening of EU ETS accounts in Malta.

Nikolai Lubrano  | Malta

Greenberg Traurig LLP


Launched in 2022 and jointly led by Karolina Kuźniak and Joanna Kuc, Greenberg Traurig LLP’s ESG practice in Poland encompasses issues such as environmental and regulatory compliance, natural resource management, and renewable energy, where the team shows significant expertise, most notably in the wind energy space. In addition, the firm’s independent environmental protection practice, led by Barbara Pancer who frequently writes on environmental and construction law issues, continues to advise on the full spectrum of Polish environmental legislation, including waste management and water protection.

The firm’s energy and natural resources team, recently strengthened by the addition of renewable energy experts Konrad Kosicki and Dorota Derlicka, is currently assisting Alinea Solar France, a company engaged in the generation and distribution of electricity, with the acquisition and financing of a biogas portfolio from a local developer EB Orco.

In the wind energy sector, the firm recently assisted PAK-Polska Czysta Energia, a leader in the Polish energy transition, with the construction of a portfolio of wind farms, including a 72.6 MW wind farm in Człuchów and a 88 MW wind farm in Główczyce, while it is also currently advising Longwing Polska on another large wind farm project.

The firm, whose headquarters are located in the Varso Tower, which was awarded the highest level of BREEAM intermediate certification, recently implemented a ‘Green Policy’ in the Warsaw office aimed at improving internal sustainability measures.

Karolina Kuźniak  | Poland

Joanna Kuc  | Poland

Konrad Kosicki  | Poland

Dorota Derlicka  | Poland

Barbara Pancer  | Poland

Gárdos Mosonyi Tomori Law Office


As part of its comprehensive advice to a range of multinational and Hungarian companies in the areas of banking law, capital markets and insurance, independent Hungarian law firm Gárdos Mosonyi Tomori advises on European ESG and SFDR legislation, as well as on regulations related to sustainable and green finance in the domestic financial market. Specifically, the team often assists clients with the creation, licensing, development, and review of sustainable products under Articles 8 and 9 of the SFDR.

In a recent highlight, the firm acted for Blue Planet Climate Protection Fund Management in the preparation of periodic disclosures and PAI reports as part of its commitment to climate protection and sustainability goals. Another client is AMUNDI Fund Management, for which the team was recently involved in the analysis of the sustainability policy with respect to the asset-specific requirements of Hungarian legislation.

The Hungarian team includes Beatrix Berkes, known for her considerable experience in sustainable finance and securities projects, where she routinely monitors international and EU legislation on green finance. In 2023, Berkes completed the training course for ESG consultants held by the Budapest Banking Institute and presented a course accredited by the Hungarian Bar Association on sustainability transparency in the financial sector.

The firm continues to take part in events and conferences on sustainable finance, including an internal lecture for client Raiffeisen Bank on the new legislation of sustainable finance, where the team advised on the new obligations set out by the regime.

Beatrix Berkes  | Hungary


Czech Republic

Signatory of the UNGC initiative, HAVEL & PARTNERS in the Czech Republic advises on a range of environmental-related matters, ranging from green bond financing to advice on waste management and packaging, building permitting and environmental impact assessments.

In a recent work highlight, the firm provided advice to the Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic on a framework agreement in the packaging and waste management area, including a legal analysis of the forthcoming amendment to the Packaging Act in connection with the introduction of a PET bottle deposit scheme.

For Správa železnic, the provider of national and regional railway infrastructure in the country, the team conducted a financing analysis for high-speed lines through green bonds. It also handled an environmental impact assessment for the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development related to the new PPP railway link Prague Václav Havel Airport – Kladno.

Notably, the firm is a founding member of the Climate & Sustainable Leaders Czech Republic initiative, which promotes the reduction of the country’s carbon footprint and companies’ transition to sustainable operating models. Evidencing its own sustainability efforts, the firm received a silver medal from Ecovadis in 2022.

The team also continues to provide pro bono advice to the global Plant-for-the-Planet project, an organisation that has already planted 13 billion trees worldwide and is now introducing the Czech Republic to the global goal of planting 1 trillion trees.

HPP Attorneys


Finnish business law firm HPP Attorneys has a broad track-record advising international clients on their green transition strategies with particular expertise regarding investments and transactions in the renewable energy sector.

Energy expert Marius af Schultén advised renewable energy developer OX2 on its acquisition of a solar PV development project in Huittinen. With a planned capacity of 475 MW, the project will be among the largest in Finland and is significant in diversifying the country’s renewables sector.

Demonstrating the firm’s experience advising on investments which support the energy transition, renewables specialist Andrew Cotton acted as an advisor to TotalEnergies in its acquisition of a 20% stake in greentech start-up Ductor. The investment helps scale-up technology which makes high-nitrogen organic waste suitable for biomethane production while also aiding the client’s ambition to produce 20 TWh of biogas worldwide by 2030.

Supporting Finland’s goal to become a leader in the power-to-X market, the team also advised French green hydrogen producer Lhyfe in its investment into project developer Flexens. The mandate, significant in being the client’s first outward investment, will accelerate the commercial deployment of the target’s 1.5 GW green hydrogen pipeline.

A further key client is decarbonisation investor OGCI Climate Investments, whom the firm represented in its participation in the €28m fundraising round for mechanical sails provider Norsepower. The mandate helps the client, a CEO-led initiative among conventional energy companies, in its objective to invest in innovations that can drive emissions reductions and consequently scale-up the low-carbon economy.

The firm’s pro bono caseload includes supporting Port 2.0 in project development and fundraising rounds. The client is developing technology to help decarbonise the maritime sector, working to both reduce emissions caused by inefficient logistics systems and electrify ports through renewable power. The firm also sponsors charities including the Helsinki Foundation, which raises funds to purchase and protect forests.

Andrew Cotton  | Finland

Marius af Schultén  | Finland



The specialised ESG team at Dutch full-service law firm HVG Law LLP provides clients with solutions concerning CSRD applicability, environmental sustainability, ESG due diligence, corporate governance, and sustainable supply chains.

The firm serves as legal counsel to EU co-funded clean energy and innovation fund EIT InnoEnergy for its first bankable energy-as-a-service project and business model. The energy team has advised on model agreements, contract law, regulation, and the financial and operational lease of solar panels. It has also organised stakeholder sessions on the EaaS project, with Amsterdam-based energy head Jacqueline Feld speaking for the client at a webinar on how the servitisation model can best support the manufacturing sector in the development of energy-efficiency solutions.

A key client is the Netherlands Association for Renewable Energy, for whom the firm collaborated with EY and the Design and Innovation Group to research the current lead times for Dutch renewable energy projects and advise on acceleration options. By helping ensure projects become operational quicker, the research is vital in supporting the government target for a minimum 55% CO2 reduction by 2030. The firm’s study recommends a combined subsidy and permit climate, front-end cooperation with governments, the coordination of the participation process with governments, and the establishment of a dedicated knowledge and implementation centre to increase government capacity.

Rotterdam-based corporate expert and ESG practice co-lead Bart Wolters specialises in assisting clients regarding sustainability-related M&A, compliance, due diligence, commercial contracting, corporate governance, and CSRD applicability assessments. Wolters also serves on the multi-disciplinary sustainability core team at EY in the Netherlands.

Jacqueline Feld  | Netherlands

Bart Wolters  | Netherlands

Hannes Snellman


Multi-service Nordic law firm Hannes Snellman makes a contribution to Finland’s sustainability landscape with demonstrable expertise advising public and private sector clients on projects and legal frameworks in the renewable energy sector.

Real assets practice head Tapio Teräkivi is a key contact for renewable energy mandates, with recent highlights including advising state enterprise Metsähallitus on the tendering process for 3000 MW-total Pyhäjoki-Raahe and Närpiö offshore wind development projects, which are vital in bringing clean energy to the Finish grid and industrial end-users.

A further client in the wind power segment is renewable energy developer Myrsky Energia, whom the firm advised on its formation of a €2.3bn joint venture with Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners to invest in and develop a 1.8 GW onshore wind portfolio. The firm assisted with all legal aspects of the transaction, before helping create the contractual framework for the joint venture and development.

Supporting the production of green electricity in Finland, the firm was also engaged by international solar power developer ib vogt in its disposal of a ready-to-build 206 MW PV project to leading energy operator Helen.

For the Finnish Ministry of the Environment, environmental and energy law expert Klaus Metsä-Simola prepared a report on the allocation of dismantling obligations in the onshore wind sector and proposed alternative amendments for construction, environmental, and waste laws. The report seeks to promote circular economy targets that both protect biodiversity and utilise resources more sustainably.

As a member of the UN Global Compact, the firm is committed to complementing its sustainability-focused legal advice with internal environmental initiatives. After reducing energy use, consumption, and travel, the firm calculates and compensates for its emissions footprint through carbon credits. Additionally, in June 2023, the Helsinki office participated in the A Million Trees to Finland campaign, which serves to raise awareness of biodiversity while creating more natural spaces.


In Sweden, Nordic full-service law firm Hannes Snellman provides particular expertise in advising global clients on investments and transactions which support the growth of the European renewable energy sector and the decarbonisation of its industrial processes.

In a €100m deal, Johanna Wärnberg acted for Aneo – a renewable energy joint venture between leading Norwegian clean energy players TrønderEnergi and HitecVision – in its acquisition of the Grimsås and Brännliden windfarms from investor Marguerite Infrastructure. The windfarms, whose acquisition marks the client’s first renewables sector investment outside of Norway, will produce 285 GWh of clean electricity annually.

Supporting the scaling-up of solutions vital to the decarbonisation of industrial processes, the firm also advised automotive components supplier Schaeffler on its investment into H2 Green Steel. As well as furthering the growth of the green steel economy and helping decarbonise hard-to-abate industries, the investment secured for the client a source of green strip steel for its operations.

In a cross-border mandate, the firm acted for electricity and hydropower company Blåsjön Kraft – a joint venture working to decarbonise the portfolio of major energy companies Fortum and Uniper – in its sale of electricity distribution system operator Blåsjön Nät to Downing Renewables & Infrastructure Trust. The mandate supports the stable growth of the divested clean electricity network and enables the clients to invest further in low-emission solutions.

As a member of the UN Global Compact since 2020, the firm is keen on making a positive change to its operational carbon footprint. To curtail its emissions impact, the its environmental policy is focused on reducing energy and resource use, minimising travel, and providing sustainability training for employees. The firm also offsets its measured emissions footprint through investing in carbon reduction and sequestration projects.

Tapio Teräkivi  | Finland

Klaus Metsä-Simola  | Finland

Johanna Wärnberg  | Sweden

Heid und Partner Rechtsanwälte GmbH


Austrian public procuremet law boutique Heid und Partner Rechtsanwälte GmbH continues its emphasis on green public procurement and sustainability law as the firm seeks to implement sustainability in all phases of their handled projects. Several of the firm’s partners’ engagement goes beyond client work as they are active members of the Sustainability Council, the Sustainability Circle and other interest groups.

Founding partner Stephen Heid is a member and initiator of the association IG Lebenszyklus Bau, which has a focus on sustainability in real estate and construction, and a board of trustee member at the Allianz für Entwicklung und Klima Österreich, the alliance for development and climate Austria.

Berthold Hofbauer is a lecturer at the ANKÖ Academy on sustainable procurement and at the FH Burgenland on the subject of sustainability law, and co-author of the Austrian Water and Waste Management Association’s (ÖWAV) green procurement guide. He furthermore acts as exclusive procurement law expert for the initiative so fair for socially sustainable procurement of Climate Alliance Austria.

Recent work highlights include assisting the Arbeiterkammer Wien (the Chamber of Labour) in a public procurement procedure aimed at improving the decarbonisation of the Austrian economic system and achieving climate-neutrality by 2040, and advising on a framework agreement on electricity supply for Salzburg Airport in compliance with the Action Plan for Sustainable Public Procurement’s requirements of a minimum share of green electricity.

In the transport space, the team advised Österreichischer Städtebund, the Austrian Association of Cities and Towns, on the Federal Act on the procurement and use of clean road vehicles (SFBG) which requires public authorities to ensure a minimum quota of clean road vehicles.

The firm’s commitment to climate neutrality is evidenced in its latest greenhouse gas report which showed a CO2 emissions’ reduction of 47 per cent determined via scientifically verifiable CO2-calculation methods. All staff are also offered free use of public transport throughout Austria through the Austrian “climate ticket”.

Stephan Heid  | Austria

Berthold Hofbauer  | Austria

Herbert Smith Freehills LLP


In Germany, Herbert Smith Freehills LLP’s team has notable expertise in sustainable finance and sustainable investment issues, where it advises on the implementation of sustainable finance regulations, sustainability-related disclosures and the design of ESG and climate impact investment strategies.

In an ongoing matter, a team including sustainable investment and insurance expert Heike Schmitz is assisting Unigestion, a Swiss-based European asset management group focusing on equity, private equity and multi-asset strategies, with the implementation of sustainable finance regulations and industry guidelines for its business units in Switzerland, France and Germany.

Schmitz is also a member of the ESG Committee of Invest Europe, the central body of the European private equity association dealing with sustainability issues, and has niche expertise in climate-related infrastructure investments in emerging and developing countries. Most recently, she assisted Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners in classifying various infrastructure and renewable energy projects under the SFDR and Taxonomy Regulation, including LNG, blue hydrogen and green securitisation, and in financing the climate transition.

Another client is Art-Invest, which sought Schmitz’ advice on its first steps in sustainable and zero-carbon investments, including the design of a ‘manage to green’ strategy and a Paris climate pathway for its real estate funds.

Globally, the firm is a member of the Net Zero Lawyers Alliance, a signatory to the Campaign for Greener Arbitrations and a member of the Legal Sustainability Alliance. Internally, it is committed to reaching net zero and has set near term targets to reduce emissions by 50% by 2030.


In Italy, Herbert Smith Freehills advises clients on a range of sustainability issues, from the implementation of sustainable brand strategies to advice on corporate transactions in the renewable energy sector.

The team is currently assisting zHero, a developer of green and clean energy projects such as renewables, H2 and derivatives, on all aspects of the client’s branding strategies aimed at creating a ‘green’ brand and establishing brand identity for its new energy business.

Energy specialist Francesca Morra recently assisted L’Oréal in its PPA with Italgen. The agreement is part of the ‘L’Oréal for the Future’ programme, aimed at supplying entirely renewable energy, mainly from hydroelectric sources.

Another client is Pacifico Energy Partners, which the team advised on a joint venture with Eiffel Investment Group related to the development of a portfolio of photovoltaic projects in Italy with a total capacity of around 300 MW.

Globally, the firm is a member of the Net Zero Lawyer’s Alliance and the Legal Sustainability Alliance, as well as a signatory of the UN Global Compact. As part of its efforts to reduce the environmental impact of dispute resolution, the firm also signed the Campaign for Greener Arbitrations’ Green Pledge and the Greener Litigation Pledge. It is committed to reach net-zero targets and to reduce emissions by 50% by 2030.

South Africa

Herbert Smith Freehills South Africa LLP’ Johannesburg office houses a strong projects and energy practice, led by energy and infrastructure project specialist Brigette Baillie, which routinely advises clients on a range of renewable energy projects, particularly in the wind and solar sectors.

In a recently concluded matter, the team assisted Mulilo Renewable Energy, G7 Renewable Energies and Mulilo TotalEnergies in the submission of bids and request for proposals under the RMIPPPP programme, launched by the South African Department of Minerals and Resources and Energy in 2020, with the aim of bridging the short-term energy supply gap and reducing the use of diesel-based peaking electric generators with renewable electricity sources.

For EDF Renouvelables, EDF Renewables South Africa and Scatec Solar, the firm recently advised on all corporate and project financing elements of the REIPPP programme, which aims to bring additional megawatts into the country’s electricity system through private sector investments in wind, biomass, and small hydro.

Supporting the country’s just energy transition, the firm assisted EDF Renewables with developing and selling power to Anglo American through its jointly owned company Envusa Energy, which aims to develop a regional renewable energy ecosystem to incentivise economic activity in South Africa’s renewable energy sector.

In a major South African private sector renewable energy procurement transaction, the firm also acted for Air Liquide Large Industries of South Africa in the implementation of an agreement with Sasol to acquire a large oxygen production site at the Secunda plant and jointly procure 900 MW of renewable energy by 2030.

The team includes ESG expert Ernst Muller, a frequent speaker and guest lecturer on ESG, green hydrogen, mining and sustainable development, who is also responsible for representing Africa on the International Bar Association’s Sustainable Development Goals and ESG working group, the Net Zero Lawyers Alliance steering committee, and the Green Hydrogen Organisation’s standards committee.


Herbert Smith Freehills’ team in France regularly assists clients with a broad spectrum of environmental matters, covering energy transition work, project development, land contamination, sustainable finance and asset management, among other areas.

Its renewable energy work includes advising Veolia Industries Global Solutions, Pearl Infrastructure Capital and Norske Skog Golbey on the drafting and negotiation of contracts relating to the construction of a biomass facility on the Golbey industrial site in France. The project, which will rely on a Green Valley Energy biomass boiler, will produce over 200 GWh of electricity and over 700 GWh of renewable heat, saving more than 210,000 tonnes of CO2 annually. In a major renewables transaction, the French team also collaborated with the Madrid office on Engie and Credit Agricole Assurances’ recent acquisition of Eolia Renovables.

The French practice has also seen an increase in corporate PPA work, recently advising Renault on a photovoltaic agreement with Voltalia, which, with a 350MWc of installed capacity, will allow the manufacturer to cover up to 50% of the electricity consumption of its production activities in France in 2027. The deal marked a significant step for the still developing French PPA market.

As a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact and a member of the Net Zero Lawyers Alliance, the firm shows further commitment to fostering a sustainable future, putting these values into practice with its target to reduce carbon emissions by 50% by 2030.

Its ESG Notes Blog and ESG Hub, where it publishes thought leadership articles on environmental sustainability, are also noteworthy. Mathias Dantin, in particular, is recommended for his work in the energy transition space, and regularly publishes articles on the energy sector alongside speaking  at environmental conferences and seminars.

Heike Schmitz  | Germany

Francesca Morra  | Italy

Brigette Baillie  | South Africa

Ernst Muller  | South Africa

Mathias Dantin  | France

Herbst Kinsky


Operating across a variety of sectors, including corporate, M&A, and banking and finance, Austrian firm Herbst Kinsky advises a robust client base of entrepreneurs and global players on a range of green innovation and sustainability-related matters.

For Statkraft Ventures, the venture capital unit of Europe’s largest renewable energy producer with an investment focus on the energy transition, and sustainable investment fund Junction Growth Investors, the team handled a €6.5m Series A financing round investment in EET – Efficient Energy Technology, a battery storage start-up based in Graz.

Two further ongoing mandates of note include the firm’s commercial and labour law advice to Ferrum Technologies, a company specialised in hydrogen plasma-based sustainable steel production, and to Energy Capital Ventures in connection with the €10m financing round of Vertus Energy, a biotechnology start-up committed to improving efficiency in biogas production.

Herzog Fox & Neeman


Leading Israeli firm Herzog Fox & Neeman has a longstanding environment and climate change practice led by Ruth Dagan which often advises clients on cross-jurisdictional matters aiming to accelerate the green transition, ranging from sustainable finance to renewable energy projects.

Dagan is leading the team in advising Oporto Carbon regarding a number of commercial transactions for the development and commercialisation of carbon rights for the generation of carbon credits and offset sales agreements to international organisations.

In another ongoing matter, the firm is assisting Enlight Renewable Energy with a joint venture with NewMed Energy for exclusive cooperation over a period of time to initiative, develop, finance and operate renewable energy projects in various countries across the Middle East and North Africa.

In a recent highlight in the sustainable finance space, the firm acted for Bank Leumi in an international $500m green bond offering, the proceeds of which will be used to finance eco-friendly projects across areas including renewable energy, green transport, and sustainable development.

Dagan is also a member of a think tank on the climate and business sector which is led by the Israeli Ministry of Environmental Protection, and a founding member of the Business Roundtable initiative for a voluntary carbon market in Israel. Head of the firm’s ESG practice Livnat Ein-Shay Wilder lectures on ESG regulation, and lead of the impact investment practice Janet Levy Pahima participated in COP27.

Ruth Dagan  | Israel

Livnat Ein-Shay Wilder  | Israel

Janet Levy Pahima  | Israel

Hogan Lovells


In Germany, Hogan Lovells has expertise in a range of sustainability issues, from the development and financing of renewable energy projects to the issuance of green bonds.

In the renewables space, the team is assisting German-Swedish developer Svevind Energy in the construction of a major green hydrogen project in Kazakhstan involving the installation of wind and solar farms with a total capacity of 45 gigawatts. The farm will produce approximately three million tonnes of green hydrogen per year, thus contributing significantly to the decarbonisation of the industry and the achievement of sustainable energy goals.

In another current matter, the firm is advising Advanced Metallurgical Group, a major producer of tantalum ores, on the environmental aspects of its acquisition of a 25% stake in Zinnwald Lithium, a UK supplier of lithium hydroxide for batteries.

Another longstanding client is leading wind turbine manufacturer Vestas, known for currently developing the V236-15 MW, which is expected to be one of the most powerful onshore wind turbine in the world.

Globally, the firm is engaged in several sustainability initiatives to support environmental protection and promote sustainability goals. As a signatory of Business Ambition for 1.5°C and Race to Zero, the firm is committed to reduce its carbon footprint and become net-zero by 2050.

On a pro bono basis, it continues to support Rewilding, a pioneering nature conservation initiative aimed at transforming vast areas of land into wilderness. As of 2022, it is also funding new indigenous-led rewilding efforts in the northern boreal forests in partnership with Snowchange, a non-profit organisation working with indigenous groups and local traditional communities around the world for the cause of climate justice.


In France, Hogan Lovells’ ESG team assists clients with navigating a spread of energy transition matters, including in the area of sustainable finance and investments.

Equipped with its experience in the renewables sector, the team adeptly handles project development work, recently advising Themis Energy on the development, operation and financial close of The Côte d’Ivoire project involving a hydropower plant with a 44MW capacity.

In another recent mandate, it acted for Norwegian energy company Equinor on its investment in Lithium de France, a company which combines the production of zero-carbon geothermal energy with the eco-friendly extraction of lithium. It also advised Equinor Ventures, its venture capital group, on its investment in the France-based hydrogen storage and transportation company HySilabs. The funding for the latter will support the continued development of HySiLabs’ silica-based liquid hydrogen carrier Hydrosil, which produces hydrogen without added energy. Both projects mark a clean break from Norway’s carbon dependency and support its eventual transition to a sustainable economy.

The firm’s commitment to the green transition goes beyond its workload. Globally, as a signatory of the UN Business Ambition for Race to Zero, it aims to reduce carbon emissions, hoping to become net zero by 2050; its dedication to doing so is reflected in its collaboration with annual ESG reporting platforms such as the Carbon Disclosure Project.

It also directly participates in the conversation surrounding sustainability through its involvement in the World Economic Forum, bringing together thought leaders, government bodies and NGOs to discuss ESG issues, and is a member of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD), through which it actively plays a part in driving the focus on biodiversity.

Seeking to inspire others to act consciously, the firm has also launched the ESG Academy, ESG Global Vision and the ESG Litigation Guide, platforms which help clients navigate ESG regulations and developments.

Holla Legal & Tax


Through its dedicated Transition team, Dutch full-service law firm Holla Legal & Tax provides clients with leading advice across clean energy, electrification solutions, and sustainable real estate.

Within the renewable energy sector, key clients include TPStorage and TPSolar, whom the firm advise on all legal and regulatory matters concerning grid operation and connections, the development of ground-based solar parks, and the installation of battery storage systems. The team also represents the clients in appeal procedures before the administrative courts regarding permits and zoning plans.

Another longstanding client is e-mobility service provider 50five, whom an Eindhoven-based team advised on its acquisitions of charging solution provider NL MAB. The mandate supports the client in expanding its offering of charging-as-a-service solutions.

Helping pioneer net-zero tourism, the firm is also assisting real estate player Bent Vastgoed in securing the building and environmental permits necessary to realise its entirely plant-based and vegan hotel.

Transition team head Harald Wiersema and associate Ko Hamelink, both in ‘s-Hertogenbosch, co-authored an overview article on community battery storage and its interactions with environmental law, and are contributing the chapter on energy law for legal publisher Berghauser Pont’s handbook on sustainability for municipalities.

In 2023, the firm joined the Holland Solar industry association, providing members advice on the legal and regulatory environment to help them to most optimally create a stable and prosperous clean energy industry. The firm is also a member of the Green Business Club, which connects people, companies, and municipalities to make local areas more sustainable, and acts as exclusive legal knowledge partner to the Urban Mining Collective, which provides circular building materials to reduce carbon emissions in construction.

The firm has been net-zero carbon since 2021, achieved through its rooftop solar panels, use of only renewable gas and electricity, preference for sustainable suppliers, and robust waste management programme.

Harald Wiersema  | Netherlands

Ko Hamelink  | Netherlands

Id est avocats Sàrl


Alongside its assistance to startups, SMEs, and funds on a range of ESG-related issues, including advising in connection with sustainable investment funds, id est avocats Sàrl continues to handle work in the renewable energy and energy transition space, including in the geothermal and hydrogen sectors.

A recent highlight was the advice provided to two major European impact funds in the financing of a B Corp in the AgriTech industry, while in the emission monitoring and renewable energy trading space, the firm recently advised on licensing, commercial agreements, and partnerships.

The firm’s strong commitment to sustainability extends beyond its client work: In addition to being one of three Swiss law firms to have obtained B Corp certification in 2022, the firm, who is also a member of the Net Zero Lawyers Alliance and a UN Global Compact participant, has been awarded the platinum medal by EcoVadis for several years.

Firm founder Michel Jaccard is an active member of the ‘Impact Term Sheet’ team, a pan-European initiative of the Dutch foundation Legal Innovation for Sustainable Investments, and is involved in several academic and research projects on sustainability, ESG and climate tech, including recently publishing an article on venture capital, ESG and sustainable investments in a leading Swiss law journal.

Michel Jaccard  | Switzerland



In 2021, Integrites established a climate change task force in Ukraine to assist clients with reducing their carbon emissions, building up renewable energy generation and storage, and attracting green finance. The team is also engaged in green hydrogen initiatives, the development of biomethane production based on agricultural waste, and trading with green electricity and gases.

Over the past years, the firm has been advising on the vast majority of international wind and numerous international solar projects in Ukraine. Currently, it is assisting a consortium of clients including EuroCape/LongWing, GE Capital, an independent European wind farm developer and operator, and VLC Renewables, a partnership between renewable energy investment company Low Carbon and global energy company Vitol, in the second-largest renewable energy transaction related to the construction of a 402 MW wind farm in the Zaporizhzhia region.

The team is also advising Norwegian wind farm developer Emergy on developing a 792.5 MW Zophia wind farm in southern Ukraine which will produce about 1.25 GWh of electricity, enough to power over 627,000 Ukrainian households. For the same client, it is additionally acting as sponsor for the €270m loans provided by Erste Group Bank and Procredit Bank to finance the construction of the Alibunar wind farm in northeastern Serbia, consisting of two 168 MW greenfield wind farms.

Both internally and externally, the firm continues to be involved in various sustainability initiatives. Head of the energy practice Oleksiy Feliv recently participated in the Ukrainian Energy Transition Forum, held at Simmons & Simmons’ headquarters in London, which brought together Ukrainian officials, private and state-owned energy companies, and renewable energy developers to formulate an action plan to build Ukraine’s energy infrastructure sector. In March 2023, he also took part in the first Luxembourg-Ukraine conference on energy efficiency in industry and agriculture, where he spoke about the legal framework for green electricity and gas in Ukraine.

Oleksiy Feliv  | Ukraine



Hungarian firm Jalsovszky has an established practice advising various clients in the renewable energy sector on a range of legal issues, including commercial litigation, the enforcement of licences and contracts, and the restructuring of financial documentation.

In the latter area, the team recently assisted Raiffeisen Bank with amending the financial documentation of a solar energy project, and is currently advising K&H Bank on the process of restructuring the financial documentation of JRD, an international solar energy holding company.

Also in the wind and solar energy sector, the firm provided comprehensive regulatory advice to ABO Wind, a developer of wind and solar farms as well as battery and hydrogen projects around the world, and is assisting Callis Energetika, a Hungarian group of energy suppliers and real estate developers engaged in the construction of wind and solar power plant projects, in drafting a complex contractual structure with the owners of the land destined to house the solar power plants.

Internally, the firm continues its engagement in several sustainable initiatives, including promoting environmental awareness among its members through seminars.

Jones Day


Jones Day’s Netherlands office makes a key contribution to the firm’s European ESG team, providing long-standing and incisive expertise regarding clean energy transactions and impact investing.

In the renewable energy sector, the corporate team acted for the management shareholders of Lekela Power in its acquisition by investors Infinity Global Energy. The mandate supports the client in financing the operation and delivery of its 1 GW+ portfolio of wind power projects.

A key client is Climate Funds Managers, whom the corporate team advised on its $102m investment into solar power investor Release Management. The financing – including $55m in equity for a 32% stake in Release and $47m in shareholder loans – will help deploy Release’s innovative solar and battery solutions which help decarbonise industrial electricity consumption across Africa.

The investment funds team is also acting for Climate Funds Managers, advising on the set-up of its $1bn target Climate Investor Three green hydrogen funding platform; on secondary transactions regarding its water, sanitation, and ocean project-focused $3bn Climate Investor Two fund; and on the set-up of the Climate Credit Fund, which will refinancing sustainable energy infrastructure projects in Africa.

The firm provides Dutch clients with regular thought leadership in the ESG space, with topics addressed in online insights including green bond standards, deforestation regulation, and climate change litigation.



In France, Kalliopé is a specialist in renewable energy, infrastructure and project management, with a heavy focus on green M&A for photovoltaic, wind farms and biomass projects. In recent years, it has also seen a significant increase in work related to hydrogen and its storage.

As part of its financing portfolio, the group recently assisted Amundi Transition Energétique and Sofipaca as investors on their proposed investment in a portfolio of rooftop solar installations, and acted for Greenvolt (formerly V-RIDIUM) in the acquisition of a 23.4 MW solar project from NOVA FRANCE ENERGY.

In another recent mandate, the group advised SOLVEO DEVELOPPEMENT and SOLVEO ENERGIE on concluding a loan agreement for the partial financing of the development, construction and operation of an onshore wind farm comprised of three 5 MW wind turbines in Saint Ambroix.

Through its links with several trade associations in the French renewables sector, the firm is also involved in developing regulations and public policies affecting the sector.

Co-founding partner Jocelyn Duval has extensive experience within the renewable energy sector. He has authored texts on solar energy and regularly organises so-called climate frescoes with his teams, workshops aimed at gaining a better understanding of the complexities of climate change and the nuances of the IPCC report.

Jocelyn Duval  | France

Karatzas & Partners


Greek firm Karatzas & Partners advises on major transactions that facilitate the green transition in Europe.

In an ongoing example, the team is assisting leading energy group HELLENiQ Renewables in a transaction of up to €766m for the financing of renewable energy investments. This consists of one of the largest long-term financing agreements for renewable energy sources (RES) in Europe.

The firm also recently advised Alpha Bank on a project in connection with the signing of a Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) loan for the construction of five PV farms in Western Macedenia, as part of a larger solar park which has a toal capacity of 960MW, making it one of the largest in Europe.

Head of the firm’s project finance team Christina Faitakis coordinates the firm’s efforts across all ESG issues. Another key contact is head of the firm’s energy department Valia Apostolopoulou, who recently participated in a number of conferences, such as Renewable Greece 2023 where she discussed Greek offshore wind issues.

Internally, the firm is taking various measures to reduce its carbon footprint, such as reducing plastic as well as paper consumption, and recycling waste. In an innovative example, to exchange contact information, it has adapted eco-friendly contactless digital cards made from sustainable bamboo.

Christina Faitakis  | Greece

Valia Apostolopoulou  | Greece

Kellerhals Carrard


Consolidating its expertise, Swiss firm Kellerhald Carrard recently launched a dedicated Sustainability & ESG Desk consisting of an interdisciplinary team which routinely advises on sustainable and ESG-related investment funds and capital markets transactions, green financial products, and sustainable FinTech matters, among other areas. It is jointly headed by sustainable investments specialist Henry Peter, corporate governance expert Jean-Luc Chenaux, and Isabelle Romy, who is noted for her longstanding experience in environmental law.

The team also has significant experience in the renewable energy sector, where it is currently assisting Holzkraftwerk Aarberg in the realisation of one of the largest waste-wood-fuelled power plants in Switzerland, aiming to reduce CO2 emissions by 16,000 tonnes per year. Another highlight was the representation of Swissolar, the Swiss solar energy trade association, in a landmark case before ComCo, the Swiss competition commission; contrary to previous practice, ComCo judged the client’s newly developed index for the purchase price of solar panels and the prices paid by end customers to be compliant with Swiss competition law.

In the environmental remediation space, the firm is acting for Immobilienpartner, a company formerly active in the textile industry, in the remediation process of a large, polluted site.

Another client is Swiss software company Trustwise regarding all legal matters concerning its 360° corporate governance application which significantly reduces carbon footprints by fully digitalising corporate housekeeping operations and decision making.

Internally, Sustainability & ESG Coordinators have been appointed at each of the firm’s offices, and the firm’s KC Sustainability & ESG Know-how Portal enables the sharing and structuring of its sustainability and ESG-related expertise, while its internal Sustainability & ESG Blog acts as a forum for discussing news and information across all teams.

Externally, the firm led the second editon of the Sustainability and ESG: Litigation Risks conference at the Europa Institute EIZ in May 2023, and chaired a panel on sustainable finance and Fintech at the Polish-Swiss Innovation Day in October 2022, among various other engagements.

Henry Peter  | Switzerland

Isabelle Romy  | Switzerland

Jean-Luc Cheneaux  | Switzerland

Kieltyka Gladkowski KG Legal


Signatory of the World Lawyers’ Pledge on Climate Action, Polish firm Kieltyka Gladkowski KG Legal has a dedicated green energy department and handles an array of environmental issues, spanning climate migration, sustainability, and clean energy transition through renewable energy resources. The team, which predominantly handles cross-border matters, also actively advises on green PPAs and projects related to green cryptocurrencies. Notably, the firm operates a client acceptance policy aligned to ESG criteria and does not advise clients regarded as polluters.

An innovative recent matter was the firm’s advice to a Scandinavian entity entering the Polish market with its software and management system surrounding packaging waste recycling, such as the disposal of beverage containers and cans.

In the renewables space, the firm provided regulatory assistance to a German client entering as a shareholder in a photovoltaic company operating in Poland, while in another innovative project, it advised a foreign operator of a green fintech investment platform offering investments in renewable energy projects, energy efficiency, and other sustainability initiatives.

The firm’s numerous external engagements include its membership in the Coalition for Decarbonising Buildings, and on a regular basis, the team also takes part in IRENA (International Renewable Energy Agency) events to gain further insights and drive action in the renewable energy transition, including the deployment of green hydrogen.

Founding partners Małgorzata Kiełtyka and Jakub Gładkowski are the key contacts.

Małgorzata Kiełtyka  | Poland

Jakub Gładkowski  | Poland



Signatory of both the UN Global Compact and the Campaign for Greener Arbitrations, Swiss firm LALIVE, renowned for its experience in dispute resolution, has significant expertise in the renewable energy sector, where it advises renewable energy companies, NGOs, and clients with a focus on the environment on a range of both litigation and advisory matters.

In recent years, the firm has been involved in a high number of arbitrations in the renewables space, including a presiding arbitrator appointment in the ongoing $700m arbitration brought under the Energy Charter Treaty between Austrian construction company Strabag and Austrian energy holding company Erste Nordsee & Zweite Nordsee Offshore, and the Federal Republic of Germany concerning developments in renewable energy regulation related to the construction of offshore windfarms in the North Sea.

For SeaCleaners Swiss, an international association engaged in the protection of oceans from plastic pollution, the firm handled on a pro bono basis the client’s donations and sponsorship agreements.

The firm’s internal commitment to reducing its environmental impact is exemplified by various initiatives, including the participation in the Geneva Bar’s “Swiss Triple Impact” pilot programme to help law firms evaluate their contribution to the UN Sustainability Development Goals. The firm is also engaged in offsetting 100 per cent of its calculated carbon emissions via Zurich-based organisation myclimate by sponsoring a number of sustainability projects both in Switzerland and Africa, including a project in Uganda which distributes water purification systems to low-income families and institutions.

LCF Law Group


With considerable expertise in renewable energy projects, LCF Law Group in Ukraine regularly advises a range of clients in the energy and natural resources sector, including domestic and multinational energy groups, energy industry developers, and organisations such as the Ukrainian Renewable Energy Association and the Ukrainian Wind Energy Association (UWEA).

In an ongoing matter, the team is acting for BIOGAS-KYIV, a national biomethane project developer, on the development of 2 biomethane plants with a total annual capacity of up to 30-40 mcm.

For Dnistrovska Wind Powerplant, it recently advised on grid connection, licensing, and execution of the PPA related to the construction of a 60 MW wind power plant.

On a pro bono basis, energy practice head Ivan Bondarchuk supports the Ukrainian Ministry of Energy’s work in establishing the Ukraine Energy Support Fund, which was created in cooperation with the Energy Community and other international donors to purchase equipment needed for the rehabilitation of energy facilities in Ukraine. Bondarchuk also drafted amendments and negotiated draft law 9011d on post-conflict recovery and development of the wind energy sector in Ukraine, and in cooperation with the World Bank and the Ukrainian Ministry of Energy, coordinates UWEA’s work on the development of offshore wind energy projects in Ukraine.

Ivan Bondarchuk  | Ukraine



The cross-disciplinary ESG practice group at Lithuanian full-service law firm ILAW LEXTAL is a key advisor to conventional energy companies in their decarbonisation journeys, providing expertise across environmental law, clean energy regulation, and renewables project developments.

In an ongoing matter bringing collaboration across the pan-Baltic LEXTAL network, energy specialist Jolanta Stonė is advising leading energy player TotalEnergies on its preparations to potentially participate in Lithuania’s upcoming tender for a 700 MW wind power project. The firm provided the client with a feasibility study on wind power development in Lithuania and the Baltic Sea, tender processes, upcoming legislation, and territorial planning procedures.

The team’s regulatory expertise includes assisting energy pipeline company DS-1 on its business transition, supporting the client in investments and novel solutions that will underpin its shift to green energy services.

Further key contacts are renewable energy specialist Tomas Janušauskis, who is a notable author in thought leadership concerning the renewable energy market and energy communities, and environmental expert Vilma Sabaliauskienė, who provides Lithuanian judges with environmental training and lectures on ESG at the Sustain Academy.

To help build green awareness internally and within the professional community, the firm provides sustainability trainings to employees, held a summit on ESG client advice and internal best practices for the TELFA lawyers’ network, and hosts an annual responsible business conference to collate key sustainability information for clients.

To minimise its internal environmental footprint, the firm has implemented resource-saving initiatives focused on reducing travel, minimising printing, implementing energy-efficient lighting and electronics, and conducting waste audits. Additionally, the firm joins its clients to participate in the annual national cleanup day organised by the “Let’s Do It!” organisation.


Full-service law firm LEXTAL has positioned itself at the forefront of renewable energy developments in Estonia, leveraging its expert understanding of regulatory matters, financing, planning, and M&A to advise developers and landowners on their impactful projects.

A leading client is major global energy company TotalEnergies Renewables, whom the firm is advising on Estonia’s Maritime Special Plan, which serves as the foundation for the country’s upcoming Baltic Sea wind power tender. For the client, the firm prepared a feasibility study on wind power development in Estonia, advising on territorial planning, construction, and renewables tender procedures. By helping ready the client, a leading clean energy producer, for its potential participation in the offshore wind tender, the mandate supports the future growth of Estonia’s renewables sector.

The firm has broad experience advising leading agricultural and forest landowners regarding the development of renewable energy projects. Managing partner Marge Männiko acted for Dasos Capital, an advisor to private equity funds investing in sustainable forests and land capital, in co-development and lease agreements for the development and establishment of wind and solar parks. Helping meet Estonia’s energy needs in a low-carbon manner, the projects will produce clean electricity for at least 50 years.

Demonstrating its dispute resolution expertise, the firm also acted for PV plant developer Pro-Solar in its dispute with a local government regarding the construction of a solar plant. It successfully secured the consent to build a large-scale solar farm and is since representing the client in negotiations and disputes concerning the required construction contracts.

Internally, the firm has implemented an extensive strategy to reduce its resource use, founded an e-waste partnership to ensure the responsible disposal of its old technology, and is working toward becoming an entirely paperless operation.

Jolanta Stonė  | Lithuania

Tomas Janušauskis  | Lithuania

Vilma Sabaliauskienė  | Lithuania

Marge Männiko  | Estonia



The sustainability team at LOGOS provides clients with dedicated advice across sustainable finance, sustainability standards and obligations, and green technologies. Key to the firm’s service offering is its assistance for leading banks on the implementation of SFDR and Taxonomy regulations, and on the sustainability amendments to the MiFID framework.

Demonstrating its expertise in sustainable finance and the decarbonisation of local industry, the firm advised fisheries company Brim in the drafting and negotiation of a €220m sustainability-linked loan. The deal was innovative in that it was among the first Icelandic facilities to incorporate the LMA’s model provisions for sustainability-linked loans.

The firm has wide experience advising on carbon offsetting schemes, supporting industrial actors in financing carbon sequestration projects where operational emissions cannot be otherwise abated. For domestic beverage producer Ölgerðin Egill Skallagrímsson, the firm assisted in drafting a carbon credit contract with a local forestry project.

Supporting the development of the client’s innovative decarbonisation solution, the administrative and environmental team assisted Running Tide Iceland in its appeal to obtain a permit to conduct offshore research on its new carbon removal technology.

In a pro bono matter which is working to support the business community in taking a climate-conscious stance, key corporate sustainability contact Helga Ottarsdottir joined clothing company 66° North in a petition to the government to implement benefit corporations as a legal form in Iceland.

To reduce its adverse impact on the environment, the firm has introduced an internal sustainability policy. Within its guidelines, it commits to minimise travel through remote meetings, choose green products and services, reduce food and paper waste, and bolster employee awareness to inspire more individual green choices. The firm also works to boost climate consciousness in the local community as a member of the Festa sustainability network and the sustainable investment forum IcelandSIF.

Helga Ottarsdottir  | Iceland



Multi-practice law firm Lagahvoll is a key advisor across the green transition in Iceland, assisting clients in the electric vehicle, real estate, and green fuel sectors with their ESG and sustainability strategies.

Jóhann Tómas Sigurðsson advised eco-friendly housing company Vistbyggð on the financing of its second sustainable housing project. The deal is notable as one of the first green housing project financings in Iceland, with the properties all compliant with the Svansvottun eco-certification.

In an ongoing matter which seeks to kickstart the country’s green fuel sector while also decarbonising the local economy, the firm is advising Carbon Iceland on its agreements to establish and build a direct air capture plant. The firm is assisting the client with its legal structure and in its discussions with collaborating parties and local governments to help build the innovative CO2 capture plant.

The firm is also active in important green disputes, representing leading EV charging station and network operator Ísorka in its dispute with heat and electric company Orka náttúrunnar and the city of Reykjavík. Helping ensure the fairness of the developing electric vehicle market, the dispute concerns the validity of the public procurement process regarding a concession agreement for charging stations in Reykjavík.

In order to mitigate its own carbon footprint, the firm is working to reduce the emissions it generates from its travel and internal activities. As part of this effort, the firm is encouraging and facilitating partners and staff to switch to electric mobility.

Jóhann Tómas Sigurðsson  | Iceland

Latham & Watkins LLP


Latham & Watkins LLP’s Milan office advises clients on a broad range of environmental matters, particularly in the context of transactional work, where it helps clients navigate the energy transition and move towards greener practices.

In a recent mandate, the firm advised SK Capital, a private investment firm committed to building resilient, sustainable and growing businesses, in its acquisition of Ecopol, a major global producer of water-soluble and biodegradable films that significantly reduce CO2 emissions and the usage of water and virgin plastic throughout their supply chains.

Another client is CVC Capital Partners Fund VIII, which the team advised on the drafting and signing of an agreement with Enel Group for the acquisition of a 50% stake in Gridspertise, an Italian manufacturer of smart grid equipment for electrical infrastructure owned by the Enel Group through Enel Grids.

For global private investment firm Bain Capital, the firm also handled all aspects related to the sale of a €3bn stake in Fedrigoni, a leading global manufacturer of self-adhesive labels and fibre-based packaging products committed to integrating sustainability into its business strategy through the reuse of waste from customers’ production processes and the development of single-material solutions. The investment contributes significantly to the client’s 2030 sustainability roadmap, which aims to reduce carbon emissions by 30% and achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, in line with the Science-Based Targets Initiative.

Globally, the firm is a founding member of Lawyers for a Sustainable Economy, and routinely provides pro bono support to sustainability-focused initiatives. It is also a member of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development.

Internally, the firm continues to incorporate sustainability principles into its offices as part of its efforts to achieve 100% renewable energy for its Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2030.


Latham & Watkins LLP’s Spanish office continues to assist clients with transactions in the renewable energy sector, including solar, wind and green hydrogen projects.

In the latter segment, the firm provided advice to H2B2 Electrolysis Technologies, a technology company that promotes and develops hydrogen production systems based on water electrolysis, on its de-SPAC business combination with RMG Acquisition Corp. III.

For Global Infrastructure Management, the firm handled the acquisition of Atlas Renewable Energy, one of the largest independent renewable energy developers in Latin America, with 14 fully contracted solar plants producing 2.3 GW of installed capacity in Brazil, Chile, Mexico and Uruguay.

Another noteworthy transaction handled by a team including environment, land and resources practice head José María Alonso,  is Repsol’s  acquisition of Asterion Energies, a platform that invests in renewable energy across Europe, from Asterion Industrial. Repsol is committed to achieving 6 GW of renewable generation capacity by 2025 and 20 GW by 2030, and Asterion’s 7.7-gigawatt portfolio includes 4.900 GW of solar PV and 2.8 GW of wind, of which 2.5 GW are in advanced stages of development or under construction.

As part of its sustainability efforts, the firm is a founding member of Lawyers for a Sustainable Economy and a member of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development. Internally, it has committed to achieving 100 percent renewable energy for its Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2030.

José María Alonso  | Spain

Lex Law Offices


Across its energy, ESG, and banking practices, Icelandic multi-practice law firm Lex Law Offices advises leading clients on climate- and sustainability-related matters to create green and long-term business value.

The firm has wide expertise assisting banks on green and sustainability-linked loans. In a $100m deal, ESG practice head Eva Margrét Ævarsdóttir acted for Naxis on the Icelandic aspect of its green term-loan financing to renewable energy-powered data centre platform Verne Global. The loan will fund the expenditure necessary to further establish green data centres in Iceland.

Corporate finance specialist Gudmundur Ingvi Sigurdsson represented Íslandsbanki and a consortium of banks in a €220m sustainability-linked loan to fisheries company Brim. The financing helps pursue the decarbonisation of the fishing sector by incorporating KPIs in line with sustainability objectives and the reduction of carbon emissions.

A further key client is Carbfix, a cleantech company which turns CO2 emissions into solid rock, and its Coda Terminal Project subsidiary. The firm is assisting on all corporate matters, including the incorporation of the client and on the planning of the terminal, which will be a novel, scalable onshore CO2 mineral storage hub. Additionally, the firm is collaborating with banks, consultants, and technical advisors to prepare for the first-round equity investments in Carbfix and the follow-up investments into the Coda terminal.

The firm makes a keen contribution to sustainability in the business community. Alongside being a long-standing member of the Energy Law Group, it participates in the Festa non-profit organisation, which supports companies and organisations to create a more sustainable economy, and contributes to its guide to sustainability laws and regulations. Additionally, as a member of the IcelandSIF sustainable investment forum, which seeks to boost the discussion of sustainable and responsible investment, the firm moderated a seminar on EU sustainability regulations.

Eva Margrét Ævarsdóttir  | Iceland

Gudmundur Ingvi Sigurdsson  | Iceland



Alongside its specialisation in sustainable finance, Lindenpartners’ German team is also noted for advising on sustainable corporate governance and green buildings and leases.

Two longstanding clients in the banking space are the German Derivatives Association and German Savings Banks Association, for whom the firm is currently handling the implementation of the EU Sustainable Finance Action Plan. Both mandates are led by a team which includes sustainable finance and environmental law experts Nils Ipsen and Lars Röh.

For state-owned real estate company berlinovo, the firm is also advising on the development of a sustainability concept for the client’s business activities and on the implementation of ESG goals in investment funds, among other matters.

As part of its efforts to promote a better understanding of new sustainable finance regulation, the firm regularly publishes reports and articles on its website, including a white paper on sustainable finance and several blog reports on sustainable finance regulations.

Lars Röh  | Germany

Nils Ipsen  | Germany

Linklaters LLP


Linklaters LLP’s Polish office has deep experience in the field of sustainable finance, where it advises on green and sustainability-linked loans as well as green, social and sustainable bonds (GSS), and continues to provide comprehensive regulatory and transactional advice in the renewable energy sector.

For Mirova, an affiliate of Natixis Investment Managers and a leading French asset manager, the team handled one of the largest energy transactions in CEE in 2022 related to the client’s investment in Sunly, which will use the capital to further develop its solar and wind portfolio in the Baltics and Poland.

The team also assisted PAD RES, a Polish renewable energy developer owned by pan-European investor Kajima Europe, private equity investor Griffin Capital Partners and Mariusz Adamczewski in financing the construction of the Genowefa solar park project with a total capacity of 35 MW.

Contributing to the promotion of more environmentally-friendly retail and value chains in Poland, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development sought the firm’s advice on its PLN 310m and  €7.5m senior secured financing of a chain of convenience stores in Poland. The loan will finance the adoption of sustainable solutions in Żabka Polska’s operations and includes a concessional tranche linked to the achievement of ESG-related targets.

Patryk Figiel, who has significant expertise in the acquisition and financing of renewables projects, heads the energy and infrastructure practice which also includes regulatory and environmental law specialist Jakub Dabrowski, who brings experience in onshore and offshore wind farm projects.

Globally, the firm has established an environmental programme and a carbon reduction programme bringing together experts from the international environmental team to implement the firm’s goals of sourcing 80 per cent of its electricity from certified renewable sources.

The Warsaw office is BREEAM certified and committed to engaging staff in initiatives such as participating in a tree planting project in a forest near the city.


In Germany, Linklaters LLP’s team advises on a range of sustainability-related issues ranging from environmental law compliance and due diligence in relation to decarbonisation and the circular economy to transactions in the renewable energy sector.

The team is currently assisting EDP Renewables with the acquisition of a 70% stake in solar project developer Kronos Solar and its portfolio of 190 solar projects currently under development in Germany, France, the Netherlands and the UK.

For US multinational Carrier Global Corporation, the firm is conducting due diligence on existing permits and compliance with environmental law in the context of the acquisition of Viessmann Climate Solutions, a German manufacturer of heating and cooling systems with a clear focus on CO2 reduction and capture.

Another major client is Porsche, which sought the team’s advice on ESG due diligence, including in relation to the company’s decarbonisation, circular economy and supply chain strategy, in the context of the client’s €19.5bn IPO, one of the largest ever in Europe in terms of market capitalisation.

The team includes head of the German ESG group Julia Grothaus, noted for her knowledge of environmental liability risks, greenwashing and climate change litigation, and head of the German environmental and planning law practice Markus Appel.

Internally, each German office has a Green Team to coordinate and implement pro-environment projects. Externally, it continues to contribute to thought leadership through ESG-related publications and newsletters, exploring a range of topics including greenwashing and plastic regulation. In March 2023, it also introduced a new series of flagship events in Frankfurt, where the firm’s in-house experts discuss various sustainability and biodiversity topics with external guests.


Linklaters in Spain stands out for it work assisting energy companies with their green transition.

In an ongoing highlight, the firm is assisting Repsol with legal issues concerning the tender for geothermal projects in the Canary Islands. In another ongoing matter the team is advising an international investor on a joint venture for the development of a Power-to-X project made up of different clusters including dedicated hydrogen pipelines and an ammonia production plant.

Madrid-based Roberto Sanchez who focuses in the energy sector has recently assisted Crédit Agricole Assurances (CAA) and Energy Infrastructure Partners (EIP) on the acquisition of a 25% stake in Repsol Renovables for €905m. The incorporation of CAA and EIP as partners includes an investment commitment that reinforces Repsol Renovable’s growth in line with its strategic plan to reach 6GW of installed capacity in 2025.

In Spain, internally, the firm aims to recycle all waste and provide electric vehicle chargers to promote the use of green vehicles.

Notably, Sanchez lectures at ICADE University and at the University of Navarra on public law and legal matters within the energy sector.

Internationally, the firm has a Global Environment Programme. It is committed to reducing its scope 1 and 2 emissions by 70% by 2030 and its scope 3 emissions by 50% by 2030.

Externally, the firm acts as legal advisors on a pro-bono basis to the Legal Response Initiative (LRI) at the global COP summits, undertaking research on points of law to support climate vulnerable countries during negotiations.


Linklaters in Italy stands out for its work in the sustainable investment sector.

Tessa Lee, who heads the energy, infrastructure and renewables practice in Italy, is advising a consortium of banks in a €600m sustainability-linked revolving facility agreement in favour of an Italian leading wind power operator.

In another ongoing highlight the firm is assisting Goldman Sachs International on an Italian energy company’s issue of €300m 3.375% Notes due 5 December 2026, which has been classified as a transition bond (where the issuer is raising funds for climate and/or just transition-related purposes) in accordance with the EU taxonomy.

Nationally, the firm held an ESG week in October 2023 where the firm engaged in discussions about various ESG topics and listen to speakers on sustainability issues. The firm’s Milan office was granted the environmental certification of ‘Class A’ building with the commissioning of its rooftop solar system, which releases into the national grid any excess power produced during the day.

Externally, the firm acts as legal advisors on a pro-bono basis to the Legal Response Initiative (LRI) at the global COP summits, undertaking research on points of law to support climate vulnerable countries during negotiations.

United Arab Emirates

Linklaters in UAE often assists clients in high value green finance transactions that fund major renewable energy projects.

Notably, David Miles from the firm’s energy and infrastructure team is advising Japan Bank for International Cooperation and the commercial lenders on their support of a consortium bidding on a PV 1.5GW solar project located in the Ajban region, Abu Dhabi. Matt Keats, also from the firm’s energy and infrastructure team, is leading the team in assisting NEOM with its first selective desalination plant in Saudi Arabia, which once completed will be entirely powered by renewable energy (with a combination of solar and onshore wind), produce 500,000 m3 of desalinated water each day, and be one of the first utility-scale, zero liquid discharge system globally, minimising its environmental impact.

In a recent highlight, the firm advised a consortium of major banks including BNP Paribas, Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan on a bond issuance comprising of three series, all listed on the London Stock Exchange’s International Securities Market, worth a total of $3bn. The proceeds of the issuance will be used to finance green investments in line with international standards, including eligible green projects in renewable energy, energy efficiency, and green buildings.

Additionally, the firm provides ongoing legal support to Goumbook, an organisation that aims to accelerate sustainability and climate action in the UAE, across its work such as project documentation including for its Refill campaign that seeks to reduce plastic pollution across the region by encouraging refillable water bottles and creating the infrastructure for them.

Internationally, the firm has a Global Environment Programme. It is committed to reducing its scope 1 and 2 emissions by 70% by 2030 and its scope 3 emissions by 50% by 2030.


In Luxembourg, Linklaters LLP continues to be sought out by a wide range of clients for advice on the full spectrum of sustainable finance.

One client in this area is Henderson Management, for whom a team including sustainable finance specialist Silke Bernard is currently handling the implementation of the client’s EU sustainable finance package.

In another current highlight, the firm is advising Manulife Global Fund on the creation and authorisation process of several new sub-funds that aim at long-term capital growth by investing in organisations which contribute positively to climate change, in line with the SFDR Art. 9 funds.

The Luxembourg office also regularly publishes newsletters and webinars on sustainable finance as well as other ESG topics such as greenwashing, and continues to participate in a number of sustainability events, where Martin Mager and Désirée Catalano have previously spoken on the topic of SFDR and the EU taxonomy regulation, for instance. In January 2023, the firm hosted the Magenta Horizons Conference at the European Convention Center in Luxembourg, inviting environmental activist Bertrand Piccard as keynote speaker.

Positively contributing to environmental protection through environmentally friendly waste management, the firm was awarded the SDK – SuperDrecksKëscht fir Betriber label in 2021. It also received the Enterprise Socialement Responsible label in recognition of its support of sustainable development and corporate responsibility.


Helping decarbonise the local power landscape, the Belgian multi-disciplinary ESG practice at Linklaters is a key advisor to major domestic companies on high-value renewable energy transactions and green capital markets issuances.

An expert in the energy transition, corporate and finance practitioner Charles-Antoine Leunen advised renewables developer Virya Energy on the sale of Parkwind to leading Japanese energy company JERA Green. The €1.55bn transaction supports investment in Parkwind’s 771 MW operational offshore wind portfolio and the ongoing development of its 1.1 GW project pipeline.

A cross-practice team assisted energy solutions company John Cockerill in establishing the Rely joint venture with leading engineering player Technip Energies. The €100m joint venture leverages the client’s background in electrolyser manufacturing to provide integrated green hydrogen solutions, seeking to accelerate the market for industrial and utility-scale projects.

Belgian ESG practice lead David Ballegeer assisted grid operator Fluvius with the update of its €5bn notes programme and its inaugural issuance of €240m green notes, which will support the client’s energy-efficiency and renewable energy infrastructure projects. A further key client is transmission system operator Elia, whom the firm advised on its €500m green notes issuance. The proceeds will be used to finance infrastructure developments to integrate renewable power into the client’s network.

Demonstrating its internal sustainability commitments, the firm’s Brussels office is BREEAM classified and certified by the ISO 14001 standard. To make a further green difference, the firm donates €1 per pitch to reforestation NGO WeForest and plants a tree for each international shipment made. The office is also keen on sharing its sustainability expertise through its ESG in Belgium webpage, Sustainable Futures blog, and ESG chat client videos.


Supporting the decarbonisation of the European power sector, Linklaters in the Netherlands provides leading international banking and financial sector clients with advice on green finance, renewables transactions, and electricity infrastructure projects.

The capital markets team acted for ING and NatWest Markets as managers in the aggregate €3bn green notes issuance by transmission system operator TenneT. The financing supports the client in accelerating its investments in the development of renewable energy transmission infrastructure and in the integration of green hydrogen into its transmission network.

For renewable energy infrastructure-focused fund manager Glenmont Partners, the banking practice advised on the agreements to acquire a 50% ownership share in Ørsted’s 900 MW offshore wind farm Borkum Riffgrund 3. The firm assisted the client throughout the €1.2bn transaction, which corresponds to the acquisition price and the commitment to fund half of all payments under the wind farm’s EPC contract.

In an ongoing mandate, the firm is advising the sponsors Meridiam, Allianz Capital Partners, and Kansai Electric Power on the financing of the 1.4 GW NeuConnect England-Germany interconnector. The project, among the leading interconnector developments globally, is vital in securing renewable electricity supply in Europe.

The firm’s Amsterdam office is partnered with foundation REEFolution in order to learn about coral reefs, the human impact on them, and how marine ecosystems can be conserved. Staff can also be involved in its participation project in Kenya, where the foundation works to teach coastal communities restoration skills and collaborates to rebuild coral reefs.

Toward meeting the global firmwide goal to reduce carbon emissions by 70% by 2030, the office has implemented green best practices, including supporting staff in preferring low-carbon transport and promoting more conscious choices across energy-efficiency and waste management.

Patryk Figiel  | Poland

Jakub Dabrowski  | Poland

Julia Grothaus  | Germany

Markus Appel  | Germany

Roberto Sanchez  | Spain

Tessa Lee  | Italy

David Miles  | United Arab Emirates

Matt Keats  | United Arab Emirates

Silke Bernard  | Luxembourg

Martin Mager  | Luxembourg

Désirée Catalano  | Luxembourg

David Ballegeer  | Belgium

Charles-Antoine Leunen  | Belgium

Lipa Meir & Co


Leading Israeli firm Lipa Meir & Co stands out for handling landmark class actions in favour of the green transition.

Tzipi Iser Itsiq, director of the firm’s environmental protection, cleantech, and clean energy department, recently led the team acting for the Holon Municipality in a petition to the supreme court against the National Committee for the Planning and Construction of National Infrastructure and NTA regarding the environmental damage caused by the Tel Aviv Light Rail line, which is expected to disrupt wildlife and natural resources. In another landmark matter, the firm is advising the residents of the Heftziba neighbourhood in Hadera against the Israel Electric Corporation and its two recent CEOs, claiming that the clients are suffering from air pollution caused by the emission of coal particles caused by the corporation.

A notable client is also the Cities Association for Environmental Protection, which is a public body established by the minister of the interior which grants legislative powers to a local authority to advance environmental protection. The firm furthermore acts for the Israel Society of Ecology and Environmental Sciences in a range of matters including a project to start a TV programme for children to educate them about climate change.

In collaboration with Norton Rose Fulbright in London, the firm is drafting an environmental policy and ethics document, which Itsiq will present to the Israel Bar Association to be adopted as guidelines for all law firms in Israel.

Key individual Itsiq is the CEO and legal counsel of the Israel Union for Environmental Defence and participated in COP28. Associate Tal Granot focuses her practice on environmental protection, cleantech and clean energy, and lectures on environmental regulation in academic institutions.

Internally, the firm’s ESG task force drives green initiatives to enhance sustainability within the business.

Tzipi Iser Itsiq  | Israel

Tal Granot  | Israel

Loyens & Loeff


The Belgium office of corporate law firm Loyens & Loeff makes a key contribution to its firmwide ESG practice, assisting leading clients on major renewable energy transactions and business developments.

In a €1.55bn mandate supporting the acceleration of renewable energy investments, managing partner and energy finance expert Marc Vermylen acted for renewables developer Virya Energy on the sale of Parkwind to major Japanese power producer JERA. Within the mandate, wherein JERA acquired Parkwind’s 771 MW operational onshore wind portfolio, the firm performed vendor due diligence and assisted in the signing and closing of the transaction.

Key renewable energy contact Koen Panis advised Norwegian residential solar marketplace Otovo on contractual and regulatory matters regarding its entrance into the Belgian market. The mandate supports the growth of the residential solar power market, with the team drafting the agreements through which consumers can purchase or lease domestic PV and battery installations.

For logistics company WDP, the firm is assisting on the development of solar power projects in Belgium and the Netherlands. It has drafted power purchase agreements for the client’s solar portfolio, provided regulatory advice on the structuring of its solar plants, and advised on grid connections and compliance with the renewable energy price cap.

The team also regularly contributes to green thought leadership. Alongside publishing widely on green energy and sustainability, the firm held an ESG Horizons event in October 2023 to share its expertise and support clients in navigating the sustainability landscape and creating long-term green value.

The firm is EcoVadis-certified and has attained a BREEAM Very Good classification for its Brussels office, due to its solar electricity self-generation, energy-efficiency measures, and waste management system. Toward becoming net-zero carbon by 2030, the firm partnered with consultancy D-Carbonize to analyse its emissions footprint and with Graine de Vie to invest in reforestation projects.


The Netherlands energy and infrastructure team at Benelux corporate law firm Loyens & Loeff makes a key contribution within the firm’s regional ESG practice, providing demonstrable expertise across the energy transition and decarbonisation of the built environment.

From Rotterdam, Energy & Infrastructure team chair Jan-Willem van Rooij and senior associate Victor van Nuland advised investors APG and OMERS Infrastructure on the acquisition of energy transition platform Groendus. The team performed corporate, contractual, and regulatory legal due diligence on the target’s rooftop solar portfolio; drafted and negotiated the share purchase agreement; and assisted in closing the transaction.

An Amsterdam-based team is assisting offshore pipeline network operators NOGAT and Noordgastransport in exploring opportunities to repurpose part of their offshore pipeline network to transmit hydrogen. The firm has advised on the current EU bill for the regulation of the hydrogen market, considering whether the legislative proposal permits the clients to operate an offshore hydrogen network.

Another client was KP&P Africa, the developer and 25.25% shareholder in the 310 MW Lake Turkana wind project in Kenya, regarding the sale of its shares to renewable energy investor Milele Green Energy. As one of the largest wind farms in sub-Saharan Africa, the transaction supports ongoing investment in a project which is vital to Kenya’s renewable energy capacity.

The firm makes a broad contribution to the development of legal expertise concerning the green transition. Helping boost the market for circular solar panels, the energy team assisted the Amsterdam Economic Board in setting up a legal framework for multi-party collaboration. To advance the dialogue on sustainable development, the firm partnered with the Dutch Green Building Council, which shares knowledge and develops sustainability tools for the real estate and construction sectors.

In order to walk the walk, the firm operates from a sustainable building in Rotterdam and a BREEAM Excellent-certified office in Amsterdam.

Marc Vermylen  | Belgium

Koen Panis  | Belgium

Jan-Willem van Rooij  | Netherlands

Victor van Nuland  | Netherlands

Luther Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH


In Germany, Luther Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH regularly advises on a range of sustainability and climate change issues, including investments and transactions in the renewable energy sector, where the team particularly stands out for its expertise in green hydrogen projects.

In this field, two recent highlights are the firm’s advice provided to chemical company INEOS Manufacturing Deutschland on legal issues related to the construction of a 150 MW electrolysis plant for the production of green hydrogen in Cologne, and acting for HH2E, a young German green energy start-up, on the development of hydrogen projects in a former lignite mining area in central Germany.

Another client is Lausitz Energie Kraftwerke, one of Germany’s largest power producers, which is planning to abandon coal by 2038. For the client, the team managed a series of complex hydrogen projects in Saxony, Brandenburg and Saxony-Anhalt, where hydrogen will be stored on-site and made available for mobility applications and electricity generation in gas turbine power plants with hydrogen capacity.

A team led by public procurement law expert Stefan Mager also recently assisted the Saarland steel industry in investing €3.5bn in two new steel plants in Dillingen and Völklingen for the sustainable production of green steel.

Other key contacts are Nicole Bittlingmayer, who leads the real estate and infrastructure group advising on ESG regulation and compliance in the context of the energy transition, and Christoph Schauenburg, who heads the firm’s capital markets practice, where the team continues to advise on the financing of renewable energy projects.

In the pro bono space, the firm supports a number of sustainability initiatives and organisations, including the WWF and the Starck Foundation for the Welfare of People, Animals and Nature, a green care foundation which promotes environmental and climate protection.

Internally, it is committed to achieving carbon neutrality by 2030 and continues to publish information in its Annual Sustainability Report.

Stefan Mager  | Germany

Nicole Bittlingmayer  | Germany

Christoph Schauenburg  | Germany

MAQS Advokatbyrå


The dedicated renewable energy practice at commercial law firm MAQS Advokatbyrå makes a key contribution to the development of Sweden’s green energy landscape, actively assisting clients in the power-to-X, wind, and solar power sectors.

A key client is Liquid Wind, whom the firm is advising on its partnership with municipal energy utility Sundsvall Energi for the development of its second commercial-scale e-fuel facility, FlagshipTWO. The facility will combine green hydrogen with biogenic CO2 emissions captured from Sundsvall Energi’s biomass-fired heat facility to produce e-methanol. The project is vital in both reducing the carbon footprint of Swedish industry while providing a fossil-free fuel that helps decarbonise the hard-to-abate shipping sector.

In another ongoing matter, the firm is acting for leading client EnBW Sverige in its development of solar power facilities in Sweden. The mandate, involving the finalising of land and development agreements, supports the client in the development of its Swedish solar portfolio.

Renewables practice head Mikael Kowal advised green and smart energy investment fund Locus Energy in the acquisition of ten used wind turbines from turbine operator Windevo. The client, an article 9-classified sustainable investment fund, will support green growth through repowering the turbines and thereby sustainably increasing Sweden’s renewable energy capacity.

With the overriding ambition in its internal initiatives to reach net zero by 2030, the firm works with staff and suppliers to introduce more sustainable solutions, measures its carbon footprint annually through the Swedish Environmental Base, and will move into BREEAM Excellent-certified offices in Gothenburg in 2025.

To raise awareness of sustainability and the green transition within the business community, the firm hosted a panel on the opportunities for green investments and clean energy in northern Sweden. Additionally, the team provides thought leadership and pro bono advice as part of its partnership with Sweden’s solar, hydrogen, and wind power associations.

Mikael Kowal  | Sweden

MLL Legal


As part of its dedication to sustainability issues, MLL Legal established a cross-sector sustainable economy group, which advises charities, non-profit organisations and mission-driven companies on sustainable reorganisations and joint ventures. The firm’s banking and finance team also assists institutional investors, banks, private equity and venture capital funds in sustainable finance transactions and activities.

In a recent matter co-led by head of the firm’s corporate and finance practice Alexander Vogel, who also regularly contributes ESG-related advice and thought leadership, the firm assisted TotalEnergies with the acquisition from Criterion Africa Partners of a 49% stake in Compagnie des Bois du Gabon, a key player in the Gabonese forestry sector recognised for the sustainable management of 600,000 hectares of forest, certified to the highest international standards of the Forest Stewardship Council. This new forest management project, aligned with the Gabonese authorities’ ‘Green Gabon’ development strategy, will enable the local production of sustainable wood combined with carbon sequestration.

The team is also assisting Swiss technology solutions company World LifeSpaces with its contractual partnerships to improve global forest coverage and biodiversity through carbon offsetting and conservation projects, and provides comprehensive advice to the Earthworm Foundation, a non-profit NGO committed to transforming supply chains from farm to boardroom to address issues such as deforestation and good agricultural practices.

In the active pursuit of the B Corp Certification, an initiative led by Nicola Benz, the firm established a bespoke working group on environmental sustainability, which has implemented several initiatives including the promotion of recycling practices, the purchase of sustainable products, and the use of green commuting solutions.

Another key contact is Julie Wynne, who is a global and regional board member of GAIL – the Global Alliance of Impact Lawyers, Sustainable Finance Geneva, and one of three founding members of B Lab Switzerland.

Julie Wynne  | Switzerland

Nicola Benz  | Switzerland

Alexander Vogel  | Switzerland

MOIRA Legal Practitioners


Leading Zambian firm MOIRA Legal Practitioners has a dedicated natural resources team which stands out for advising clients on major carbon capture projects.

In an ongoing highlight, the firm is assisting the Export Trading Group (ETG) with the establishment of a carbon project of over 5.5 million chashew trees across circa 72,000 hectares in the Western Province of Zambia, developed under the ETG’s African Emerging Farmer Carbon Abatement Programme. The programme aims to bring cost-efficient emissions reduction and community benefits to vulnerable farming communities, contributing to the fight against climate change.

In another current matter in this sector, the firm’s natural resources team is advising EcoSecurities on the development of a forest carbon project which covers 1.4 million hectares in the North Western Province of Zambia, in what is one of the first projects to be established under the new Zambia Forest Carbon Regulations.

At the forefront of thought leadership in the region, the firm’s individuals also demonstrate their expertise in sustainability matters outside of client work. Sharon Sakuwaha authored an article on trends in ESG reporting and disclosure for listed companies and spoke at the Zambian Impact Investment Summit 2022 as well as on a panel at the Africa Impact Summit Cape Town in 2023. Key individual Mumbi Mulenga conducted a study commissioned by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) on the potential for roof top solar and battery energy solutions. Sakuwaha and Mulenga also authored a series of articles on green and sustainable financing in Zambia.

Recently, the firm joined the SDG initiative, committing to sharing knowledge and best practices on how the law can contribute towards sustainable development goals.

Sharon Sakuwaha  | Zambia

Mumbi Mulenga  | Zambia

Mannheimer Swartling


Full-service law firm Mannheimer Swartling is a leading advisor in Sweden’s green transition, assisting clients with the development of landmark and pilot projects which diversify and decarbonise the energy sector and heavily emitting industries.

The firm is acting for renewables developer OX2 in all permit proceedings regarding its 51%-owned 9000 MW offshore wind development portfolio as well as its hydrogen development project in the Swedish Exclusive Economic Zone.

Also in the wind power segment, Johan Ljungberg in Gothenburg advised the Green Investment Group on the divestment of a 170 MW Nordic onshore wind portfolio to Vauban Infrastructure Partners. The deal secures an ongoing investment in the operational wind portfolio, which will continue to provide clean electricity to industrial group Eramet.

In the solar power sector, the firm assisted Alight in its project to build, own, and operate a 74 MW solar farm in Hallstavik. The banking and finance team advised on the asset financing, the environment team on permitting and regulatory processes, and the funds team on an €150m investment from DIF Management.

Stockholm-based Johan Granehult continues to assist clients in their cutting-edge low-carbon industrial projects, advising sustainable lithium-ion battery producer Northvolt regarding the financing, construction, and operation of its green battery gigafactory; and acting for for H2 Green Steel in the financing, construction, procurement, and licensing of its SEK 50bn production plant.

The firm’s sustainability commitment, led from Stockholm by head of sustainability Sarah Hoskins, seeks to make a positive impact across legal services, internal measures, and community engagement. Alongside being a  member of the Net Zero Lawyers Alliance, the firm provides pro bono assistance to the Race for the Baltic project, which harnesses knowledge and finance in order to preserve marine health. Internally, the firm has a Science Based Targets Initiative-approved goal of reducing scopes 1 and 2 emissions by 54% and scope 3 emissions by 50% by 2030.

Johan Ljungberg  | Sweden

Johan Granehult  | Sweden

Sarah Hoskins  | Sweden

Mason Hayes & Curran LLP


In Dublin, Mason Hayes & Curran LLP’s planning and environment team works closely with the energy team to provide advice on the full spectrum of sustainability issues, from renewable energy and natural resources transactions to environmental obligations related to the circular economy.

In the offshore wind energy sector, the firm is assisting SSE Renewables Ireland and Sure Partners Limited with the development and procurement of Phase II of the 800 MW Arklow Bank wind farm, thereby contributing to the achievement of the carbon emission reduction targets of the Irish Climate Action Plan.

In an innovative matter, the firm also acted for Carbon Collect Limited in connection with its investment round for the development of its patented “mechanical tree” technology designed to capture CO2 emissions directly from the air.

For state-owned transmission system operator EirGrid, the team is advising on the Celtic Interconnector Project, an underwater marine link planned to enable the exchange of 700 MW of electricity between Ireland and France. The matter was led by Deirdre Nagle, head of planning and environment, and Eoin Cassidy, head of the energy sector group and a member of the Irish Wind Energy Association.

Cassidy also chaired the firm’s annual Energy Conference in 2022, hosting a panel of legal experts discussing Ireland’s energy transition and energy security in a zero-emissions world. In 2023, the firm organised its subsequent Energy Conference on the future of energy investments in Ireland, where Jay Sattin spoke on the status of Ireland’s transition.

The firm also led the development of the Chancery Lane Project’s set of green lease clauses in Ireland.

Internally, it established a Green MHC team composed of volunteers from across the firm and aimed at increasing engagement in environmentally sustainable practices through a variety of initiatives, including the targeted Green Month programme of events.

Deirdre Nagle  | Ireland

Eoin Cassidy  | Ireland

Jay Sattin  | Ireland

Matheson LLP


Irish full-service firm Matheson LLP’s ESG advisory group is led by energy and infrastructure practice head Garret Farrelly and advises clients on a range of sustainability issues. The firm has demonstrable expertise in areas encompassing sustainable finance and sustainable real estate projects to climate change and renewable energy projects.

A team including Owen Collins is currently assisting Microsoft on several corporate PPAs related to a renewable projects portfolio developed by Energia, Power Capital and Statkraft, including a series of wind and solar farms that will contribute nearly 30 percent of Ireland’s corporate PPA target by 2030.

Along with Farrelly and Seán Scally, Collins is also assisting the Irish Department of Environment, Climate and Communications with the implementation of the Renewable Electricity Support Scheme, an Irish government grant for renewable electricity projects which will enable Ireland to achieve its renewable electricity targets of up to 80 percent by 2030.

Another client is Bord na Móna, which the team advised on project financing for the 105 MW Derrinlough wind farm, which will be one of the largest operative wind farms in Ireland, and on the planning of the 75 MW Cloncreen wind farm.

In the investment funds area, the firm is assisting Norwegian industrial investment company Aker in raising €100bn in all major asset classes within the climate and zero-emissions transition, from initial financing of clean technologies to renewable infrastructure projects.

The team is also engaged in environmental sustainability initiatives and thought leadership, including training clients on renewable energy, sustainability and corporate PPAs. Head of Irish Funds ESG Policy, Legal & Regulatory Working Group Tara Doyle recently conducted a study on sustainable finance for the International Sustainable Finance Centre of Excellence.

Internally, the firm has an environmental sustainability committee tasked with implementing sustainability goals and is a signatory to the Business in the Community Ireland’s Low Carbon Pledge.

Garret Farrelly  | Ireland

Owen Collins  | Ireland

Seán Scally  | Ireland

Tara Doyle   | Ireland

Mazghouny & Co


Boutique law firm Mazghouny & Co has advised on a number of ground-breaking projects accelerating the green transition in Egypt. Founding partner Donia El-Mazghouny specialises in energy law with a focus on energy and power agreements.

Notably, Mazghouny is leading the firm in advising Scatec and the Damietta Green Ammonia Consortium on the development of a project for the production of green ammonia of up to 200,000 tonnes per year. This marks one of the first times in the country a state-owned company in the petroleum sector is to decarbonise by transforming part of its production from the use of natural gas to the use of renewable energy sources.

Mazghouny is also assisting Scatec on a $5.5bn wind project in the south of Egypt, expected to produce circa 5GW of electricity, as well as on a landmark $5.2bn green ammonia manufacturing facility with a capacity of 1 million m³ a day.

Internally, the firm aims to favour small and sustainable services providers.

Donia El-Mazghouny  | Egypt

McCann FitzGerald LLP


Irish law firm McCann FitzGerald LLP continues to advise on the development of renewable energy projects, sustainable finance, and climate-neutral real estate projects, among other sustainability-related matters.

One notable client is the Department of Environment, Climate and Communications, for which a team including sustainable finance expert and ESG group head Éamon Ó Cuív and energy and natural resources lead Valerie Lawlor is handling the implementation of onshore auctions under the Renewable Electricity Support Scheme, established by the Climate Action Plan 2021 and aimed at achieving 80% of electricity generation from renewable sources by 2030.

In an innovative matter, a team including environmental and planning group head Brendan Slattery advised the National Development Finance Agency and Dublin District Heating on a project designed to utilise waste heat from Dublin’s waste-to-energy plant on the Poolbeg Peninsula in order to supply heating and hot water to homes and businesses throughout the city.

Two other current highlights include the team assisting Coillte, a state-owned commercial forestry company, with its 50:50 joint venture with ESB to develop renewable energy generation facilities in Ireland, and managing all aspects of an EPC agreement for the supply and installation of batteries at the Porterstown site for Gore Street Energy Fund, the first London-listed energy storage fund,

Both internally and externally, the firm is engaged in several sustainability initiatives. In 2023, it took part in the Funds Industry Climate Challenge to save 16,323 kg of CO₂, and in 2022, it participated in a reforestation project involving the planting of 50 native oak trees in Ireland.

The firm is also a signatory to Green Pledge, an Irish fund industry initiative which allows companies to compare their environmentally sustainable actions.

Éamon Ó Cuív  | Ireland

Valerie Lawlor  | Ireland

Brendan Slattery  | Ireland

Morais Leitao


Leading Portuguese firm Morais Leitao has a longstanding energy law department which stands out for its work advising on major renewable energy projects.

Notably, the firm is currently advising a consortium of 13 companies composed of EDP, Galp, Engie, and others on a circa €400m major green hydrogen production project in Sines, Portugal, which will have the estimated capacity of 100MW. In another ongoing highlight, the team is assisting OW Offshore with the procedure for attaining a private use of maritime space title for the commercial operation of offshore renewable energy projects on the Portuguese coast.

Another client is Start Campus, which the team is advising on a number of legal issues for supplying renewable energy power to a 495MW green data centre in Sines. The support involves advice in relation to the development of up to 1.5GW dedicated to the data centre and to the setting up of an energy management unit dedicated to ensuring the renewable generation supply to the centre.

Internally, the firm aims to turn its operations more sustainable through its package of sustainable initiatives ML Green, which includes promoting environmental awareness amongst employees. The team is also actively involved thought leadership, demonstrating its knowledge on sustainability topics outside of client work, for instance, via recently published articles discussing ESG compliance in the EU, and climate change litigation.

In 2023, the firm sponsored the Lisbon Energy Summit, which focused on balancing energy security and achieving net zero ambitions by investing into new renewable energy sources. Rui de Oliveira Neves in the firm’s corporate M&A team was a member of the advisory board.

Key individual João Tiago Silveira leads the firm’s public, urban and environmental law team and lectures on environmental law at the Law Faculty of the University of Lisbon.

Rui de Oliveira Neves  | Portugal

João Tiago Silveira  | Portugal

Niederer Kraft Frey AG


Switzerland-based Niederer Kraft Frey AG’s sustainability-related services focus on three pillars: ESG risk identification, reporting and disclosure; ESG risk management; and sustainable and green finance. In the latter segment, the firm continues to provide comprehensive assistance on matters ranging from green and sustainable loans and bonds to sustainability-linked credit facility agreements.

In a recent highlight, the firm assisted Ambienta, a leading European asset manager specialising in environmental sustainability, in the sale of its mobile and industrial filter supply portfolio company SF-Filter. The team also advised Ecorobotix, a Swiss company which produces innovative, energy-efficient agricultural machinery in order to reduce the negative ecological impact of modern farming, in its CHF 46m Series B Prime financing round led by AQTON Private Equity and Cibus Capital.

Another client was ING Bank N.V. Singapore Branch as sustainability coordinator for DKSH, a company listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange, which converted a CHF 315m term loan into a sustainability-linked loan which links the interest terms to a series of sustainability targets, including the achievement of climate neutrality by 2030.

The firm has implemented various internal environmental and sustainability measures, and regularly reports on its environmental performance both internally and externally.

Niederhuber & Partner Rechtsanwälte GmbH


Environmental law boutique Niederhuber & Partner Rechtsanwälte GmbH’s puts an emphasis on energy and climate law, routinely assisting decision-makers, universities, and major energy operators on a range of environmental issues, including the development, expansion and licensing of renewable energy projects and new energy transition regulation.

In two ongoing highlights, the firm is advising the Austrian Federal Ministry of Climate Action and Energy on the new design of approval procedures for renewable energy projects and the transposition of the REPowerEU plan, and is assisting VERBUND, Austria’s largest electricity supplier, in the development of several renewable energy projects, including battery storage and hydrogen.

In the wind energy sector, the firm continues to be actively involved in PPAs, until now not commonly used in Austria.  It recently assisted WindLandKraft, which operates several wind parks in Austria, with the sale of electricity to industrial customers via PPAs. Another client in the wind industry is WEB Windenergie regarding permitting procedures for several wind farm projects.

Both internally and externally, the firm continues to be involved in a number of initiatives, ranging from pro bono support to the Klimavolksbegehren (People’s Climate Petition) association, dedicated to strengthening climate protection measures in Austria; to the NHP News Alert, the firm’s bi-monthly newsletter on energy and environmental law; and financing the so-called climate ticket for all staff, an annual ticket for all public transport across Austria. The firm is also part of ÖkoBusiness Check, which provides members with professional advice from environmental consultants to help them implement sustainability measures, with the goal of becoming an ÖkoBusiness company.

The team includes founding partner and environmental law expert Martin Niederhuber, who is also president of the Austrian Association for Waste and Water Management (ÖWAV), and energy law specialist Florian Stangl, who is a trusted advisor to the Austrian Photovoltaic Industry Association on all legal matters related to solar power generation, as well as other leading energy industry associations, such as OesterreichsEnergie and Dachverband Erneuerbare Energie Österreich (EEÖ).

Martin Niederhuber  | Austria

Florian Stangl  | Austria

Norton Rose Fulbright


Norton Rose Fulbright’s multidisciplinary, cross-jurisdictional practice consists of experts in climate change, sustainability and energy transition with the team in Germany recently handling project development and finance advice in the renewable energy sector, and investments in e-mobility, among other matters.

As part of an innovative project, the German team is assisting US-based client Brightmark in the design and construction of a plastic recycling plant to recover pyrolysis oil to be transformed into green propylene and ethylene.

In the renewable energy space, it is currently advising Tauber Solar / Sunpower Africa Development on the development and financing of a 66 MWp solar project in Côte d’Ivoire.

Another client is family-owned investor Treïs, for whom the firm handled the sale of Cycleenergy Holding to a collective of Austrian investors. The company specialises in decentralised energy solutions and currently operates four biomass cogeneration plants and three pellet plants, producing approximately 90,000 MWh of green base-load electricity.

Globally, the firm is a United Nations Global Compact signatory and was awarded Ecovadis gold certification standard. Via its energy transition newsletter and energy transition hub, the team also continues to contribute to thought leadership in the field.

United Arab Emirates

Norton Rose Fulbright in the United Arab Emirates has experience advising major clients on sustainable finance deals that facilitate the green transition in the region, including in areas such as voluntary carbon offsets.

In a recent highlight, the firm assisted the Arab Petroleum Investments Corporation (APICORP) on the MENA region’s first Islamic facility for voluntary carbon offsets, with a value of $75m.

In another recent matter, the team advised HSBC and SMBC International Bank on a $1.1bn green loan dual-tranche commodity to Al Rajhi Bank, in a transaction that is considered one of the largest Shariah-compliant syndications in the Middle East which complies with the Green Loan Principles.

Globally, the firm is a part of the UN Global Compact, and it recently achieved the Ecovadis gold certification.

Additionally, the firm continues to demonstrate that it is at the forefront of ESG and sustainability thought leadership internationally via, for instance, its ESG and Sustainability Insights newsletter, an energy transition YouTube channel, and an ESG and Green Finance webinar series.

OKL & Partners


In Germany, OKL & Partners advises on a variety of issues related to environmental law and sustainability, such as circular economy matters, deforestation regulation, green claims, and sustainability reporting.

Recently, the team assisted TSR, one of Europe’s largest recyclers of steel scrap and non-ferrous metals, with environmental law and public procurement issues in connection with the construction of a new processing plant in the port of Duisburg which will significantly reduce CO2 emissions.

In another innovative matter, the team advised the German Steel Recycling Association on green steel, climate protection, emissions trading and CO2 offsetting. This was part of a project aimed at introducing a ‘CO2 bonus’ into the legislative emissions trading system for steel mills that use iron and steel scrap instead of pig iron.

For the H&M fashion chain, the team advised on a range of sustainability issues, in particular on the German Supply Chain Act and the intended introduction of extended product stewardship for used textiles.

Environmental and planning law expert Anno Oexle has expertise in climate regulation and the circular economy and is noted for regularly contributing to thought leadership within these areas.

In April 2022, the firm organised a forum on immission control law in Düsseldorf together with Lexxion Verlag, bringing together experts in the field. The team also continues to regularly publish articles on sustainability, the circular economy and climate change.

Anno Oexle  | Germany

Oppenheim Ügyvédi Iroda


In Hungary, Oppenheim Ügyvédi Iroda’s energy, regulatory, and projects group advises on a range of energy-related issues including renewable energy. The team has also demonstrated considerable experience in the waste management space, and has recently handled several sustainability-related IP mandates.

In the waste management space, it recently assisted MOL in the acquisition of one of Hungary’s largest plastic waste recycling companies, ReMat, and its Slovak subsidiary, Remat Slovakia.

A current renewable energy highlight is the firm’s advice to German client ib vogt, a leading developer of public-scale solar power plants, on its renewable development platform, which includes one of the largest investments in a battery park in Hungary. For renewable energy company Greenvolt the team is also handling a complex solar and battery park investment project in Hungary.

Hungarian start-up Munch Europe, which aims to tackle food waste, sought the firm’s advice on the expansion of its market presence in Hungary as well as brand protection matters. Another client in the firm’s IP department is Organica Water, a company engaged in eco-friendly cutting-edge wastewater treatment technologies.

Osborne Clarke LLP


Consolidating its expertise, Osborne Clarke has a Polish decarbonisation team of energy and environmental experts advising clients on the full range of decarbonisation issues, including achieving net-zero targets in the areas of renewable energy, sustainable infrastructure and e-mobility. The team also regularly advises on alternative fuels, including hydrogen, and sustainability-linked loans.

In a recent highlight, the firm assisted energy and heat producer and seller Elsen with the planned sale of the company’s assets as part of a restructuring procedure, preparing a plan under the EU Emissions Trading Scheme and other decarbonisation obligations.

In the renewable energy sector, the team recently advised on an innovative photovoltaic plant development project for SUSI Energy Efficiency Fund linked to the investment in a PV-as-a-Service and Light-as-a-Service formula. It also advised Luneos Green Energy on the acquisition and development of photovoltaic installations with an installed capacity exceeding 850 MW, and provided Better Energy with comprehensive legal advice on waste management regulations in the PV sector.

In addition to his role as a lecturer in the postgraduate programme in environmental law at Łazarski University in Warsaw, Łukasz Petelski chairs the Climate Committee at the Polish-French Chamber of Commerce and is currently preparing a Climate White Paper to identify legal environmental challenges in various economic sectors.

Another key contact is sustainable development and green transition expert Katarzyna Barańska, whose most prominent work includes advice on the creation of Poland’s first hydrogen refuelling station and Poland’s first HUB for recycling electric mobility batteries in the Baltic Sea region.

Externally, the firm is a partner of Chapter Zero as well as the Responsible Business Forum. Barańska and Petelski are also part of the Polish Ministry of the Environment’s working group focusing on the main challenges of developing the hydrogen economy.


In Germany, Osborne Clarke LLP’s decarbonisation group is headed by energy expert Alexander Dlouhy and works closely with both the firm’s energy and utilities group and the German ESG team chaired by Lars Kutzner. The group advises companies on a range of sustainability matters from carbon footprint reduction and investments in business models to achieve climate protection and energy transition to renewable energy projects and energy trading regulation.

In a current highlight, the team is assisting ABO Wind with its first pilot project for the production of green hydrogen from wind turbines, as well as in a planned solar park which will be used in a hydrogen filling station.

Another client is Obton, a Danish investment and asset manager in the field of battery storage, for which the team is negotiating a framework agreement for the joint development of a 600 MW battery storage project pipeline in Germany.

The firm’s energy team, known for its regular advice on green financing and green technology strategies, is also currently assisting G2 Venture Partners, a venture capital firm specialising in climate technology, with its investment in energy start-up 1KOMMA5, a cleantech company committed to CO2 neutrality through the use of photovoltaics, heat pumps and charging infrastructure.

Internally, the firm’s green team meets regularly to explore carbon footprint reduction strategies for its offices. Externally, the firm contributes to thought leadership through participation in a series of sustainability events. Dlouhy is noted here for lecturing on energy law at the European Education Centre for the Housing and Real Estate Industry and for being a regular commentator on renewable energy regulations.


In Italy, Osborne Clarke LLP handles various decarbonisation matters such as advising clients on acquisitions of photovoltaic plants, investments in wind projects, and the implementation of e-mobility strategies. The team also has considerable expertise in sustainable finance and sustainable urban development.

In the latter segment, the firm is assisting COSTIM, a real estate developer who aims to develop large turnkey urban regeneration projects, in the implementation of Chorus Life, an environmentally sustainable urban regeneration project, which will be fully powered by renewable energy sources, in the city of Bergamo.

Another client is Italian multinational De Nora, which specialises in sustainable technologies in the green hydrogen industry. The team recently handled all aspects related to the acquisition of a brownfield industrial site for its “Italian GigaFactory” project, in partnership with Snam, a leading European natural gas transport and storage operator, which will create a 25,000 square metre facility and produce electrolysers for green hydrogen generation, contributing to the global transition towards sustainable energy and net-zero emissions.

In the sustainable finance area, the firm provided advice to BPER Banca for the provision of €90m in green financing for the acquisition, renovation and redevelopment of various real estate assets in Milan. For Bayerische Landesbanken, the team also handled an €35m green loan provided to BNP Paribas Real Estate Investment Management to partially finance the purchase of a prestigious property in Milan, and the subsequent amendments to ensure the green loan’s compliance with sustainable finance regulations.

In 2022, the firm set up OC for Good, a framework aimed at achieving the firm’s ESG goals, led by managing partner Riccardo Roversi and including Valeria Veneziano, who is responsible for environmental sustainability.


The Belgium office makes a key contribution to Osborne Clarke’s global multi-disciplinary ESG team, providing demonstrable expertise across low-carbon energy solutions and emerging green technologies. Brussels-led work aligns with the firmwide 2025 3D Client Plan, which seeks to prioritise legal expertise and thought leadership concerning key global transformational drivers: decarbonisation, urban dynamics, and digitalisation.

Energy & projects practice head and 3D decarbonisation team member Cedric Degreef is a key contact across clean energy and climate law. The practice advised water distribution utility De Watergroep, construction company Matexi, and engineers IFTech in the establishment of the Geiser joint venture, which will build and operate a sustainable geothermal district heating and cooling project in Hasselt to decarbonise energy for local homes and businesses. Within the mandate, the firm assisted with the environmental permit, established a property structure, and drafted and negotiated the construction, operation, and supply agreements.

Demonstrating its dedicated focus on decarbonisation, the firm also acted for Belgian battery technology start-up Novali in the review of a Simple Agreement for Future Equity with early-stage venture capital fund Plug and Play. The financing structure supports the client in accelerating the development of its sustainable battery technology, helping pursue its ambition of establishing a battery cell and storage system gigafactory.

The firm’s thought leadership output supports clients across diverse sectors in their sustainability journeys, with publications concerning macro-level renewable energy sector drivers and regulations, carbon market developments, and local offshore wind and hydrogen possibilities.

Charted through its Osborne Clarke for Good responsible business and ESG programme, the firm has a global-level near-term science-based target to halve greenhouse gas emissions by 2030.


The Netherlands office of Osborne Clarke is a leading advisor to clients in the solar power sector, assisting developers, asset managers, and banks on high-value financing transactions which support the expansion of the region’s renewable energy capacity.

Energy financing specialist Axel van der Staak led a cross-border team in advising pan-European solar developer and IPP Ampyr on the acquisition of SolarEnergyWorks, which possessed a 100 MW ready-to-build and 650 MW under-development PV portfolio. Following the acquisition, the team advised the client on securing a €200m project financing from Rabobank, enabling it to build its first solar assets in the Netherlands and expand its presence in Germany.

Further exhibiting its experience with borrowers in clean energy financings, the team advised renewable energy asset manager CEE Group in legal due diligence and on the financing provided by Rabobank for its 50 MW Oosterwolde solar park. Following the transaction, the firm continues to advise the client on the operation and grid connection of the park.

Also demonstrating its expertise on the lender side of renewable energy transactions, the firm advised ING Bank regarding the financing for the Lingepolder floating solar park. The real estate team performed due diligence on land rights and permitting, while the banking team advised on the transaction documentation.

In order to reach the firm’s global science-based target of a 50% reduction in emissions by 2030, the Amsterdam office encourages low-carbon transport, works to reduce food waste, and is engaging an external consultant to help create internal eco-friendly activities which pursue a 2025 carbon neutrality goal.

Katarzyna Barańska  | Poland

Łukasz Petelski  | Poland

Alexander Dlouhy  | Germany

Lars Kutzner  | Germany

Riccardo Roversi  | Italy

Valeria Veneziano  | Italy

Cedric Degreef  | Belgium

Axel van der Staak  | Netherlands

PHH Rechtsanwält:innen GmbH


PHH Rechtsanwält:innen GmbH’s engagement in green transition work is exemplified by its portfolio consisting of a range of renewable energy transactions and sustainable infrastructure projects – from the development of PV systems to the production of power generation plants from renewable energy sources – as well as mandates in connection with green and sustainability-linked loans.

In addition to a recently completed matter on behalf of Kommunalkredit Austria as lender for a €27.5m financing of a 63 MWp PV plant in Hungary, the firm assisted the client with a broader project financing of renewable energy plants in Central and Eastern Europe with a capacity of approximately 800 MWp.

In an innovative matter, the team advised SKY ELEMENTS with drafting model contracts for the leasing of drones able to carry out low-emission inspection and monitoring activities.

As part of its effort to assist clients with current and future ESG and sustainability-related regulations, the firm established a dedicated sustainability and ESG law practice, and continues its external outreach through a series of ESG-related initiatives.

Worthy of a mention is Stefanie Werinos’ engagement: She founded the “Women in the Environment” initiative which connects women in the fields of environment, law, and technology, and she heads the Austria-wide public law Moot Court on environmental law. The team also includes sustainable financing and due diligence expert Lisa Urbas, who was recently elected as co-chair of the Sustainability Board of the International Association of Young Lawyers (AIJA).

Stefanie Werinos  | Austria

Lisa Urbas  | Austria

Pinsent Masons LLP


In addition to advising on a range of broad sustainability-related issues, including compliance and regulatory advice on the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act, Pinsent Masons’ Germany team has expertise in smart city developments and a comprehensive offering in the electric vehicles field, where it advises a number of major automotive clients, including VW and ŠKODA.

The team is currently assisting ŠKODA Deutschland with the introduction of electric vehicles, advising, among other things, on issues related to green claims and the implementation of energy labels for cars in Germany.

In another current highlight, the firm is advising project development company Lok-Viertel-OS on a major smart city project in Germany which involves the redevelopment of a 22-hectare former locomotive shed site in Osnabrück in compliance with all sustainability requirements.

Among the clients who seek the firm’s advice on the implementation of legal ESG requirements under the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act is a major international listed pharmaceutical company.

Globally, the firm is committed to achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions across its entire carbon footprint by 2040. It is also a founding member of the Sustainable Markets Initiative Legal Sector Taskforce, which aims to help lawyers use the law to advance sustainable solutions and efforts on climate change.

Additionally, the firm continues to lead the One Million Hours pledge to raise one million hours of time among lawyers for pro bono advice on green projects and initiatives.


The climate and sustainability team at Pinsent Masons in Madrid handles a spread of matters which support the country’s transition to net zero, covering a variety of innovative technology, urban mobility and renewables projects across Spain and the EU.

Drawing upon its energy transition expertise, the team advised Técnicas Reunidas on its partnership with the International Finance Corporation, an alliance which aims to identify opportunities to develop climate change projects across Europe.

In the transport space, Miguel Nieto and Zoila Jimenez Manrique continue to assist Madrid Green Urban Mobility Lab on the legal framework of its laboratory of innovative low carbon projects, as well as advising the Siemens-NTT DATA consortium on its development of Renfe’s new intermodal platform, doco, which aims to encourage sustainable travel.

Internally, the firm strives to achieve net zero by 2040 and, with the establishment of the ESG Committee of the Board in 2023, has begun to streamline its commitments to ESG objectives through implementing effective changes to help reduce its energy consumption and production of carbon emissions.

The firm has also played a key role in creating the One Million Hours pledge, which encourages firms to invest their time in pro-bono projects to combat climate change and the loss of biodiversity.


In France, Pinsent Masons’ environmental team has deep expertise in handling energy transition mandates and predominantly deals with the financing, acquisitions, and development of renewable energy projects.

Its financing portfolio includes assisting NTR on the acquisition of a six-turbine onshore wind project from SAMFI INVEST with a total capacity of around 15MW, and advising Monaco Energies Renouvelables on the refinancing of 12 photovoltaic solar plants with a capacity of approximately 100 MW.

The team has also seen work in connection with power purchase agreements, such as recently advising Photosol on the drafting and negotiation of its first Corporate PPAs with Leroy Merlin relating to two solar projects located in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region, which at peak capacity will generate 45 GWh of electricity annually.

Paris-based Eran Chvika is a name to note. Handling a large volume of work in the energy transition space, she leads on each of these matters.

Beyond its workload, the firm is taking active measures to reduce its own environmental impact by limiting its energy consumption and carbon production. It now aims to become net zero by 2040.

The firm is also playing a central role in inspiring positive change within the legal sector, not only through establishing its ESG Committee of the Board but also through its pivotal role in the co-creation of the One Million Hours pledge, encouraging firms to take part in climate action through pro bono activity.


In Ireland, Pinsent Masons LLP’s team has expertise in a range of sustainability-related matters, including advising clients on renewable energy development projects and sustainable financing.

A team led by real estate and energy transaction expert Kevin Collins is currently assisting Soleirtricity with the acquisition and development of a brownfield site for the creation of a solar park and energy campus including a hydrogen electrolyser production facility.

Another client is Obton, a company that invests in and develops solar photovoltaic energy projects, for which Collins and Garrett Monaghan are handling all legal aspects related to the financing and development of a portfolio of solar parks in Ireland.

Head of the firm’s energy group Richard Murphy is advising Statkraft on the sale of a 50% stake in its portfolio of Irish offshore wind farms to Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners’ fund, Copenhagen Infrastructure IV K/S, as part of its plan to develop up to 2.2 gigawatts of offshore wind farms in Ireland.

Internally, the firm is committed to achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions across its entire carbon footprint by 2040. It also created the ‘1 Million Hours’ pledge, which aims to raise one million hours of pledged time for pro bono advice on green projects and initiatives.

Miguel Nieto  | Spain

Zoila Jimenez Manrique  | Spain

Eran Chvika  | France

Kevin Collins  | Ireland

Garrett Monaghan  | Ireland

Richard Murphy  | Ireland

Pohlmann & Company


German boutique firm Pohlmann & Company specialises in compliance, where it advises on a broad range of environmental and sustainability issues, including the evaluation of environmental risks and compliance with emission trading obligations under the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS). The team is also active in the renewable energy sector, routinely assisting with site expansion and building permits procedures.

In the latter segment, it provided advice to Elektrizitätswerke WWS on four hydroelectric power projects, including, among others, the reconstruction of a roller dam and advice on a zoning-compatible prevention/approval procedure. The mandate was led by environmental compliance experts Tim Uschkereit and Uwe Erling, who also recently assisted the German Aviation Industry Association with the implementation of the EU Regulation on sustainable air transport regarding the new compulsory blending quotas for sustainable aviation fuels (SAF).

Erling is also active in pro bono work and leads the legal subgroup of the Working Group on Emissions Trading to Combat the Greenhouse Effect at the Federal Ministry of the Environment, which deals with all issues related to the carbon market and climate protection policies.

Together with Uschkereit, he recently published a new chapter on environmental compliance in one of Germany’s leading environmental law guides (Handbuch Umwelt) published by C.H.Beck, where they discuss, among other topics, environmental certifications and audits, supply chain due diligence, and climate compliance.

The firm is also a member of CO2ncept plus – Business Association for Emissions Trading and Climate Protection, regularly contributing to presentations on climate protection law.

Tim Uschkereit  | Germany

Uwe Erling  | Germany



Greek firm Potamitisvekris often advises on major renewable energy transactions alongside its work in sustainable finance and green procurement.

Head of project finance and energy Euripides Ioannou recently advised the National Bank of Greece on the financing and development of a solar projects portofolio consisting of 22 parks with an aggregate nominal power exceeding 135MW, and a value of circa €114m.

In one of the first green bond issues in the Greek market, the banking and finance team acted for Lamda Development, a listed holding company specialising in the development, investment and management of real estate, on the issuance, through a public offering, of €230m senior green bonds and their listing on ATHEX.

In addition to its client work, the firm has notably been selected to contribute to the second edition of the Primer on Climate Change published by the Climate Governance Initiative and Commonwealth Climate and law initiative. The guide covers 26 countries and provides ways in which board directors can fulfil their legal obligations by integrating climate change initiatives into corporate strategies.

In 2022, the firm published a sustainability report, which outlines its sustainability policy, including reducing its scope 1 and 2 emissions by 50% by 2030, and becoming a net zero law firm by 2040. Its sustainability efforts have been recognised by the achievement of an EcoVadis Silver Medal.

Euripides Ioannou  | Greece

Poul Schmith


Alongside its advice for private clients in the renewable energy and green fuels sectors, UN Global Compact member Poul Schmith aids the green transition through its cross-sectoral work for Danish state agencies.

In an ongoing matter, the firm is assisting the Danish Energy Agency in its inaugural state aid scheme and tender for the capture and storage of CO2. Within the mandate, which will help reduce the carbon footprint of Denmark’s industrial and energy sectors, it has assisted in preparing the tender procedure, drafting the aid implementation contract, and in negotiating with potential state aid recipients. The firm’s work for the client also included strategic and legal advice concerning the €28bn development of the 10 GW renewable energy island in the North Sea, which is currently suspended.

A key contact is renewables and energy transition specialist Klint Klingberg-Jensen, whose recent highlights include advising on novel agreements concerning power-to-X projects and carbon capture and storage. Klingberg-Jensen also advises offshore wind developers concerning high-value and large-scale projects in the Asia Pacific region.

In 2023, the firm collaborated with the University of Copenhagen, Borsen, and The Footprint Firm to develop a course that provides ESG professionals key information on regulation, strategy, and implementation.

To minimise its carbon footprint, the firm uses mostly renewable electricity, reduces and recycles its waste, has implemented a sustainable travel policy, and offsets residual carbon emissions through investments in wood-based construction company Puro Earth. Such is complemented by the firm’s BREEAM Very Good-certified offices, which include solar self-generation, energy efficiency features, and EV charging points.

Klint Klingberg-Jensen  | Denmark

PwC Legal


In Ukraine, PwC Legal advises clients from the corporate, private equity and public sectors on a range of sustainability issues, including sustainability reporting and compliance with GRI Standards.

One client in this space is leading telecommunications company Vodafone Ukraine which sought the firm’s advice on its sustainability indicators and compliance with GRI standards.

In a notable highlight, the firm also assisted the city of Kyiv with the development of its Recovery Framework, a high-level strategic document based on ESG principles which summarises the city’s Recovery Plan through the establishment of ESG good investment practices such as the Green Climate Fund and the Sustainable Development Goals.

On the pro bono side, the team was recently involved in an in-depth research project on waste management resulting in the publication of the ‘From Third World to First’ report, an analysis of the main problems and perspectives of the waste management sector both in Ukraine and internationally.

In cooperation with experts of the Committee for the Recovery of Ukraine within the European Business Association, the firm also contributed to the drafting of a White Paper on Ukraine’s recovery, containing proposals related to the introduction of economic incentives for the preservation and restoration of flora and fauna, the implementation of circular economy principles, environmental taxation reform, and reform of state environmental control.

The team includes Anna Parokinna, a member of the CEE regional ESG reporting team focusing on European Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and ESRS implementation, and Valerii Mikhailovskyi, who has significant expertise in the field of sustainable development and risk assessment. Both Parokinna and Mikhailovskyi have recently obtained the GRI Sustainability Professional Certification.


Led by Fabien Radisic, the ESG team at PwC Société d’Avocats France is committed to helping clients with sustainable development and has seen recent growth in work surrounding sustainability, decarbonisation and corporate responsibility.

The group is a regular point of contact for clients in the private equity space, notably advising private equity fund Eurazeo on its acquisition of MBDI, a specialist in recycling concrete and used wood, and Compagnie Nationale de Portefeuille and Sienna Private Equity on their acquisition of a majority stake in ECT Invest, a company operating within a circular economy, upcycling excavated soil from construction sites and public works.

It also recently advised Ocean 14 Capital on its investment in Algaia, which sustainably produces seaweed, algae and other plant-based extracts.

Antoine Coursaut-Durand is a name to note for his extensive work on renewable deals and decarbonisation projects. As well as serving as lead on the aforementioned mandates, he regularly shares his thoughts on ESG, participating in articles, publications and conferences.

Internally, the firm is committed to reducing its environmental impact, reflected through its creation of an ESG committee in 2022 and its annual participation in audits to assess its carbon footprint. In 2022, it received a gold medal from Ecovadis and is now on track to becoming net zero by 2030.

Anna Parokinna  | Ukraine

Valerii Mikhailovskyi  | Ukraine

Fabien Radisic  | France

Antoine Coursaut-Durand  | France



Leading Spanish firm Pérez-Llorca stands out for its thought leadership on issues surrounding the green transition. A number of individuals in the firm’s team authored the Legal Studies on Sustainability, Climate Change and ESG Criteria in Spain and the EU, which discusses the main issues related to the new regulations on sustainability being developed in the EU within the framework of the European Green Pact.

Head of the firm’s Environment & Climate Change as well as Land Planning practices Alberto Ibort, who is also a member of the firm’s ESG committee, is assisting Banco Santander with the implementation of a restauration project led by the environmental organisation WWF, which seeks to repair a protected wetland spanning over 500,000sqm. He is also leading the team in advising Ingka Centres on the development of a project which aims to turn a major shopping centre 100% green through the use of renewable energy solutions.

Key individual José María de Paz leads the firm’s ESG and climate change team.

Committed to reporting on its internal sustainability measures, the firm releases a yearly sustainability report setting out its economic, social and environmental performance.

Alberto Ibort  | Spain

José María de Paz  | Spain



Spanish firm Rocajunyent is a member of the UN Global Compact, and advises on a number of projects that contribute to the green transition, with experience in renewable energy matters, among other areas.

The firm is a member of the Bioboost consortium, created in 2022, which aims to accelerate projects that valorise discarded natural waste to boost the circular economy. The project is expected to attract investments of circa €30m.

A key client seeking the team’s advice on a number of legal matters is Energies Renovables Públiques de Catalunya, a public energy company which generates and provides energy from renewable sources to the public sector in the region.

Besides its ESG committee which provides advice to clients on a number of ESG and sustainability matters, the firm also has an SDG committee, which aims to implement the SDGs and the principles of the Global Compact.  In 2022, Natalia Marti was appointed to oversee both committees.

Another key individual is Íñigo Cisnerosin, who specialises in ESG matters and has authored various books and guides on sustainability.

Natalia Marti  | Spain

Íñigo Cisnerosin  | Spain



Nordic full-service law firm Roschier is sought out by leading international clients to assist on large-scale and high-value projects which work to decarbonise Finland’s energy mix and industrial processes.

Supporting the client in boosting its renewables profile while helping scale-up the global green fuels market, the firm assisted major Finland-headquartered fuels player Neste in the establishment of a joint venture with US-located Marathon Petroleum. The client will invest $1bn to support the development costs in converting Marathon’s existing Californian refinery to green fuel production and consequently produce renewable diesel.

In the power-to-X sector, energy practice head Toni Siimes acted for asset manager Prime Capital in establishing a joint venture with wind power company CPC Finland to build and operate a 200 MW green hydrogen and e-methane plant. The transaction also supports the construction of five windfarms to supply clean electricity to the project, ensuring the green hydrogen and e-methane produced is additional and emission-free.

The firm has deep experience advising developers and investors on impactful transactions in the wind power sector. For German developer Alterric Internationale Beteiligunge, it advised on the sale of a 200 MW onshore wind portfolio to Nordic energy company Ilmatar. It also acted for banks Nordea and SEB in providing loans to utility company Helen and renewable energy investor Ålandsbanken Wind Power Fund to finance the acquisition and construction of a 500 MW windfarm portfolio.

To limit its internal greenhouse gas emissions, the firm has implemented energy-efficiency measures, encouraged low-carbon travel and hybrid working among staff, and improved its recycling programme. The firm also supports green community ventures, compensating for its greenhouse gas emissions through partnering with carbon offset supplier NGS Finland and providing pro bono support for the John Nurminen Foundation to help protect biodiversity in the Baltic Sea.


The energy team at Nordic full-service law firm Roschier has deep expertise advising investors on high-value and impactful transactions and investments which support the expansion of Sweden’s clean energy sector and the decarbonisation of its industrial processes.

In an €800m mandate, energy M&A specialist Markus Olsson represented low-carbon investment platform Renewable Power Capital in its acquisition of a 528 MW ready-to-build onshore wind projects portfolio in northern Sweden. Following the transaction, which included the commitment of capital necessary for the projects’ construction, the firm has advised on the development of the portfolio.

For Augusta Investment Management, it advised in the closing of a fifteen-year 5.3 TWh power purchase agreement with Sydkraft Hydropower. The transaction, which was innovative as the client’s first investment into Nordic hydropower and the producer’s first PPA with a financial counterparty, is vital in ensuring institutional investors are engaged in long-term investments into green electricity and storage solutions.

Energy and infrastructure practice head Björn Winström acted for growth investor Kinnevik in its SEK 250m investment into green steel producer H2 Green Steel. The equity financing is crucial in helping fund technologies which can reduce the emissions impact of hard-to-abate sectors like steel, as well as helping decarbonise the client’s investment portfolio.

Working to strengthen its internal green credentials, the firm uses only renewable electricity in its premises. The Stockholm office is powered entirely by solar energy and certified as LEED Gold for its broader green design. Key to the firm’s sustainability ambitions is the desire to raise staff engagement, which the firm is targeting through improving its recycling schemes and incentivising sustainable travel.

To help support global sustainability ambitions, the team also provides pro bono support to the Reach for Change NGO, which works to empower children against the impacts of poverty, inequality, and climate change.

Toni Siimes  | Finland



Frankfurt-based firm SCHULTE RECHTSANWÄLTE.’s team provides comprehensive advice to clients who want to go green, handling matters ranging from antitrust advice on sustainability standards to the implementation of solar projects through crowd investing.

An ongoing highlight is the firm’s advice to Deutscher Derivate Verband in connection with the development and revision of a new green standard in the financial sector.

For Luigi Lavazza Deutschland, the team dealt with all aspects of the client’s efforts to go green, including training courses on green claims compliance in marketing, sales and public relations.

In the field of sustainable waste management, a current innovative matter is the preparation of a new type of waste treatment plant for Robert Schulte Steinbruch, a company active in the mining of ornamental and building stone.

The firm is also assisting Oyess Beauty, a company which sells climate-neutral, animal-free lip care products made in Germany and other consumer goods in the beauty sector, with its acquisition of shares by the Burda publishing house.

The team includes Kim Manuel Künstner who is noted for his focus on antitrust and sustainability issues.

Showing engagement beyond client work, the team recently organised a networking event on the topic of the energy transition with hydrogen, while it also continues to publish blogs and articles on issues related to sustainable business management.

Kim Manuel Künstner  | Germany



As one of the largest full-service Slovak firms, SOUKENÍK – ŠTRPKA, s. r. o.’s portfolio includes significant expertise in environmental law and clean energy, where it assists on a range of sustainability and environmental projects.

In addition to providing advice to BDR Thermea Košice, one of the largest global manufacturers and distributors of energy-saving smart thermal solutions, the firm is currently assisting Glortex, a renewable energy specialist, in obtaining permits for the production of biodiesel from various types of biomass.

In the public sector, the team is acting for the National Motorway Company in an innovative infrastructure project co-funded by the European Union Cohesion Fund aimed at the construction of a green bridge on a highway to ensure the protection of wild animals from motor vehicles and trains.

For Vodohospodárska výstavba, a company involved in the production of clean green electricity only from renewable sources, the firm handled the complete modernisation of the Gabčíkovo hydraulic power plant, one of the largest European hydroelectric power plants located on the Danube River in Slovakia.

Head of the firm’s energy practice Peter Štrpka, who is known for advising several leading Slovakian energy companies including Kron Energy and Green Energy Slovakia, recently advised Priemyselný park Štúrovo, an industrial park in the South of Slovakia, on the establishment of a new solar power plant.

The firm also played a role in shaping a deposit return scheme for beverage packaging in Slovakia, where it collaborated closely with the Ministry of Environment. After its launch in 2022, over 70% of beverage packaging was returned within the first year, mitigating pollution in Slovak rivers and natural habitats.

Peter Štrpka  | Slovakia

SSW Pragmatic Solutions


SSW Pragmatic Solutions’ interdisciplinary team provides comprehensive advice on the full gamut of sustainability issues, ranging from green financing to sustainability reporting, zero-emission energy sources and energy efficiency.

The team has significant expertise in the area of renewable energy, where it advises on the construction of on- and offshore wind parks and PV portfolios. Noteworthy highlights here include the advice to Baltic Power on one of the largest infrastructure projects involving the construction of an offshore wind farm in the Baltic Sea with a total capacity of 1,200 MW. worth approximately PLN 14bn, and acting for NextEnergy Capital in the acquisition of 44 photovoltaic projects operating in Poland.

In another recent matter, the firm provided comprehensive climate and energy strategy assistance to Polpharma, advising on the client’s own energy sources, energy supply optimisation and emissions trading.

The energy and natural resources team is led by Dominik Strzałkowski, an expert in the field of developing new energy efficiency solutions, who also supervises the interdisciplinary team dealing with sustainability projects. This includes Anita Palukiewicz, who coordinates the environmental aspects of said projects with a focus on waste management. She is known for advising on an innovative large-scale project developed in cooperation with the Polish Geological Institute to capture methane from coal mines.

Another key name is Maximilian Piekut, who is noted for his pro bono participation in the Climate Leadership initiative (United Nations Environment Programme), where he provided expertise on the legal framework for climate change mitigation. Piekut was also chosen as an expert for the EU Taxonomy Working Group set up by the Ministry of Development and Technology, where he advises the Sustainable Finance Platform on ways to implement sustainable investment reporting requirements.

Internally, the firm is a member of several environmental organisations, including The Circular Economy Council at the Lewiatan Confederation, which focuses on the economic and environmental aspects of transforming the linear economy into a circular economy; the Energy Law Institute, a division of the Centre for American and International Law; and the Polish Wind Energy and Photovoltaic Associations.

Dominik Strzałkowski  | Poland

Anita Palukiewicz  | Poland

Maximilian Piekut  | Poland

Saxinger, Chalupsky & Partner Rechtsanwälte GmbH (SCWP Schindhelm)


In addition to advising on renewable energy projects spanning solar, geothermal, and alternative fuels, Saxinger, Chalupsky & Partner Rechtsanwälte GmbH (SCWP Schindhelm) stands out in the Austrian market for its expertise in sustainable real estate transactions and green leases.

The team is currently assisting UBM Development and ARE Austrian Real Estate Development in one of Europe’s most sustainable and innovative urban neighbourhood projects in Vienna. The project ‘Village im Dritten’ uses a unique renewable energy system and climate resilience measures including photovoltaic systems, heat pumps and cutting-edge geothermal deep probes.

Schiene OÖ, the railway infrastructure company of the Upper Austrian Federal State, is seeking the firm’s multi-disciplinary advice in a project that will establish the tram-train of the future and contribute significantly to reducing C02 emissions.

For the Federal State of Upper Austria, the firm is also working on the implementation of the Just Transition Fund, which is part of the EU Green Deal and the European Commission’s efforts to achieve climate neutrality and decarbonisation.

Internally, the firm recently launched its ESG Task Force for internal sustainability management, led by green real estate and decarbonisation expert Irene Meingast and sustainable procurement specialist Edwin Scharf. It also published its first sustainability report in 2021-2022, which presents the firm’s internal ESG procedures and sets future targets.

Irene Meingast  | Austria

Edwin Scharf  | Austria

Schalast Law


German boutique law firm Schalast is recognised for its focus on sustainable real estate and infrastructure projects.

Here, the team stands out for its pioneering work for energy producer Kraftwerke Mainz Wiesbaden in connection with its joint venture with Norwegian data centre company Green Mountain for the construction of an innovative green and sustainable data centre on an island in the Rhine, with a volume of more than EUR 500 million.

The firm also has considerable expertise in the field of sustainable aviation, where it is currently assisting the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure in a financing project aimed at the decarbonisation of the aviation industry.

Another client in this field is NEX Aero, a Berlin based startup engaged in the construction of the first hydrogen-powered long-range eVTOL (electric Vertical Take-Off and Landing aircraft), who the team assisted in its first Seed-Financing Round.

As part of its efforts to achieve climate neutrality, the firm has been an official ambassador for the UN Sustainable Development Goals since 2020, and is part of ‘The Climate Neutral Now Initiative’. Managing partner Christoph Schalast was also recently elected global chair of Multilaw’s new Environment and Sustainability Committee, whose aim is to help member firms achieve their own and their clients’ sustainability goals while raising the profile of sustainability issues as a network. He also contributed to Multilaw’s publication ‘The race to net-zero: The role lawyers play as agents of change’, discussing the role and responsibility of lawyers in the field of sustainability and ESG.

Christoph Schalast  | Germany

Schima Mayer Starlinger Rechtsanwälte


Austrian firm Schima Mayer Starlinger Rechtsanwälte’s established experience in the renewable energy sector, where it advises on hydrogen, solar, biomass and geothermal projects, among others, is bolstered by the firm’s multidisciplinary approach with experts coming together from the energy as well as finance and competition, departments.

In two ongoing matters, the firm is assisting Wien Energie, Austria’s largest regional energy supplier, in an innovative renewable energy project related to the formation of a joint venture with OMV aimed at deploying hot water storage from deep underground basins, and RheinEnergie and Verbund in another joint project at the Donaustadt power plant in Vienna involving a pioneering test of blending hydrogen with natural gas.

Founding partner and former head of legal of OMW, Thomas Starlinger leads the firm’s energy practice and is recognised for his knowledge of the European and Austrian energy sector, advising major national and international energy players on issues such as energy efficiency regulation and photovoltaic project development.

The team also includes associate Laurenz Götzinger, an expert in Austrian and European conventional as well as renewable energy law, who frequently contributes to energy-related events and platforms, such as recently leading a discussion on the future of energy law at the ELSA Summer Law School.

Further demonstrating the firm’s commitment to sustainability, its headquarters are strategically located in Viertel Zwei, a car-free district which received the ÖGNI platinum certificate as the first sustainable urban district in the country. In early 2023, the firm also established an internal task force to further explore ESG initiatives.

Thomas Starlinger  | Austria

Laurenz Götzinger  | Austria

Schönherr Attorneys at Law


Apart from the firm’s dedicated ESG team comprised of partners from various practice groups and offices, in Austria, Schönherr Attorneys at Law’s regulatory group handles a wide array of environmental, climate change and green transition matters, advising companies across various industries but also governments, governmental institutions and national regulators.

The team is particularly active in the renewable energy sector, where it handles approximately 50 per cent of all wind park projects in Austria, representing major wind energy producers including Verbund Green Power, Wien Energie, and Ökoenergie on the construction, operation and sale/acquisition of wind power plants.

With particular expertise in hydropower permitting procedures, the firm is currently assisting several major utility companies and municipalities, including TIWAG, ENWA, Kals municipality, and utility service provider Innsbrucker Kommunalbetriebe on the development of run-of-river hydropower plants, while also notably advising TIWAG, a leading Austrian energy generator, on one of the country’s largest hydropower projects in recent decades.

For the City of Vienna, the firm is now handling one of the biggest legislative projects aimed at achieving the decarbonisation of the city’s entire infrastructure by 2040.

Demonstrating the team’s further engagement, in cooperation with the Austrian Ministry of Energy, VERBUND and Gas Connect Austria, head of the regulatory practice Bernd Rajal, head of planning and environment Christian Schmelz and newly promoted partner and environmental law specialist Christoph Cudlik recently organised the first ‘Austrian Hydrogen Day’.

The firm-wide ESG task force strives to integrate sustainability into all operational decisions. The headquarters in Vienna were awarded the ‘Green Building’ certification by the European Commission in 2014, and more recently, a new large-scale greenery project is being implemented to naturally cool the building in the summer months while simultaneously protecting urban biodiversity.

Bernd Rajal  | Austria

Christian Schmelz  | Austria

Christoph Cudlik  | Austria



Full-service Norwegian law firm Selmer counts among its clients leading international consortia in the clean energy sector, whom the firm is advising on diverse projects in the green hydrogen and offshore wind segments.

Electricity practice head Håkon Sandbekk is acting for Spain-headquartered wind power giant Iberdrola in its participation in a joint venture with TotalEnergies and Norsk Havvind to compete for the Utsira Nord and Sørlige Nordsjø 2 offshore wind tender. The firm has supported the client, which seeks to create a 1500 MW project at the Sørlige Nordsjø 2 site, in contractual, regulatory, and licensing matters.

A key client is Germany-based energy group EnBW, whom the firm has advised regarding an ammonia production project in western Norway. The team acted for the client in its acquisition of the project and on its concurrent entrance into an ammonia offtake and electricity power purchase agreement. The plant will have an entirely green value chain from the electricity source to its offtake, shipping, and industrial end-use in Europe.

Also for EnBW, the firm is assisting in developing a set of standard contracts for financial PPAs to be used regarding onshore wind facilities in the Nordic market, helping support the client in financing and realising clean energy projects.

The firm’s capital markets team advised DNB Markets, Nordea Bank, and Sparebank1 Markets as managers in renewable energy solutions provider Scatec’s NOK 1bn green bond issuance. The bond supports the client’s green asset portfolio by refinancing the investment made to acquire hydroelectric investor SN Power.

As a member of the UN Global Compact, the firm seeks to provide clients with advice which enables their sustainable development to complement its internal commitment to responsible business practices. To remain at pace with green best practices, it has its environmental measures certified by the Eco-lighthouse standard.

Håkon Sandbekk  | Norway

Simmons & Simmons


Simmons & Simmons’ German offices advise on a number of transactions and financing projects in the renewable energy sector, particularly in solar and wind power.

A team including head of the energy, natural resources, and infrastructure group Jens Gölz is currently assisting a group of lenders, including BlackRock, ING, Pricoa Private Capital, UniCredit and Generali, in one of Europe’s largest financing rounds for solar plants. The refinancing capital will enable the Berlin-based energy company Enpal to install more than 30,000 new solar systems, storage and charging stations.

Another client is Commerzbank, which the team regularly advises on financing on-shore wind farms in France, Finland, Spain and other European countries.

For Deutsche Bank, the firm is currently handling the issuance of Talanx’s €500m subordinated green bond.

Globally, the firm continues to act in support of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It recently set new emission reduction targets in its offices in line with the Paris Agreement.


In Italy, Simmons & Simmons advises a number of clients on green bond issues in line with the EU taxonomy and ICMA’s Green Bond Principles.

In a recent highlight, the team advised A2A on the issuance of a €500m green bond with a maturity of 11 years, the proceeds of which will be used to finance Eligible Green Projects, strategic circular economy and energy transition projects linked to the development of renewable energy, the environmental sector, energy efficiency and electricity grids defined within A2A’s Sustainable Finance Framework. For the same client, the team also hanlded the new €650m green bond, which is based on the Group’s Sustainable Finance Framework.

In another recent matter, the firm assisted BNP Paribas together with a syndicate of Italian and international banks in the refinancing of the first ESG Linked RCF Facility in Italy in favour of Hera, the first Italian coalition of municipalised companies managing the supply of energy, water and environmental services.

Globally, in 2023 the firm established a new set of science-based targets, committing to reduce its direct emissions by 50% by 2030 in line with the Paris Agreement.

The firm also implemented the GreenTech Fund initiative, led by members of the firm’s environmental sustainability network, to supports start-ups that are focused on using technology to mitigate the climate and biodiversity emergencies.


Simmons & Simmons’ Luxembourg fund formation group is led by Augustin De Longeaux and routinely advises domestic and international investment managers and financial institutions with a focus on sustainable investments. As part of handling all the legal and regulatory aspects relating to the structuring and establishment of investment funds, the team has particular expertise with respect to the SFDR article 8 on light green funds.

In a recently concluded matter, it assisted European real estate investment and asset management company Valor Real Estate on the structuring of a cross-border ESG-based multiple asset refinancing and capex financing of a portfolio of logistics platforms near Paris.

The firm recently appointed a global head of ESG, thus contributing significantly to the development of the firm’s ESG strategy across all practice areas and offices.

The firm’s ESG Global Solutions service, which tracks and monitors relevant ESG legislative and regulatory developments across multiple disciplines and jurisdictions, also includes a Clean Energy and a Carbon Review tool, which provide legal and regulatory data related to renewable energy and regulations in the carbon markets.

Internally, the firm’s dedication to sustainability issues is exemplified by the collaboration of the Luxembourg office with its tenants on a project aimed at improving the BREEAM rate of its building through a series of initiatives, including permaculture workshops with an ecologist and the creation of a natural flower meadow and a green roof.

On a global scale, in June 2023, the firm announced a new set of science-based targets that aim to reduce emissions in line with the Paris Agreement, committing to reducing its scopes 1 and 2 direct emissions by 50% by 2030.


In the Netherlands, Simmons & Simmons is a key advisor to clients regarding their ESG-linked financings and innovative green energy solutions. Through its multi-sectoral ESG trackers and clean energy tool, clients across diverse industries are provided with insightful updates on transformative sustainability-related developments.

ESG finance expert Peter Voorhees acted for BNG Bank in the issuance of $1.5bn sustainability-linked bonds. Adhering to the client’s sustainable finance framework, the bonds’ proceeds will work toward financing renewable energy facilities, energy-efficiency projects, and sustainable urban development.

The banking and finance team also assisted long-term client and sustainability-focused investor Stichting and regarding a €20m impact-linked credit facility to green coffee supplier Mercon. The financing, which incorporates complex ESG provisions and KPIs, will help develop a landmark deforestation-free sustainable coffee production project in Vietnam.

A longstanding client is Nedstack, which develops hydrogen fuel cell solutions. The firm recently advised on its joint venture with LAVO Hydrogen Storage Technology to develop utility-scale PEM fuel cells in Australia. Through expanding the local capacity for fuel cell development and manufacturing, the mandate works to realise the potential hydrogen has to decarbonise Australia’s energy, mining, and transport industries.

Globally, the firm has an approved science-based target to reduce scopes 1 and 2 emissions by 50% and scope 3 emissions by 47% by 2030. Its ‘green room’ environmental sustainability network is a platform for offices to share eco-friendly best practices and has brought an increased focus on green electricity, the use of low-carbon suppliers, and the greening of office space.


In France, Simmons & Simmons has a strong focus on green finance, with particular strength in fund formation for the energy transition.

Its current work portfolio includes advising Infranity (formerly Generali Global Infrastructure) on the formation of two infrastructure debt funds – Generali Green Impact Investment Fund and Generali Social & Digital Impact Investment Fund – referred to in article 9 of the SFDR. It also assisted Mirova on its Mirova Energy Transition 5 fund dedicated to financing infrastructure for the renewable energy and low-carbon mobility sectors, for which it has raised over €1.6bn.

Of note is the firm’s involvement in pro bono activity, to which it dedicated over 5.000 hours in FY22/23. A recent highlight includes supporting the Kayapo tribe with the protection of the Amazon rainforest.

The firm’s creation of the Simmons GreenTech Fund, an initiative which offers £100,000 worth of legal advice from across the firm’s network to four businesses trying to mitigate the effects of the climate crisis, also enriches its pro bono portfolio.

Clients additionally benefit from the firm’s ESG Global Solutions service, a tool which keeps clients up-to-date through tracking ESG developments across sectors.

Within its own operations, the firm continues to act in accordance with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and is currently taking steps to reduce its energy consumption by 50% by 2030. Through its creation of ‘the green room’, it aims to share environmental sustainability best practices across its global network of offices.

Jens Gölz  | Germany

Augustin De Longeaux  | Luxembourg

Peter Vorhees  | Netherlands



The Estonian office of pan-Baltic law firm Sorainen makes a key contribution within the firm’s regional ESG offering, bringing expertise regarding high-value and landmark renewable energy projects and a focused commitment on supporting emerging green solutions.

In the renewable energy sector, a key client is joint venture Energiasalv, whom the firm advised regarding the development of its 500 MW Zero Terrain Paldiski pumped hydro energy storage plant. The firm has advised on all legal aspects of the project, including initial planning, environmental, and construction law issues; the securing of €11m additional financing to expedite construction; and in relation to its alignment with the EU Taxonomy in order to attract future investment. As an innovative solution to the question of balancing renewable energy output, the €800m project is critical for Estonia’s clean electricity future.

A further key client is state real estate development and management company Riigi Kinnisvara, whom energy counsel Kaspar Endrikson assisted in drafting the PPA model and transaction documents for the public procurement of renewable electricity. The mandate is significant for providing the state with 100 GWh of clean energy annually to help decarbonise its electricity consumption and for demonstrating the potential of long-term PPAs as an incentive to de-risk the development of large-scale renewable energy facilities.

Through its Shared Mission project, the firm provides pro bono assistance to impactful greentech startups. The firm provided competition and regulatory advice to circular economy company Fudloop, which offers consumers low-cost, unsold groceries in order to reduce food waste, and to Filaret, which collects waste cigarette butts and upcycles them into a compostable and environmentally-friendly 3D printing filament.

Internally, the firm’s Estonia premises is certified as a European Green Office, with the firm working to inspire further environmental efforts through having an ISO 140001-certified environmental management system and publicly available net-zero targets.


The Latvian ESG team at pan-Baltic law firm Sorainen has deep expertise providing leading corporate clients and sustainability-focused organisations with regulatory and project development advice to support their green ambitions.

Helping to prevent energy wastage and reduce the carbon emissions generated by homes, the firm advised in the development of a concept and business model for the Riga Energy Efficiency Fund, which will co-finance the green renovations of residential properties across the city. The firm advised the client in establishing a legal framework for the housing fund in order to raise the necessary finance and in navigating the state support framework in order to ensure competitive participation.

In a key renewable energy sector mandate, ESG practice member Lelde Laviņa assisted Estonian energy company Utilitas in the development of a 58.8 MW onshore wind project.  For the project, which dramatically expands Latvia’s renewable energy capacity, the firm assisted in negotiating land, construction, supply and installation, and operation and maintenance agreements.

In an ongoing lobbying process before the state, the ESG team is acting for the Latvian Wind Energy Association. The firm’s advocacy is helping ensure that the regulation establishing the national electric company’s exclusive rights to use state-owned land to construct a wind farm does not hinder private operators from expanding their activity in Latvia. The firm has assisted in drafting legal opinions on the regulation and its compliance with sustainability frameworks.

The firm has also contributed to Simmons & Simmons’ global Clean Energy Tool, providing legal and regulatory information on Latvia’s renewable projects and clean energy infrastructure for institutional investors. The firm also contributes widely to a climate-conscious dialogue within the local business community, with ESG practice head Agita Sprūde speaking on the implications of sustainability for supply chains at the Ilgbūtība climate change forum.


The Lithuania office makes a key contribution to the regional green offering of pan-Baltic law firm Sorainen through the client-facing expertise of its ESG and energy teams and through the work of dedicated sustainability officer Olga Solovyanchik, who develops and implements the firm’s green strategy.

A key client is German wind and solar park operator Encavis, whom the firm advised on the acquisition of a 69.3 MW onshore wind farm in Lithuania. The acquisition marked the client’s entrance into the Lithuanian market and ensures the continued operation of the project, which has a long-term power purchase agreement with Estonian state-owned utility Eesti Energia.

In the solar power sector, the firm advised sustainable investment manager RGREEN INVEST on providing €42m funding to renewable energy company Green Genius. The firm advised the client on due diligence and the structuring of the bond subscription financing, which will be used to build a 65.7 MW solar portfolio in Lithuania and help decarbonise local businesses.

Senior associate and ESG service head Vitalija Impolevičienė regularly leads the team in hosting sustainability training sessions for corporate clients. The team provided the Lithuanian Actuarial Society with training on the sustainable finance-related legal requirements applicable to the insurance sector, advising on the EU CSRD, SFDR, and Taxonomy frameworks and the integration of sustainability factors within the insurance product marketplace.

Through its regional pro bono project, the firm provided free legal advice to aquaculture technology company Local Ocean, advising on IP matters concerning the development of sustainable farming technology to support the growth of eco-friendly shrimp.

The firm released its second sustainability report in 2023, which details its current carbon footprint and sets out further emissions reductions through sustainable procurement and a improved waste and environmental management system. As part of its internal decarbonisation goal, the firm’s Vilnius office is BREEAM Outstanding-certified.

Kaspar Endrikson  | Estonia

Agita Sprūde  | Latvia

Lelde Laviņa  | Latvia

Olga Solovyanchik  | Lithuania

Vitalija Impolevičienė  | Lithuania

Sustainable Law


Founded in 2021 by Merete Larsen and Julia Lisa Feuerhake, boutique Danish firm Sustainable Law works to establish a more conscious way of delivering legal services to the real estate sector. Focused on incorporating the UN Sustainable Development Goals and a concern for people and planet into its work, the firm only takes on clients whose businesses have a strict focus on sustainability.

Identifying how the building industry accounts directly or indirectly for approximately 40% of global CO2 emissions, the firm seeks through its advice to contribute toward the sector’s necessary decarbonisation. In ongoing mandates, it acts for leading Danish companies including shipping and logistics player A.P. Møller – Mærsk regarding its sustainable campus development, and for Carlsberg Byen regarding transactions and project developments concerning its sustainable district programme.

The firm also provides strategic and legal advice to real estate company Balder Denmark regarding the development of its Torveporten project in Copenhagen. The project, pursued jointly with real estate investment company Nrep, will create a district focused on being green and energy-efficient, with its buildings to be certified as DGNB Gold for their sustainability credentials.

Alongside its conscious choice of clients and projects, the firm operates from an efficiently renovated listed building, works digitally and paperless, encourages low-carbon transport, and procures goods and services from sustainable suppliers.

The firm has been a signatory to the UN Global Compact since its founding, participating in its forums and international discussions to help drive change in the business community. It has also committed to the UNFCCC secretariat’s Climate Neutral Now mission, which works to engage local governments, companies, organisations, and individual stakeholders in working toward the global 2050 net-zero goal.

Merete Larsen  | Denmark

Julia Lisa Feuerhake  | Denmark

TGS Baltic




Taylor Wessing LLP


Taylor Wessing LLP’s team in Germany provides expertise in the renewables energy sector, handling the financing and construction of solar parks, offshore wind farms and hydrogen projects, as well as emission trading, EV charging and green real estate, among other matters. The group is also one of the leading strategic advisors on the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act.

Its energy transition work includes assisting Vestas on its negotiations for the German offshore wind project Nordseecluster, as well as advising CEE Group on expanding its solar energy portfolio with the acquisition of Döllen solar park, a 154-megawatt peak lighthouse project in Brandenburg. International energy and infrastructure practice head Carsten Bartholl led on the latter mandate.

In an ongoing matter for Green Mountain, the firm is advising on a joint venture with KMW, an alliance which will see the development of a data centre site in Mainz entirely supported by energy from KMW’s renewables portfolio.

Alongside its use of 100% green energy across all offices, the firm has also announced its commitment to becoming net zero by 2030 through implementing strategies to help minimise its carbon footprint.

Since receiving a bronze medal from EcoVadis for its own compliance with ESG standards in 2022, the firm has launched its ESG Industry Group, led by Verena Ritter-Döring and Sebastian Rünz, which hosts talks, presentations, workshops and roundtables for clients seeking ESG support. In January 2023, it also celebrated the launch of the ESG Academy, a series of events which has seen sustainability experts from business and academia discuss ESG compliance and the green transition.

Verena Ritter-Döring  | Germany

Sebastian Rünz  | Germany

Carsten Bartholl  | Germany



The ESG team at full-service law firm Triniti Estonia advises leading companies on complex transactions and corporate matters which support the development of the country’s clean energy sector and green industries.

A key client is leading energy group Utilitas, whom the firm advised in connection with the restatement of its €367m facilities agreement, inter-company transfer of a €121m loan, and refinancing of a €25m inter-company loan. The loan package supports the creation of a €300m joint venture with the City of Tallinn to operate district heating services, consequentially reducing the use of fossil fuels in the municipality’s electricity mix. The project is a cornerstone of the city’s ambition to become climate neutral.

The firm is also continuing to assist Utilitas with the acquisition and development of large-scale on- and offshore wind farms in Estonia. For the client’s programme, which is worth up to €8bn and crucial within the Baltic region’s shift to green energy, the firm is advising on planning law, investment and transaction agreements, financial structuring, and joint venture and development agreements.

ESG practice head Klen Laus is providing day-to-day advice for construction company VHRH regarding its sustainability-focused subsidiaries Kodea, which manufactures sustainable and reusable modular houses; Spacedrop, which treats wastewater into reusable clean water; and Airfoced, which manufacturers energy-efficient ventilation solutions. The firm’s advice spans across commercial advisory, employment law, environmental law, and fundraising.

Supporting the uptake of sustainability strategies within the banking and finance market, the firm is a member of FinanceEstonia’s ESG and Sustainable Finance practice group. To boost employee awareness of sustainability internally, its annual communal workday has inspired charity activities to plant trees and clean rivers.

Toward becoming Green Office-certified, the firm’s operational ESG policy commits it to energy-saving practices, resource conservation, waste management, and sustainable procurement.


Through pairing a dedicated focus on internal green operations with a long track-record across wind, solar, and biomass energy projects, Lithuanian full-service firm Triniti Jurex is a leading advisor to clients in their green transition journeys.

A key ongoing client is pan-Baltic renewable energy developer Utilitas Wind, whom the firm is advising on the delivery of a 120 MW wind farm and 400 MW hybrid wind and solar hybrid plant. The firm has assisted with planning, land, and operational agreements, as well as with navigating the novel regulatory framework governing the local renewable energy market.

An expert in sustainable projects, construction counsel Deivis Valiulis acted for green energy company Pažangi energija on the planning, environmental impact assessment, and construction of an advanced biofuel facility. The plant, which will convert organic materials to biofuel, supports the local economy in transitioning away from petroleum products.

The firm is also acting for leading real estate developer HOMA on the development of a 200 MW solar facility and a 400 MW wind farm portfolio. It has advised the client on land leasing, transmission system access, and novel electricity grid regulations.

Renewable energy expert Vytautas Kalmatavičius is an important contact for clean energy projects and recently moderated a discussion at e-mobility conference Charging-Point Lithuania. The firm regularly shares its sustainability expertise within the legal and business communities as a member of the Net Zero Lawyers Alliance and through hosting a series of ESG forums, which help businesses navigate emerging topics including sustainability reporting and green finance.

In 2022, the firm released its inaugural sustainability strategy to report on its ongoing commitment to achieving net-zero emissions. It has assessed its carbon footprint through an external consultancy and is working to minimise its operational emissions by using only green energy while reducing and managing waste.

Klen Laus  | Estonia

Deivis Valiulis  | Lithuania

Vytautas Kalmatavičius  | Lithuania

Van Doorne


The Energy, Industry & Renewables team at Dutch full-service law firm Van Doorne is a leading advisor to clients in their ambitions to decarbonise energy transmission systems, with co-heads Léone Klapwijk and Diederik Maessen providing demonstrable expertise on the regulation and transactional aspects of clean and low-carbon energy projects.

A key client is the Port of Rotterdam, whom the firm advises in multiple legal issues regarding the energy transition and the decarbonisation of the port area. Demonstrating the firm’s broad renewable energy expertise, energy transaction expert Maessen  assisted the client in increasing its stake in its joint venture with electric utility Eneco to install 20 MWh of shore power on the quays; in the drafting of hydrogen transportation agreements to enable the port to realise an international green hydrogen hub; and in the restructuring and refinancing of its energy transition projects.

The firm was also selected as joint project counsel for transmission system operator Gasunie and tank storage company Vopak regarding the development of their liquid CO2 import terminal CO2next. The project, through which large emitters send their captured carbon emissions to be stored offshore, is critical to the near-term reduction of the Dutch economy. Helping the client navigate a nascent market with emerging contractual and regulatory conditions,  a multi-disciplinary team is advising on the structuring and incorporation of the joint venture between the partners, the drafting and negotiation of operational agreements, and on the implementation of EU and national legislation concerning CO2.

For the Think Now foundation, which seeks to expand and democratise the discussion surrounding sustainability in the Netherlands, the firm is providing pro bono assistance on corporate and other legal matters. The foundation seeks to provide children greater awareness of sustainability and help boost their participation in the climate discourse.

Léone Klapwijk  | Netherlands

Diederik Maessen  | Netherlands



Portuguese firm VdA is a member of the UN Global Compact and stands out for its work advising clients on sustainable finance projects that accelerate the green transition in the country. It recently created an ESG Integrated Services Platform, which is led by Assunção Cristas and brings together relevant practice areas to provide clients with ESG services.

Cristas, who also heads the firm’s environment practice, is currently advising a land fund on the setting up of a novel Portuguese law governed real estate fund, which is qualified as an Article 9 financial product under the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation, aimed at investing in the sustainable forestry and agriculture sectors. In another ongoing highlight, she is assisting SIBS with the development and implementation of a platform which aims to collect and display Portuguese banks’ ESG data, helping with the assessment of company’s sustainable practices.

Internally, the firm aims to reach net zero by 2030, and its sustainable strategy is developed through the Green Project, which promotes sustainability initiatives within the firm and with its employees. Furthermore, the firm recently created an internal team, led by senior partner João Vieira de Almeida, dedicated to its ESG strategy. In 2022, 100% of VDA’s electricity consumption was from renewable sources.

The firm is a member of BCSD Portugal – Business Council for Sustainable Development, a business association which is part of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, an NGO representing companies actively committed to sustainability.

Assunção Cristas

João Vieira de Almeida



Romanian multi-service firm Volciuc-Ionescu offers sustainability-related legal services via its leading energy and natural resources practice, headed by Sabian Volciuc and Ramona Volciuc, as well as a multi-disciplinary sustainability and ESG practice.

A key client is EDPR, which is part of global energy company Energia de Portugal and whom the team is advising on various acquisitions of energy projects as well as the development of greenfield projects. The team is also assisting Lumina Renewables with the development of over 1GW of renewable projects in Romania.

In another ongoing matter, the firm’s energy and natural resources team is assisting Mytilineos with the sale of a circa 210MW solar portfolio in Romania, consisting of two solar farms, to PPC. It is also advising the same client on the sale of a 90MW solar portfolio in the country to Enel Green Power.

Notably, the firm is involved in developing legislation on offshore wind in the region. Additionally, its lawyers have held lectures to introduce clean energy to law students, organised in association with student NGOs such as ELSA and ASD.

Sabian Volciuc  | Romania

Ramona Volciuc  | Romania

Von Bredow Valentin Herz


German boutique firm Von Bredow Valentin Herz focuses exclusively on the renewable energy sector with expertise that also includes green gas and hydrogen matters, as well as electricity storage projects.

In the latter segment, a team led by Florian Valentin assisted Leclanché in drafting contracts for a number of public-scale storage projects, preparing model contracts and cooperation agreements.

Another client is Hanwa Q CELLS, for whom Jörn Bringewat and Steffen Herz handled the implementation of decentralised business models for photovoltaic plants and advised on project development and procurement of ground-mounted photovoltaic plants.

As part of its commitment to sustainability, the firm is a member of the Association of Energy Storage Systems, where Florian Valentin recently participated in the Bundestag committee hearing on the regulation of energy storage. The team is also part of the German Solar Association, the German Wind Association, and the German Biogas Association.

Valentin, Bringewat, and Bettina Hennig continue to lecture at the ‘Hydrogen for Professionals and Executives’ course at the Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems IWES. Hartwig von Bredow and Hennig are also responsible for the publication of the journal on renewable energy law ZNER and a leading Berlin commentary on the Renewable Energy Sources Act.

As part of its efforts to encourage low-carbon travel, the firm provides all employees with public transport tickets and has established a no-fly policy.

Florian Valentin  | Germany

Hartwig von Bredow  | Germany

Bettina Hennig  | Germany

Jörn Bringewat  | Germany

Steffen Herz  | Germany

Vukmir & Associates


Croatian firm Vukmir & Associates stands out for its work supporting innovative projects that have the potential of contributing to the green transition globally.

Notably, for over a decade, the firm has been providing legal support to startup Gea275 and Professor Stasa Puskaric, the inventor of marine snow technology, in a project which explores how triggering the formation of marine snow could help the ocean remove excess carbon from the atmosphere. Additionally, the firm is assisting a company in Norway, MARINIX Ocean Tech, which was set up with the purpose of further developing the above-mentioned project, with all legal aspects of the issuing of ‘ex-ante carbon offsets’ (carbon offsets that are yet to be produced).

In an ongoing matter with the potential of contributing to the reduction of pollution caused by high density car traffic, the firm is advising Lime, a leading e-mobility platform, on regulatory and other legal aspects of running a dockless vehicles platform in Croatia.

Founding partner Mladen Vukmir’s commitment to sustainability goes beyond his work for clients: He is also the founder of Croatia’s Slow Food Foundation, which aims to promote sustainable production.

Internally, the firm also aims to use only local producers and to reduce waste. Externally, it participates in the Plastic-Free Croatia initiative.

Mladen Vukmir  | Croatia



Baltic law firm WALLESS makes a broad commitment to the green transition across Lithuania, complementing its pioneering advice for companies and associations in the renewable energy sector with long-standing expertise in environmental protection disputes.

In an ongoing matter, corporate specialist Vaidotas Puklevičius assisted government-controlled green energy player Ignitis Renewables with the acquisition of two project companies developing a 300 MW onshore wind farm. The firm advised on the transaction and on the development of the first stage of the project, which, as a €550m investment, is a vital large-scale clean electricity development in Lithuania.

A key client is the Klaipėda Sea Port Administration, whom the firm acts for in its landmark project to spearhead the adoption of green hydrogen in the local transport industry. The team assisted the client in acquiring green electricity, exploring the feasibility of construction, navigating the emerging regulatory framework, and in negotiating purchase agreements which secure viable offtakers for the produced hydrogen.

The firm is also a notable advisor to projects which seek to build renewable energy communities at the municipal level. It advised Joniškis Municipality on the evaluation, preparation, and implementation of solar-based citizen energy communities, and Kaunas District Municipality on the preparation, financing, and execution of its wind power-based renewable energy community. The projects are instrumental in securing local support for renewable energy developments, ensuring that communities gain low-carbon energy while profiting financially.

As a member of both the Lithuanian Wind Power Association and Solar Power Association, the firm keenly supports the development of the local renewable energy sector. Within the solar association, it suggested amendments to the Law on Renewables, seeking to carve out a legislative future which provides energy suppliers with economic incentives to transition to clean power production while also ensuring that renewable energy remains financially viable for consumers.

Watson Farley & Williams LLP


In Germany, Watson & Farley LLP has strong practice advising the renewable energy industry, particularly the wind farm sector, where the team continues to handle a range of matters including project acquisition, development, and financing.

In a recent matter, the firm assisted a consortium of international banks in financing BASF’s investment in the Hollandse Kust Zuid offshore wind farm in the North Sea, one of the largest offshore wind farms ever built, with 140 wind turbines and a total capacity of about 1.5 gigawatts.

Two other key clients in this field are Goldman Sachs, for which the team recently handled the acquisition of a 49 percent stake in the Wikinger offshore wind farm in Germany from Iberdrola, and enercity Erneuerbare, a subsidiary of enercity AG, which sought the firm’s advice on the acquisition of the Horizon wind farm portfolio from the owners of the Norderland Group, consisting of 60 onshore wind farms with 166 turbines and a total capacity of 365 MW.

In the field of geothermal energy, the firm assisted Deutsche ErdWärme in developing a portfolio of six geothermal projects with deep drilling in the Upper Rhine Graben.

Malte Jordan is co-head of the firm’s global energy sector and chairs the German group, routinely advising on transactions and investments in the energy and infrastructure sectors. The team also includes Stefan Kilgus, an expert in project financing of offshore and onshore wind farms and solar farms, and Thorsten Volz, who focuses on renewable energy and emission trading.

In 2023, the firm hosted, together with KGAL Real Investments, the second Munich Hydrogen Summit, where corporate and energy partner Christian Bauer spoke about the importance of hydrogen as a means of driving the energy transition.

Globally, the firm received the EcoVadis silver medal for sustainable practices in 2022. The Frankfurt office also received environmental certification for sustainable design.


Watson Farley Williams LLP’s Italian team advises on a range of sustainability issues, from renewable energy projects in the solar and wind power sectors to sustainability-related loans and environmental impact assessments.

In the renewable energy sector, the team recently assisted AvenHexicon, a 50/50 joint venture between Stockholm-listed Hexicon and Avapa Energy, a Bologna-based renewable energy company, with its grid and marine concession application for five floating offshore wind farms off the coasts of Sicily, Sardinia and Puglia. The projects will help Italy reach its target of installing around 6-7 GW of renewable energy capacity per year by 2030 and generate 55% of its total electricity needs from renewable sources.

Another client is Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners, which the team advised on a partnership agreement with GreenIT for the development of three offshore wind projects in Lazio and Sardinia.

In the solar energy sector, the firm assisted Infranity with the financing of approximately €120m for the construction of a 178 MW portfolio of seven photovoltaic plants in Italy, owned by Peridot Solar, a portfolio company of FitzWalter Capital. It also advised Photosol Développement on the acquisition of a 100 MW portfolio comprising ten photovoltaic and agrovoltaic projects in the Lazio region from ib vogt.

On a pro bono basis, the firm’s Italian offices support Marevivo, an environmental association committed to protecting the sea and its inhabitants by promoting important environmental law initiatives.

The team also contributes to thought leadership on sustainability topics through participation in related events. Head of the Italian offices and energy expert Eugenio Tranchino recently presented a report on the legal aspects of the ecological transition and the obstacles to energy independence at a webinar on decarbonisation and energy independence organised by AREL – Agenzia Nazionale di Ricerca e Legislazione.


Watson Farley & Williams – Greek Branch assists clients with a wide range of energy transition and sustainability issues, including advice on renewable energy projects.

A recent highlight in the latter segment is the firm’s advice to Cero Generation, a specialist in the development of public-scale PV projects, on the financing of Project Delfini, a 100 MW PV project in Prosotsani Drama, which includes a long-term power purchase agreement with Axpo. The project will help provide renewable energy to communities and businesses across the country, generating 142 GWh of electricity per year, equivalent to powering 34,000 homes and reducing 63,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions.

Another client is NextEnergy Capital, which the firm advised on the first acquisitions of solar and battery storage facilities through NextPower III ESG, the international private solar energy fund managed by NEC, which includes six public-scale PV projects totalling 132 MWp and a majority stake in six stand-alone battery storage projects with a total installed capacity of 400 MW.

For Greek telecommunications operator Hellenic Telecommunications Organisation, the firm acted on a €150m loan agreement with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, which will enable the client to finance its ‘Fiber to the Home’ broadband infrastructure to approximately 371,000 households and businesses across Greece, with the more energy efficient technology significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

The team includes head of energy Virginia Murray, a frequent speaker on sustainability at various events such as The Solar Future Greece and Capital Link’s Greek Investment Forum.

Globally, the firm received the EcoVadis Silver Medal for Sustainable Practices in 2022 and is a signatory to the Campaign for Greener Arbitrations’ Green Pledge as well as the Greener Litigation Pledge. It is also a member of the Legal Sustainability Alliance.


Watson Farley & Williams LLP’s Spanish team advises on a range of renewable energy and sustainable financing projects.

In the sustainable financing space, the firm recently assisted Banco Santander in a €1bn green loan with European Export Credit Agency guarantee granted to Iberdrola to finance the purchase of turbines for onshore and offshore wind farm projects in Spain, Poland, Greece, Germany, and the United Kingdom.

In an innovative matter, it also assisted Prow Capital in financing a zero-emission hybrid electric ferry under construction in Astilleros Armón. The project involves the installation of electric batteries that will be recharged during the crossing, enabling the vessel to reduce harmful gas emissions by 80 percent.

In the renewable energy sector, the team assisted Altano in a €90m financing transaction related to 11 hydroelectric plants in operation and a photovoltaic plant under development with a total capacity of 107.37 MW.

For Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners, the firm handled the Advanced Bioenergy Fund I CI, which involves the purchase and sale of two large industrial-scale biogas plants that will use sustainable green organic waste, including pig manure from local farms, slaughterhouse waste, and other industrial organic waste. Biomethane produced by the plants will be fed into the existing natural gas grid, and total CO2 emissions savings of more than 150,000 tons per year are expected.

The team includes managing partner María Pilar García Guijarro, an expert in renewable energy, who frequently publishes articles on energy matters in Spain.

Globally, the firm is a member of the Legal Sustainability Alliance and a signatory of the Greener Litigation Pledge and the Campaign for Greener Arbitrations’ Green Pledge.


Attracting a high volume of work in the renewables space, along with mandates from the emerging technologies, sustainable finance and transport spheres, the ESG team at Watson Farley & Williams LLP Paris is a key name to note for clients seeking assistance with sustainable developments.

Equipped with deep expertise in offshore wind projects, Laurence Martinez-Bellet led the team which advised on the structuring and negotiation of several non-recourse financing of offshore wind turbines with a capacity of 30 MW, one for Eolmed and three for Les Eoliennes Flottantes du Golfe du Lion, off the coast of the French Mediterranean. These projects are some of the first four pilot floating offshore wind farms under construction in France.

A further key contact in clean energy deals is Laurent Battoue, who focuses on energy transition projects across hydrogen, energy storage, electric mobility, and corporate PPAs.

The firm’s climate change pro bono work is also noteworthy: It recently supported the NGO Common Seas in its mission to tackle plastic pollution and Watt for Change in its aim to combat energy poverty.

The firm has also adopted several initiatives to minimise its own environmental impact. Since receiving a Silver EcoVadis Medal for sustainable practice back in 2022, it has submitted global targets to the Science-Based Targets initiative and is rolling out a refreshed Carbon Reduction Plan and Global Environmental Charter. It has also partnered with B Corp Giki, an app that allows employees to track and manage their carbon footprint.

Dedicated to seeing these changes come to fruition across the legal sector, since joining the Legal Sustainability Alliance and Greener Litigation, the firm has also signed the Campaign for Greener Arbitrations’ Green Pledge, which aims to minimise the impact of arbitration practices on the environment.

It also contributes to thought leadership through publishing various ESG reports, namely ‘The Sustainability Imperative’, which discusses ESG issues within the shipping industry, and its follow-up, which looks at evolutions within the ESG space in terms of new technology, new regulations affecting carbon trading and its geopolitical nuances.

Malte Jordan  | Germany

Stefan Kilgus  | Germany

Christian Bauer  | Germany

Thorsten Volz  | Germany

Eugenio Tranchino  | Italy

Virginia Murray  | Greece

María Pilar García Guijarro  | Spain

Laurence Martinez-Bellet  | France

Laurent Battoue  | France

Wenger Vieli Ltd


Swiss law firm Wenger Vieli Ltd continues to advise start-ups and growth companies with a focus on sustainability on a range of issues spanning renewable energies, cleantech, sustainable mobility, waste management, and green financing. The team also handles advice in connection with sustainable and environmentally friendly real estate and construction projects.

In the latter segment, the firm is assisting client InnHub La Punt with the construction of a €45m campus for collaboration and creativity, a large-scale sustainable real estate project.

Another recent highlight was assisting DePoly, a Swiss start-up focused on chemical recycling, in an €14m funding round aimed at improving the company’s plastic recycling process, which converts post-consumer PET plastic into its main raw components without additional heat or pressure.

In the pro bono space, the firm is providing regulatory and data protection advice to OceanCare, a Swiss-based non-profit organisation committed to the protection of marine life which enjoys special consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council and contributes to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Other pro bono clients include the Zoo Foundation as well as the Brain Forest Association which is engaged in the protection of 20 million hectares of forest by 2030.

Outside of the work portfolio, the firm is involved in a series of internal sustainability initiatives and is currently seeking advice from ClimatePartner regarding the reduction of its corporate carbon footprint.

A key contact is Christian Wenger, known for introducing NOAH, a world-renowned conference of sustainable technology start-ups, to the country.

Christian Wenger  | Switzerland

Wikborg Rein


The sustainability, climate, and environmental practice at Norwegian business law firm Wikborg Rein has been boosted by the recent hiring of Elise Johansen and Tonje Hagen Geiran, who are widely active in sustainability-focused academic thought leadership and together authored a legal commentary for the Norwegian Climate Act.

Supporting the growth of the local clean energy sector, the firm assisted non-profit industry association Renewables Norway in interpreting and implementing the EU Taxonomy criteria pertaining to hydropower activities, offering industry members workshops and guidance material on the topic.

A key client is the WWF, whom the firm is advising on regulatory aspects concerning deep seabed mining on the Norwegian Continental Shelf, following the governmental decision to open parts of the area for mineral exploration. Within the mandate, the firm wrote a memo which navigates legal uncertainties within the current legislative framework.

In the sustainable finance space, the team acted for alternative investment fund manager NRP Zero in developing the necessary documentation to classify their cleantech venture fund as compliant with Article 9 of the SFDR.

The firm also makes a key contribution to sustainable marine management, partnering with the One Ocean Expedition in its mission to raise awareness and share knowledge on the role of oceans in global sustainable development. Additionally, it produced a report for the Ministry of Climate and Environment analysing optimal legal frameworks to present how marine spatial planning can help make ocean management more sustainable.

The firm’s growing focus on sustainability follows its materiality assessment, which noted the importance of ESG as both a strategic business driver and as opportunity to apply legal advice toward creating a green future. To complement its client work, the firm is focused on being eco-friendly in its internal operations and has received the Eco-lighthouse certification as well as a silver rating from EcoVadis.

Elise Johansen  | Norway

Tonje Hagen Geiran  | Norway

William Fry


William Fry’s cross-disciplinary sustainability group in Ireland advises on a range of sustainability matters, including sustainable finance and sustainable construction, environmental impact assessments, and renewable energy developments and transactions.

In the solar energy sector, the team is currently assisting independent infrastructure fund manager DIF Capital Partners with the acquisition of a 51% stake in ib vogt, a leading developer of utility-scale solar photovoltaic energy.

Another client is the Copenhagen Infrastructure Fund (CIP), for which the team recently managed the acquisition of 50% of the offshore wind portfolio of Statkraft, Europe’s largest renewable energy generator, in Ireland.

Also in the investment funds sector, the firm recently assisted Gresham House Asset Management GHAM in its partnership with the Irish Strategic Investment Fund (ISIF) and Coillte to establish the Irish Strategic Forestry Fund, which allows Irish and international investors to finance increased forestry coverage in Ireland.

The team includes head of the energy and natural resources group Fergus Nevine, known for his expertise in offshore wind farm projects, and Conor Linehan, recognised for his previous roles as an Irish Government appointed member of the International Panel of Environmental Law Expert Arbitrators, and Senior Vice Chair of the International Bar Association’s Environment, Health and Safety Law Committee.

Nessa Joyce is an expert in sustainable finance and a member of the Irish Funds ESG Policy, Legal and Regulatory Working Group, which develops sustainable finance policy at European and national level through the involvement of policymakers, legislators, and regulators.

In the pro bono space, the firm supports Hometree, a charity which plants native trees and rewilds Irish land to increase biodiversity. It is also part of the Business in the Community Low Carbon Pledge and a member of the Green Team Network (GTN), an organisation empowering change towards a sustainable environment within the Irish Funds industry.

Fergus Nevine  | Ireland

Conor Linehan  | Ireland

Nessa Joyce  | Ireland

Wolf Theiss


In Austria, Wolf Theiss has a dedicated team of financial, corporate and real estate experts providing comprehensive advice on sustainability and green transition matters ranging from sustainable and green financing to PPAs and joint ventures in the renewable energy sector.

In an ongoing matter, the firm is assisting Enery Green Power, a joint venture between green energy producer Enery Development and Energie Steiermark, with a photovoltaic project in Styria, while for Hartree Partners, a global energy and commodities trading company, the team is handling the construction of a biomass gasification plant for the production of synthetic natural gas in Burgenland.

Another core area of work includes sustainable real estate development, where the firm is currently assisting an open public fund of ZBI (Zentral Boden Immobilien Gruppe) in the purchase of the KS1 Tower in Graz, a residential tower which is largely energy self-sufficient with innovative energy supply concepts and the development of environmentally friendly means of transport. Sustainable real estate and green building specialist Birgit Kraml is a key contact who coordinates the firm’s ESG real estate activities.

Internally, the firm continues to be engaged in various sustainability-focused initiatives, including the implementation of energy efficiency and green purchasing/supply chain concepts in the office. In addition, the team supports organisations advocating for environmental protection and sustainable practices, including Climates Austria, a youth organisation aimed at influencing climate policy and promoting climate education.

Alongside a series of articles on green bonds and securitisation created in cooperation with STS Verification International and its parent company True Sale International, the team recently published a guide to generating electricity from renewable sources in CEE & SEE, edited by environmental law experts Kurt Retter and Harald Strahberger.


Leading multi-service European firm Wolf Theiss in Bulgaria often works with clients in sustainable finance matters across the continent.

Notably, in an ongoing highlight, the firm is advising the European Investment Bank on the financing of €175m to BDB which will be used to fund projects by small and medium-sized enterprises with a specific focus on climate action and environmental sustainability. In another ongoing matter, Sofia-based Radoslav Mikov from the firm’s Projects Energy & Infrastructure team is supporting Sun’R International, a French based private equity fund developing a large PV and wind parks portfolio across Europe, with its entry into the Bulgarian renewables market. The firm also assisted the latter-mentioned client with the due diligence process of a 25MW PV project in South Bulgaria.

Mikov recently advised CTP Group with the structuring of a portfolio of roof-top PV installations intended for industrial and manufacturing sites located in urban areas. In yet another recent matter, the firm supported Belozem Solar Park on the financing to fund the acquisition and development of one of the largest PV plants in Bulgaria, with a value of circa €125m and capacity of 125MW.

the firm’s Bulgaria office building is LEED certified. Globally, it has a dedicated ESG manager who oversees its internal sustainability strategy.


Multi-service firm Wolf Theiss’ Croatian team is taking part in many European level groundbreaking projects leading the way in the green transition in the region.

Notably, head of the firm’s Projects Energy and Infrastructure group in the Zagreb office, Saša Jovičić, is leading the team in advising the European Commission in relation to the pioneering New Energy Solutions Optimised for Islands project (NESOI), which aims to support energy transition on island of EU member states by leveraging over €100m worth of investments.

In another outstanding ongoing matter, Jovičić is assisting Novi Otok, a local research and development agency, with setting up local energy communities on the islands of Korčula, Cres and Lošinj, installing a communal solar power plant on each of the archipelagos through a crowd-investment model. The Solar Islands project, with a value of €10.5m, will generate circa 700GW of electricity, and the power plant in Korčula will enable half of all electricity needed for the entire island to be produced locally. The firm is also supporting a financial institution on the financing of a wind farm construction project.

Globally, the firm has a dedicated ESG manager who oversees its internal sustainability strategy.

Czech Republic

In the Czech Republic, Wolf Theiss offers expertise in ESG environmental regulation, advising clients on the issuance of ESG compliant bonds, the evaluation of waste management procedures, pollution control strategies, and the adherence to emission standards. The team also provides comprehensive assistance to renewable electricity operators, including advice on public permits for the construction of PV power plants.

For Ceska sporitelna, a major domestic bank, the firm recently advised on an MIP programme allowing for the issuance of ESG compliant bonds.

The team in the Czech Republic also contributes to the firm’s thought leadership on sustainability matters with initiatives such as ESG breakfasts and a recent event focusing on ESG in the CEE region, hosted together with tax advisory and auditing services company TPA.


Wolf Theiss’ projects and energy practice in Hungary handles a range of renewable energy and infrastructure development projects throughout the CEE/EEA region.

In an ongoing matter, practice head and experienced arbitrator at the Energy Arbitration Court, László Kenyeres, is assisting Optimum Solar, a leading Hungarian renewable energy company, in several investments in photovoltaic installations on the roofs of large industrial and commercial facilities. For the client, the team is also handling a complex electric charging station project in Hungary, as well as the preparation of project contracts for Ukrainian, Serbian and Bosnian solar power plant projects, and their financing.

The firm regularly publishes guides and articles on ESG legal developments, including a recent article on the use of the European Union’s Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) for the promotion of energy storage in the CEE region, and another article on Hungarian wind energy legislation.


In Poland, Wolf Theiss continues to advise clients on corporate PPAs and green energy procurement, green financing and green investments in the energy sector. With its considerable experience in the renewables sector, the firm regularly assists international players in the development and financing of complex projects and in mergers and acquisitions.

In February 2023, the firm’s energy practice was significantly strengthened with the addition of energy specialist and co-founder of the Association of Energy Lawyers Igor Muszyński, who has over 30 years of professional experience in advising on leading projects in the conventional and renewable energy sector. Muszyński is author of several publications, including the first commentary on the Energy Act, the Renewable Energy Act and the Polish Offshore Wind Energy Act 2020.

Dominik Wałkowski, an environmental risk and liability specialist, also joined the team in July 2023 and routinely represents clients in complex proceedings before environmental authorities and administrative courts. In addition to his frequent publications in international environmental and maritime law, his broad practice includes topics ranging from circular economy and waste management to industrial emissions and liability for environmental damage.

Internally, the firm is engaged in various sustainability measures to reduce its CO2 impact through the implementation of energy efficiency measures in its offices. To this end, the Warsaw office is located in the Central Point, a building which has received BREEM certification.


Europan firm Wolf Theiss’ team in Romania stands out for its work in green real estate.

Notably, the firm recently acted for the lenders of one of the largest real estate green loans of 2023, Erste Group Bank and Raiffeisen Bank Romania, with a value of €200m, granted to NEPI Rockcastle, a major investor in shopping centres in Central and Eastern Europe. The firm also recently advised the International Finance Corporation (IFC) in relation to a €40m financing investment offered to Guaranti Bank which will be used to provide sub-loans which meet green housing loan criteria in respect of eligible green mortgage loans or energy efficiency residential housing renovation loans.

Regional coordinator of the firm’s renewable energy practice Bryan Wilson Jardine recently led the firm in supporting Jade Power Trust, a Canadian-based energy company, in the €81m sale of its portfolio of six renewable energy projects to Energy Power Holding, an Austrian strategic investor which focuses on the acquisition, development and operation of renewable power plants.

Jardine demonstrated his knowledge on sustainable matters outside of client work, having recently participated on a podcast discussing what Romania’s renewables market tells us about the present and future of sustainable energy, and co-authored an article looking at the legislation around renewable energy projects in Romania.

Globally, the firm has a dedicated ESG manager who oversees its internal sustainability strategy.


Multi-service firm Wolf Theiss’ Serbian team advises clients on innovate matters across the region, standing out for its work in the energy to waste sector.

Notably, in an ongoing highlight Miroslav Stojanović from the firm’s projects energy and infrastructure practice is leading the team in advising Beo Clean energy on the first Serbian project certified by the Gold Standard Organisation, an energy from waste facility project which will contribute to reducing 210,000 tons of CO2 equivalent per year. Stojanović and Anđelka Todorović, also a part of the firm’s projects energy and infrastructure practice, as well as a representative in the AmCham Energy committee, have been assisting Vigie on another waste to energy project, with a value of €330m, which involves the closure of one of the largest dumpsites in Europe.

In another ongoing matter, Todorović is supporting Electron Holding with a transaction concerning the acquisition of a 9.9MW wind park project in Serbia.

The Serbian office collects plastic bottle caps for local charity Cap for Handicap, an organisation which recycles plastic caps and uses the profits made from this to provide disabled people with wheelchairs.

Globally, the firm has a dedicated ESG manager who oversees its internal sustainability strategy.


Leading multi-service European firm Wolf Theiss in Slovenia often works in major sustainable finance matters, supporting the green economy in the region.

Notably, Klemen Radosavljević has been advising a consortium of major banks including BNP Paribas, JP Morgan, and Goldman Sachs in connection with a number of transactions, including a circa €1,2bn 3.625% 2023 issuance related to sustainability notes, which is one of the largest issuances of Slovenian sustainability bonds.

In a recent highlight, the firm assisted Bank of America Merrill Lynch, BNP Paribas, Erste Group Bank, and NLB on the €500m green issuance of callable senior preferred fixed to fixed resettable notes due 2027 under an established EMNT programme, the proceeds of which are intended to be used to support projects in the fields of renewable energy, energy efficiency, green buildings and clean transport among others. The firm has also supported the investors Demeter Investment Managers and the European Circular Bioeconomy fund in a series B €8m investment round in the Slovenian start-up EFOS, which is developing a solution that powers a plant protection decision making process by forecasting future pest situations and simulate plant protection measure scenarios; this investment aligns with the EU Green Deal objective of reducing pesticide usage on farms by 50% by 2030.

Radosavljević demonstrates his interest in sustainability outside of client work, having recently co-authored an article discussing the corporate sustainability reporting directive.

Globally, the firm has a dedicated ESG manager who oversees its internal sustainability strategy.

Birgit Kraml  | Austria

Kurt Retter  | Austria

Harald Strahberger  | Austria

Radoslav Mikov  | Bulgaria

Saša Jovičić  | Croatia

László Kenyeres  | Hungary

Dominik Wałkowski  | Poland

Igor Muszyński  | Poland

Bryan Wilson Jardine  | Romania

Miroslav Stojanović  | Serbia

Anđelka Todorović  | Serbia

Klemen Radosavljević  | Slovenia

YBK Attorney Partnership


Turkish firm YBK Attorney Partnership stands out for its work within the EV sector, which includes helping clients comply with emerging green legislation in Europe.

In an ongoing highlight, key contact Efe Murat Bulut led the firm’s energy law team in advising two clients separately: Kalyon EV, and Spur Enerji, both on obtaining an electric charge station operating licence and establishing charging stations around Turkey. He further assisted Kalyon EV with its project financing and compliance with emerging legislation in the area.

Demonstrating its dedication to sustainability and advancing the green transition, the firm also collaborates with ÇATOM, a company which provides innovative recycling solutions, offering legal support at a discounted rate.

Bulut provides active contributions to the Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EPDK) and other relevant authorities for the advancement of energy legislation.

Internally, the firm has installed energy-efficient solutions within its office space, and aims to minimise waste generation.

Efe Murat Bulut  | Turkey

Zepos & Yannopoulos


Greek firm Zepos & Yannopoulos continues to handle leading work in the renewable energy space.

Recently, the firm advised Helleniq renewables on the acquisition of 11 PV solar plants with a total capacity of up to 180MW. The project is expected to enter operation by mid 2024 and will be one of the largest solar parks in Greece. In another highlight, the firm assisted Iberdola with the tender process for the acquisition of a 112MW Renewables (RES) portfolio from Volterra.

The firm also provides pro bono financial support to WWF and Alkyoni, an organisation which protects biodiversity and promotes best practices in reforestation.

The team’s engagement with sustainability matters extends beyond its work for clients: Christina Papanikolopoulou, head of the firm’s finance & capital markets group, recently discussed the importance of impact investing at the Fit4Future Finance Conference.

Christina Papanikolopoulou  | Greece

Green Ambassador Interviews

Camilla C. Collet | Gorrissen Federspiel

Sustainable conversations:

Ilona Karppinen and Ralf Lindbäck

Ilona Karppinen, Partner at Castrén & Snellman, speaks to Ralf Lindbäck, Managing Counsel at Wärtsilä Corporation, about integrating ESG into dispute management.

Kari Hietanen

Harry Hyde sits down with Kari Hietanen, executive vice president of corporate relations & legal affairs at Wärtsilä, to discuss the triumphs and trends of his environmental sustainability journey.

Hietanen offers an insight into best practices for in-house counsel. the impact of ESG for globalised businesses, and his role as a legal sustainability leader.

Caroline Pontoppidan

The Legal 500 speaks to Caroline Pontoppidan,  executive vice president, general counsel and head of corporate affairs at Maersk, to discuss the impact of ESG and geopolitics on legal and compliance.