Event Report

The Legal 500 had the pleasure to host a D&I Forum in Zurich, Switzerland alongside Tier 1 Law firm Schellenberg Wittmer. The event consisted of two panels that delved into important topics related to gender equality in the workplace and the significance of a diverse and inclusive work environment for business success. The panels brought together industry experts, thought leaders, and professionals passionate about fostering diversity and inclusion in their respective fields.

Our first panel of the day, ‘Exploring the Challenges of Gender Equality in the Workplace’ focused on understanding the challenges faced by individuals, particularly women, in achieving gender equality in the workplace. The discussion shed light on various issues and barriers that hinder progress in this area. Key points discussed during the panel included the prevalence of gender bias and stereotypes, emphasising how they affect career opportunities and progression for women.  There is a need to challenge and break down these stereotypes to create a more equitable work environment. It is important to review and revise existing workplace policies to ensure they are inclusive and unbiased, such as flexible work arrangements, parental leave policies, and measures to address the gender pay gap. Including a shared parental leave should be seriously considered.

Our amazing panelists shared personal experiences and success stories, emphasizing the significance of role models and support networks in empowering women to thrive in their careers and stressed the importance of promoting diversity and inclusivity not only at entry-level positions but also in leadership roles.  As Caitlin St Welch, Head of global legal operations, Zurich Insurance highlighted, ‘there can be no progress if everyone thinks the same way’. Therefore, diversity is a necessary tool for innovation.

Our second panel of the day, ‘Improving the Quality of Business through the Creation of a Diverse and Inclusive Work Environment’ centered around the positive impact of diversity on business outcomes and shared insights on how organisations can create an inclusive culture. Key points discussed during this panel included how diverse teams foster creativity by bringing together unique perspectives and experiences. They highlighted the importance of creating a safe space for employees to express their ideas without fear of judgment or exclusion. Furthermore, when employees feel valued, respected, and included, they are more likely to be motivated and committed to their work, leading to higher productivity and lower turnover. A diverse organization also helps capture a broader customer base. By understanding and reflecting the diverse needs and preferences of different communities, businesses can tailor their products and services to meet a wider range of market demands. The panelists highlighted the need for organizations to prioritise inclusion and cultivate a culture that celebrates diversity. They discussed strategies such as unconscious bias training, diversity and inclusion metrics, and employee resource groups to create an environment where everyone feels valued and empowered. Echoing the words of the Deputy general counsel & internal audit leader at Selecta Group, Jasprith Sahnsi, ‘you all need to think about how diverse you are, as each one of us is unique’. This is what makes it special.

Our Swiss Forum on ‘Diversity and Inclusion’ brought attention to the importance of challenging biases, revising policies, promoting mentorship, and creating inclusive cultures within organisations. By actively addressing these issues, organisations can improve employee satisfaction, drive innovation, and position themselves for long-term success in an increasingly diverse and interconnected world.

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