Event information

Date: Tue 18 Oct 2022 Time: 4pm - 8:30pm Venue: Club Unión Quito, Ave. 12 de Octubre N26-86 y Lincoln, Quito, 170109


16:00 Arrival and Registration

16:30 Welcome Address

16:35 Women in law: addressing persisting gaps
Despite being in 2022, gender equality has not yet been fully addressed. Many are the persisting gaps across societal and work levels. This panel aims at investigating: i) female participation rates in the labour market, ii) the biggest challenges for a female lawyer who wants to access the sector, iii) how both the authorities and the companies address this discrimination iv) gender perspective in the legal sphere, v) the current status of male-dominated industries vi) pay gap and career progression.

17:40 LGTBQI+: how companies support the inclusion
Most of the time, people need to feel comfortable enough to express their identities. The fear of not being accepted, fear of exclusion. When it comes to a professional sphere, it gets even harder. People are afraid to come out as who they are because this might imply they are excluded from accessing certain roles or regarded only in terms of their divergence. The aim of this panel is to: i) discuss what role the authorities should have in terms of LGTBQI+ inclusion, ii) how companies support the inclusion, iii) the kind of no tolerance policy in place iv) how the LGTBI movement and inclusion has evolved in Ecuador, v) what could be done to improve the inclusion.

18:30 Closing Remarks

18:35 Drinks Reception

20:30 Event ends


Paola Gachet, partner and member of the Tax, Public Procurement and Immigration practices, Robalino

Paola is involved in cases regarding complex negotiations with the State and public policy advice, as well as in the definition of business strategies. She participates in matters that require a high level of sensitivity and detail at the time of decision making, such as entering into contracts with the State, analyzing a corporate reorganisation or litigation. She has a wide versatility to handle situations in the public and private spheres, both in the attention of specific cases and attending work tables that support the development of regulations for the Government. She leads the Tax and Transfer Pricing teams, but also collaborates with the areas of Public Procurement and Migration. She is founder and head of the Ecuador chapter of the International Fiscal Association (IFA). She participates as a member of the Tax and Government Contracts committees of the International Chamber of Commerce. She also co-directs the Ecuador chapter of the Woman in the Profession program, created by the Vance Center, which seeks to promote women in the practice of law. She actively collaborates with national non-profit entities and international non-governmental organisations, in addition to the firm’s pro bono activities.

Jenny Peñaherrera, legal counsel, Pluspetrol Ecuador

Lawyer with more than 15 years of experience in the area of non-renewable natural resources (Oil & Gas) always working for multinationals which has allowed me to maintain an important professional career within the sector, having knowledge and managing the different types of oil contracts applied throughout the different political moments of the country. As part of my tasks, I have had to handle issues related to relations with government, reports to headquarters, mitigating the possible risks that the company may have in corporate fields, community relations management in Areas of Influence, Contract Administration and negotiation of contracts with the State or other potential partners. I have collaborated in the management of community relations and in the resolution of conflicts of this nature. With knowledge of local and regional regulations related to Compliance, with experience in the training and presentation of Corporate Codes of Ethics and Conduct. I am currently working on the actualisation and practice of renewable resources (clean energy) and in the development of community management projects that take into consideration the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. My training was done at sek International University, IDE Business School and INCAE. I am currently part of several national groups for proper management of urban fauna and defense of animal rights and SOS Galapagos, which seeks to achieve protection for animals, who are subjects of rights according to Ecuadorian legislation.

Cristina Jaramillo, partner, Compliance Ecuador

Lawyer from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador. She is specialised in Insurance, Market Exchange and Financial Law at the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar where she holds a Master’s degree in International Economic. She is also an ontological coach certified by Newfield Network. Moreover, she has certifications in PNL, Innovation Coaching and Power and Politics Coaching. Co-creator and professor of the Specialisation in Compliance and Anti-Corruption at Hemisferios University. She has been the Legal and compliance manager at Bayer for 14 years. Author of the book ‘La inteligencia que falta al derecho. Habilidades emocionales para abogados’, she is also a lecturer, coach and mentor on Emotional Intelligence for lawyers.

Karla Andrade, judge, Constitutional Court Ecuador

Lawyer by the USFQ. Master and PhD in Constitutional Law from the University of Seville – Spain. She has worked in both the public and private sectors and in NGOs: She began her career at the Ecuadorian Centre for Environmental Law, carrying out various projects and consultancies in environmental matters. Subsequently, she worked in the corporate environmental sector at the law firm Falconí Puig Abogados. Since 2012, she has held various positions in the public sector, such as Advisor to the General Coordination of Legal Advice of SENPLADES, External Evaluator of Postgraduate Programmes of the Consejo de Educación Superior and Advisor to the Constitutional Court of Ecuador. Since 2014, she has been a university lecturer, both at undergraduate and postgraduate level, in various subjects related to constitutional law at the Universities Andina Simón Bolívar, SEK International and USFQ. In addition, she has several publications on constitutional matters and has been a lecturer at national and international events. In 2016, she formed the law firm Lex Buró Abogados, where she dedicated herself to litigation and constitutional advice to various law firms and national and foreign companies.

Diego Corral, associate, Robalino

Diego has nearly 18 years of professional experience in the public, private, non-profit and international areas. He worked at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for 7 years on immigration, refugee and human rights issues. He was a junior lawyer at the Inter-American Court of Human Rights for two years, and is a founding member of the PAKTA Collective, which successfully spearheaded the struggle for equal marriage in Ecuador. He has been an associate of two renowned law firms in Ecuador, handling many kinds of issues, mainly sponsorship for constitutional mechanisms filed before the regional and universal systems for the protection of human rights.

Bernarda Freire, lawyer, activist, PAKTA Foundation

Lawyer from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador; Founding Partner of the LGBTI Legal Clinic of the Equidad Foundation and the PAKTA Foundation; coordinator of attention and litigation of the Foundation and lawyer in charge of the litigation of Equal Civil Marriage in Ecuador and other cases of strategic litigation. Coordinator and editor of the Reports on the Situation of Human Rights of LGBTI people in Ecuador since 2014.

Felipe Ochoa-Mogrovejo, former undersecretary for Diversities of Ecuador

Master’s Degree in International Relations from Pompeu Fabra University and Bachelor’s Degree in International Studies from Universidad del Azuay. He has 9 years of experience in public and private service linked to the development of policies related to higher education, social sciences, inclusion, gender and human rights, in positions such as Undersecretary of Diversities and Undersecretary of Human Rights of the country, Coordinator of Students and Academic Coordinator at the Pontificia Universidad Católica, he has also done advisory, consulting and technical work in Decentralized Autonomous Governments and other public institutions nationwide. He has experience in human rights public policy, education and international relations, working with more than 50 national and international actors, including multilateral organizations, United Nations, NGOs, etc. In addition, he has international experience in more than 14 countries as resident, visitor and civil servant.

Jorge Gómez Tejada, director, Corporación de Promoción Universitaria - CPU (University Promotion Corporation)

Born in Bogotá in 1975, Jorge grew up and was educated in Quito. His university education began at the Universidad San Francisco de Quito thanks to a scholarship granted by Santiago Gangotena and ended at the University of North Carolina thanks to different scholarships and the financial support of a member of his family. Between 1999 and 2005 he was a professor at the Colegio Menor. That year, Jorge entered Yale University on a full scholarship to study a Master of Religion. In 2007 he was accepted, once again on a full scholarship, for the PhD in Art History, which concluded in 2012 with a thesis on the Codex Mendoza, one of the most important colonial manuscripts of the XVI century. Since 2012, Jorge has been a professor of Art History at the Universidad San Francisco de Quito and President of Corporación de Promoción Universitaria (CPU) since 2016. As president of the CPU, Jorge leads a number of companies in the process of consolidation and growth such as the Hospital de los Valles, SIME and the Paseo San Francisco Shopping Center.

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Diversity & Inclusion Forum Ecuador 2022

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