Event Report

After a forced recess, the Netherlands welcomed The Legal 500 with great approval. Last Wednesday, January 18, the first roundtable, Enterprise Values vs Enterprise Value: Governance in a new era of sustainable transformation, was held in Amsterdam.

This casual meeting had as protagonists the most prestigious GCs and In-house counsel representing the most important companies in the country and the region.

We were fortunate to hear how legal experts face challenges in the areas of cybersecurity, exponential growth, supply chain, consistent growth, and regulatory changes, among others, in a holistic way. Setting the stage, we used sustainability as a spearhead, and applied the idea of creating more participative figures and business models, so companies’ stakeholders have a broader horizon and less risk when facing the current economic climate that covers with uncertainty the country’s many industrial sectors.

We also had excellent interventions on environmental policies around ESG and sustainable financing. We were able to learn, first-hand, how companies have adopted ESG initiatives with a presence in various jurisdictions and the fundamental role played by the In-house counsel in the adoption of pro-environment regulatory frameworks, along with how to avoid the deceleration of their companies when these new and fundamental policies, for the well-being of society and our planet, are adopted.

We also want to thank our sponsor Lex Mundi for supporting this great event with us, sharing their incredible knowledge with the Dutch in-house community, and attracting the best of the country’s corporate sector.

We concluded a great event and hope to return soon with a new theme and networking opportunities for all the In-house in the Netherlands.

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