
Under pressureESG, greenwashing, the risks and opportunities of AI and the fallout from the Post Office scandal – the role of the GC has rarely been under such intense scrutiny. Enterprise GC 2024 will take a deep dive into the challenges and opportunities facing GCs and in-house lawyers in an environment in which businesses are under more pressure than ever to demonstrate their ethical credentials, with lawyers at risk of finding themselves caught up in the reputational fallout.

Through a series of workshops, roundtables, discussions and keynote presentations delegates will discover how best to not only prepare for these challenges but also how to use them to enhance their internal position, as well as gaining practical insight into everything from tech and AI, through to career development and how to work with outside counsel.

With leading figures from the in-house legal world as well as private practice, academics and tech innovators taking part in the panels, come prepared to share your experiences, challenge your thinking and pick up some tips for success along the way.

Topics for discussion include:

AI & EthicsThe advent of generative AI promises to transform the way we work and businesses are run. Find out what the opportunities are for your career and your legal team from the experts. But alongside the opportunities are ethical risks that GCs need to be aware of – find out everything you need to know.

ESG – Navigating greenwashing and sustainabilityRegulatory change around ESG and greenwashing affects all aspects of supply chains and business. Are you aware of what’s happening and the risk it presents? And is your in-house legal team prepared not just to identify the problems but also to unlock value for your organization?

Tech transformationThe way corporates are being changed by new technology goes far beyond AI. Whatever the tech transformation your company is planning, what are the questions you need to be asking to protect both the legal team and the company? How involved should legal be?

Cross-Border Legal Risk Management during Geopolitical InstabilityThe last few years have been more than a little eventful in terms in geopolitical and economic instability. Find out more about how to lead your team to better spot problems and monitor legal and regulatory risk, as well as how to prepare for the advent of AI.

Notes on a scandal – in-house ethics The Post Office scandal has thrown the role of lawyers (in-house and private practice) under intense scrutiny, what can you learn from it for your team and how far should GCs be driving the ethical agenda?

Crisis managementAt the heart of every corporate scandal is an in-house lawyer helping to pick up the reputational pieces – what should you do if you find yourself in that position?

Career developmentNavigating the pitfalls of climbing to the top of the tree in-house and beyond

The ideal employer for an idealistic lawyer – what the next generation want from workPrinciples and values are driving the career choices of junior lawyers more than ever before – how can companies cater to the demands of Gen Z and ensure they attract the best talent?

Social Mobility – the in-house perspectiveAre GCs doing enough to move the dial on social mobility?