
Governance Categories

Governance Initiative
This award will go to the best governance strategy by a law firm, in-house legal team or chambers. Judges will be looking to see evidence of a clear focus on making sure that the legal team is supporting the organisation, or driving efforts, to become more diverse, inclusive, sustainable and transparent for future generations.

Pro bono Initiative (UK)
This award is open to single or multi-organisation teams for involvement and leadership of an outstanding UK-focused pro bono project over the last year, chosen from across private practice, in-house and the Bar. 

Pro bono Initiative (International)
This award is open to single or multi-organisation teams for involvement and leadership of an outstanding pro bono project of international scope, chosen from across private practice, in-house and the Bar.  

 Mental health & wellbeing Initiative
This award is open to the Bar, law firms and in-house legal teams. It will go to the best initiative aimed at boosting mental health and well being in the organisation or across a group of organisations.