Event Report

On November 20th 2018, The Legal 500 and ŠunjkaLaw brought together leading general counsel and heads of compliance from around Serbia to the Falkensteiner Hotel Belgrade for the inaugural Global investigations forum: Serbia 2018. Attendees discussed best-practice methods and how the global legal landscape is changing for in-house and private practice lawyers, with a workshop style format on the following topics:

  • How do organisations approach the question of self-reportingand is there a “right answer” when it comes to knowing when to self-report?
  • Do the benchmark discounts on penalties make self-reporting the best course of action? E.g. the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) programme talks of a 50% discount available to companies that self-disclose and then later self-report.
  • How are companies developing effective whistleblowing mechanisms?
  • Have they established a reportable concerns office and a whistleblowing champion?
  • Are companies concerned about civil litigation arising in parallel to the criminal investigation?
  • Have they conducted risk assessments on the disclosure and privilege issues that may arise in in common law countries?

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