Event Report

On 6 June, The Legal 500 had the pleasure of hosting an exclusive roundtable alongside Freeths on the intersection between AI and data protection. We were delighted to welcome leading London-based in-house counsels who contributed to this engaging discussion.

Philippa Dempster, Managing Partner of Freeths’ London office, opened the session by providing an overview of the firm’s involvement with AI and a run-through of the opportunities and challenges identified for companies operating in the UK.

Following her introduction, Dempster invited the attending counsel to participate in an interactive discussion. The main points of discussion revolved around:

  • Strategic investments in AI, and how these investments impact business structures,
  • Automation improving time, cost, and efficiency,
  • Lawfulness and security measures put in place to ensure compliance and data protection,
  • Enforcement, liability, and broader ethical considerations.

Adding to the conversation, Iain Bowler, National Head of Commercial, Will Richmond-Coggan, head of AI & GDPR, and Luke Dixon, specialising in Data Privacy, all partners at Freeths, brilliantly shared their insights and advice.

A networking dinner followed the roundtable, allowing participants to continue the conversation in a more relaxed setting.

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