Can we get an extension to the submission deadline?

If you submit late then it is at your risk – we cannot guarantee that a Law Firm Submission will be considered.

Our deadlines are fixed so our research team can spend as much time as possible in analysing Law Firm Submissions and obtaining as much feedback as possible from Client Referees. If you miss a deadline then our researchers may have done the bulk of their work on a section of the editorial by the time you submit – in which case, you may well be too late.

Law Firm Submissions: whilst we will do what we can to examine late Law Firm Submissions, they may not be reviewed in detail by our research team.

Client Referees: Client Referees lists submitted after the deadline may still be processed, but we cannot guarantee when they will be processed. And bear in mind that client responses may arrive too late to be taken into account by our editorial team. Note that if you submit a Client Referee after the deadline, and that referee has already been named by another law firm, then it will be too late for us to contact that client (if the client has already been emailed, we will not email them again).

It is best to stick to the submission deadlines. If you want to tell us that your Law Firm Submission or Client Referee list will be late then please use this form.