How do we send you a Law Firm Submission?

Log in to The Legal 500 Portal

Select ‘Add a File’

Complete, Step 1 (Country, Practice Area)

At Step 2 (Law Firm Submission) select your Word file

Complete, or skip, Step 3 (Client Referee list)

Complete Step 4 (Submit Files)

You must use the pre-formatted Word template (check here for to understand why). For security reasons, you cannot use your own version of it, or amend it in any way. In particular, do not delete, add, or re-order columns. If you do, your file will not be processed (ie it will not have been successfully submitted) Note: the link is to the page where the Word templates can be found

You can come back and add new Law Firm Submission files, or amended files, at a later date (but please check the dates for submissions deadlines for the edition you are submitting for via the Submissions Information page, to make sure you will not be too late).

For data security reasons, you cannot email your Law Firm Submission to us. Nor can you email a Client Referee list. You must use the The Legal 500 Portal.