How do you rank law firms?

When reviewing the performance of a firm or department we use various criteria; our focus is on the bench strength of the team (including partners and associates), and the consistency of quality of the individuals within the team. Our assessment will be influenced by all the things that make the complete practice in that field. Areas that are considered include (but are not limited to):

  • Very strong technical ability available for the most complex and innovative work
  • Most prestigious clients
  • Individuals with the contacts at, and credibility with, the top clients
  • In-depth capability beyond star partners
  • Capacity for the biggest transactions/cases
  • Market share
  • Historical track record on top deals/cases
  • Clear investment for the future in a particular practice area
  • Progress made with acquiring new clients/ market share
  • Strength in associated areas – eg can an M&A department undertake competition work to an equal standard?
  • Reputation for handling complex, innovative deals
  • Capacity to handle all client requirements in an area – eg international offices/connections
  • Commitment to IT and the use of IT to improve client services
  • Perception in the market.