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Sławomir Łuczak

Sławomir Łuczak

Work Department

Tax, customs and foreign exchange, French Desk


Partner at Sołtysiński Kawecki & Szlęzak. He specializes in tax, customs and foreign exchange law. He has broad experience in international tax law and in representing clients in tax and customs matters before tax and customs authorities and administrative courts.


Before joining SK&S in 1998 he gained experience in a recognized French audit legal firm. In 2001 he was admitted to the bar and became partner in the firm in 2007.


Polish, English, French


- Member of the International Fiscal Association (IFA) - Member of Association Europénne d'Etudes Juridiques et Fiscales (AEEJF) - Member of the Regional Council of Attorneys in Warsaw - Member of the Union Internationale des Avocats (UIA) in the two groups: Tax Law Commission and Family Law Commission


He graduated with a law degree from Poznań University Law School in 1995. In 1994-1995 he pursued studies on civil and commercial law at the Catholic University of Louvain La-Neuve (Belgium).


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