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Raphaël  Crespelle

Raphaël Crespelle

FTPA, France




    Raphael Crespelle heads the law firm’s Public Business Law activity and cases. In particular, he specializes in Public Economic Law and Public Procurement Contracts, in both strategic counseling and litigation capacities.

    Before joining FTPA in April 2013, Raphaël Crespelle was a member of Buès & Associates (AARPI), of which he was a founding member in 2011, after 7 years of independent legal practice.

    Raphaël Crespelle began his professional career in 1991 as the deputy head of the legal department of a public builder dependent upon the State Secretariat for Major Projects (Secrétariat d’Etat aux Grands travaux). In 1994, he later joined the headquarters of the Ministry of Culture and Communication, where he held a position in the Litigation department, as project manager of « Public Order » for all central and decentralized services as well as any public institutions depending on this ministry.

    In this capacity, he served as a Government Commissioner with the State Council for the reform of the public procurement code in 2001, as a member of the Commission Specialized in Markets (CSM building – civil engineering) and as president of the Paris Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie’s Commission on Markets.




    DEA in Internal Public Law Certificate of Specialization in Public Law Member of the Paris Bar since 2003


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