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Finn Olav R Elde

Finn Olav R Elde

Work Department

Company law and transactions; Financial family law


Finn Olav Elde specializes primarily in transactions, corporate law and succession cases. He has expertise in the purchase, sale, and development of IT-related businesses, as well as the transfer of property and business between generations.
He also serves as an advisor for individual companies listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange.
Finn Olav is actively involved in the business sector through several board positions in IT companies, shipping and consulting.


Partner, Bull, 2014– Partner, Rime Advokater, 2011–2014 Private law practice, Advokatfellesskapet Kindem & Co. 2001–2011 Partner, Advokatfirmaet Dæhli & Co DA 1997–2001 Associate, Advokatfirmaet Arntzen DA 1994–1997


Master of Laws (LL.M.),  University of Oslo, 1993


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