Region Area


Firm overview:

CERHA HEMPEL is one of the leading corporate law firms in Central and Eastern Europe with its headquarters in Vienna. With a team of over 200 lawyers, the firm guarantees its clients experience and expertise in all areas of corporate and commercial law, both in Austria and Central and Eastern Europe.

CERHA HEMPEL is proud to be able to look back on a very successful history. Over the past 25 years, CERHA HEMPEL has been involved in a large number of the most significant transactions in Austria. The fact that the firm understands its clients’ businesses has helped CERHA HEMPEL achieve a high rate of success. It is no coincidence that CERHA HEMPEL is the first port of call for a number of long-term clients whom the firm advises comprehensively on all of their day-to-day legal matters. This expertise – combined with the firm’s years of experience in Central and Eastern Europe and its Lex Mundi network – ensures that its clients receive high-quality and sound advice, across disciplines and across borders.

M&A and corporate:

The focus at CERHA HEMPEL is not only on classic M&A, but also on private equity transactions, and on resolving complex, often cross-border issues in a practical and commercially oriented manner, as well as providing ongoing corporate legal advice and handling and overseeing corporate reorganisations. CERHA HEMPEL has particular expertise in public M&A, including takeover law and regulatory compliance under financial markets laws.

Banking and finance:

CERHA HEMPEL supports its clients in the borrowing and investment decisions they make, such as in the context of financial and liquidity planning and treasury operations. It advises both borrowers and lenders alike. Recognised as a leading corporate law firm in the regulatory sector, CERHA HEMPEL advises international banks on establishing Austrian branches and offices and with respect to selling and trading securities in Austria. As advisor to over 100 managed investment funds which it represents in Austria regarding trading and compliance issues, CERHA HEMPEL has extensive expertise in the banking and finance sector.

Capital markets:

As one of the leading law firms specialising in capital markets law, CERHA HEMPEL has handled the largest capital markets transactions in Austria over the past 25 years and has set the standards for this area. It handles all aspects of IPOs, capital increases and bond issuances, advising potential issuers and underwriters on due diligence issues, as well as preparing prospectuses in accordance with international standards and drafting documentation for capital increases.

Real estate and construction:

CERHA HEMPEL supports its clients in everything from project development, negotiating and drafting financing agreements, preparing planning and construction agreements, to residential and commercial leases and claims management. CERHA HEMPEL has outstanding contacts with the major market players, enabling it to offer its clients project management services as well.

Litigation and arbitration:

Whether it be construction disputes, unfair competition, contractual interpretation, insurance law, warranty issues, or damages in contract or tort, CERHA HEMPEL’s success rate is enviable. The team at CERHA HEMPEL covers the entire spectrum of corporate and commercial law, and focuses on giving its clients a clear picture of the opportunities and risks involved. Members of the firm act as arbitrators, chairpersons and counsel.


CERHA HEMPEL provides first class legal advice on all aspects of employment law, from drafting contracts including options for greater flexibility in employment relationships, as well as implementing restructuring programmes.

Tax law:

CERHA HEMPEL provides integrated tax and legal advice. The firm strives to provide clients with optimised tax solutions whilst taking into account all other legal aspects. CERHA HEMPEL offers clients comprehensive expertise on the tax-optimised structuring of transactions, especially with respect to mergers and acquisitions and corporate restructurings, as well as group taxation, holding structures, inbound and outbound investments, debt and equity financing and the taxation of financial instruments. The tax litigation team handles all aspects of tax disputes.

Public law and european law:

CERHA HEMPEL advises and represents clients before public administrative authorities and courts, as well as the European Court of Justice regarding questions of aviation law, public procurement law and telecommunications law, all of which the firm has been handling since such sectors were liberalised by the EU. The firm’s lawyers have achieved an above-average rate of success in such cases. CERHA HEMPEL also has many years’ extensive experience in commercial licensing law, healthcare law, university law, construction law, environmental law, and medical and pharmaceutical law.

Antitrust and Competition:

CERHA HEMPEL is one of Austria's leading law firms in the area of antitrust and competition law. Our clients benefit from our comprehensive experience and pre-eminent track record in many of the highest profile cartel proceedings and most prominent Phase II merger control proceedings in recent years. Our Antitrust & Competition Practice Group advises and represents Austrian and international clients before national and European competition authorities in all areas of national and European competition law. In particular, our Practice Group possesses specialised know-how in representing clients before the European institutions and courts, in particular in state aid proceedings, and in all likelihood handles the highest number of proceedings of all Austrian law firms.

White-collar crime

For many years, CERHA HEMPEL has been one of the leading law firms providing advice on white collar crime. Our attorneys combine academic excellence with extensive practical experience. We regularly advise and represent Austrian and international companies, corporate bodies and private individuals in all areas of white collar crime, including in connection with allegations of financial crime, corruption, property crime and economic sanctions, to name but a few. We are used to dealing with complex cross-border issues (e.g. extradition, law enforcement, international criminal law). Our work includes in particular representing clients in criminal investigations, court proceedings and legal remedy procedures. What's more, our attorneys regularly advise on compliance matters and in the course of internal investigations.

Private Clients & Trusts

We have been advising significant private clients and entrepreneurial families ever since our foundation in 1921 and have always considered this part of our core business. Since the private foundation was introduced in Austria, this focus has been complimented by expertise in all areas of the law of foundations, including providing advice to public and church bodies on an ongoing basis. We have a wealth of experience in all areas of law that are of interest and relevant to private clients, entrepreneurial families, private foundations, legal entities under public law and ecclesiastical institutions, from contract and company law (including shareholder agreements), business succession planning and management, to real estate and tax law. In the event of shareholder disputes, we of course offer our clients advice on conflict resolution, but also stand ready to represent them both in and out of court.


Our healthcare law practice group advises public institutions, healthcare providers and companies in the life sciences sector on all aspects of healthcare law. We have a long-standing track record with respect to the establishment of clinics and other medical institutions and provide hospital operators with ongoing advice on regulatory issues. We also work a lot at the interface of corporate and healthcare law (acquisition of clinics, group structures for healthcare providers, etc) and have extensive experience with hospital financing issues. Another focus of our practice is advice relating to products in the life sciences sector (drugs, devices, tissue products, food, tobacco, etc). We regularly work for pharmaceutical and medical device companies and act on a regular basis as Austrian counsel for various renowned life sciences firms across Europe. We also have longstanding experience in the food area (food information, novel foods, supplements, health claims, etc) and regularly represent our clients before regulatory authorities and courts. Our well-established team of healthcare and public procurement law experts also advises regarding the participation in healthcare related procurement tenders.

International experience:

With offices in Bratislava, Bucharest, Budapest, Prague, Sofia and Ljubljana, CERHA HEMPEL possesses an extensive network in Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe, together with broad-based expertise and many years’ experience. On top of this, the firm maintains close relationships with renowned law firms in those countries in which it does not have an office. All offices employ local, highly qualified and multilingual staff. All CEE offices have continuous access to the resources of the entire CERHA HEMPEL network.


  • Armenian
  • Bosnian
  • Hungarian
  • Italian
  • Polish
  • Romanian
  • Russian
  • Serbian
  • Slovak
  • Spanish
  • Tagalog
  • Slovenian
  • Bulgarian
  • Chinese
  • Croatian
  • Czech
  • Dutch
  • English
  • French
  • German


  • Aktienforum
  • Alumni association of the University of St. Gallen
  • Austrian Franchise Federation
  • Austrian Spanish Lawyers Association
  • AVCO - Austrian Private Equity and Venture Capital Organisation
  • BWG Österreichische Bankwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft
  • CELA - Chinese European Legal Association
  • Czech Bar Association
  • Deutsche Handelskammer
  • EELA (European Employment Lawyer Association)
  • Employment Law Alliance
  • European Community Studies Association Austria (ECSA)
  • American Bar Association
  • EuroFranchise Lawyers (EFL Group)
  • FIABCI Austria MB
  • Founding member of Forum Restructuring and Turnaround Vienna (ReTurn)
  • German-British Lawyers' Association
  • German Fiscal Association (DtStJG)
  • GVÖ
  • Hungarian Bar Association
  • IBA (International Bar Association)
  • ICC Austria
  • ICDR Young & International
  • Arbitral Women
  • International Fiscal Association (IFA)
  • International Tax Law Alumni Association
  • Juridisch-Politischer Leseverein
  • KSV
  • LCIA (London Court of International Arbitration)
  • Lex Mundi - The World's Leading Association of Independent Law Firms
  • Managementclub Vienna
  • New York Bar Association
  • ÖGNI
  • Österr. Amerikanische Gesellschaft (ÖAG)
  • ASA
  • Österr.Franchiseverband
  • Österr. Gesellschaft für Medizinrecht
  • Österr. Japanische Gesellschaft
  • Öst.Verein.Schiedsgerichtsarkeit
  • Österreichische Vereinigung für Gewerblichen Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht (ÖV)
  • Real Circle
  • ReTurn (independent authority center for restructuring, reorganizations and turnarounds)
  • Scottish Arbitration
  • Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes
  • Studienvereinigung Kartellrecht
  • Austrian Bar Association
  • The Law Society
  • Turnaround Management Association
  • UNION Viennese Society of Attorneys at Law
  • VDRÖ
  • Vienna Bar Association
  • Vienna Bar Association (Council)
  • Verein der Freunde Rechtswissenschaft.
  • Wiener Advokatengesellschaft UNION
  • YAAP Young Austrian Arbitration Practitioners
  • Young Industry (platform within the Federation of the Austrian Industry for young economic operators from industry and related sectors)
  • Austrian Arbitration Association
  • Austrian-Brazilian Association of Commerce - Associação de Comércio Austro-Brasileira
  • Austrian Corporate Law Society - Advisory Board
  • Austrian Council of Shopping Centers

Staffing Figures

  • 260 Number of staff at CERHA HEMPEL
  • 110 Number of lawyers at the Vienna office
Content supplied by CERHA HEMPEL Dezso & Partners