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Lebeau Jonker

Lebeau Jonker

Work Department

Health and Medical Law Department


Lebeau is a Partner in Comyn Kelleher Tobin’s Health and Medical Law team.


Lebeau is a Partner in CKT’s Health and Medical Law team and practices in the areas of healthcare and child protection with particular experience in wardship, mental health, disabilities, civil detention and civil detention cases with an international element.

He has extensive experience in dealing with complex sensitive healthcare and child welfare matters and has an in-depth understanding of the HSE and Tusla – the Child and Family Agency’s statutory duties and legal requirements.

From 2016 – 2018 Lebeau lectured in the law module of Trinity School of Social Work and Policy. He is a past member of the Association of Criminal Justice Research and Development.

Over the last 12 months, Lebeau has been involved in a number of important matters e.g. acted for the HSE in significant cases concerning the interpretation of Section 11 of the Disability Act 2005 which clarified the entitlements of applicants under the Act.


Member of the Roll of Solicitors, Law Society of Ireland Member of the Association of Criminal Justice Research and Development Lecturer in Law Module of Trinity School of Social Work and Policy undergraduate and postgraduate courses 2016-2018


B. Juris, North West University, Potchefstroom, South Africa.
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