
Stefan Artner

Stefan Artner

Work Department

Real Estate, Construction Law




Stefan Artner heads the firm's Real Estate practice group and is also a member of the Construction and Legal Tech Groups. His practice focuses on real estate M&A, development projects and tenancy law. In 2016 he received the Austrian real estate award Cäsar® for best Austrian real estate advisory services. Stefan is also the initiator, founder and board member of the Legal Tech Hub Vienna. In addition, Stefan is the editor and author of expert publications on real estate law and corporate law. He also regularly lectures at the University of Vienna and the Danube University Krems and holds specialist seminars, in particular on real estate law and due diligence.


German, English


aaia (Austrian Angel Investors Association)

Austrian Bar Association

Group 1031 Network of Young Entrepreneurs and Managers

Legal Tech Hub Vienna

Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors


IBA - International Bar Association

Handelskammer Schweiz-Österreich-Liechtenstein (Chamber of Commerce Switzerland-Austria-Liechtenstein)


Stefan Artner studied at the University of Vienna (Mag iur 1993) and the Vienna University of Economics and Business (Mag rer soc oec 1996)
