
Ailu Gaup Stadigs

Ailu Gaup Stadigs

Work Department



Ailu Gaup Stadigs specializes in construction and contract law and has extensive experience with dispute resolution in these areas.

Ailu assists clients in extensive and complex disputes. He provides legal advice regarding  the implementation and execution of construction contracts. He has worked with a number of the largest land-based final settlement disputes that have been in Norway recent years, where the dispute sum has often been in the billions.

Ailu has significant experience with assisting in negotiations and in judicial and extrajudicial mediations. He has assisted clients in several of the largest mediations conducted in recent years, including what is referred to as the most extensive judicial mediation held in Norway. He has also been appointed as a mediator in a number of cases. Ailu is also a regular examiner at the Faculty of Law at the University of Oslo.


2023                   Partner, Advokatfirmaet Hjort 2014 – 2023    Advokatfirmaet Haavind 2020 – 2021    Acting District judge, Oslo tingrett 2017                     Examinator, Faculty of Law, Univesity of Oslo 2017 – 2019     Deputy Judge, Oslo District Court 2013 –  2014   Advisor, Ministry of Trade and Fisheries 2012 – 2013     Parlimentary intern and judicial advisor, Storting Investigation Office 2012                     Research assistant, Center for European Law, University of Oslo / Storting's Research Section


Education 2012    Masters of Law, University of Oslo 2005   Politics and Administration, HiO


Content supplied by Advokatfirmaet Hjort